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/lit/ - Literature

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18216810 No.18216810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about F Gardner. Why does this board love his books so much? Is Call of the Crocodile actually that good?

>> No.18216815

Fuck off F Gardner

>> No.18216825

I dont think anyone on this board has read him or plan to.

>> No.18216837

is that the women posting L's dude

>> No.18216838

how long will the mods let this horrible shill campaign go on? could you be more obvious you fucking retard??

>> No.18216904


>> No.18217027

lmao is it tho?

>> No.18217561

>Is Call of the Crocodile actually that good.

It was fine. Arcade was significantly better. I don’t understand why people talk about Crocodile so much by comparison. Haven’t read the rest.

>> No.18217605

This is a great writer

>> No.18217610 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18218076
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>> No.18218093

It's the power of insane amounts of shilling. He's even spent a ton of money on ads, the madman.

>> No.18218101
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This is just based desu

>> No.18218109

>using the library

>> No.18219005

The Cringe Goodreads Author
The Chad 4chan Author.

God Bless F. Gardner.

>> No.18219338

>Why does this board love his books so much?
not his books, but him. he has neither talent nor skills, but he does his thing anyway. he is bold apu pepe in the flesh.

>> No.18219386

the modern A Pickle For The Knowing Ones

>> No.18219411


Listen, Fag Gardner, /Lit/ is not your personal army/fanbase/market. Please kindly fuck off to reddit, where you may discover others of your ilk

>> No.18219428

>Implying it’s even him

>> No.18219436

Wrong. Like it or not he somehow built an entire fanbase from 4chan.

>> No.18219451

This and the People Mover shilling makes me think most of you are Mormons.

>> No.18219468

Nah. I’m in a discord with Gardner. He’s a Catholic.

>> No.18221179

No he didn’t, there’s clearly a very committed handful of you who have never read the book doing all of this. You have really obvious tells; you only ever take one of five given routes in defending him

>> No.18221197

he shills his stuff on acidmarxism as well. apparently he was threatened with homelessness which might explain all the effort to sell books. he ended up begging for donations over there as well. feel bad for him

>> No.18221386

I don’t feel bad for him.
If he’s facing homelessness he should get a job at Wendy’s, even if he were a good writer he’s not paying the rent through Amazon self-publishing dollars.
Secondly, and most importantly, his writing isn’t just bad it’s atrocious. It implies complete disregard for self-editing and no attempt at peer-review. It isn’t the errors that make this wrong (although they are abundant and easily corrected— it truly feels like Gardner is ESL imo) it’s the fact that a lot of us who want to be good writers already do this here or scribophile or some other peer-editing site. He’s foregone this in what I see as a blatant attempt to buy meme-fame by pushing them hard on these message boards before actually working in his craft. I’m more than willing to support someone who gives an honest effort, but it’s offensive to me that instead Gardner wants to buy admiration while me and many others here slave and sweat over our work.

>> No.18222180

He's lying.

>> No.18222271
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If you can't enjoy his writing, you don't have a fucking soul.

>> No.18222374
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If you enjoy his writing you have no brain. Pic related is a just a sample; Gardner writes like he has never spoken to a human being in his life.

>> No.18222412

>some random out of context sentence

You’re just like the guy who said his books are “edgy” without posting proof. Because you probably are the same guy.

>> No.18222420

It’s obviously the same poster. Every single person who seems to actually read these says they ended up liking them

>> No.18222446

>no proof
bro, this is TEXTUAL EVIDENCE. get that through your fucking head, and it's not the context, it's the repetition of what's obvious because Gardener doesn't know how humans think:
>he nods his head
>in agreements
>after he heard the patients words
(let that sink in: Gardener is actually telling you a character has 'heard someone else's words, and is responding' in case you didn't understand how speaking worked)
>"i understand"

it's obvious you shills are the same fucks anyway-- the posters in these threads never go up, and they keep getting bumped with shitpost that literally NEVER ADDRESS THE TEXT.

you fucks are so obvious it's cringe beyond belief. let Gardener know I'm actually reading his schlock, and I'm going to keep letting people know how bad they are every time these threads are posted. I'm at chapter 4 and it's god awful, giving me plenty of ammo, so please continue. if you are a sincerely interested reader, then you should benefit from the discussion of the actual words in the book, as opposed to the hints of a twist or some of the other clickbait nonsense you all use to push this shit.

>> No.18222451

point me in the direction of someone who both claims to like the books AND can reference something in the book; saying 'I liked the spooky vibes, it was like [corny horror movie] and I liked the twist' does not count

>> No.18222477

>got ammo
shoot. shoot away into thin air. I'm listening.

>> No.18222491

I read the first three chapters and it is indistinguishable from anything you'll find at the magazine rack in your local grocery store. The only thing he needs to work on is grammar.

>> No.18222511

- you need to start paragraphs when someone starts talking. it's incredibly disorienting to have to figure out who is saying what in one block paragraph-- and then you CHANGE paragraphs in the middle of one characters speaking. why? this is so confusing and makes the already awkward convos even more so

- people talk in this book like they've never spoken before. when the dad and his son are having a convo in the theme park about how much they love it, they're literally saying shit like
"I sure do love this theme park"
"yes, and it is fun to be here on Halloween"
"I agree, it is a fun thing to do"
like, beyond how awful they sound, why the fuck do we need conversations like this? Gardener has a real problem with overexplaining the obvious, explaining action through dialogue is the biggest problem. later on one of the brothers and a priest basically guide us through everyone's thoughts by just thinking shit like "why did he say that?"

-there is a huge overeliance on reference to make the book seem a lot headier than it is. Gardener frequently will just say "it was like [book title] the way the character did this." no subtlety, no elegance, just X happened in the story, the same way it did in this other one. and THEN he actually fucking elaborates to make sure the reader knows what he's referencing-- like he is so smug for being aware of Dante's inferno and then believes simultaneously he must be the only one who has.

- run on sentences, with a repetion of nouns. again stems from his lack of ability to understand what the reader can infer, and a presumption they don't get it at all. the typos are so numerous it's aggravating. I'll have more as I read on

>> No.18222515

>let Gardener know I'm actually reading his schlock

Other than a sentence describing a character nodding their head, you've posted nothing that suggests you know what the content of the books are about.
Nice try attacking by claiming others are guilty of what you're guilty of. The number of posters didn't go up after your post either. Everyone can see that you're the one samfagging.

>> No.18222516

Just admit that you don't fucking get it.

>> No.18222519

okay, 1, the magazines I read generally don't suffer from grammatical errors, so it's a useless comparison if that's your condition.
and 2, this is not evidence, its a meaningless argument. tell me something specific from the first three chapters you liked, beyond just what you felt. the technical errors are jarring, and you've acknowledged them so why did they not remove you from the story? what was so engaging about said story? I really don't believe you when you've said you've read the book; this assessment wouldn't even qualify as a blurb

>> No.18222524

>you need to start paragraphs when someone starts talking

Wrong. There is no rule for this. It's not a law. Gardner has his own style.
The fact that you think there's some kind of rule about this proves you have no read much beyond contemporary trash.

>> No.18222526

literally just point to something good in the book lol you could just go read a sample on amazon and you wont even do that
shills are lazy these days, sad

>> No.18222536

keep seething. I've got one sentence and you've got fuck-all.
also I already made clear I'm samefagging just like the group of you, only difference is I'm reading it and am prepared to discuss its literary merit.

>> No.18222540

>It's not a law. Gardner has his own style.
what a sad sad cope. I don't give a fuck about your 'style' Im telling you it's needlessly disorienting. besides, relying upon 'muh style' without ever having shown your actual chops is just called being a hack.

>> No.18222542

This seems to unironically be the case. I've heard of people seethe at the classics because they just couldn't comprehend them. Their complaints are very similar to what I'm seeing here. Low IQ accusations of the books being "dumb" or that the characters "talk weird." Amazing how timeless idiots like this are. They existed in the days of Shakespeare and are still around today.

>> No.18222554

>I don't give a fuck about your 'style'

Oh my goodness. He's resorting to accusing me of being F. Gardner (PBUH) himself now. Classic.

>> No.18222559
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>can't even fucking use commas right
>but everyone else is low IQ for not like getting it or whatever
get fucked. it's so insulting you'd rush this crap out and blast it all over 4chan while the rest of us actually bust our asses trying to write well. you're a fucking moron.

>> No.18222582

We get that you had to google Dante. Don't take it out on him for your lack of education.

>> No.18222634
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>still can't rely on text
reading is tough, huh?

pic rel is another huge issue of Gardner's: tense. the man goes back in forth, sometimes in single sentences with his tense. I'm sure the 'muh style' cope will rear its head at this, but all of this issues are consistent throughout, without even being broken up by variables in pacing. it's the tell-tale sign of someone not reading their own work, done thoughtlessly and filled with typos instead of elegantly and elusively.

>> No.18222708

Don't mock us autists for being autistic and let us have fun.

>> No.18222744

Stop shilling and I couldn’t give less of a fuck what you do

>> No.18222750

>it's so insulting you'd rush this crap out and blast it all over 4chan while the rest of us actually bust our asses trying to write well.

Oh man. I thought the whole "psueds are jelous that an animefag published his books" thing was just a meme. Looks like it's true.

>> No.18222772

no, the pseuds are the ones giving free advertisements because they want to be in on the in with a new /lit/ meme. It's sad that they'd even consider doing this, and it's fucking pathetic that they can't even bring themselves to read the book they supposedly adore.
cope however you see fit, just don't forget that the one problem with your plan is that people might actually read the book and see there is absolutely nothing there of worth.

>> No.18222799

>they want to be in on the in with a new /lit/ meme

Lurk more. The meme books have been here all year.

>> No.18222818

lol not even a fucking argument. seethe more little shill.

>> No.18223321

>my shitposts count and yours don’t

>> No.18223329

reference to the text is not a shitpost— it’s unironically what this whole board is for
coping about how no one likes your low IQ meme daddy, and not even having enough of a brain to read the book your shilling makes everything you post inherently dogshit.
See you in another half hour when you bump the thread again

>> No.18223373
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>Oh man. I thought the whole "psueds are jelous that an animefag published his books" thing was just a meme. Looks like it's true.
Why did you believe it to be a meme? When all the signs were there.

>> No.18224145
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Saved from another thread

>> No.18224647


Shilling F. Gardner is most fun because of your lunatic overreaction to it. We're like the Joker to your Batman. I wouldn't spray people with the lethal happy gas if Batman didn't get so butthurt about all the smiling corpses. Face it, we complete each other.

>> No.18224676

Holy fucking christ kid, go outside

>> No.18224691

Kek imagine falling this hard for bait

>> No.18224697


>> No.18224802
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>> No.18224830

this dude is still "ironically" shilling his ebook?

>> No.18224858


i think it's mostly others (if not all) at this point. A good number of people probably read Call of the Arcade since he gave it out to this entire website for free. Honestly he has a genuinely unique marketing approach. Gardner literally memed himself into being an author.

>> No.18225016

Wow, I'm no fan of F(aggot) Gardner myself, but you just sound pathetic

>> No.18225024

>t. Faggot Gardener

>> No.18225072


Stop making those homophobic remarks about his name. His name is F. Antonio Gardner. Get it right, bigot.
Who cares if he has sex with guys or not? Why is that relevant to his artistic abilities as the greatest/only author to ever come from 4chan?
Get with the times homophobe. It's 2021. Time to put your bigotry behind you and seed and feed.

>> No.18225158
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>> No.18225465

>like he is so smug for being aware of Dante's inferno

He does the same thing in Call of the Arcade but with Faust instead of Dante's Inferno.

>> No.18225509

That actually sounds really cool.

>> No.18225544

This guy is never going to make it as an author but it's fucking funny meming him on /lit/ lmao. I'd be surprised if he's even made $200 in sales total after putting up sitewide ads for half a year.

>> No.18225556

We are all F Gardner.
We are all midwit hacks.
He was the only one with the balls to publish and shill.
And his shilling has earned him a success and a fanbase.
He is the person we all aspire to be.
But none of us have the balls.

>> No.18225577

Speak for yourself. I’m published i just don’t shill because I don’t respect any of you anyway

>> No.18225583

>I’m published
getting publish via /lit/ makes you even worse.

>> No.18225586

>getting publish via /lit/
what the fuck does this even mean? /lit/ is a message board... what?

>> No.18225595

To give him credit I don’t think what he’s done has ever been done before. A self published writer from 4chan. Who somehow has the budget and resources to do what most people need a publishing house to do. The amount of dedication and money this is probably taking is insane.
Sounds to me like you don’t want to put yourself out there. Publishing is competitive and that’s what you need to do fren

>> No.18225620

Sounds to me like you don’t know shit about 4chan or publishing. Keep at it, shill

>> No.18225629

Very well said if ironic

>> No.18225658


I like F. Gardner but there are other self published authors on here (myself included). His budget is probably not a lot for the 4chan ads, less than $1000 for sure. The cost to saturate /lit/ isn't much. He does have dedication to write five books though. He seems to take all the shit he gets in stride which he especially deserves credit for. Good for him and while yes, he could improve the grammar etc., the more books you write and the more you practice the more you learn.

>> No.18225670

bro this is so cringe, it’s so obvious you’re him

>> No.18225688

You wrote like five books that are terribly written, simplistic, and short, even for horror books. $1000 is also unlikely for putting up double ads on blue boards for half a year, which is pointless if he barely sells any and just gets bullied on 4chan. Seriously Gardner just stop shilling, get a full time job and take some writing classes.

>> No.18225726


This is why everyone hates you so much, just go price the fucking ads yourself, it's not hard. The ad serve thing gives you an estimate. You can saturate this entire board for $3 a day. You're a lazy retard but you want to complain about Gardner. Dear Christ.

>> No.18225741

Lmao Gardner your books aren't even $3 each and I doubt you sell one a day with how much they're loved on 4chan

>> No.18225748

really pathetic diversion
since you are Gardner, I want you to know that all of your issues could be fixed if you’d just take the time to edit and let others offer critiques. these threads only exist because you’re shilling, and I’m happy to rip you to shreds over it, but if you don’t like being trashed just stop and practice some more before literally advertising your crap

>> No.18225756


this is clearly Gardner pretending to hate himself so he can gin up controversy, nice try Gardner but everyone recognizes your shitty sentence structure and punctuation

>> No.18225760

fucking weird you are, m8

>> No.18225851
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>> No.18225868

Why F Gardner cause pseuds to lose their mind?

>> No.18225871

The fact that people are calling me Gardner after my post now leads me to believe it can't all be him. My new theory is that these books are a fucking psy-op.

>> No.18225872
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>> No.18226092

Is this your book?

>> No.18226314


That sounds exactly like something F. Gardner would say.

>> No.18226327


guys this thread has a twist ending, it was all a psyop. give me a fucking break F.

>> No.18226478


I always know when F. Gardner is in a thread because he starts off with these insane attacks on himself and then pretends everyone else is a shill. It's just some marketing thing, he thinks if he shits all over himself people will rate the books higher to be nice to him. He's got a weird sense of humor I guess.