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/lit/ - Literature

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18259961 No.18259961 [Reply] [Original]

i'm looking to get a basic e-ink reader. just want something i can use to read pdfs without having to sit at my pc.
any recommendations? i was thinking of getting an older kindle paperwhite.

>> No.18259973

If you’re getting an e reader why wouldn’t you read epubs instead?

>> No.18259978

I have a kindle paperwhite and its great. The battery lasts for weeks unironically and it isn't backlit so it doesn't hurt your eys. Plus its small and portable.

Only problem is, I am not sure if you can transfer pdfs to it. I think you can only read books off the amazon store. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.18259982

Dl book off of libgen in epub format —> use epub convert to mobi (kindle file format) website.

>> No.18259998

dont read pdfs just use calibre to convert them to azw3, dont do any other format.

>> No.18260005
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Apu sucks, memes ought to be edgy and exclusive.

>> No.18260017

most books i've downloaded are pdf format, but i have no problem using epubs too.
thanks. not being backlit is definitely a plus.
from what i've seen, it's possible to transfer pdfs to kindles from a pc using a usb connection. seems like it'd be better to convert the files though.

>> No.18260023
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apu can be made so

>> No.18260024

I just always have preferred epub, as you can change the font and size dynamically

>> No.18260226
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>> No.18260244
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looking for e-reader recommendations, not images of obese homosexuals

>> No.18260334

I waited for years to get a kindle and I finally impulse bought the cheapest modern version of a kindle. It’s actually better than the old version because it includes a blacklight that’s optional. It’s fantastic, at least as someone who has never had an e-reader. It’s significantly more comfortable than a paper book, and you can just tap to look up a word.

>> No.18260372

I use a Kobo. Not sure of the exact model, but it's old and still works great. My preferred ereader for pdfs.

>> No.18260428

PDFs suck on kindle and I think most e-readers in general. So Kobo is better or the same since it does epub support.

>> No.18260847

Check Facebook marketplace for a used one, just bought a e reader for $30. Not too expensive for a portable library

>> No.18260877 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 206x353, 1621266593717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You came here for a tutorial on how to meme like a real redpilled motherfucker.

>> No.18260881

i don't use faceberg but have been looking at ebay listings
older models are rather inexpensive. i guess there's a lot of them around from when they were popular in the early 2010s

>> No.18260883
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Not cool apu is bringing us together

>> No.18260891
File: 96 KB, 600x848, F347F80B-ED81-4AEE-B3DF-57345D4830DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overspammed character from mainstream Jewish comic books that gained notoriety for being used in ironic memes but is now used unironically by basement dwellers
>Generic looking anime girl from overspammed anime that came out 2 gorilla on years ago
“Edgy” sure... Even if so you ever think edginess gets boring?

>> No.18260901

quit posting faggot anime.

>> No.18260918
File: 74 KB, 640x866, BAD488A5-809A-40E4-BC08-9D3600176B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit posting Jewish comic book characters

>> No.18260941

wrong anon, sodomite.

>> No.18260945

>implying anime isn't a jewish psyop

>> No.18260979
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>I want to spam the infantile, peurile, inoffensive normie frog (now with bonus wish fulfillment).

>> No.18261018
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seethe harder. not everything needs to be brimming with edge: hopefully you'll realise that when you're old enough to post here.

>> No.18261025
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>> 18260941
>hUr DUR sOdOmY
When did I state I was a homosexual? That aside you seemed trapped in a 1 axis type of morality. You consider yourself “edgy” because you speak with constant irony and sarcasm, and thus degrade the general nature of the discussions that can be had at this place to the quality of nigger speech. But yet you lack edge in that you have a typical black and white morality. “Muh sodomy”, why, because some book written by kikes several thousand years ago told you something was bad? Because some “leader” told you so? The most “edgiest” are usually the most moralist in there most boring ways and edgy in the most non affirming ways.

Rare opinion: probably is, (I suspect Masonic influence on behalf of ZOG) and I don’t even watch it anymore cuz of that. But let’s just take things at face value for now.

>> No.18261101
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lmao, you're posting fashwave catboys. it's safe to assume you're homosexual. if not, why have you saved such images?

denigrating degenerates doesn't warrant decent speech. if you're unaware of the immorality of sodomy, i suggest interacting with sodomites. they're disease ridden and dysfunctional.
"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" - romans 1

>> No.18261113

Is that just not a thing in Amazon's format? I thought that was my kobo not playing nice with it.

I'm honestly finding for most things, an e-reader is a better reading experience. It has downsides, like lack of quick page turns, and a smaller view port unless you spend big bucks... but I've bought £6-10 books and had tiny fonts creeping into the seem, dumb introductions etc... The kobo feels cleaner, just wish it was faster.

>> No.18261336
File: 102 KB, 467x564, 7D1DCE43-4965-4464-9C85-BB3F48FED1D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been making those images since at least late 2018, the whole meme existed in my head before idiots had the same idea and perverted it. And nothing to do with “femboys” just anime characters. I hate femboys. Regardless of anything I like the art style, it’s nice on the eyes. I don’t like all anime but certain artist make nice pictures. Doesn’t matter if it’s a female or male character for it to look aesthetic

>"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Men and woman are just two microcosms of the dual reality, the second utter base of existence, the point where existence becomes something. But forces beyond them that influence there interactions exist. A greater force can wield the dual power in a microcosm, men who infatuate themselves too much with woman are normal and primitive the degraded beginning of the eon, men obsessed with men fear woman and are to some extent cowards, the degraded end of the eon, but to step outside is to exist above the microcosm and thus become the “god” of the microcosm and thus a lustful reflection of God
>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" - romans 1
I thought I was taking a risk by calling you out as a Christian, perhaps you’d claim to be some secular moralist or pagan, but I was right. I almost fell for that trap religion once too, till I realized my real morality had barley anything in common with the Churches. Why do you want to follow a God who restricts will? Real God doesn’t care, He just wants you to pursue what you wish and do it best, if you have the will of a tyrant or an artist, than surely you will be one, if you have the will of a romantic than surely you will be one. And if you have the will of a murder, than surely you will be one, but That doesn’t mean someone won’t have the will to stop you. All the conflicting wills creates a kinetic energy that pushes the world forward eternally, till at some point something will evolve and it will improve, the clockwork of “God” test itself through trial and error and eventually it will complete itself, only to start again. Conflicting wills push the world forward, but when the wills are brainwashed and stale than nothing much happens. The world runs on two basic rules, duality, and cycality. Christians like to act like they are above this believing good can exist without evil at some point some day and even call God absolute good in the human sense even as people suffer for no reason. And they like to think someday the world will be “saved” like the end of a fairy tale, a anti climactic halt no better than an atheist heat death view. Duality and cycles, the two basic truths.

>> No.18261344

Meant for >>18261101

>> No.18261612
File: 50 KB, 736x960, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seethe harder. not everything needs to be brimming with edge: hopefully you'll realise that when you're old enough to post here

>> No.18261623

mucho texto faglord.

>> No.18261642

sounds like an elaborate cope for your desire to live only as you please.

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" - romans 1

you'll meet the lord one day anon.

>> No.18261655


>> No.18261660

Even I find apus and other frogs annoying sometimes but a bit of more innocent humor is always good. It’s simple and straight to the point, and edgy humor has its place too. If it’s like fucking reddit where it’s nonstop WHOLESOME 100 crap it’s obviously fake and if it’s constantly edgy it’s just the opposite and becomes boring. A balance of lighter and darker things is good, whether in humor, in conversation, in life, or in a book.

>> No.18261667

This is a /lit/ board, don’t know why someone who can read as much as a nigger would come here.

>> No.18261683

>you'll meet the lord one day anon.
God speaks but not to you when you pray, and he doesn’t want you to spread the gospel or give money to starving niggers in Africa. Don’t get so wound up in morality, just keep your guard up, stay fit, and follow your desire, the will within god.

>> No.18261747

just get any old kindle or kobo from ebay, tons of people get them for their birthday or christmas and never use them, then sell when they want to declutter

>> No.18262069

You will probably need a 10 inch ones for pdfs but if you just want to read novels literally any of them will do.

>> No.18262385
File: 51 KB, 411x480, A8BF0DDC-E0CA-4C93-BBC6-7C82DAA38BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read pdfs on my kindle paper white just fine, though nothing with too many pictures (it supports them in black and white but you’ll have to squint to see) and only a certain type of pdf, too big and it will slow it down. If your fine with just text paperwhite or any other cheap one that is similar is good.

>> No.18262585

just buy a fucking kobo clara hd, libgen or b-ok your books in epub, transfer via usb cable and shut the fuck up for literally ever you babbling fucking IMBECILE