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/lit/ - Literature

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18229401 No.18229401 [Reply] [Original]

This maybe goes on advice but its heavily related to this board:
> learning to sleep 4-5 hours naturally without drawbacks(Buteyko method,in case you're curious)
>Also started following warren buffet's reading(So far Im reading 120 pages a day,small case text)
>have an avaible literature coach/teacher, who's also a published author

Should I give up going to university(which is free here,BTW))and focus on writing and reading? Any realistic reason I ,myself, won't be able to make it?

>> No.18229421

>Warren Buffett
How is he supposed to help you?

>> No.18229441

Zoomers don’t read. Become youtube influencer or tiktok idol instead.

>> No.18229444

>hould I give up going to university(which is free here,BTW))and focus on writing and reading?
No you idiot go to college, it's literally free education (I am jealous). It might give you the chance to interact with like-minded people and work with interesting material.

>> No.18229445

He says "read 500 pages a day" as advice.
Of course, proles can't do that,but im not a prole so I dont care,I could realistically do it if set my mind to it.

>> No.18229458

>(I am jealous)
What happened to the hiearchical nature of western society?the commies have gotten your mind,lad.

>> No.18229467

Reading 500 pages a day is easy when you're rich as fuck and can sit on your ass all day reading.
And to answer your question, it does take talent to be a writer. The bonus of going to uni is that you can still get a corpo done job if you don't have talent.

>> No.18229470

>Buteyko method
I'm googling this and it's giving me breathing exercises to treat asthma. How does that let you operated on 4 hours of sleep?

>> No.18229473
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>> No.18229481

I feel an almost sexual admiration for lower class men who accept things as they are and embrace hirarchical-ism.
truly sons of the Dharma

>> No.18229483

>What happened to the hiearchical nature of western society?
I do not like this hierarchy, as I happen to not be at the top of it. It would be nice to have free college.

>> No.18229489

google buteyko sleep.its kind of wim hof method

>> No.18229501

>as I happen to not be at the top of it.
regardless,it is your grave duty to embrace it. Should the dry ground say rain harms life just because it hasn't graced him with her refreshing kiss?

>> No.18229541

Serfdom, it's a thing.

>> No.18229563


>> No.18229565

Are there any avaible theological(?) texts defending serfdom as an institution?

>> No.18229606

>do I have any chance of becoming a pro writer?
>lists a bunch of stuff that isn't writing
I don't know, man. Write some stories.

>> No.18229614

>I am the 53%
What does this mean?


>> No.18229632

>be prole
>embrace Religion
>recognize its due and proper for you to work 16 hours a day while the capitalist has a gold-plated jacuzzi
>such are the Heavens;hiearchical and unequal

>> No.18229640

Cucked by capitalism

>> No.18229662

capitalism is a mild form of marxism
>no hereditary professions
>no birth-based caste
>social mobility is possible
>women can own property
>no institution of mobility

rothbard,friedman,mises, etc, were all cypto-communalists

>> No.18229667

*institution of nobility

>> No.18229668
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oh shit

>> No.18229688

wow this is an amazing post

>> No.18229698

Marxism is a post-capitalist ideology. It's literally written in Das Kapital which you have not read

>> No.18229771

>What does this mean?
Romney reference
47% comment

>> No.18229772

>>no hereditary professions
irrevocably false
>>no birth-based caste
true to an extent
>>social mobility is possible
>>women can own property
This is not inherent to capitalism. Capitalism has existed as a system without giving women the rights to property.
>>no institution of nobility
Only in name.

>> No.18229789

Buffett, along with all other business tycoons, do not read anywhere near what they report reading themselves or what they suggest others should read. I doubt they read much at all, and likely very little of what /lit/ would suggest. These page counts are about building personal mythologies.

>Any realistic reason I ,myself, won't be able to make it?
Make it to where? Having a billion dollars? Do you have generational wealth? If not, then you likely won't become a billionaire.

>> No.18229790

proto-marxism is a thing tho,such as practiced by some agrarian-ist taoists for example,or radical anabaptist groups

>> No.18229800

Likely all of them, given when they were composed.

>> No.18229801

>What does this mean?
It was a fake statistic that conservatives made up to battle Occupy Wall Street.
Basically were trying to say that 47% of Americans either didn't work or didn't work enough second jobs.

>> No.18229810

>no birth-based caste
In capitalism, generational wealth is the stand-in for a racially based caste.

>> No.18229858

But it's very egalitarian to allow the have-nots to (technically, plausibly)become havers, letting the nobility lose their status if wrong decisions,etc
Also an incompetent son would squander his father's fortune, I guess.
I admire the patrician rules and staments of the roman Senate,where a required amount of wealth was needed for eligiblity.

>> No.18229876

>But it's very egalitarian to allow the have-nots...
That's certainly a possibility within the system, but typically wealthy people hold onto wealth and poor people fail to accumulate it, regardless of acumen, chance, and the like.

>> No.18229895

>and poor people fail to accumulate it
this is socialist propaganda,unless a man leaves home at 18 so he can get hookers into his apartment without his parents noticing, it's rather easy for a poor to become middle class.
Rejecting multi-generational householding has caused more poverty than 50 trumps combined.

>> No.18229954

>it's rather easy for a poor to become middle class
It's literally not though. That's why so few people do it. And this has nothing to do with Trump or socialism; though, I think this is partially a contemporary issue that could be ameliorated within capitalism, and I'd agree that the push toward the nuclear family and away from multi-generational housing has certainly impacted how well families can produce and retain generational wealth.