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/lit/ - Literature

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18217340 No.18217340 [Reply] [Original]

Name authors that never attended university and wrote amazing literature.

Pic is the first one that comes to mind.

>> No.18217351

I didn't go to book school, I went to books.

>> No.18217373
File: 166 KB, 1057x1600, Thomas-Hardy-1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally unironically just go to the library.

>> No.18217386
File: 158 KB, 939x1258, 1FA9091A-9DD9-4A79-B3CE-08B04DED932F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clark Ashton smith only attended high school yet he had fantastic prose and a delirious imagination. He became erudite on his own time largely.

>> No.18217399

Both admirers of Schopenhauer btw.

>> No.18217428



Tolstoy went to university only to receive bad grades and disdaine the teachers for having given him the expectation of brilliant lectures and then offering only mediocre meditations.

He reports how, as soon as the teacher started speaking in the first class, he got bored and started drawing caricatures in his notebook.

Another funny episode is an occasion when he was punished with another student to spend the night in a room where the students had to stay as a chastisement. He spent the night imitating the teachers and explaining to the guy (who must have been as sleepy as hell) how he, Tolstoy, would change teaching methods if he was responsible for Kazam University.

If I'm not mistaken the first time he tried to go to university, he got grades that were way too low and wasn't accepted, which made him so furious and with pride hurt so much that he locked himself in his room and stayed a week without wanting to talk to anyone.

Some time during his period on the University he had to be hospitalized for gonorrhea treatment.

He never finished any course.

>> No.18217453

Most of them.

>> No.18217476

Steven King

>> No.18217782

E E Cummings didn't go to college iirc

>> No.18217798
File: 12 KB, 177x225, richard-wagner-minna-planer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here lies Wagner, who came to nothing:
>Decorated not even by the crummiest order;
>Couldn't lure a dog out from behind the stove;
>Didn't get even [so much as] a university doctorate.
>Hier liegt Wagner, der nichts geworden,
>Nicht einmal Ritter vom lumpigsten Orden;
>Nicht einen Hund hinterm Ofen entlockt 'er,
>Universitäten nicht mal ’nen Doktor.
- written before the success of Rienzi

>> No.18217807

Unbelievably based

>> No.18217985

Funny how much I relate to this, but I, like the idiot I am, just threw money at the bursar until I got a degree 6 years later.

>> No.18218064

Basically all of them.

>> No.18218345


Well, Tolstoy inherited a large property from his family and basically didn’t had to work to earn a living. He only needed to look out for how the administrators where handling the property and that was it. A degree didn’t really matter to him as a source of income.

>> No.18218354

Billy Shakes

>> No.18218661

McCarthy dropped out only after 2 years to work as a mechanic and write his first novel.

>> No.18218670

It didn’t really matter to me either. I just felt like a retard and didn’t want to face my family as a dropout or be a NEET. It was a huge mistake in retrospect.

>> No.18218680

You mean the majority of all writers?

>> No.18219652

No, just writers of amazing literature.

>> No.18219717

>It was a huge mistake in retrospect.

>> No.18219732

pretty sure dude went to harvard

>> No.18221141

Hermann Hesse

Ran away from seminary school, tried to commit suicide, got put in a mental asylum, recovered and finished a college preparatory course, got a job as a clock tower maintenance worker, got a job in a bookshop where he read and wrote, became the best writer of self help fiction ive come across, , spent most of his adult life in the countryside with his family surrounded by nature, won the Nobel Prize in literature.
Dude figured it out and made it.

>> No.18221163

It just wasn’t worth it. My parents stopped funding me in my final year and a half and being basically a kid I had to take out student loans to finish. So I piled up a bunch of debt for a degree that I didn’t even really want while I spent the entirety of my early 20s just sort of wasting away in a provincial-ish college town out in the middle of nowhere. Then, because I had the degree, I proceeded to spend the next 3 years floundering about trying to put together some sort of career predicated on that degree, which was also a mistake. I can’t say it’s even paid off for me financially. There has really been next to no upside thus far, a total waste of time, effort, and money.

>> No.18221322

Charles Dickens never went iirc

>> No.18221330


>> No.18222108
File: 305 KB, 1068x1524, laiseca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about this one.

>> No.18222472

What self-help books did he write?

>> No.18222556


>> No.18222573

Gore Vidal never went to University after graduating from Phillip Exeter Academy.

>> No.18222599

>I had to take out student loans to finish
>had to
Nowhere else in the world but America people are so quick to get in debt. Do you motherfuckers know about working or is college plus a job too hard for burgers? Every time I see someone complain about student loans I can’t help but wonder how the fuck are Americans so fucking dense. It’s unfathomable everywhere else to get in debt for a lifetime over a degree. What the fuck is the matter with you people?

>> No.18222618

...who wants to tell him?

>> No.18222681

The majority of the novels he's written that i've read contain many elements of self-help and for want of a better term, they're self-help fiction, i.e Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, Narcissus and Goldmund.

>> No.18222763 [DELETED] 

Think of all that hacks and nobody writers that came from schools.

>> No.18222792

DH Lawrence

>> No.18222824

Don't get the impression of debt that Americans tend to give. Like anything, they enjoy exaggerating how bad it is because that makes it more interesting. Debt is not fun, and ideally you'd have none, however student loan debt is a very specific sort of debt. It is designed to be paid back. Those who lament having student loan debt into their 30s can do so because the required payments are low. Not to mention, the cost of going to your State's college is equivalent to what it costs to go to an English or Canadian university. Those spouting off 6-figure numbers, you must remember, deliberately chose an expensive private college that didn't award them any scholarships. Which, is the other thing. American colleges will shower you with money, especially if you're poor. I had a friend whose total cost went from 70k a year to 600, because he is poor (no he is not colored).

>> No.18222833
File: 21 KB, 292x475, HPMOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.18222887

I know people who came from complete poverty and worked two jobs to put themselves through college and never once in their life they thought “well maybe if I get a cheap house’s worth of loans I’ll get through it”. It’s the stupidest shit ever.
And it’s not like Americans get caught off guard because it’s a constant topic everywhere; I know about it and I have never set foot in the US so I can only imagine the horror stories that American students hear about every day.
Getting in debt to go to college is not even a distant, remote possibility for anyone not American. It’s absolute nonsense.
The fact that there are absolute retards who end up in six figure debt for a meager four year degree blows my fucking mind, even if they are outliers in the big stupid game of getting in debt for college.

>> No.18222950

Was the first author that came to mind

>> No.18223171


>> No.18223436

Right, I think people aren't willing to admit that they picked an expensive private school over a state school because that would be admitting to the fact that they've spent 200k for what is essentially an ego project. Being able to say you went somewhere cool and expensive is nice, but not 200k nice