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/lit/ - Literature

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18232837 No.18232837 [Reply] [Original]

Holy based.
Why are none of you pseuds talking about this??

>> No.18232840

Mainly because we don't want to talk to you.

>> No.18232842

>cultural logic
Fuck off to Frankfurt cunt
We like praxes here

>> No.18232855

What's the central thesis?

>> No.18232918

I only come in contact with this book because sociology/history departaments in my university, which are woke hellchambers so it formed a bad association my mind.
Also postmodernism is a retarded word for people who hate philosophy and reading.

>> No.18232953
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>late capitalism

>> No.18232962

I think i should stop coming here because I see basedjak faces in the cover

>> No.18232969

People used to talk about it. It’s just one of those things that goes out of style.

>> No.18232982

me too lol

>> No.18232987
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Anyone who swallows the blindpill, leaves this shithole.

>> No.18233000

I bet you swallow the semenpill too you fucking faggot

>> No.18233006


>> No.18233010

Then why are you still here pushing you shitty forced meme?

>> No.18233019

I am not gay you absolute faggot. You are thinking about swallowing the semen, not me. So this makes you fag, not me. I am talking about swallowing the blindpill not semen because I am not faggot, you disgusting semen dribbling faggot. Don't call me a faggot or gay.

>> No.18233023

You literally suck down on men's cocks and swallow their ejaculate

>> No.18233026

little gay faggot. little cum guzzle. little homo. I spit on you. fucking gay. you fucker you fuck men

>> No.18233046

Stop talking about how you fags like cocks and dribble semen. This is really gay bro. Stop being homosexuals just like me, I am not a homosexual, I don't even talk with men, right now I am talking with fags so this doesn't count as being talking to men because in order to be gay you have to talk with men not fags so this makes me a man and not a gay. Only semen swallowing fags with disagree with my post.

>> No.18233049

Because I haven't read those book.

>> No.18233054

There is literally nothing gay about swallowing semen.

>> No.18233056

Can't argue with this one.

>> No.18233083

If you swallow a woman's semen that makes you gay. Only swallow men's semen.

>> No.18233110

Hmmm.....But what if you just gargle it and don't swallow, is it still gay?

>> No.18233115

No that's fine. Remember to spit it out and wash your mouth thoroughly after gargling women's semen, or you'll get the gay.

>> No.18233128

Every Frederic Jameson book is at least 30% longer than it needs to be. One of the most notorious wafflers in English-speaking academia. There is an excellent essay on this in "Things Beyond Resemblance" by Robert Hullot-Kentor.

>> No.18233152

Thank you for answering my question.

>> No.18233165

i once heard a noise miles away at crhistmass time.

>> No.18233229
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>> No.18233263

Gotta start swallowing the blindpill. I really wish to leave this shithole.

>> No.18233269

Cause he's just right and there's nothing to debate about it.

>> No.18233726
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>> No.18233729

Kek they're literally s oyjacks,commies btfo

>> No.18234076

Because iirc it never devolves into an extended screed about gender and masculinity, and desu that is what 80% of the board is exclusively obsessed with.
Jameson is a cool guy

>> No.18234154


>> No.18234335
File: 850 KB, 945x1114, evilpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did it bros, we mentally branded and psychologically cucked anon with a meme.

>> No.18234430

If you read Jameson there's really little point in reading Mark Fishers stuff as he essentially copies half of his work.

>> No.18234640

There's little point in reading Mark Fisher to begin with.

>> No.18235334

Good one.

>> No.18235404

There's little point in reading Marx to begin with.

>> No.18235432

There's little point in reading to begin with.

>> No.18235611


No, it's showing off

>> No.18235642

There’s little point.
My penis is small.
there is.

>> No.18235653


There's not many people that read at all to begin with, and those who read usually prefer things that either have clear narratives or is at least prescriptive as far as nonfiction goes. Jameson and most other postmodernist authors are purely descriptive and this confuses the hell out of people trying to find "something right" or "something wrong" about works like his.

>> No.18235654


>> No.18235720

The thing lefties describe is real - the degeneration of social mores, codes, and cohesion leading to an increasingly atomized, unstable society - is real, but ironically they are more responsible for accelerating this than capitalism itself.

>> No.18235746

Has been sitting in my shelf for months but I haven't read it yet because the semiotic and marxist aspects are supposedly hard to comprehend. Should I learn those first? I have a basic understanding of marxism but I lack semiotic knowledge

>> No.18236166

kys unironically

>> No.18236182

>- the degeneration of social mores, codes, and cohesion leading to an increasingly atomized, unstable society
The belief that societies are stable at any given moment with so actors is peak utopianism. If anything, social cohesion failing is the fault of reactionaries for their inability to justify their cultural objectives persuasively.

>> No.18236423

If society were not stable, it would not exist. Regardless, stability is not a binary, it is a thing which can grow or diminish. Further, the idea that all that is required for something to endure in a cultural or social system is for it to be valuable or well reasoned is plainly false. Human time-preference is the root of these degenerations, and overcoming it is not merely a rhetorical exercise.

>> No.18236464

>If society were not stable, it would not exist.
Then you contradict yourself with
>Regardless, stability is not a binary
You can have a society with instability; these terms are not mutually exclusive. All societies have some level of instability because of the constant of competing of social interests be it economical or social. The infantile idea that social contract theory is totalizing, and represents the interests of everyone involved at any given moment is silly. In every system - there will be losers, people with out and what they do have real impacts on what happens to society when use their desire to seek revenge.
>Human time-preference is the root of these degenerations, and overcoming it is not merely a rhetorical exercise.
Gobbledygook. The root of this degeneration is the fact that cultural institutions you uphold have failed to be persuasive enough to justify their continued existence as living standards continue to decline, and you, and your ilk, fail to to take responsibility for that.

>> No.18236977

There is no contradiction. Stability is not a binary, but there is a point at which instability predominates and conditions within a society accordingly degrade.

>In every system - there will be losers, people with out and what they do have real impacts on what happens to society when use their desire to seek revenge.
The less people identify with the broader social and cultural system and thus disengage from or actively seek to subvert it and the political institutions associated with it, the worse conditions become for all involved. Crazy thing about democratic institutions: when a growing number of people cease engaging with the system, the system ceases to produce the outcomes those people desire.

Read more, shitpost less. It's laughable that anyone with a hair of interest in political outcomes would be unable to engage with the concept of time-preference.

>The root of this degeneration is the fact that cultural institutions you uphold have failed to be persuasive enough to justify their continued existence as living standards continue to decline, and you, and your ilk, fail to to take responsibility for that.
Persuasive to who. Persuasive against what. You also have the causation backwards.

>> No.18237000

That's their overt goal. Help "capitalism destroy itself" aka fuck up society beyond recovery and then magically create an epic hyper-industrialized reddit communist utopia out of those ruins

>> No.18237001


>> No.18237050

Me on the left

>> No.18237076

I've been reading numerous secondary primer texts and essays on post-modernism in all it's forms. Jameson comes up again and again but I haven't got around to him. What's his essential works with regards to art and culture

>> No.18237077

can't unsee

>> No.18237083 [DELETED] 

yeah jameson is worth it for his literary theory even if he's some goofy frankfurt marxist his lit theory is legit

>> No.18237103


get a load of this, he starts the lecture pointing out that people always spell jameson's name wrong, and on the yale course page it's spelled wrong! lmao

>> No.18237539

Does Jameson ever talk about growing up in Cleveland in any of his books? I'm from Cleveland

>> No.18238431

Agreed. Fisher and Zizek stole a lot of Jameson's stuff.

>> No.18238437

>late capitalism
Also known as "the corporate capitalist structure after it's been taken over by Marxists."

I love seeing Marxists claim that "late capitalism" is bad and proves them right when "late capitalism" has fundamentally nothing to do with capitalism and is caused by Marxism itself.

>> No.18238488

No one has ever been more filtered.

>> No.18238503
File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-no-society-can-surely-be-flourishing-and-happy-of-which-the-far-greater-part-of-the-adam-smith-27-47-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and your Marxist buddies don't know what capitalism is, least of all the ones running corporations in the west today.

>> No.18238519

>the marxists are the real capitalists
Bro, marxism is retarded but their critiques of capitalism are all very good and true.
Capitalism is cringe.

>> No.18238527

>the marxists are the real capitalists
No. The "late capitalists" are really just Marxists.

>> No.18238533

Phew, keep being filtered, I guess.

>> No.18238539

Keep being a seething Marxist I guess.