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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 580x388, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18234486 No.18234486 [Reply] [Original]

Post your goodreads.
I'll add you.

Please, I have no friends and you're the closest thing I have to a social interaction.

>> No.18234504

I don't understand the point of that site. If it makes you feel better, I can add you on PSN and never talk to you.

>> No.18234507

post yours first.

>> No.18234531

>I don't understand the point of that site.
What is the point of THIS site?
What is the point of any site?

Really, what if the point of even being at all?

>> No.18234551

I dont have a goodreads anon
how was your day? what kind of stories do you like?

>> No.18234589

Fuck goodreads all my.homies hate that shit. We talk about books HERE man. Talk to us HERE about books. But if you really want a friend, ill mame.a goodreads and post 5 star reviews for everything I read (cause I dont read TRASH) and add a review saying "I didn't get it," because I dont read to understand stupid intellectual shit I read cause words make my genitals warm and shit.

>> No.18234605

Post yours and I'll add you

>> No.18234607

Hello agent

>> No.18234618

>how was your day?
not good man, not good

>what kind of stories do you like?
Now I'm focusing on critical studies on romanticism, and poetry from this period

>> No.18234648

You'd be more successful telling us your goodreads instead of expecting us all to dox ourselves

>> No.18234659

Fine, whatever


No bullying plz

>> No.18234706

Bully me, NOW

>> No.18234774

Good books but I don't like people who put wojaks in their profile pictures.

>> No.18234883

Looks like you took the start with the greeks meme seriously, which is great.

I should read more greek plays.

>> No.18234914

Eh, I wanted to get a pic when I posted my profile here for the first time and I couldn't bother with finding some better pic
Yeah, I'm planning to finish up with Aristophanes and Menander by the time we hit Summer and then reading Herodotus and Thucydides during the Summer.

>> No.18234944



>> No.18235138

>The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

That was a surprisingly interesting book imho. It's kind of hard to read because of how it is written, but the style is essential to the theme of the book.

I thought the mother was kind of shitty.

>> No.18235336

This is also my only social interaction. Wish I could find some kind of discord book club but anything like that only reads YA it seems.

>> No.18235519

I'm literally doing this right now but in reverse, I already read herodotus and thucydides and now moving on to aeschylus

>> No.18235643

chill with the grrm ratings

>> No.18235897

Try meetup maybe.

Also /lit/ has a telegram channel, you can chat there.

>> No.18235933

Where? People keep saying it exists but never do they post an invite.

>> No.18236195

I've only read Homer so far, reading the complete Sophocles and Aristophanes next should be fine, right?

>> No.18236212


I changed my name and profile picture so my little sister won't be able to stalk me and find out what I read.

>> No.18236213


>> No.18236252

try this one


>> No.18236253

>Zadie Smith
>5 stars

>> No.18236300


not super active but feel free to add me anyway

>> No.18236819

holy frumpy femcel

>> No.18237319

i need friends

>> No.18237327


>> No.18237380

Terrible taste
Why can't the Europeans have their own forum or something
>read (12)
>Bully me, NOW
Okay, you are a massive faggot. I have never seen ANYONE use the quote function as much as you have. Absolutely ridiculous.
>No bullying plz
I won't, but staying in your safe circle will just turn you into another George RR (really retarded) Martin.

>> No.18237416

post your library thing accounts instead

>> No.18237420

Goodreads is pure cringe. It's like Reddit and Amazon had a baby.

>> No.18237456

>Currently reading:
>The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

The fuck?

>> No.18237512

It's a paid service.
I like to catalog what I read, but I don't want to pay for it

>> No.18237554

alright https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/76558755-v

>> No.18237562

Phoneposter detected. Opinion discarded.

>> No.18237864


>> No.18238046
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Sure thing

>> No.18238695

check it out, it's literally the guide on how to deal with women

>> No.18238803

go ahead, lonely fella, i mostly use it to browse book recs though. dm me for discord if you want

>> No.18238813


>> No.18239281
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>> No.18239439

No it isn't.

>> No.18239905


Oh, nice

I didn't know they changed that.

>> No.18240384

You inspired me to make an account bro, just add me. It's kinda hard getting recommendations on books since most of my irl male friends don't read and my female friends prefer romance and shit like that

>> No.18240594

what does it have that goodreads doesn't?

>> No.18240957
File: 449 KB, 467x520, 1618880083169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven´t read as much as I would like this year but here:

>> No.18241120
File: 731 KB, 2160x1536, image0-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started last year, add me if you wilt https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/109695702-jesuitstea
I'll pop back in tomorrow to check out this thread

>> No.18241949

This thread would be dead before tomorrow bro

>> No.18242009


ok, it's really nothing special

>> No.18242309


>> No.18242441
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>> No.18242446


>> No.18242454

i wonder how many of you skim or half-read shit just to inflate your numbers

>> No.18242466
File: 326 KB, 1539x1329, 1593717045849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I am a wannabe Weeb larper

>> No.18242497
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, apu sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't read the book I recommended

>> No.18242636

it's ok senpai i will get to it \o/

>> No.18242638

add me frens

>> No.18242807


>> No.18243037

How have you read that much since 2018? Or do you include reads from before you made the account?

>> No.18243070

librarything is infinitely better.

>> No.18243206


Add me if you have similar taste in literature

>> No.18243262

I try to read 50-70 books per year. About a third of them (90~) are from before I made my account.

>> No.18243858


Here is mine.

>> No.18243932
File: 4 KB, 128x94, pepocry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not me mon ami

>> No.18244072

I wanna read more

>> No.18244214

Goodreads has a nice UI, but their recommendations are honestly awful. I find Librarything is a lot better for finding new material.

>> No.18244834

Here's the invite to neo-/lit/ for those who wanted to join but didn't get the chance: https://www.goodreads.com/group/invite/1145736-neo--lit?invite_token=M2M3ZGVlYWUtZWViZi00YjY3LTg5NTAtYzNhZTNlYjc1NGQy&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copypastegroup

>> No.18244894


>> No.18245145


>> No.18245492


>> No.18245602

I only got added by men. There are literally 0 females in here.

>> No.18245631

Is that a problem?

>> No.18245635

Looking for friends:

>> No.18245678

If you want to talk to girls then make a tiktok.

>> No.18245725


Well I maxed out my friend requests for today so here's mine.

>> No.18246299

idk why it copy-pasted the previous link though, do not worry my old friend, i know who you are because i only have one recommendation :-)

>> No.18246306

w-why do you care

>> No.18246433

Maxed my friend reqs too. Add me if you want


>> No.18247799

Someone bully me

>> No.18247800

you gave burning chrome too many stars compared to neuromancer.

But you did read neuromancer so the booklist is based in my eyes

>> No.18247816

Reporting in from 5g mushroom trip, nope, no point

>> No.18247828

damn that link just straight up made me send a friend request. you win this time

>> No.18247850

you smell

>> No.18248100

Good list. It seems like you would love Simon Vestdijk's novels.

>> No.18248265

:) hello Involuntary friend

>> No.18248404

How can I find good non-fiction works?

>> No.18249547


>> No.18249654


Are you the guy who effortposts on /his/ about Jomon Japan? What is the one book you'd recommend regarding the period? I'm very interested in any research regarding the pre-Jomons and any information regarding the migration of Tungusic people into Japan during the Jomon period as well.

>> No.18250054

>Are you the guy who effortposts on /his/ about Jomon Japan?
Well shit, you got me. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I always try to enlighten my fellas with literature and legit studies, not with baseless claims
>What is the one book you'd recommend regarding the period?
Just take a look at my bookshelf. Junko Habu is pretty neat if you want to go in detail, as is Jomon Reflections for a more visually-based experience
>research regarding the pre-Jomons
Bro there's little to no material about this. No one's sure what happened in the paleolithic save for a couple of human remains and tools. You can read some snippets about Pinza-Abu, Yamashita, and Minatogawa cavemen around the web but I assure you we have almost no sources in English
>migration of Tungusic people into Japan during the Jomon period
Purely theoretical. The common argument is that because the Emishi were horse archers, they must've been Tungusic-related. There's no argument supporting this but there's nothing against it as well (besides genes I guess). Just add me or ask here about your doubts and questions bro

>> No.18251490

Are you a grad student doing work on Neolithic Japan or something? Very surprised there is so little solid evidence for Tungusic migrations. From what little I had gleaned from /his/ I thought that was relatively well established

>> No.18251679

Nah not yet, I'm just a japanophile on the health area right now. Studying old Japan and non-Yamato peoples has been a hobby for me for some years, so why don't I invest on that? I'm still considering it but due to living on a 3rd world shithole, I think I won't be able to properly achieve certain goals
>trusting /his/
That place is mostly filled with nutjobs, brother. Many delusional naggers shit up the board, but there are some good posts amidst the turds. Someone recently added another source on the Emishi Wikipedia page that has something to do with the Tungus theory but I haven't gotten around reading it yet. Good luck, perhaps you'll find something useful there

>> No.18253095

>someone versed
Have you heard of the Uralic hypothesis of Japonic languages? What do you think of it?

>> No.18253226

It's the first time I've heard of it. I can't say it's bulshit because I've not yet researched the theory but it indeed smells like bullshit. It's commonly accepted Japonic emerged on peninsular Korea or at least somewhere in Northern China/Far Eastern Russia
Search for Alexander Vovin's works, he wrote pretty convincing arguments for a common Koreo-Japonic origin

>> No.18253238

A woman added me from /lit/ once.

Also, you can make women friends on goodreads through male friends added on /lit/.

You are dumb.

>> No.18253247

more cringe than redditors going r/foundthemobileuser in youtube comments. you somehow managed to channel dwight schute or some office bullshit to make it worse

>> No.18253253

>2 days ago

>> No.18253523
File: 678 KB, 473x704, 1569243284825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine