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File: 131 KB, 1024x682, 37AD4DAA-6A86-4B26-81C4-8C4C6B4A61C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18223345 No.18223345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> The cheapest sort of pride is ethnic pride; for if a man is proud of his own race, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. It should come as not surprise that those who extol the superiority of the white race are often the worst examples of it.

Was Schopenhauer right?

>> No.18223355

He was right about fucking everything

>> No.18223359

Libertarians/aut-righters aren't nationalists though

>> No.18223363

Schopenhauer (who I have not read) seems to be impliyng ethnic pride is mutually exclusive with other pride.
I can take pride on my skill and intelligence, or my strenght, while I take pride of my ethnicity as well.
That said pride for nation is much more based than pride for ethnicity.

>> No.18223364

It's easy to say that when you live in a racially homogeneous society

>> No.18223365

I'll bet he couldn't push that big guy down a flight of stairs.

>> No.18223367

Cringe. He was right about women though.

>> No.18223374

This does not mean Schopenhauer would have been open to mass migration, giving positions of powers to non-Germans (e.g., he warned about Jews gaining power), or a culture of endless shame over "past transgressions".
Regardless, yes, Schopenhauer is correct it is better to be prideful over one's achievements, but this does not bending over backwards to destroy your communal and racial identity.
Afterall, Schopenhauer believed lighter skin generally correlated with higher intelligence.

>> No.18223377

>Schopenhauer (who I have not read)
Stopped reading there.

>> No.18223412

Circumstantially, like most things.

The main point can be ascribed to any in-out group relationship though, weither its based on a mental, physical, or cultural one, it abstracts the point to nothing but an general notion.

Of course, he does not mention the particulars of the abstraction that causes it to be in the first place.

Also, is pic related ethnic pride? Just dont see it besides the one iron cross maybe, and thats tangential, unless its a point of a correlative demography, which kinda goes against the spirit of the quote to begin with.

>> No.18223420

Yes but the image you posted is unrelated
These people show no signs of ethnic pride

>> No.18223427

Those people are city dwellers. They look like that.

>> No.18223429

They are quite obviously members of the alt right and it’s a safe bet they are white nationalist sympathizers

>> No.18223440

It s more about being proudful of your own personnality

>> No.18223449

He said national pride, not ethnic. Nice try, though.

>> No.18223450

Thats both typecasting and creating an inverse pride which goes against the Schopenhauerian spirit.

>> No.18223455
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The one in the middle is probably too full of himself and his sublimated will to be a racialist. The true overman, whose mere presence weighs upon those who are more different from he than men from animals.

>> No.18223468

Meh I getbit but its a decent abstarct to feel a bit bigger than just yourself and not so abstract as being "human" which is even more meaningless for feeling pride outside yourself

>> No.18223487
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Is modern "nationalism" even about pride, though? The way I see it it's just people not wanting to be ethnically replaced.

>> No.18223507

I think it is a good general abstraction to reap some level of essential quala for people who are not philosophically minded. There is merit to how you and yours does x thing, particularizing it and embodying some essence of particularity and perspecual stability.

People will do that regardless of if they critisize in-group-out group relations, the only difference is that they are two degrees removed from authentic expression rather than just one, and they huff their farts thinking that they got out of the recursive cycle while just being a more fallacious and less authentic recursion of it, not seeing the potential truths and understandings of how things came to be, but instead thinking that they are separate from it..

>> No.18223528

ethnic pride =\= ethnic solidarity

>> No.18223533


>> No.18223540
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>> No.18223545

I am constantly amazed when I see European nations using languages other than English. Don't get me wrong, I approve, but I always assumed that with the EU, German/French/etc. was being phased out for English.

>> No.18223554

Good. I wish to live in a world of Anglos. Or at the very least, a world of a handful of major cultural groups instead of 120,000.

>> No.18223555

>solidarity means you're literally being replaced!!111
honey time to take your meds

>> No.18223563

That is disgusting. Why destroy so much art and culture?

>> No.18223565

W-what? Why would that be the case? Are you retarded and speak only one language?

>> No.18223571

Don’t you have a border conflict to worry about Chaim?

>> No.18223573

>muh westurn art and culture
Holy shit read more books

>> No.18223577

>It's not happening
>They're just an internet strawman
>You're crazy
>Actually it is happening and its a good thing
>It was always like this

>> No.18223581

Take your meds and stop imagining predetermined caricatures on the other side of the screen.

>> No.18223591

I speak three languages, but that's not relevant. It's safe to assume that the EU wants everyone to switch to English, that will make the process of making them into one country easier.

What are you on about? You're saying that you want there to be only a few cultural groups. That implies the extinction of a great deal of culture. And you're the one bringing "the West" into this, in my eyes the various cultures of the world are all important.

>> No.18223595

>*retroactively prevent future art and culture from being destroyed
I prefer to think of it as. Having way to many smaller cultures, just creates woe when other cultures conflate, subsume, and replace them. thus retroactively creating a sense of oppression and loose. Japan is seen as such a cultural peak due to cultural cohesion and supremacy on their home island, destroying minority cultures and creating a macro one rather than 30000 fighting tribes all fighting to preserve the little culture they have. You can be assured of your cultures safety and its continuation without competition.

>> No.18223600

It's incredible how you lot spout the same exact dreck every time. Do you even have an inner monologue?

>> No.18223606

Dump his ass in Baltimore and see if that doesn’t change his tune

>> No.18223614

yeah Cleetus any moment now

>> No.18223751

You’re the one holding the position of the institutions of power and the status quo. Ask yourself that question.

>> No.18223756

Libertarians shouldn't be, but many are. And authright is most often very nationalist.

Weak memetics

>> No.18223761

It's a good way to find yourself ruled by foreign ethnic groups.

>> No.18223769

When you simplify it down to simply being proud of your skin color them sure, that is foolish.
Pride maybe isn’t the right word, but why shouldn’t you be honored to be descended from X people who built something great that you have the chance to maintain and improve?
There is a lot of nuance on this topic

>> No.18224061

Only two types of people want to burn everything down in a world war.
Those who lack capital of the mind and the wallet. And those who lack experience and self restraint.
The former are the poor junkie scum of society, and the latter are teenagers

>> No.18224078

He's right,yes.

>> No.18224268


>> No.18224271

Based triple dubs

>> No.18224289

because you didn't fucking choose to descend from them. Its like being proud of your age or your height

>> No.18224311

Look at what has happened to Western countries that have abandoned all sense of ethnic pride and solidarity and there's your answer.

>> No.18224473

>That said pride for nation is much more based than pride for ethnicity.
Only amerimutts who don't have 20 different ethnicities in them could even get to the point of saying something like this.

>> No.18224548

You made up the last sentence and it shall be obvious to anyone who knows that the "white race" was made up in the 1940s. This is an anti-semitic quote meant to bring the Jews down to the level of gentiles. The gentile is ruthless in his hatred and will gladly create infighting within his own race if he can score a couple points against the jews. Pathetic.

>> No.18224563

(This is actually just a set up for a joke if you read it in context.)

>> No.18224574

>because you didn't fucking choose to descend from them. Its like being proud of your age or your height
They chose to have me descend from them and I can either respect that or I can buy hot dogs and go on cruise ships

>> No.18224658

>Its like being proud of your age or your height
It’s really not. There is nothing that binds people of the same height or age together.
Tribalism is human nature. You don’t have to be a nationalist if you don’t want, but the other 90% of the world who don’t hold a neoliberal globalist worldview are going to be nationalists regardless, and trying to go it alone based on some altruistic ideal is suicide

>> No.18224666

You didn’t choose to your family either faggot yet I’m proud of their accomplishments.

>> No.18224677

This, it's kind of like what lefties say about capitalism : you may not be interested in it but it (the nationalism of others) is very much interested in you.

>> No.18224682

For those of you taking the bait, I present to you Schopenhauer's actual quote (translated into English):

>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.

>> No.18224695
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Checking those digits, Satan

>> No.18226311

You didn't choose to live in the first place, end youself golem.

>> No.18226319

>It should come as not surprise that those who extol the superiority of the white race are often the worst examples of it.
The concept of the white race didn't exist in Schopenhauer's time. You're fake and gay

>> No.18226508

>the process of making them into one country
yeeeaaaaah....that won't happen lad

>> No.18226514

american "libertarians" are literally just conservatives

>> No.18226516

those things are not opposites in non-mutt minds nigga

>> No.18226529

It's good that someone posted the actual quote. The quote is about the blindness to a nation's faults. It is, indeed, a problem when a man is setting aside his principles, in favor of the rest nation.

>> No.18226602
File: 79 KB, 1024x734, 5D426917-3E91-4A40-9262-BB7FE42DF5B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scripted response

>> No.18226799

Urban myth