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18257295 No.18257295 [Reply] [Original]

what's some kino lit from sweden or finland? norway and denmark need not apply.

>> No.18257454

Is that Malmö?

>> No.18259227


>> No.18259234

Voisiko elämä voittaa: ja millä ehdoilla

>> No.18259305

>kino lit from sweden
Depends on what you mean with kino.

The Long Ships (Röde Orm) by Frans G. Bengtsson is damn good, set during the Viking Age. I read it in Swedish so I can't speak for the quality of any translations though.

>> No.18259315
File: 960 KB, 1000x683, Kalevala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kalevala

>> No.18259383

>norway and denmark need not apply

>> No.18259386

He is probably a swede with some finn in him.

>> No.18259958

Assisted Living

>> No.18259977
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Stolen from the Karelians.

>> No.18260025

>tfw your pedo homorapist nazi grandad will never recount his experience as ian Smiths fluffer during the rhodesian Bush was.

>> No.18260035 [DELETED] 

You finnoid nigger being literally nothing but shit under the rock them russian emperor pick you from your cave and made you a human being, swedes didn't even consider your miserable ancestors as human beings and just enslabe them and fucked all of your woman, even now swedes are prevailing in your finnoid elites.
Where is Karelia and Vyborg you cocksucker? All of you can do now is made stupid memes like this

>> No.18260069

Ah russians. A people capable of turning any piece of land no matter how lush and prosperous into a post apocalyptic wasteland.

>> No.18260095 [DELETED] 

>t. a steppe monkey who is genetically engineered to enjoy a good buttfucking from an emperor

Russians are incapable of working together and need a strong ruler to reign in their savagery. I demonstrated this once in Petroskoi by against the house of some babushka and shoving his husband into a ditch.

>> No.18260112

They live in ice wasteland and turned it into place there people can actually live and not being freezed to death and lost their homes then snowstorm comes out
So shut the fuck up, finnoid
You aren't even build your country for you own money and ussr should wiped your ass from planet earth for participating in Leningrad blockade

>> No.18260113
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>t. a steppe monkey who is genetically engineered to enjoy a good buttfucking from an emperor

Russians are incapable of working together and need a strong ruler to reign in their savagery. I demonstrated this once in Petroskoi by pissing against the house of some babushka and shoving her husband into a ditch.

>All of you can do now is made stupid memes like this
All you can do is wait your death at the ripe old age of fifty and hope no Chechen decides to be an absolute lad once again and cull the Russian livestock.

>> No.18260128 [DELETED] 

Your English is shit.

>You aren't even build your country for you own money
False. In fact, I even support the Russian economy by giving money for the brave Russian expats in exchange for sexual services. Dima and Vladim are fed with my money, just as their мaмa is fed with my Finnish cock.

>participating in Leningrad blockade
That was just a prank. No harm done. It was only Russians who died.

>> No.18260136

Your English is shit.

>You aren't even build your country for you own money
False. In fact, I even support the Russian economy by giving money to the brave Russian expats in exchange for sexual services. Dima and Vladim are fed with my money, just as their мaмa is fed with my Finnish cock.

>participating in Leningrad blockade
That was just a prank. No harm done. It was only Russians who died.

>> No.18260145
File: 49 KB, 320x240, ryssäkaula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laud the brave Mujahediin warriors of Chechnya for their efforts!

>> No.18260147
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And don't you forget it for even a minute.

>> No.18260150

What are you going to do? Prostitute yourself to the кaпpaл?

>> No.18260153

op here, because then the thread would revolve around kierkegaard and hamsun and nothing else.

>> No.18260154

Turn your lush and prosperous country (Finland, I presume? mmkay) into a post apocalyptic wasteland, obviously.

>> No.18260166

Big words from a 'person' with virtually no ability to affect his surroundings. Even the Russian state hates the Russian people.

>> No.18260170

Lel russia sits on top of some of the worlds most fertile farmland yet has to import food.

>> No.18260176

>import food
>export AIDS and natural gas

>> No.18260180

>virtually no ability to affect his surroundings
Fuck around and find out, mate.

>> No.18260187

And a fine oogabooga to you, steppe monkey.

>> No.18260193
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>Threatening to beat people up online

>> No.18261015

Two of the most famous Finnish books are Unknown Soldiers (WW2 book) by Linna Vaino and Sinuhe the Egyptian (historical fiction) by Mika Waltari.

The first ist rather gritty but it is mostly about soldiers being assholes and insubordinate towards their officers.

Sinuhe is 100% kino if you enjoy historical fiction.

>> No.18261148

>Russia sits on top of some of the worlds most fertile farmland
Kek, you know nothing about agriculture or 'fertile farmland'
>yet has to import food
Maybe three decades ago. Now we are the number one exporter of food. Meanwhile, your people are so fat and lazy you have to pay foreigners to invade your country so they can feed you.

>> No.18261160

Astrid Lindgren is probably the best children's book author of all time.

>> No.18261178

let the right one in

>> No.18261687

>number one exporter of food
Your main export countries are China, Turkey and Kazakhstan. In other words no self-respecting person who has the ability and means to choose otherwise would touch the filth your dirty hands produce.

>your people are so fat and lazy you have to pay foreigners to invade your country so they can feed you
Your people are so broken and delusional that you let an enclave state exist within your own borders just to keep them from killing your children. Explain how a literal slaves of khans, czars, party secretaries and mafia oligarchs can feel pride about themselves? The only times the Russian people have been given the chance to rule themselves have resulted in chaos, destruction and misery. I truly believe that the Russian psyche is incapable of altruism, trust and betterment of humanity.

>> No.18261710
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