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18223516 No.18223516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can only Jesus from the Bible save you?

>> No.18224054

I dont think so.
The Bible is a collection of books by fallible mortals (though the various authors may have been inspired in varying degrees).
But the Bible itself doesnt have some magic property that makes it infallible or the one and only source of religious truth for all time.

>> No.18224057


>> No.18224172

Save me from what? The imaginary threats illustrated by that same bible?

>> No.18224173

A stunning an insightful post, I agree!

>> No.18224176

The question is directed more at Christians who believe such a thing, but you can share your opinion on the matter if you want.

>> No.18224187

thx ily

>> No.18224194
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only Jesus from the anime adaptation can save you

>> No.18224258
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>the Bible itself doesnt have some magic property that makes it infallible or the one and only source of religious truth for all time

>> No.18224338

Formulate an actual argument instead of posting pictures of yourself.

>> No.18224401

>didn't get trips
sorry, there is no supporting indicator for me to respond in depth

>> No.18224409

Thats the only solid account of Jesus, so yeah

>> No.18224625

He already gave all his teaching, all you have to do is follow it.
There are some apocrypha which I think are still valid.

>> No.18224629
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If Urantia claims are true and its a recounting of the life of Jesus by Angels who witnessed it, then it would be an even more solid account than the second-hand accounts of fallible mortals.

>According to the large majority of critical scholars, none of the authors of the Gospels were eyewitnesses or even explicitly claimed to be eyewitnesses.[58][59][60]
>All four gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are anonymous works.[76] The Gospel of John claims to be based on eyewitness testimony from the Disciple whom Jesus loved, but never names this character.[77]

>> No.18224706

If better and more accurate accounts of Jesus' life and teachings were discovered, would you believe them or just deny them solely because its not the Bible?

>> No.18224730

Not them but I wouldn't find it trustworthy. Whatever God wanted there was put into the Bible, that's all we need.

>> No.18224748

What even is the Urantia?

>> No.18224785

fake and gay

>> No.18224793

>fake and gay
Probably is, but I've seen this book brought up a whole bunch of times. Whats the big deal?

>> No.18224805

All that one needs to know is that it isn't the Bible.

>> No.18224832

Its an anonymous book purporting to be a revelation of God authored by angelic personalities revealing religious truth, correcting errors of the Bible and expanding on the life and teachings of Jesus.

>> No.18224838
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Where in the Bible does it say religious truth or teachings of salvation can only be found in the Bible itself?

>> No.18224844

Saying its a divine revelation is an immediate red flag desu.

>> No.18224848

Unless it actually is one

>> No.18224859
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Not a Christian, but I'll give my secular perspective on it. Jesus represents the archetypal perfect man. He's competent (tradesman), compassionate, and uses his abilities to help improve the society around him. He threatened the local power structure and they had him killed for blasphemy.
One notable bit I am fond of is his time on the cross, especially the point when he's in so much anguish that even the most perfect man created truly feels that God has forsaken him and cries out. The man that many have put their faith in has been punished by the very people he loved, tortured and humiliated even he loses his faith for a moment. The onlookers mistake this as a cry for help from the prophet Elijah, and one of them offers him the most miniscule act of kindness, a bit of spoiled wine/vinegar out of a sponge to quench his thirst before he finally dies. Throw in some earthquakes and ghosts. I think the lesson is that you can do everything right, and you can still end up getting fucked over by control freaks. Love thy neighbor and don't give in to tyrants. Dude gave out a lot of good common sense advice for making the world around you a better place and even killing him didn't stop his message and story from propagating to the present day.
>"You die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time" t. Banksy
They killed the man, but the memetic ghost he left behind was resurrected and continues to live on in anyone that will internalize his story and message.

>> No.18224863

Thats true, anon, but you have to sympathise with us Christians (unless you consider yourself to be a weird new age christian.) A lot of religions, like Islam claim to know the real truth of Jesus based on supposedly divine truth. Why should a christian trust this urantia over the bible, when the bible also has the good graces to admit its an account of Jesus's life written by men?

>> No.18224865

Starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation.

>> No.18224965

It literally doesnt; why are you trying to weaken your position?

>> No.18224983

>It literally doesnt
Right, it does so allegorically with 100% clarity.

>> No.18225028

>allegorically with 100% clarity
How does it do so, its not readily apparent so why do you draw such a conclusion.

>> No.18225035

Anon, just accept both books and move on. You can say you believe in both, if it helps.

>> No.18225104

>t. satan

>> No.18225213

>t. enlightened syncretic omnism

>> No.18225522

Lmao, don't worry, I don't believe in the Urantia, just the bible. Just trying to get the anon to stop making these threads.

>> No.18225555

>doesn't capitalize "Bible", much less put "Holy" in front

>> No.18225653

Didnt know you disliked it, I wont make threads about things you dont like ever again.

>> No.18225704
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This fetishizing of the Bible as the be all end all of religious truth needs to stop.
Its akin to worshipping the Bible as God.

>> No.18225740

Seems like God himself disagrees, behold these >>18225555 quad 5s of (You) being wrong.

>> No.18225761

>Can only Jesus from the Bible save you?

>> No.18225765

>Numerological superstition

6. Divination, sorcery, and witchcraft are superstitions of ignorant minds, as also are the delusions of magic. The belief in magic numbers, omens of good luck, and harbingers of bad luck, is pure and unfounded superstition.

>> No.18225783
