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18221899 No.18221899 [Reply] [Original]

It would seem that nothing can be more adapted to stimulate and to feed curiosity than the aspect of the United States. Fortunes, opinions, and laws are there in ceaseless variation: it is as if immutable nature herself were mutable, such are the changes worked upon her by the hand of man. Yet in the end the sight of this excited community becomes monotonous, and after having watched the moving pageant for a time the spectator is tired of it. Amongst aristocratic nations every man is pretty nearly stationary in his own sphere; but men are astonishingly unlike each other – their passions, their notions, their habits, and their tastes are essentially different: nothing changes, but everything differs. In democracies, on the contrary, all men are alike and do things pretty nearly alike. It is true that they are subject to great and frequent vicissitudes; but as the same events of good or adverse fortune are continually recurring, the name of the actors only is changed, the piece is always the same. The aspect of American society is animated, because men and things are always changing; but it is monotonous, because all these changes are alike.

>> No.18221955

Tocqueville's good, though out of vogue now because he isn't "radical enough."
The reason why the democratic changes and vicissitudes are so consistent and identical is precisely because democracy is a legitimacy-laundering engine for an hereditary aristocracy.

>> No.18222129

Nap 3 was based fuck him

>> No.18222375
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That's not what he's saying. He is saying that Americans are psychologically uniform. In fact that is exactly why democracy leads to diversity, because Americans have historically been masters at conforming immigrants and eliminating their individuality. American democratic cultural imperialism lead to globalization too, Mishima sums it up well in pic related.

>> No.18223307


>> No.18223633

The changes he sees are not the same but coordinated, and they are not the totality of the American mileu but the most strongest parts, the parts that reproduce more successfully and provide more power to those who adopt it. And there are more than one of these strains, geographically separated. Something something Albion' seed.

>> No.18224466

where is this aristocracy you speak of?

>> No.18224478

Was Mishima always this narcissistic?

>> No.18224484 [DELETED] 

>because Americans have historically been masters at conforming immigrants and eliminating their individuality.
Let's remember that he wrote this when blacks weren't an issue but just simple slaves. Back when the US was mostly of British sock. Americans haven't solved the black issue.

>> No.18224505

Lets be honest Asians are starting to piss me off

>> No.18224576

Asian Americans are more uppity than niggers.

>> No.18224672

>he doesn't know

>> No.18224929

In Scandinavia

>> No.18225956

baby brain bitch

>> No.18226007

well he was gay so...

>> No.18226043

i don't understand, how has democracy lead to diversity if the body body politic is psychologically uniform? i don't see anything inherent in democracy that leads to diversity vis a vis immigration. until recently i'd propose that immigration that would make a more diverse citizenry was not in any literal sense a democratic decision. it's more akin to >>18221955, meaning the aristocracy (capitalists) could have done it in a system other than democracy; it's not necessary to have the people's consent via democracy to achieve diversity.

>> No.18226083

Mishima was right on the money

>> No.18226211

Holy fuck. Mishima was right.

>> No.18226588

If Clinton had won in 2016, 4 of the last 5 presidents would have been surnamed Clinton or Bush. That's clearly an oligarchy, this isn't disputable at all. Look at Liz Cheney or the Cuomo family or some shit

>> No.18228277

in 2004 both presidential candidates were skull & bones members

>> No.18228295

that's not diversity, that's a single subject with different colored washes. diversity must necessarily extend into subjectivity. just like how the elite are okay with new members of the elite coming in various shades as long as they're 100% on board with the neoliberal project.
>you can have an ideology you want as long as it's globalist capitalism

>> No.18228302

you still can't swing a dead cat at in an NGO meeting without hitting a rockafellar

>> No.18228367

Tocqueville still has the best description of how American society differs from European. America is like a single enormous community while Europeans are extremely individualistic and hate each other. Even today this is still true to some extent, American tourists in Europe are a meme because they're so obnoxiously loud and overly friendly.

Today America and Europe are democratic and multicultural. In America this is not really a problem, despite certain far right outliers who say it is, because American culture has always absorbed the individual and raised the community as high as possible. In Europe it is the inverse, where the originality of the individual is celebrated. This is why Europe historically had so much individualist philosophy and art while America in this area is bankrupt.

When it comes to multiculturalism this is a huge problem for Europe because Europeans do not have the cultural steamrolling ability that America does. America is going to be minority white in 20 years and nobody gives a shit. Meanwhile Britain has withdrawn from the EU and France is about to break down into civil war over immigration issues.

>> No.18228386

Lasch talks about this in Revolt of the Elites

>> No.18228403

Interesting take. Not to get off topic but all your allusions to diversity in America omit the fact that until 1965 Western Europeans were heavily preferred. So yeah you were absorbing different people, but mostly from the same stock.
The question remains to be seen whether this can be done with vastly different cultures....fitting a round peg into a square hole.

>> No.18229131

He probably means oligarchy not aristocracy.

>> No.18229166

> Mishima was right
Ironic replies considering Japan is arguably the single most culturally distinct first world nation today...

>> No.18229434

>until 1965 Western Europeans were heavily preferred. So yeah you were absorbing different people, but mostly from the same stock.
You are screaming into a pillow. Try as I might, I can’t even get people to acknowledge that this was the reality. In the early 1900s, the majority of New York City was of European stock and yet if you tell people this, they will mock you and act as if that’s a lie.

>> No.18229440

>Today America and Europe are democratic and multicultural. In America this is not really a problem
I thought you were smart until you said this. Utter fantasy, far right or not.

>> No.18230234

It's might as well be the 51st state of USA, what are you talking about?

>> No.18230255

Its distinct in degeneracy. Japan pioneered the design and use of elaborate sexdolls and the rise of sex-crazed shut-in nerds. Japan is the first country where me, preferring to marry holograms or drawings rather than actual women is becoming a serious, nationwide concern. Has nice buildings though.

>> No.18230276

Have you guys listened to this yet?


>> No.18230283


I like to fuck asian women though. So they can stay. Gas all the orcs and the skaven and the libtards

>> No.18231377


>> No.18231464

Please don’t speak to things that you know little about and have no direct experience with.

It’s more like Japan is the first country to unwittingly implant this phony caricature of what it actually is in the minds of impressionable Westerners but I do see your point.

>> No.18231721

anymore based quotes?