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18249942 No.18249942 [Reply] [Original]

Reading philosophy only made me more hopeless and depressed

>> No.18249953

babies first existential crises
nest stop: absurdism

>> No.18249961

Read life affirming philosophy. But also remember: embrace your low points too, Anon, they're helpful.

>> No.18249995

I am filled with curiosity. I want to be able to see how the greatest men in history had their existential crises, if they had them at all.
Much like how Kierkegaard wanted to be witness to Abraham's story, I want to see how Kant handled the destruction of his beliefs prior to the critique

>> No.18250035

decent take but don't wallow or internalize too much and become a sad boi. You should have no desire to self sabotage yourself into suffering lol

>> No.18250039

I can't stop thinking about killing myself.
I'll never do it but the burning hatred I have for myself is driving me insane

>> No.18250044

Yeah, this happened to me after a while. Then I kept digging until I worked an angle for myself which is rather compatible with circumstance and figured to keep at it in hopes of forgetting. There’s not so much which I am worried about. Just that I am able to maintain a sort of prerogative which keeps hold of the position I’ve managed to get myself into. The depression is still there due to the natural stature of the human condition, but new sorts of contingencies have been arranged that allow me to actively leave behind hindering beliefs of reality.

>> No.18250079

You don't read philosophy to make you happy, you read philosophy because you're a fucking retard

>> No.18250254

philosophy is a con, read the Bible

>> No.18250272
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I've been through that cycle more times than I can count. Today I cry. Tomorrow I laugh. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18250302
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me too, man. I kept talking with people on the internet, trying to understand how I can convince myself to get by with partial knowledge. For all the questions that humanity has answered (philosophy, science, humanities, etc.), we still struggle with basic ones. We still face the possibility of paradigm shifts in science. We still don't know how to live. We still don't know how to define the scientific method. Our best solutions to the AI problem is throwing more math at it and more supercomputers until it somehow "clicks" and becomes full-blown, conscious AI.

My question is (and I can't really define it, it's more like a feeling or push/pull):
>if philosophy and life is full of questions that have no final answer, then how can we rationally choose incomplete solutions and live with them?
Basically, in math we don't know whether we invent or discover it, or if realism holds and Plato was right, or if fictionalism or formalism works, or something else. Even basic logic is sometimes attacked.

Do you remember or use the basic and probably most important tool of mathematics: proof by contradiction? Some mathematicians refuse it. I refuse to use it too, it just feels wrong, it's like being given a thingamajig that confabulates dinglepops and you apply it but you're like "wtf am I doing man... it's alien". There's constructivism in mathematics that tries to replace proofs by contradiction. But it's even weirder than that... mathematicians still use proofs by contradiction, and it still works, and we still use the math to go to the moon, apply snapchat filters, and so on.

I'm trying to find an answer, anyone, pls respond. I feel like shit. I can't study anymore. When I read, I feel an air of pointlessness. Everything feels like a patchwork, guesswork or grasping in the dark. Sometimes it works. Sometimes you fail?

>> No.18250481

For me it's the Schopenhauer imaginary friend

>> No.18250493

>Schopenhauer imaginary friend
What do you mean?

>> No.18250513

I hope you are banned for frog posting

>> No.18250684
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Try occultism.

>> No.18251526

Then don’t read it.

>> No.18251550
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You read the wrong ones

>> No.18252419

Stop believing that humans are capable of realizing ultimate reality, even the wisest among us only attain fragments or simulacrum. Our life processes unfolding might be analogous to the whole, but they cannot contain it. The finite cannot contain the infinite. You are just a little dreamer within the ultimate dreamer's dream.

>> No.18252431
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Only religion can save you; religious philosophy of life is the most meaningful and relevant philosophy to engage.

>> No.18252617

I also tought philosophy made me more depressed, then I realized I had a severe case of OCD. Now after years of therapy I can enjoy reading philosophy and realize Schopenhauer is right about everything

>> No.18252629

>Reading philosophy only made me more hopeless and depressed


>> No.18252641

lmao noob! if i never got into philosophy i would have stayed hopeless and depressed

>> No.18252649


>> No.18252651

>exchange one LARP for another

>> No.18252755
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That's because philosophy is for candy-ass faggots. Stop being a pathetic poser like 90% of /lit/ and start reading fiction or don't read at all - anything is better than engaging in some mental masturbation by reading stupid philosophy books by stupid faggots who couldn't get their dick hard if their life depended on it.

>> No.18252952
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>trying to understand how I can convince myself to get by with partial knowledge.
It's as simple as not caring about knowledge at all and only caring about wellbeing. Knowledge is useless if we can't use it to improve people's wellbeing. The never ending quest to seek knowledge and seeking the next thing that makes us happy just prevents us from ever being happy by default.
>Our best solutions to the AI problem is throwing more math at it and more supercomputers until it somehow "clicks" and becomes full-blown, conscious AI.
People aren't just throwing math at supercomputers "hoping it clicks". Just because we don't know what will the next catalyst for AI this doesn't mean it's pin the tail on the donkey.
>if philosophy and life is full of questions that have no final answer, then how can we rationally choose incomplete solutions and live with them?
What's the point of philosophy? What's the reason why we do anything? To increase wellbeing. We will know we're right when we increase people's wellbeing. That's how we will know when we are right. Why should we care about wellbeing? There's no law in the universe to say that we should, but almost everyone agrees on it so why does that matter? You need to stop asking yourself pointless questions.

>> No.18252969

Do I need to know anything before I read Schopenhauer? Inb4 Greeks, I'm not reading Greeks.

>> No.18252979

I agree that reading non-fiction nowadays isn't anywhere near as valuable as it was 20 years ago let alone 100 years ago. Unironically, I feel most people who read non-fiction do so because they get to experience/display the illusion that they're learning and are being sophisticated. In most cases (not all) you can easily find whatever information you're looking for in extreme detail online. I also think most people here larp about how much they've read in the first place.

>> No.18253149

Dilate with your portable Nietzsche sir

>> No.18253157

Stop being a weak-willed loser

>> No.18253365


>> No.18253384
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here we go again
Anon your gonna have to keep going until you reach the other side. Welcome to the monomyth. What ever you do just don't give up half way through and start Christfagging

>> No.18253403
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>he thinks its a LARP
>doesn't understand the truths of philosophical alchemy
Hylic, ngmi

>> No.18253420
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>> No.18253610

I fail to see what the actual point is. Maybe I'm missing context but whoever wrote it tried too hard to be sophisticated to give off the illusion that their words have a lot of substance.

>> No.18253621
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>whoever wrote it tried too hard

>> No.18253865

Yeah just proving my point really.

>> No.18253902
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>OP: reading shitty philosophy is making me depressed

>> No.18253914

When you have to deliberately exaggerate something in order to make it sound idiotic, you're the idiot.

>> No.18253943

never gonna make it
And by making it I mean an heroing

>> No.18253968

Same here anon.
Nobody in my life knows though. I don’t think I’m depressed, because I actually still go through perfunctory tasks of day. Working out, going to school, etc. Nonetheless, I think about suicide constantly. It is my only consolation

>> No.18254027

Please explain this to someone who is depressed and suicidal. I don't understand how you can not be depressed (or uncertain as to whether or not you're depressed) while still being suicidal. What are you actually experiencing? What is your logic?

>> No.18254049

schizo chart

>> No.18254059

>confusing the academic field of philosophy with pop culture self-help rubbish

>> No.18254113
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Forgive your past self, he was doin he best. Start sculpting your future self now.

>> No.18254331


It is entirely possible to be chronically depressed and still present / perform as a 'normal' functioning person. The media-stereotypical-depressed inability to do what you called 'perfunctory' is not the decider on a diagnosis (but can indeed be an indicator).

Sounds like you have a pretty heavy dose of suicidal ideation (which is different from _intending_ to kill yourself). Sorry to say that it is not 'normal' or healthy and is one of the strongest determinants for a depression diagnosis.

Wishing you the best, anon
>t. mostly recovered sad-boi for 9 years

>> No.18255864

AI will give you happiness

>> No.18255893

Ok, but in one LARP you sit around reading books and being sad, and in the other you get to wear cool robes and wave around ritual knives.

>> No.18256212

Can you explain why its made you feel this way? What philosophy are you into? Express yourself.

>> No.18257325

>he didn't start with the greeks
there is no way you can end up depressed if you only read the greeks to the mideivals

>> No.18257330

For me, it's drunk drowning

>> No.18257338

Reading philosophy made me realize i cant construct a coherent argument.

>> No.18258752

No way. Pure materialism before reading philosophy was worse.