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/lit/ - Literature

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18232058 No.18232058 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading a couple of books from this chart, and I cannot seem to understand the purpose of these books.

The obsession with blood, perversion, feces, urine, shock, and other obscenities all piled together onto one.

Some written better than others, but most of them pointless, being nothing more than text being shocking for the sake of being shocking.

This is not to imply it should not exist, for it is still literature. And literature shouldn't be banned or bared by some arbitrary code of "art".

With that being said, what is the purpose of these books if the purpose is unclear even from the book itself?

>> No.18232059

To filter women

>> No.18232077

Bringing uncommon descriptions and evoking certain emotions that other works do not provide the reader with.

>> No.18232082
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>> No.18232114

Behead All Satan’s is great. Same with Call of the Crocodile. Some of the most disturbing kino of our time.

>> No.18232339

The best types reveal something about society or human nature. They present what we usually hide.

>> No.18232348


>> No.18233970

All 3 statements are completely true.

>> No.18233992

Anything on this list more fucked up than Allemann and Murakami? I need a book to filter an art hoe who claims she likes disturbing and decadent literature despite having a very generic reading habits.

>> No.18233998

>A Beckettian character, who may or may not be trapped in a room with four baskets full of infants, focuses obsessively on a single sentence "I fuck babies." This virtuoso text by Swiss experimental writer Urs Allemann won the prestigious Ingeborg Bachmann Preis des Landes Karnten in 1991 and caused one of the biggest literary scandals in the post-1945 German-speaking world. Translated now for the first time in a new bilingual edition with an introduction by translator Peter Smith and an afterword by Vanessa Place, BABYFUCKER belongs in the canon of twentieth-century provocations that includes Bataille's The Story of the Eye, Delany's Hogg, and Cooper's Frisk. For BABYFUCKER is, as Dennis Cooper says: "a stunning, exquisite, perfect, and difficult little benchmark of a novel that makes literature that predates it seem deprived."
what the fuck?

>> No.18234012

But girls like this stuff.

>> No.18234016

only if a man tells them to like it

>> No.18234120

I don’t really get a lot out of grouping all this stuff together under one broad “disturbing” category. I’m personally drawn to stuff that has an a element of horror or darkness to it although if I had to explain why I would struggle to do so. It’s partly because it adds just a little bit of a thrill when reading but it’s partly because I feel like it expresses something that I think is important, at least for me. There’s an inherent horror and tragedy about life, at least the way I see it, and I don’t really want to run from that. In fact, I find it appealing.

>> No.18234343

Yeah, most of the others.

>> No.18234412
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The Bighead licked his chops and tasted the dandy things: blood and fat, pussystink, the salt-slime of his own semen that he’d just slurped out’a the dead girl’s bellybutton. His bone had split her pussy right open; weren’t no fun humpin’ redneck pussy when yer rod were going in an’ out of a busted cervix an’ posterior wall. No sir. Girls ’round these parts, purdy as they was an’ few of ’em as he’d seed, they was just never big enough. No one were big enough fer The Bighead.

They called him The Bighead, on account of the congenital hydrocephaly, not that The Bighead hisself would ever know what fuckin’ congenital hydrocephaly was, nor, a’corse,would he know what a cervix ’er posterior wall was. His head were about the size and shape of a watermelon, big an’ bald, with big lopsided ears like squashed potato buns. Rumor was Bighead’s mama had up and died right off when she’d dropped him, and further rumor attested that The Bighead’s crooked awl-sharp teeth had et hisself the rest of the way out when the goin’s got tough. Bighead believed it. ’Corse, they coulda called him Bighead fer another reason too, that reason bein’ the 14-inch pecker ’tween his legs. Fourteen inchers, no lie, and wider than a reglar fella’s forearm. Rumor had it he’d been hard whiles bein’ born. Yessir, poppin’ a big stiffer ’fore he’d even et his way outa his mama’s cunt.

>> No.18234415

Give her The Sentimental Novel.

>> No.18234515

Can't find it anywhere to pirate and I am afraid of buying a physical copy of it

>> No.18234538

>The obsession with blood, perversion, feces, urine, shock, and other obscenities all piled together onto one.
Are you talking about the 1st book on the chart Salo cause yeah it's pretty vile but that work in particular has some very specific aims and purpose

>> No.18234547

Get her to read The Room by Hubert Selby, it’s an entire narrative set in a prisoner’s mind as he invents more and more horrendous revenge fantasies against the guards, and reflects on life before the prison.

Alternatively, get her to read Last Exit to Brooklyn, because it’s disturbing and violent, really well written, and has a lot of relevant themes about the underclass, loss of hope and the eternal struggle for survival. It’s the better book of the two.

>> No.18234603

>pointless, being nothing more than text being shocking for the sake of being shocking
>reveal something about society or human nature
why is this expectation that any art should have a point other than to simply provide an experience so prevelant? horror fans especially know that the best thing about it is the immersion and thrill. symmetry, craftsmenship, details and nuance all elevate it to a higher level but not a "point" or a message
this too. i think what you mean is morbid curiosity

>> No.18235364

Does "Blindness" seem out of place in this chart for anyone else? I've read it as well as "Blood Meridian" and "The Consumer", and both were much harsher than Blindness. From their reputation, books like "Babyfucker", "120 days of Sodom" and "Steps" strike me as much darker than "Blindness", too.
Other than that, nice chart, OP.

>> No.18235392

nah, girls make up the majority of the audience for transgressive literature (and transgressive media in general), which makes sense since the fairer sex has a higher threshold for disgust.

>> No.18236114

>think what you mean is morbid curiosity
It’s not curiosity though. There’s a certain element of the dark and horrific that actually speaks to me, in the way I imagine someone might find Dostoevsky speaks to them. I can actually identify with it even if I’m not literally a monster myself because in a less literal but more real way, yeah, I am a monster.

>> No.18236575

Buy it and give it to her. I guarantuee its gonna be totally worth it. 150 paragraphs of a father torturing his loli harem (including his daughter)

Alternatively, give her Juliette by de Sade. The sickest piece of art (including movies and games) I had a contact with.

>> No.18237048

American Psycho was such a letdown, everyone on /lit/ acts like it is some masterpiece but the protagonist spends as much time talking about wanking as anything else. Don't know why a straight man would want to hear about that.

>> No.18237096

De Sade's violence is so ridiculously over the top it becomes funny quite a few times though