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18249172 No.18249172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does he read?

>> No.18249177

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.18249180

The ban screen

>> No.18249182


>> No.18249181

white fragility

>> No.18249200

Gaming subreddits.

>> No.18249206 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18249212

This board

>> No.18249228

I'm not the only one who considers this sort of immensely fat man to have surrendered a certain element of their masculinity, am I? The essence of masculinity, of manhood, lies in strength. Physical strength, strength of stamina, willpower, determination. Therefore, this sort of of massive, blubbery specimen, clearly very weak and cumbersome due to their size, they have been stripped of something fundamental about what it means to be a man.

>> No.18249236

Ready Player One.

>> No.18249252

But it’s kind of a spectrum though, just look at the “dad bod” craze. It means they are strong but gave up and got a beer belly. Even before that you had figures like Hank Hill, showing masculinity but with a beer fupa. But all those specific ways fat accumulates is from masculine activity. The OP is from far worse consumption.

>> No.18249276
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I suppose that's a good point. And I think there's also fat men who have been robust despite their girth, who have exhibited a kind of strength despite their obesity. Think of guys like G.K. Chesterton and Samuel Johnson. It probably helps that they were tall; both Chesterton and Johnson were well over six feet.

I suppose you can say that they were fat, but there was a kind of strength to them. Whereas the modern blubbery Millennial tub, the ones who've gorged themselves past 300 pounds, are fat in a weak, effeminate way.

>> No.18249296

Those men has their faith to give them strength, the modern fatty has nothing, just soulless consumption.

>> No.18249320

Patch notes

>> No.18249402

söylent nutrition info

>> No.18249407
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>> No.18249411

Finnegans Wake

>> No.18249420
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Whatever it is, it needs to be the Holy Bible instead.

>> No.18249435

this is clearly a sartre type of guy

>> No.18249441

Capeshit comics
Those trashy YA novels that are meant to tie-in with a game or something, to "expand upon the lore"
Reddit threads

>> No.18249452

His blood sugar results on the test strip.

>> No.18249453
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Crime and Punishment, The Bible, brothers karamazov, lolita, moby dick, Don Quijote, The Iliad, The Republic, Stoner, The Stranger, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, etc all the cringe books aimed at teenagers.

>> No.18249479

Twitter and reddit

>> No.18249488

What do you suppose he got banned for?

>> No.18249492

Brandon Sanderson

>> No.18249504

Has a bookshelf full of pop sci and self improvement books but has never touched them. Maybe one or two history related books like Meditations or some Geek chic thing like Game of Thrones or The Expanse

>> No.18249518


>> No.18249525
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Everyone who thinks themselves to be superior to him is in fact inferior, so enjoy that little factoid.

>> No.18249537

YWNBAW, you will never pass, you are nothing more than a man in a dress.

>> No.18249570

Isn't it interesting how wrong you are? I am just a man that has never worn anything other than men's clothing. I grew up working on a farm, splitting wood, tossing hay bails up and down to and from the barn loft, shoveling horse shit out of the stalls, you know, actual man shit that you've never been anywhere within miles of, cityfag.

>> No.18249621

Star Wars novels and comic books.

>> No.18249658

Starting Strength

>> No.18249660
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>> No.18249688
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He's cultivating mass.

>> No.18249696

This is essentially my reading list expect the bible

>> No.18249700
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>> No.18249701

the gaming manual that comes with Nintendo switch games