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18262677 No.18262677 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest book of our time, you have lost a lot if you did not read it.

>> No.18262688
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he could reel me in on God

>> No.18262702

most pointless book i've ever read in my life

>> No.18262707

Who fucking cares? Guy offed himself, I'm not reading someone who takes the easy way out.

>> No.18262727

I wish all the Hitlerfags here considered that

>> No.18262735
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Cringe nonsense. There is no "We", there is only I and You. I am far, far more important than You to myself, so your beliefs about what I have to do are Nothing to me.
Also suicide is hyper cringe lmao

>> No.18262791

nice bait, 5000000000 gazillion replies incoming in 3..2...1..... screencap this epic post

>> No.18262847

meh, high fidelity meets the guardian

>> No.18263099

I agree with this. I just didn't really see the point of it. I feel almost everything he described could be a symptom of any economic system. Most of the issues seem tied to the human condition, not to capitalism. Mental illness, bureaucracy and inattentive students, for example, would all still persist in a Marxist society, I have no doubt.

He didn't really have any answers other than give more autonomy to workers, as if that's ever worked out well throughout history. I don't know, I just don't understand what people see in this book.

>> No.18263113

>Liberal capitalism is our hegemonic system and it commodifies everything

Every philosopher for the past 200 years said and known the same shit why is this book singled out so much

>> No.18263115

I thought it was just alright.

>> No.18263116

Hitler quit in the epilogue not the prologue

>> No.18263124

You're talking about lefties anon, what did you expect

>> No.18263668

>He didn't really have any answers other than give more autonomy to workers, as if that's ever worked out well throughout history.
You've never had an office job

>> No.18263681

>nick land thread
>mark fisher thread
>mencius moldbug thread
Does it ever end?

>> No.18263695
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everything ends when you die

>> No.18263872

Good point, I stand corrected

>> No.18264009

>you’ve never had an office job
If you are implying that you have then why should anyone take your views on life seriously?
You’ve never lived.

>> No.18264017

pseud version of suicide note by mitchell heisman

>> No.18264034

This but there’s an extra level of irony because it’s leftists within capitalism perpetuating most of this.
The overdiagnosis of mental disorders is primarily associated with leftism. Leftists are far more likely to be mentally ill (google it). Treating normal human behaviour as a mental illness is an explicitly leftist agenda, (victim complex) because it allows them to expand their bioleninist base. The fact that life feels empty in the modern west beyond consuming media mindlessly is also leftists fault: they’re the ones who have destroyed art and virtue and allowed corporations to pander to the lowest common denominator.

>leftists get angry at corporations because they’re insufficiently pro gay
>corporations commodify lgbt identity in response
>leftists get mad at corporations for commodifying lgbt identity

>> No.18264046
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Hitler didn't kill himself though. He fled to Antartica in a UFO.

>> No.18264050


>> No.18264056

I've never worked in an office, no. Expand on your point?

>> No.18264064

for him to use the flying object it would have to be identified I'm pretty sure

>> No.18264067

Completely BTFOd by the new liberalism vs populism political dichotomy.
The only people who still find it relevant are melancholic ”post-leftists” who are too cowardly to side with the populists. I SPIT ON YOU!

>> No.18264276

Leftists are the liberal-capitalist accelerationists. They are the embodiment of every consequence of the system but embrace all their defects. All they're doing is pushing the liberal capitalist system to a more progressive slant without actually challenging any of it. This is closer to what Marx predicted actually

>> No.18264415

>muh social causation of mental illness
>kills himself years later

>> No.18264709
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you haven't read this

>> No.18264785

Exactly this. I also wondered how apparently very intelligent (or well-read) leftists never understood this. There was this quote from Fisher:
>The disarticulation of class from race, gender and sexuality has in fact been central to the success of the neoliberal project – making it seem, grotesquely, as if neoliberalism were in some way a precondition of the gains made in anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-heterosexist struggles.
I think this quote encapsulates well the retardation of leftism when they know that they are unwitting slaves to capitalism, but refuse to believe it.

>> No.18264801

Because its only 80 pages and written in extremely simple language, with many easily digestible pop-culture references so that the masses have something to consoom without losing focus.
Everything in this book was already articulated by Jameson (whose books are extremely dense and long-winded), its just Fisher adds pop-culture which makes it easy for braindead leftist consumers to read.

>> No.18264883

It's barely a book, moreso a series of rambling essays complaining about the seemingly inescapable influence of capitalism. It also hardly offers any solutions or theories to these problems, rather it just tells you to recognize that capitalism isn't immortal, which is of course obvious to anyone with a layman's knowledge of history or the world
It seems you've conflated radlibs and leftists. I'd be shocked if people who support violent armed revolution and read stuffy books from the 1800s care much for the American culture war. In addition to this, gays were widely persecuted in socialist Cuba; are you going to say that Cuba wasn't a leftist country?

>> No.18264906

Why is depression rising in all developed countries? If changing societal problems/pressures and worsening material conditions aren't the cause of rising mental illness are the trends merely miraculous anomalies that can't be explained? I mean c'mon man

>> No.18264909
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There's plenty of right wing people who are mentally ill but they're either too ignorant to know their own symptoms or heavily in contempt/denial about it

>> No.18264937
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Are you saying that opioid addiction is equivalent to mental illnesses like depress/anxiety/tranny stuff?
That's pretty retarded.

>> No.18264971

proof that rightoids lack basic reading comprehension skills. the anon says that right wing people aren't diagnosed because of their ignorance of mental illness, but obviously there must be a reason that the opioid problem is so pervasive in red states. Do people just inexplicably choose to become drug addicts? the anon you responded to is very clearly saying that the opioid epidemic is one of the symptoms of large-scale mental illness in america.

>> No.18264979

He was so smart that he killed himself! Many such cases!! back to twitter you accelerationist edge lord. I bet you thought Fanged Noumena was profound retard

>> No.18264988
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Technological society. We are not adapted to it.

>> No.18264995
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>> No.18265021

The opioid epidemic was caused by large pharmaceutical companies flooding the markets with drugs which they claimed were not addictive, and basically prescribed them like candy for a decade.
>there must be a reason that the opioid problem is so pervasive in red states.
Yes because this is where all these pharma companies were operating without license and prescribing this shit.
>Do people just inexplicably choose to become drug addicts?
wtf does this mean? Are you saying that people do consciously choose to become drug addicts?
You don't know anything about the opioid epidemic you absolute retard

>> No.18265041

I mean maybe, yeah, but if this was the only cause the different rates of mental illness in lets say norway/japan/america wouldn't make any sense. If you look at the actual material conditions in different countries though, the differences in occurrence of mental illness (as a percent) can be explained. For example, Norway and America have similarly technological societies, but people in America (a country with worse material conditions) are much more likely to be depressed. In addition to this, during economic depressions, people report more actual depression. I think it's possible that technological society could have negative impacts on the human psyche, but to say that people's material conditions are unimportant in an analysis of mental health is stupid.

>> No.18265067

>leftists get angry at corporations because they’re insufficiently pro gay
this doesn't really happen. liberals maybe

>> No.18265085 [DELETED] 

People in poor countries are happier though

>> No.18265091

>Why is depression rising in all developed countries?
When people have no problems, they invent their own.

>> No.18265092

I figured you would say this, but the opioid epidemic is a problem in other countries than america as well. Canada, is a country with a heavily regulated and socialized healthcare system is still suffering from the opioid crisis, with the most heavily affected areas in canada being conservative ones. Fentanyl overdoses continue to rise year over year in alberta (per capita) even know. Another thing too, is that if mental health problems were linked to political views, you'd expect to see the most suicides per capita in more left leaning countries like sweden or norway, instead of hardline neoliberal countries like japan and america

>> No.18265096

Suicides are rising too though. Do you think people decide to kill themselves because they just have nothing better to do?

>> No.18265132

Ive met like 15 fucking useless american neet college dripouts who tell everyone to read this book and base their entire worldview around it, they all kept telling me it will change how I view everything. So i decided to check it out. Little did I know, it's not a book about capitalism at all. Half of the book is this dweeb complaining about how terrible British education is. I'm an american so I didnt need a book to teach me about how stupid the bongs are. And if I did want to hear about shitty bri*ish schools, I'd listen to side A of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

>> No.18265136

>Why is depression rising in all developed countries?
it isn't

>> No.18265140

where isn't it? honest question. possible we have different definitions of developed?

>> No.18265162

Fischer just finds 5 or 6 random problems in society and merely suggests that capitalism is to blame, not due to any sort of causation, but simply because the problem exists and society is capitalist. Yes, it must be late capitalism that makes mental ilness more highly diagnosed. No, it can't possibly be that we have better understanding of mental illness now. Lmao half the men in the early 1900s were alcoholics. Students are bored at school! Capitalism must be the culprit, it isnt like students hating school is an eternal cultural phenomenon!

>> No.18265164

The board is always worse with accfag online.

>> No.18265166

Inconsistent definition and diagnosis, overreporting and false reporting because of cultural over-acceptance, and a general feeling of disaffection leading to the overwhelming impression, and not reality, of an epidemic: that is all depression amounts to today. Surely, as a blackpilled internet leftist, you would not trust the scare statistics of massive pharma-backed mental health institutions who tell you depression is all the rage? Right?

>> No.18265217

Depression as a mental illness is obviously over diagnosed in order to push pills and distract from real structural problems by treating hopelessness/loneliness/dissatisfaction with modern life as a mental illness. However, as an indication of the overall happiness of a society I think it can be a relevant statistic. The goal of society should be to enable prosperity and in turn opportunities for happiness, and if people are less happy then I feel that society is not functioning as it should. In terms of measuring mental illness though, suicides, (which as far as I'm aware are similarly rising) are a much more useful metric.

>> No.18265250

This 'book' is funny in hindsight 13 years later. Fisher only gives one half-baked solution at the end of it which was basically to protest amid the bank bailouts to demand change (Occupy). I wonder if he foresaw how much the left would shit the bed with identity politics and allow neoliberals to co-opt it to effectively derail Occupy. I'd probably kill myself too if that was the future of my ideology.

>> No.18265271

Funny how he wrote this partially to complain about the bailouts and then the bailouts didnt destroy the economy forever and the economy recovered. Whoops!

>> No.18265537

Garbage book touted by garbage people

>> No.18265574

>It seems you've conflated radlibs and leftists. I'd be shocked if people who support violent armed revolution and read stuffy books from the 1800s care much for the American culture war. In addition to this, gays were widely persecuted in socialist Cuba; are you going to say that Cuba wasn't a leftist country?
You really think your Twitter bubble is relevant, do you

>> No.18265577 [DELETED] 

he couldve pulled a napolean but he cucked

>> No.18265667

Conservatives are at the center of the opioid epidemic

>> No.18265990

Every single thing you said is wrong or meaningless.

>> No.18266007


>> No.18266055

Because they're poor. There's little reason to believe conservatism causes opioid ODs.

On the other hand, there's no good a-priori reason to expect leftists to be more depressed, bipolar and autistic than right-wingers. So this points to a causal structure that involves underlying factors being responsible for both or one being responsible for the other.

>> No.18266072

Because you don't have a reference point from which to judge society outside of your society itself. The suicide statistic is only a relative increase from an earlier point in time of that same society and says nothing of what caused the increase. So were things fine at an earlier point in time? The statistics don't tell you how the world has actually changed or why people kill themselves. Your understanding of what society should be like is likewise confined within it, see
>The goal of society should be to enable prosperity and in turn opportunities for happiness
This is a paradigmatic liberal understanding of what society should aim for and it is what created the society you claim to be failing in the first place, including the growing pharmacology industry which wants to make making people happy into a chemical science.

>> No.18266074

because I can't get a gf

>> No.18266087

Yeah he kind of wrote about it in the essay 'exiting the vampire castle'
I wonder if he knew how retarded the left had really become or if he was in denial the whole time

>> No.18266100

Schizochads, I kneel...

>> No.18266103

>Republican party
>right wing
Jannies when will you finally ban all American IPs?

>> No.18266446

good luck with that,incels on this board are to busy jerking off to evola and guenon escapism to face real life problems

>> No.18266470

your "illness" will never be real, your life just sucks and it's your fault

>> No.18266478

Filthy fucking H*gelians who can't wrap their heads around decadence. Cioran warned us about such fanatic bugmen.

>> No.18266492

How do we stop him?

>> No.18266686

I feel like leftist discourse has hit the wall. If you know the author is left leaning, you can guess like 90% of what is going to be written.

>> No.18266935

Most well-read leftists I know are in complete agreement with you guys. Unfortunately, most aren't well-read and are the hyperconsumer type you're referring to.

>> No.18267078

>I have no doubt
but cannot prove. Complete mid-wit.

>> No.18267098

The same is true for all politics now anon, right-wingers(e.g. liberals) also still use Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill's arguments from the literal 18th century, even though we live in a completely different world.

The fact is that we are in the late stage of a civilization, it's the stage where the fuel for politics is just pure cynicism.

>> No.18267200

>most aren't well-read and are the hyperconsumer type you're referring to.
Why does leftism attract these people you think?

>> No.18267651

Maybe if these kids got a job instead of whining about marx all day they wouldnt need prozac desu

>> No.18267702

>they wouldnt need prozac desu
Kek, wagies are addicted to this shit

>> No.18267742

This book was extremely cringe. >Ahhhhhh the world is scary. Everything’s a commodity! I can’t take it anymore! *offs himself*

Great book anon. Truly amazing...


>> No.18268560

because there are many lazy people who think leftism = free stuff it's really as simple as that

>> No.18268596

I immediately dismiss any book or author which speaks incessantly of capitalism, the capitalist system, capitalists and their alternatives just immediately. It’s so boring to me. It’s like droning on about the fact that summer is hot or parents can be mean but transformed into a trope which yells at you incessantly until you give it attention.

>> No.18268766

If Mark Fisher is so smart, why he killed himself

>> No.18268835

He flatlined for a little too long trying to see the contours of his own production, and now he's just some read only memory.

>> No.18268865

Yeah, we should get back to communism, instead of line for the new Iphone , you will be in line for basic goods like Bread or Milk.

>> No.18269029

Also Cioran, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ligotti

>> No.18269074

The only alternative was to become a /pol/tard boomer like Land, I think death is preferable if at least more dignified

>> No.18269105
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>The only alternative was to become a /pol/tard boomer like Land, I think death is preferable if at least more dignified

>> No.18269526

Very different imo but yeah suicide note is a far superior book

>> No.18269534

Charlie Kirk is that you?

>> No.18270578

>The suicide statistic is only a relative increase from an earlier point in time of that same society and says nothing of what caused the increase
no shit? I can't take anything you say seriously if you actually believe that comparing statistics between two substantially different structures is useful.