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18230623 No.18230623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He is the modern day Hegel.

>> No.18230635
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Homosexuality should be illegal (punishable by death obviously) and healthcare should be free for all white citizens.

>> No.18230650
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>> No.18230652

He's pretentious and annoying but he's the best of the former alt-right/nrx, the least cringe of the bunch.

>> No.18230689

nice but thats not the question :) hes talking about health insurance :)

>> No.18230777

This but for brown citizens and homosexuality is considered a misdemeanor on the first report, and a second degree murder on the second.

>> No.18230845
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>entire brand is lamenting about Americans falling for muh neoliberal CIA propaganda
>post and simp for literal Chinese state propaganda
Logo is a joke

>> No.18230864
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>> No.18230892
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>> No.18230901

Is this fat or twig boy?

>> No.18230929

What’s more important— fighting the rise of China, or our own deep state?

“We can do both!”

Ok— but what if you could only do one? Which one is more important?

“I refuse to choose”

Means choosing the former over the latter considering we have the former & not the latter.

>> No.18231025

lowest bar of all time

>> No.18231054

I agree with the sentiments but I dont understand how faggots are keeping us from abolishing health insurance? Is it because they spend all that money on aids medicine?

>> No.18231718

Hi Logo
That hypothetical is totally pointless because it isn't and will never be a mutually exclusive choice. You can hate the American deep state without fellating Chinese state media

>> No.18231726

This guy is so insufferable. His ideas are empty bullshit that will have no lasting value whatsoever.

>> No.18231751

People who get their world view from logo, kantbot, bap, etc are morons.
People who get their entertainment from them are pretentious morons.

>> No.18231769

He's absolutely right though. China has solved modernity.

>> No.18231804

It would be smart to imitate some aspects of China's state capitalism, but bending over for them thinking the Based Chinaman™ is gonna save you from le neoliberals is retarded

>> No.18231818

Healthcare should be available to all Christian citizens, provided by churches and paid for by weekly church attendance.

>> No.18231858

China hasn't tamed or humanized capital in the way that reactionaries and communists would like to see. Their solution, while meaningfully different from ours in that there is arbitrary recourse against specific capitalists due to the lack of due process, does not change the basic western formula for governance, which is "rule by an enlightened cabal of technocratic elites stretched across industry and the executive bureaucracy". Political control didn't reign in or tame capital in China: they are codependent, as they are in literally every modern elite.

>> No.18231867

So he is the modern Hegel!

>> No.18231877 [DELETED] 
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I find your lack of historicism lugubrious, /lit/.

>> No.18231879


>> No.18231882

This is how I picture the average /lit/poster

>> No.18231890

>solved modernity
>It would be smart to imitate some aspects of China's state capitalism
China is literally everything wrong with modernity, and there is "state capitalism" is an oxymoron. You people are fucking stupid.

>> No.18231894 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 750x607, B430DAF3-FF0B-4770-9386-918D35B755B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how every couple of years he completely changes his beliefs based on which writers he’s enjoying larping as at the moment.

>> No.18231899

He used to post here a lot

>> No.18231908

Oh amazing le enlightened marxist is here to tell us about the *real* definition of capitalism

>> No.18231916 [DELETED] 

He’s just pointing out that people will care more about hedonistic consumption over real material issues.

>> No.18231926


>> No.18231939

If you’re a mid 20s guy and your opinions don’t change over 4 years that’s likely a bad thing. Hegel’s light of reason saved him from the benighted mysticism of Schopenhauer and Evola.

>> No.18231958 [DELETED] 

Bitch I’m lugubrious
You think that I’m new to this?
They call me logo daedalus
Cuz bitch I was made for this.

Spitting media ecology
Give you half my knowledge
Cuz you couldn’t handle all of me.

Got into Hegel now I’m all about the world soul
You tell me I need to lift,
Bitch you need to get your brain swole

>> No.18231963 [DELETED] 

It’s not a matter of opinions just changing. It’s going from one larp based on a weak reading to the polar opposite. Strong argument though, I had never considered that people’s opinions change before.

>> No.18231970

literally who

>> No.18232004

>I had never considered that people’s opinions change before.
oh yeah it’s something that happens. glad I could be of help in pointing that out to you

>> No.18232126

Prove it

>> No.18232139

Dengism is literally fascism. Modern China is a fascist state and fascism is based. End of of story

>> No.18232147

China really DID solve modernity. I have no idea how else you can maintain the soul grinder of modern existence long term without the Chinese structure.
Western society is doomed to collapse because it actively gnaws its own legs as it grows and elevates spiritual and mental animals to deity status. How else do you make modern society stable?

>> No.18232149

To be fair "rule by an enlightened cabal of technocratic elites" and "executive bureaucracy" are staples of Chinese government since basically antiquity, one can't really expect China to be of any recourse against the modern capitalistic iteration of it.

>> No.18232215

>rule by an enlightened cabal of technocratic elites stretched across industry and the executive bureaucracy
Government is always a “cabal” of elites at the top of industry and bureaucracy. Governments also must always employ the latest technology in their rule, or else that technology will me more sufficiently wielded in opposition against them. Enlightened government considers the health of a nation across a long time period, resulting in long-term national benefit. China is playing this long game. A government is unenlightened when it is myopic and fails to see the gradual benefit that can be reaped by uplifting the poor. It feeds its selfishness and pays a proportionate price to the sins committed. This is the US.

>> No.18232222

Cringe. Go back to >>>/pol/ and cry about the fact that America is inevitably going to become a none-white country and that a Black man is pummeling your future wife like the Black cock loving little slutty bitch that she is inside.

>> No.18232228

Imagine being Asian enough to write this

>> No.18232537

the entire current healthcare structure is built around keeping fags and their AIDs anonymous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Insurance_Portability_and_Accountability_Act

>> No.18232542

also don't know what the fuck this thread is about or who this tweeter fag is but that connection is absolute rock solid truth

>> No.18232608

I dont understand. Why must anonymous gay sex specifically be abolished? Does he mean to apply this idea broadly to all forms of cheap entertainment, essentially saying they are barriers to progress?

>> No.18233190
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It's for you.