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18248155 No.18248155 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Frodo just sail to Mordor?

>> No.18248185

I don't know how good the sailing technology is in that universe but back in the ancient times, journeys by sea were dangerous. There's a high chance you could sink.

>> No.18248188

iirc that entire territory was dominated by pirates.

>> No.18248192

There were tons of pirates in the LOTR universe and Aragorn arrived at the battle with a boat.

The elves themselves also used boats to leave middle earth

>> No.18248194

Ah yes the Corsairs of Umbar it was.

>> No.18248196

>I don't know how good the sailing technology is in that universe
They literally have ships that can sail into outer space and I'm not even lying. They've got Cirdan the Shipwright, an elf who's been building ships since literally the beginning of time. OP is right, and Tolkien's corpse should be exhumed and burned in effigy

>> No.18248197

Because of the Corsairs of Umbar, you dumb shit. Plus, a ship/barque could be easily spotted and sunk.

>> No.18248199

Corsairs of Umbar

>> No.18248203

>spotted and sunk
Good luck retrieving the One Ring after doing that, lulz

>> No.18248213
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Why didn't Frodo just organic snorkel to Mordor???

>> No.18248215

That shouldn't be too hard considering the resources Sauron had. As long as he knows where it is.

>> No.18248228

Everyone in this thread
>O no piratez
>guess we better walk through very heart of enemy lines which is swarming with enemies instead

>> No.18248242

Oh, and Harandor was overrun at this point with the Haradrim so at best you would just make it as far as Pelagir or something, so basically same thing as on foot.

>> No.18248243

It is easier to stay undetected in forests and mountainous land, Anon. Imagine the ring wraiths attacking the boat on the vast sea.

>> No.18248249

That's exactly what Smeagol did.

>> No.18248262
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Why didn't Frodo and the fellowship of the ring just fly a Corsairs of Umbar flag on their ship??

Would the Corsairs of Umbar police or Corsairs of Umbar customs service stop them and ask for their ID or something?

>> No.18248269

If I'm not mistaken they do consider throwing the Ring into the sea but reconsider it because this would mean just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.18248273

When Dad read LoTR to me as a little kid, I imagined the balrog as being small and sneaky. It was a disappointment when the film came out and they made him a huge flaming hulk. Small sneaky balrog is honestly much scarier if you think about it

>> No.18248279

They would still need to do that, you idiot. There's no direct acess to Mordor from the sea, it's not like there's a Sauron PortTM just waiting. They'd still have to go through Cirith Ungol or find some other way into Mount Doom.

>> No.18248281

and yet a Silmaril was thrown into the sea and somehow no-one's thought to go retrieve that, when a Silmaril is way fucking bigger deal than the ring

>> No.18248285

>a Silmaril is way fucking bigger deal than the ring

>> No.18248287

>Middle Earth's foremost kingdom stands literally at the doorstep of Mordor
>they can't help Frodo sail a couple of leagues amidst pirate ships and drop him off to some backwoods
inb4 muh covert operation
The plan of secrecy bungled the moment they entered Moria anyway

>> No.18248288

The ring is corruption and calls out to greedy people who are close to it

The silmaril is just some gay elf jewel nobody can sense from being close to it

>> No.18248293

The silmarils literally contain the light of the two gay trees (forget what they're called) which is basically the root of the whole universe, short of nothing but Iluvatar himself. Vs a shitty ring that wasn't even created by the main villain Morgoth, just his shitty lieutenant

>> No.18248294

I never read or watched lotr, what's so irresistable about that ring? don't you become just invisible? that's it?

>> No.18248300

Correction, it's a PLOT MCGUFFIN that you become just invisible

>> No.18248310

>don't you become just invisible

No, you're transported to another plane and it gives you power beyond the merely physical aspect (strength, youth, etc). It's one thing for Men/Hobbits to hold it, but when higher beings are enriched by its power, then things start to get fucked really fast. (Which is why Gandalf refuses to even touch the thing directly).

>> No.18248314

They talk about this at the council

>Gandalf: "Not safe for ever. There are many things in the deep waters, and land and sea may change. And it is not our part here to take thought only for a season, or for a few lives of Men, or for a passing age of the world."

>'And that we shall not find on the roads to the Sea,' said Galdor. 'If the return to Iarwain be thought too dangerous, then flight to the Sea is now fraught with gravest peril. My heart tells me that Sauron will expect us to take the western way, when he learns what has befallen. He soon will. The Nine have been unhorsed indeed but that is but a respite, ere they find new steeds and swifter. Only the waning might of Gondor stands now between him and a march in power along the coasts into the North; and if he comes, assailing the White Towers and the Havens, hereafter the Elves may have no escape from the lengthening shadows of Middle-earth.'

>> No.18248317

Yeah well the silmaril also produces so much light that it's literally the planet Venus in-universe, you'd think if Middle Earth has such amazing scuba technology someone would've thought to go look for that too

>> No.18248325

Yep, this is what I was thinking of. It would be entirely pointless to hide the thing, specially when they know that the ring finds a way to attract people to itself.

>> No.18248326

Man I forgot how autistic LoTR is. Or rather I was too young at the time to realize it. How is this shit still in print?

>> No.18248339

>How is this shit still in print?
What do you mean?

>> No.18248354

The light of those two trees was very potent too IIRC. Besides the whole 'past ages = myth' narrative, one of the reasons some types of elves (like the Noldor and Galadriel) were so strong and could slay legions of Balrogs while 3rd Age elves leave Middle-Earth cause "muh Eastern Shadow wearies my elven soul" is because merely staring at the light of those trees makes an elf stronger and wiser.
Most of the LOTR middle-earth Elves never set foot on Valinor and their powers pale compared to the Calaquendi.

>> No.18248374

the whole point was that Mordor was fucking empty cause Sauron was a retard. the point of both Bilbo and Frodos quest is to use stealth right at the enemies layer.

>> No.18248387

in the books they don't have wings which makes them cooler imo. the film design was awful and so generic

>> No.18248394

>ship sinks
>frodo dies
>ring sinks to the bottom of the ocean
>no submarine technology, only wooden boats
>ring is stuck there forever

>> No.18248405

it enhances each races power. The joke is that since hobbits are small and sneaky, all the ring does is make them invisible. The elves and Gandalf have rings as well, that makes their magic stronger

>> No.18248418

all the idiot Tolkien-apologists in this thread all like
>Smeagol was able to swim in a small river!
>Therefore oceans = puddles

>> No.18248437

Except not even Tolkien was able to take this gay premise seriously so therefore he put in Tom Bombadil so that big-brain readers would see the whole story is just a bunch of tropes to sell books. The apologists will just stick their fingers in their ears though and scream "I can't hear you! Tom Bombadil never happened!"

>> No.18248455

tolkien spent 30 years autistically writing the Silmarillion and never published it, and it contains all the same tropes as LOTR. I think he just liked those tropes lol.

>> No.18248458

>yfw you realize the dwarven rings just help the dwarves get more and more gold
>yfw you realize dwarves = jews
Can't believe Tolkien hasn't been cancelled yet

>> No.18248798

are you telling me that LOTR could have been a swashbuckling pirate fantasy adventure?

>> No.18248811

>one of the dark wraiths jumps into the ocean
>he is undead, so does not have to breathe
>swims for 200 years until he finds the ring

problem solved

>> No.18248812

>Aragorn arrived at the battle with a boat.
Because he used the oathbreakers of Dunharrow to kill the corsairs steering their fleet up the Anduin.

>> No.18248819
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What about the eagles? Why couldn't they just fly to Mordor?

>> No.18248822

And was lost in the shattering of Beleriand and the remaking of the world after the Second Age.

>> No.18248835

The entire war of Wrath was begun because Morgoth lusted after the Silmarils. Doriath falls due to Thingol and his dwarven smiths lusting after the Silmarils. The whole greed thing runs thick through the history of Middle Earth.

>> No.18248849

He's making fun of the prose like a pseud.

>> No.18248855

the Ringwraiths could fly too

>> No.18248860

China Mieville tried. The problem is that Mieville is a complete cock, so no one listened to him.

>> No.18248870

The eagles could beat them though.

>> No.18248875

Unironically Sauron would realize enemies were coming, and possibly to throw the ring in MT doom (which was unguarded for convecience and plot to begin with, but at least if there was no sign of enemies coming at least we can excuse more that Sauron did not guard the one place that could undo him with hundreds of guards)

>> No.18248879
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Read the chapter, Council of Elrond, please

>'Then, said Glorfindel, 'let us cast it into the deeps, and so make the lies of Saruman come true. For it is clear now that even at the Council his feet were already on a crooked path. He knew that the Ring was not lost for ever, but wished us to think so; for he began to lust for it for himself. Yet oft in lies truth is hidden: in the Sea it would be safe.'

>'Not safe for ever,' said Gandalf. 'There are many things in the deep waters; and seas and lands may change. And it is not our part here to take thought only for a season, or for a few lives of Men, or for a passing age of the world. We should seek a final end of this menace, even if we do not hope to make one.'

>> No.18248931
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>> No.18248979

you literally cant prove her wrong

>> No.18248982

That's not true. There's also the fact that Gandalf et al. would then need to convince the eagles to help, which is not a given.

>> No.18248992

You can't prove an opinion wrong. It's not like she's merely stating facts about the book.

>> No.18248997


>> No.18249013

its a joke you faglord

>> No.18249135

It's a meme you dip.

>> No.18249534

Why didn't frodo lube up the ring and fuck the shit out of it?

>> No.18249591

>Tom Bombadil
He's an aesthetic and detached from worldly things. As are some of the other wizards.

>> No.18249623

Couldn't he have used them in the first place?

Kind of a lore breaking ability like the eagles.

>> No.18249631
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aawww...european cope :( It's okay, little guys.

>> No.18249632

He only met them by happenstance.

>> No.18249666

Based Gandalf.
you just know the same retards ITT saying the ring should've been thrown in the ocean also say shit like "Climate change won't be a problem till I'm dead so I don't give a fuck"

>> No.18249669

Girls reading this thread right now fapped to aragorn in their 15's

Imagine orgasming to a half elf lmao

>> No.18249676


>> No.18249706

It was also more about the things unknown in the deep. Sort of like how there was a balrog was in Moria.


>"Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day."

>> No.18249723

A crab may eat the ring and be caught by a corsair. A fish being fond of shiny things may gulp it down as it sinks by, and be caught by a corsair.

>> No.18249810

Obviously because it's ability to change sizes at will means that it would have been offended by his Ringrape and shrink and cut off his tiny penor.

>> No.18249909

But they were all of them deceived, for the ring was a slut.

>> No.18249944

Read the fucking books for the love of God. Literally first chapter addresses Hobbits' hatred of sailing

>> No.18249947

Tolkien really thought of everything huh

>> No.18249973

>>guess we better walk through very heart of enemy lines which is swarming with enemies instead
and miss 3000 hours of solid snake butt?

>> No.18249992
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Man I knew I should have learned more about Whordor

>> No.18250000

The Eagles were sent to bear messages not burdens.

>> No.18250027
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>Hobbits' hatred of sailing
>Frodo carries the ring the entire fucking time
>At the end Frodo sails with the elves

ur retarded

>> No.18250070
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Checks out

>> No.18250114

Why didn't Frodo sell the ring to a pawnbroker for beer money?

>> No.18250166

In what first place? He had to go to Dunharrow to recruit them. From there, the best path through the mountains and the stone at Erech led him to Dol Amroth, near the mouth of the Anduin. Never mind that the whole reason he went to recruit them was because by that point he knew he had to get to Minas Tirith to save it from the siege.

>> No.18250169

Why didn't Frodo ask Tom Bombadill to make him the size of a fly and the ring even smaller, so he could go undetected?

>> No.18250187

Even if Bombadil could do that, he likely wouldn't.

>> No.18250349

The ring is literally sin itself, and everyone is drawn to its power for selfish reasons which the ring itself enhances.

>> No.18250386
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>> No.18250462

Balrogs were the evil Maiar that joined Sauron iirc, they were not nameless things. That giant spider fucker that ate the fucking sun was one though

>> No.18250477

>Possible sinking
>Massive balrog demon
>Multiple armies of orcs
>High altitude mountain crossing
>Wraiths chasing you to kill you
>Giant spiders

Yeah bro... sailing sounds dangerous.

>> No.18250492

Holu fuck youre a dumb cunt. Hindsight doesnt help your position dickless.

>> No.18250498

>this is the intellect of the average LotR plothole seeker
Tolkien is kicking back comfy in his grave right now.

>> No.18250504

Seething cope. Game of Thrones reigns supreme!

>> No.18250520

It's not possible sinking you fuckwit, what would they do against flying Nazgûl inside a puny boat in the middle of the ocean? Stick their thumbs into their assholes?

>> No.18250530

I just took nameless things to be stuff deep underground and not seen, idk.
>"Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things..."

I'm not sure if Durin's Bane was someone that Sauron allied with. Like Ungoliant, I think Durin's Bane was on the same level as Sauron, as he was a servant of Melkor just as Sauron was.

>> No.18250554

Have an eagle merc that shit and hit him with a Gandalf laser beam.

>> No.18250587

Nevertheless, Durin's Bane is not one of the nameless things that Gandalf shits and pisses himself at the thought of. In fact, it has two names; that and Balrog.

>> No.18250607

Then kill the pawnbrocker with an axe.

>> No.18250622

Hating on LotR is somewhat understandable but hating on The Hobbit is a new level of brainlet.

>> No.18250700
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There are other names too

>> No.18250711

probably some deep sea creature would just decide to eat the ring and then somehow it would get shallower and shallower until it reached shore and some dude picked it up

>> No.18250771

this, the ring would find its way into the belly of a whale that gets caught

>> No.18250803

>has four names
>one of which is """Nameless""" Terror

>> No.18250824

This is the only part that makes me mad.