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18229760 No.18229760 [Reply] [Original]

It's very sad that Foucault is dead and we are left with a shit for brains Chomsky. It's wonderful to see Foucault ask rhetorical questions that, after 40 years make him appear almost psychic. Mostly it's just wonderful to actually watch Foucault think, respond and say what he thinks. Foucault makes such obvious sense. Unlike Derrida who is incomprehensible, Foucault is so relevant it's astonishing. There is, I think, a sort of beauty in Foucault here. And I mean beauty, in its most subjective sense. His responses are elegant and precise. He never argues. He never justifies. He never interrupts. Yet every single comment is profound today. It's so beautiful. I never saw it as beautiful before. I watched it some time ago. Then, it was clever. Now, now it's beautiful. It's breathtakingly beautiful. It is, I think, his great contribution that he never says what he thinks. He says 'there are two possibilities and this one is my favorite.' He is preoccupied, in my view, less with his correctness, and more with why others are so sure. He does not know the answer, but he sees the question. And he questions even the question. And right there, he kills your confidence. For me Foucault is a port in a storm in a world that thinks it knows everything, where I reside and daily am sure of nothing other than what I believed yesterday was wrong. "It sounded like the truth, it seemed a better way, it sounded like the truth, but it's not the truth today."

He didn't win the debate. He slaughtered Chomsky. He evicerated him. Chomsky is rude, inattentive, and comparitively ignorant. Foucault warns him, in prophetic style of the consequences of his badly thought out idea of innate.

Foucault was too polite. Innate is a bad an idea as instinct.

Liberalism has become oppressive.

Foucault predicted it then.

Chomsky’s entire career after that debate has been nothing more than an attempt to recover.

>> No.18229803

>Be me
>Learn that Foucault actually died of AIDS
>Return to faith in God and the Truth
>Thank you AIDS.

>> No.18229832

>Liberalism has become oppressive.
>Foucault predicted it then.
Based retard didn't understand a word of the debate

>> No.18229846
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I've never watched this debate and never will, since I refuse to let the words of a kike and a sodomite poison my mind, but I must say that moderator is /fa/ as fuck. I dig his style very much.

>> No.18229855
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>Liberalism has become oppressive.
>Foucault predicted it then.

>> No.18229882

why are you actually afraid that someone might "poison" your mind? are that insecure that about your views? are afraid that they're so fragile that a talk on youtube could shatter them?

>> No.18229892

Why are you afraid that cyanide will "poison" your body? Are you that insecure about your health? Just drink some liquid cyanide bro don't be such a pussy.

>> No.18229899
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, Mad Men (2007) - S03E02 - Love Among the Ruins (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_10.23.564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember watching this debate and wondering why Foucault was even there. He seemed to have nothing to say whatsoever and was just conjuring up bullshit on the spot to talk about. You really got the feeling the meeting was planned by someone totally unfamiliar with either figure who thought their fame was grounds enough to bring them in public discourse together. There is no real subject over the course of the entire thing.

>> No.18229919

Every man of discernment from Plato to to Pope Benedict advocates for censorship and the avoidance of the repulsive/wrong. You don't have to be gullible to adversely affected in some way by propaganda, just giving it any mental real estate at all is a form of concession. That anon is based for disregarding what should be disregarded.

>> No.18229951

COPE sodomite

>> No.18229953

he didn't just win
he made that other guy look sick, Hal.

>> No.18229973

Chomsky is an automaton and Foucault was insane.
We're one for two, let's see Chomsky kick the bucket soon.

>> No.18229987

Shame Chomsky didnt die of AIDS too

>> No.18229994


This whole thing was so fake. The child rapist Foucault and CIA buttboy Chomsky both totally entrap the listener in pure Jewish thought.

>> No.18229998

that's a false analogy. why can't you listen to your opponents' arguments without your views breaking down? this implies your world of view is not well thought out.
>"if "Plato and Pope Benidict" advocated x, then x is valid" - argumentum ad auctoritate
the definition of gullibility is being unable to listen to your oppositions arguments without yours breaking down. that's the aim of philosophy, to think for yourself and be able to argue your stand efficiently against others, and how can you do that if you don't know the oppositions arguments? that's the ideal of Plato's Socrates.

>> No.18230145

Was Foucault actually a pedo or is it a smear?

>> No.18230172

watching this would be worse than suicide

>> No.18230399

please summarize Foucault for me in 3 sentences or less

>> No.18230437

>Foucault actually died of AIDS

that means he took dicks in the ass or fucked orcs. Those are the only ways you get AIDS

>> No.18230517

This thread would get a lot more responses and a lot faster on /pol/

I watched it years ago but cant remember it that well, I do remember thinking Foucault was a lot more interesting than jordan Peterson makes out, and chomsky was more interesting than he has been since.. chomsky comes across as arrogant, and I suspect Petersons foundations are rocked in some manner by Foucault, at the same time supposedly foucault was a pedo or something?

>> No.18230683

chomsky's generative grammar, which postulates a "natural and universal grammar" in the brain, vs foucault's grammar-as-episteme

they have things to talk about

>> No.18230713

>both totally entrap the listener in pure Jewish thought
Foucault is a based Heideggerian

>> No.18231540


>> No.18231548

is this a movie reference?

>> No.18231552

what the hell does Peterson hav to do withthis

>> No.18231573

Chomsky's innate theory re: linguistics is solid tho

>> No.18231578

yeah, your copy is in the mail ;)

>> No.18231581


>> No.18231585

right on pal :D

>> No.18231840


>> No.18232747

Ask me how I know you've never actually read the Republic.

>> No.18232763


>> No.18232813

I like the bit where foucault says the proletariat is incapable of evil.

—t. Proletarian.

>> No.18232822

I think foucault was confused and didn't understand the conversation, also I disagree with his argument even if it was relevant
Chomsky was right

>> No.18232832

what exactly Foucault didnt understand? For me it felt like Chomsky didnt understand Foucault and just fell back to repeating his own position. Foucualt at least engaged with Cmoshky's thought

>> No.18232854

Chomsky failed hermeneutic gap in the first half and said “I’d like things to mean things,” to which Foucault says,”That sounds nice, do you have any proof?” —“No ;(“ own goal.

Going into the second half Foucault is up one point. Then in the second half the question emerges should the proletariat be moral. Foucault shoots that fucker home. Chomsky is a bourgeois moralist. Foucault’s academic work and personal life may be abhorrent, but he knows we need to shoot the rich into ditches.

>> No.18232894

>foucault says the proletariat is incapable of evil.
Did he really say that?
I guess you could expect that from a gay marxist.

>> No.18232896

> watching faggot vs jew
Good goy!

>> No.18232921

What if I have no confidence in the effectiveness of ‘argument’ at all? I really don’t see any guarantee that it will allow the best idea to be propagated.

>> No.18232943

>bro why are you scared of poison, just drink it bro it doesn't matter

>> No.18232959

Foucault was a self-centered prick who's arguments are on the same level as twitter socialists who pretend to always know exactly what a person at the other end of the internet is thinking. If he was alive today he'd be BFFs with Michael Moore.
It's nothing but projection and strawmen and that one course in college about his "discussion analytics" has eaten more of my braincells than all my bingers combined.

>> No.18232974

Liberalism by definition is not oppressive. All the liberal institutions have merely become filled with progressive authoritarians who believe anything is justified as long as "the good guys" are doing it and they identify each other purely by language rather than actually expressed morals. Look at the braindead bootlickers in media and entertainment like Cuomo or Lemon who literally don't know where in the constitution it says that protests have to be peaceful or who rant on about "sexism" and "racism" and then turn around to honk their coworker's tits or rant on about Terry Crews being a coon. They don't believe an iota of what they preach.

>> No.18232985

Evil isn’t a relevant category and the proletariat’s historical self manifestation is materially immanent. So yeah. Shoot the rich.

>> No.18232989

Who is rich anyway, to me somebody upper middle class might be ''rich''. Also, why shoot them if I might want to be ''rich'' one day.
Clearly, you only should shoot some of the ''rich''.

>> No.18233004

So the word “proletariat” refers to observable lived experience of wage labour and capital. This provides the guide to production of solidarity and whom to shoot. Also shooting the rich is generally counter productive but not wrong.

>> No.18233014

>wage labour
What is that exactly? I seen wagies have better lives than my father who owns a small business repairing cars, electronics, because town shrunk and there are less customers and his health is not getting any better either.

>> No.18233034
File: 46 KB, 750x1086, based department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never watched this debate and never will, since I refuse to let the words of a kike and a sodomite poison my mind
Unfathomably based

>> No.18233039


>> No.18233052

Watch this again anon. Foucalt wasn't defending Marxism, he was pointing out an inconsistency in his opponent's framework.

>> No.18233063

Then why should you believe that you already have the best ideas? You are constantly bombared with message from the social and commerical arenas every day of your life.

>> No.18233067

This kike already seething uncontrollably that people don't consume propaganda

>> No.18233073

Its about the relationship, not the standard of living (utilities are incommensurable, as proven by bourgeois science remember).

Yes, Foucault wasn't advancing a positive defence of Marxism. He was developing a critique of Chomsky's liberalism on a theoretical basis which was essentially Marxist. Not tankie: Marxist.

>> No.18233090

I don’t believe I have the best ideas and I’m not sure I ever will. Its a bit of a paradox it seems, but I’m not sure that means it’s wrong to think that way.

>> No.18233116

It's not. That guy is a sophist. If your worldview is that communists are poisonous, why would you continually go against your principles just to get mind poisoned? If you're a Christian, you don't have to listen to Satanic cults, and if you're straight you don't have to try gay sex. You should do what's best for you, not meaningless arbitrary activities to "challenge your worldview".

>> No.18233157

Sounds like you're against freedom of speech in the first place, why are you even on 4chan? You should go to some Christian website where all the heretics get banned then.

>> No.18233163

Eehhh, I’m not so sure. I feel partially I should be capable of digesting all information presented to me but it should all be received critically. You know what I mean? Though, I also feel that even this should be challenged. Really, my greatest fear is that I’ll be incapable of doing what’s right while maintaining this view. Then again I’ll likely not commit too many atrocities this way.

>> No.18233194

>I feel partially I should be capable of digesting all information presented to me
You're just falling for sophistry. Being capable of digesting it, doesn't mean you should seek it. And almost no brain is above being influenced by propaganda; we're all humans, and repetition and affirmation can change your thinking. No human is purely rational. Once you thought about an argument, you don't have to spend the rest of the time still listening to detractors. I personally read a book from Foucault, and I found it disgusting. If I'll read another book of his, it will be in another year or more because I'd rather spend my time reading greater minds.

>> No.18233204

Why is no one responding to this? I feel like someone just dropped a bag of gold into my hands.

>> No.18233230

People are reading, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jacques Ellul

>> No.18233231

>Innate is a bad an idea as instinct.
the idea that everything is constructed is the same as bad and have the same problem of power. (why a construction is better than another?) and specially can perfectly end in something oppresive too. (this construction is true, i prove it with my own premises)

>> No.18233254

Interesting, I think I’ve had him recommended to me before, I was turned off by him being an anarchist though.

>> No.18233260

People with views you disagree with have written things that are true. Make sure you take a look at whatever you are recommended and decide for yourself, independently of the author's personal views, whether or not it would be interesting to you.

>> No.18233335

This is kind of unrelated but I think I have an irrational fear of reading books like these. Aside from the possibility for propaganda, I’m afraid that I’ll somehow stop thinking for my self on these matters and simply refer to the esteemed literature. I know there are obvious benefits to being able to see what other people (likely smarter than myself and more experienced) have thought but I’m still concerned. I’ve seen so many people who seem to absorb a book and let it take over their identity altogether though, that’s more of an issue with the former concern.

>> No.18233339

Just read the bible afterwards

>> No.18233346

Maybe it’ll be too late.

>> No.18233350

This anon and his kind is why Plato said art should be banned. Some people are too easily influenced and next thing you know they join a charismatic fascist leader or a schizo marxist revolutionary.

>> No.18233386

You mean uneducated people who hardly read anything in their life and treat every next idea they encounter as an epiphany. Sounds like an educational system's fault to me.

>> No.18233388

I’d like to think Im not really like that. I mostly don’t read because I’m lazy and what I posted is essentially cope, but I know what you mean. I wonder if there is any solution for this, people seem to enjoy being propagandize quite a bit.

>> No.18233398

1. Have you ever actually thought for yourself? Give it a try, and you'll eventually figure out how impossible it is. Every single person operates within a framework of assumptions and ideas that are inherited from previous generations. The most important of these were outlined in a few treatises several centuries ago.
2. The only way for you to escape is to realize that objectivity is not real. There is always a framework of values and interpretation from which one views the world and which colors every single thing one does, says, reads, and writes. The only way out is to consciously think through one's own assumptions and the assumptions of the work one reads, read broadly enough in time and across the ideological spectrum to know what the frameworks and their genealogies are, and to consciously choose for oneself what framework to adopt.
Everyone is shaped by propaganda. There are no exceptions.

>> No.18233420

Hmmm interesting points anon, my only fear is that someone might do as you say and have any kind of confidence in their free-thinking.

>> No.18233424

You seem to have a lot of strange hang-ups. I suggest that you ignore them and just keep moving forward.

>> No.18233432

Doesn't have anything to do with education. Some people are just naturally more suggestible.

>> No.18233439

How much more? Are some entirely

>> No.18233448

Yes. They have Down Syndrome.

>> No.18233452
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unfathomably based
ooohhhh you're seething

>> No.18233454

The master race...

>> No.18233456
File: 11 KB, 480x360, chomsky_v_buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always lose to Chomsky in debates?

Here's the premier Conservative Intellectual Buckley debating Chomsky on Vietnam and getting BTFO


>> No.18233469

Chudsky probably had his CIA handler dose his opponent before his debate desu.

>> No.18233473

chudsky and fagcult

>> No.18233483

I don't know if considering Foucault an unperson is an attempt at trivial abuse on your part or a compliment of the highest calibre given the failure of the humanist project as bourgeois morality.

Calibre was deliberate there.

>> No.18233487

>Are some entirely un-suggestible?
Yes, fanatics like Trotsky and Codreanu would not stray from their path no matter what.

>> No.18233500

One could argue that they’ve already been swayed to one side and therefore compromised. My concern isn’t that people will be wishy-washy, I’m afraid of thoughtless conviction.

>> No.18233508

You probably need a degree of mental/emotional instability to join the ranks of thoughtless conviction. Most people get fired up for a few days at most and then return to their usual needs and worries.

>> No.18233515

Yes but that forgets any possibility of subconscious effects or conditioning, though maybe I’m too much of a determinist.

>> No.18233522

Based. Fagcault is a fraud.

>> No.18233532

How much of a normie are you? The more oxytocin you have in your blood, the more likely you are to believe stuff.

>> No.18233550

I didn't understand your reply sorry

>> No.18233555
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>> No.18233558


>> No.18233559

>Everyone is shaped by propaganda. There are no exceptions.
So pedantic as to completely miss the point. The fact that no one is immune to propaganda does not entail that everyone is equally susceptible to it.

>> No.18233567

I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood your reply to begin with. I think I meant to say that simply being exposed to information can’t help but cause some kind of butterfly effect, though I believe you weren’t saying otherwise.

>> No.18233571

jews puke psychotic garbage out of their mouths...they are a nasty pest
you should avoid jews, not delight in conversing with them
just treat them like the social lepers they are
avoid people who spend time with jews

>> No.18233572

Of course anon, but I think the point that is typically made when someone says that is to remind the reader that they themselves are not immune to propaganda. Though you may be different.

>> No.18233587

Chomsky is correct about recursive language. Non-recursive languages are extraordinarily primitive, and the cultural divide between humans who speak them and everyone else is unimaginable. however, there is nothing particularly beautiful or satisfying about recursive language, and the human beings who do not speak it happen to have abilities to use their voices to sing and hum and chirp that is considerably more pleasant than the mechanical construction of Russian doll sentences. Look at the Piraha people for an example. It is hard to argue with a simplicity of living that puts every modern human being to shame.

>> No.18233637

Jesus is going to come back soon and he will save those who believed in him... all the sodomites jews leftists atheists satanist elites heretics, they're all gonna burn.. GOD WILL PUNISH THEM FOR ALL ETERNITY YES BURN

>> No.18233643

Oh yeah

>> No.18233731

>Everyone is shaped by propaganda. There are no exceptions.
what is propaganda for you?. there is a point where people like you mix indistinctly propaganda with communication.

>> No.18233798

>this is what /lit/ has turned into

>> No.18233806

Communication can be propaganda. The question is one of whether or not the communication has the effect of influencing the consumer's basic attitudes or patterns of behavior in some way, whether by means of reinforcement or by means of instillation of something new.

>> No.18233887

what i mean is that you are shaped by communication, not by propaganda. i listen to many people inflate propaganda to the point that is indistinguishable from any "honest" communication.

>> No.18233898

You're going to hell you leftist communist. All those who reject Christ will burn

>> No.18233900

This is stupid. Your mom telling you to go to the store is not propaganda. Your teacher telling you that war is wrong is propaganda. Art, movies, books, lectures, music, murals, pictures - anything can be propaganda. Direct communication is only one form of propaganda.

>> No.18233921

>>this is what /lit/ has turned into
A source for plain-spoken truth?

>> No.18233922

Certainly not an irrational or unfounded fear. Most people should avoid sophisticated propaganda material whenever possible. Clever, carefully thought out long form propaganda can be very impactful as you noticed, people who read only one book may find themselves in very deep trouble. If you are only going to read one book best play it safe and read none at all, or pick one that will be hopelessly lost on you for the experience. On the other hand you won't lose out by becoming a bit well read.

Easy rule to follow for dilettantes: Start with the Greeks and stick to the classics.

>> No.18233924

triggered like sjws that get triggered at everything that is a bit more right, f r a g i l e

>> No.18233935

> triggered
No, it's simple hygiene, you dork.

You wouldn't eat suspicious sausage from a dumpster, would you?

Foucault and Chomsky and other degenerates arguing in bad faith are as disgusting and as bad for your mental health.

>> No.18233956

Mental health is not real. The only thing your mind needs is Jesus, everything else is just a trick of the jew

>> No.18233965

>Direct communication is only one form of propaganda.
thanks for confirming my point. also, from your own point of view my mom telling me to go to the store is one form of propaganda.
what you mean when you say "everyone is shaped by propaganda".

>> No.18233971

No it's not. Go read the damn book instead of deliberately misinterpreting my words.

>> No.18233989

lmao, stop coping so fucking hard. Its not hygiene, its trying to cover up your intellectual weakness by dismissing the thing that threatens your ego.

>> No.18233995

well, its like you dont understand. i put it more simple.
if your mother tell you that war is wrong/right then its propaganda?.

>> No.18234008

I've already explained myself and given you a recommendation. Go read the book.

>> No.18234047

>given you a recommendation
not to me.
seems like you are
a) too busy
b) too stupid
c) thinks everything is in a book of other (like a good propagandist consumer sholuld do)

>> No.18234073

Nah, he's correct.

>> No.18234083

no, both of you are wrong

>> No.18234098

What fascists books have you read?

>> No.18234223

why do you assume my views are the opposite of fascism? You little twink weakling cant even think outside your little binary box

>> No.18234271

You didn't answer the question

>> No.18234314

because its a shit question, sorel and gentile. Foucualt's theory isnt even political, it makes no normative claims.

>> No.18234319
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>> No.18234339

I did read the Republic ya cunt. Now read the Laws, tranny

>> No.18234363

So you only read "fascists" inspired by Marxism?

>> No.18234369

He's completely right though.

>> No.18234377

Is calling everyone a tranny the new basedjack? Why are crypto-kikes always so slimy?

>> No.18234492

>It is hard to argue with a simplicity of living that puts every modern human being to shame.
These sentiments are all desperate projection. You have a terrible modern life. I am happy. You should learn to distinguish between "I am a failure..." and "Society has failed me!" The latter almost never happens, especially for the hyper-privileged manchildren that inhabit 4chan.

>> No.18234506

>You have a terrible modern life. I am happy.
>You should learn to distinguish between "I am a failure..." and "Society has failed me!" The latter almost never happens, especially for the hyper-privileged manchildren that inhabit 4chan.
Imagine posting this on a Mongolian basket weaving forum for pedophiles

>> No.18234526

Sophist Frenchman Vs philosopher yank

>> No.18235278

what are some fascists that were not inspired by marxism?

>> No.18235548


focault played stupid games (sodomy) and "won" a stupid prize (AIDS)

>> No.18235591

>129 posts
>52 IDs

>> No.18235795


>> No.18236161

This is a good discussion but there is a moralization in the background that isn't being acknowledged. You say:
>this implies your world of view is not well thought out
But who said we were required to think out our world view? Who says that there is any benefit in doing so, and even if there was a benefit who and how would it benefit?
> Have you ever actually thought for yourself?
What does this even mean? I'm genuinely curious, because you've yet to explicate what selfhood consists of
>Every single person operates within a framework of assumptions and ideas that are inherited from previous generations
But yet this is still a framework you are imposing, and even then can you PROVE this framework? How do you know this is the case? From reading previous generations? But even then how do you know that it isn't you who are doing the imposing, not some virtualized "past"?
> The only way for you to escape is to realize that objectivity is not real.
Part of the reason why this site pisses me off so much is that you assume what these words mean is at all agreed on or settled prior to your usage of them. Especially "objectivity" and "real", what do you mean by these? AND above all, you presume not only that there is "escape" but there is an implied moralization that "escape" is desirable.
> There is always a framework of values and interpretation from which one views the world and which colors every single thing one does, says, reads, and writes
Yet this interpretation is supposed to be the transcendental one, right? This is supposed to have the high ground over every other interpretation.
> The only way out is to consciously think through one's own assumptions and the assumptions of the work one reads, read broadly enough in time and across the ideological spectrum to know what the frameworks and their genealogies are, and to consciously choose for oneself what framework to adopt.
Like I said previously, why is a "way out" desirable? Especially when you say "consciously think", what does "conscious thought" consist of? I reference Nietzsche when he says this: "Only now does the truth dawn on us that by far the greatest part of our spirits activity remains unconscious and unfelt"
> Everyone is shaped by propaganda. There are no exceptions.
Prove it. Have you observed every person, and confirmed this? And even if you "could", how would you know your observations were adequate and you did not "miss" anyone? Is this kind of statement "provable" in the first place?

>> No.18236237

To a certain degree the first example is propaganda. Why? Because it implies that the store is the place to go for getting things. It also implies a power imbalance between parent and child.
My take on it - do what you will with it - is that whether or not the content "is" propaganda, it does not matter. What matters is the significance of the content, and the physiological reactions to said content, along with the demands of the content. It would be a mistake to use some quasi-metaphysical category of "propaganda" to evaluate media. It would be better to evaluate it via something more primordial, like resonance with yourself

>> No.18236240

Very well put. It's seems this "we can do it because we're the good guys" is almost impossible to argue against but becoming more widespread. It's like an even more insulated/narrow-minded version of ends justify the means.

>> No.18236979

We are reaching levels of sophistry that should not be possible.
I will say only this: Induction is a form of proof. To demand that induction meet the standards of deduction is to demand the impossible.

>> No.18237009

>Was Foucault actually a pedo
Possibly, but there's no real evidence.

>> No.18237054

These anons must be real frail of mind to think their beliefs would crumble faced with different ideas as their body would from poison.

>> No.18237228
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>It's very sad that Foucault is dead

>> No.18237249
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French charlatans refuted by Maestro (pbuh)

>> No.18237261

Foucault was a faggot how you could ever thing Chomsky is worse is beyond me. Foucault denied innateness like an utter retard.

>> No.18237321

Your obsession with intellectualism is what makes you a subhuman. Truly intelligent people just are.

>> No.18237346

it's poison because it exists to invoke uncertainty and deny truth.

>> No.18237359

>Liberalism by definition is not oppressive.
Cringe bugman opinion.
Back to discord, tranny.

>> No.18237740

I hate frog posters, poltards, and brainwashed imbeciles like you. Foucault was a fucking faggot.

>> No.18237746

>incapable of refuting argument
>resorts to name calling
Yeah you're an idiot and probably a wagie or incel neet who is too stupid to read anything of value.

>> No.18237848

Dangerously - and I do mean DANGEROUSLY - based.

>> No.18237910


>> No.18237920

A Jewish apologist and oriental faggot puller

>> No.18237986

>Not tankie: Marxist.
The average poster on /lit/ can't see a difference.

>> No.18238017

i really do appreciate foucault
please try to read him anon, hes actually very introspective and not as insipd as you might think. he is very aware of the reduction to absurdity a lot of hard stances take.

>> No.18238042

I’m not here for the average, son. The average /lit/ poster believes that the author exists.

>> No.18238063

That's fair. Though, the author continues to exist as a function of discourse.

>> No.18239335

Then who wrote the book, smart guy?

>> No.18239343

First of all, I'm not a "guy". Second of all, I refuse to partake in discourse with the average /lit/ poster.

>> No.18239423

And god continues real as a character.

>> No.18239457

This but unironically. High intelligence makes you immune to propaganda.

>> No.18239511

Not true at all

>> No.18239553


>> No.18239565

10 iq retard cope