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/lit/ - Literature

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18216869 No.18216869 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write a poem to my literature teacher about the attraction I feel for her.
This is my last year and I want to tell her everything I feel, think and long for with her. I need ideas, inspiration, I am new to writing poems but I want to make her understand that this is serious, she is young and my native language is spanish.
I hope someone can help me and thank you very much in advance.

>> No.18216874

Pay a psychopathic negro to engrave your corpse with some trashy rap, and send the corpse, filled with flowers, to your whore of a professor.
Now fuck off.

>> No.18216887

Tell her you want to stick your peen in her vageen. It rhymes and is therefore poetry. You're welcome.

>> No.18216894

Thank you very much

>> No.18216905

unless youve published poetry before, dont do it. just fucking talk to her.

>> No.18216916

Never write poetry to a woman.

>> No.18216918

I don't know, probably just talk to her instead of confessing your love through poetry.

>> No.18216944

send her a dick pic

>> No.18216969

okay, they convinced me, I'll talk to him on Friday after class, I'm going to need courage from somewhere. Thank you.

>> No.18216981

Maybe I will, I have your number, I could tell you it was an accident.

>> No.18217356

Post pictures of her

>> No.18217536

I used to put my hand on the desk and my teacher would come and sit on it. I called it the trap and boasted to my friends about it. Years later I realized I was the one getting trapped.

>> No.18217590

I'm a teacher and there is nothing more pathetic or repulsive than students. Just stop talking during the lecture and do your fucking homework.

>> No.18218304

Please Please PLEASE do NOT DO THIS OP
Please I'm begging you
This is you from the future. We did this, she called the police and you were expelled from school. I am begging you OP just sit next to the girls in your class and talk to them instead. Please im begging you just forget about this. You will thank me.

>> No.18218308
File: 194 KB, 601x473, bloomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me from the better future
We didn't write the poem. I have a girlfriend now and lots of friends. Life is good.
Thanks, me

>> No.18218318

Hi, this is me from the bad future again. After we were expelled, we became an irreconcilable mess and an internet pornography addict.

>> No.18218620


oh honey

oh honey no

>> No.18218728

Read a lot of Sappho and Byron, also Yeats. Shakespeare's sonnets have gotten me /lit/ pussy on two separate occasions, but if you want to write something original to her, he's way too hard to ape

>> No.18218799

Please show me your feet
But after I go and have a pee

Dunno OP something like that. Women LOVE to be asked foot fetish stuff.

>> No.18218806

My love for you is like diarrhea
and I cannot hold it in

>> No.18218829

Hey baby / are you / an archaeologist?

I have / a large bone / for you

to examine

>> No.18219081


>> No.18219217

I wrote a short story about this, not to show her but just so I could get my feelings out and move on.

>> No.18219257
File: 12 KB, 480x360, rick Roderick 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How she doth lecture me
>My heart is quenched with ever word from her rosy lips
>bosom fair and hair prear, a kiss from her would take my soul
>yet what am I to her but a jester skul
>arise I will to meet her truly, the maiden whom I do love

>> No.18219258

God, I fucking hate Poets. Bitch, take her out on an interactive date. Something like playing a game, something to focus on and talk about. The last thing anyone wants to do is to deal with someone's fucking feeling, so don't fucking make that shitty poem.

>> No.18219293


>> No.18219323

Whats wrong with poetry?

>> No.18219378
File: 1.15 MB, 704x960, 1618871876075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Onions Very Horny Boy
>after class
>I smell your farts
>sniff your chair
>where you place your ass
>so good I cum
>we ride off into the sun
>eat my sausage hot pocket
>lap at the milky cream shake
>no, no
>it was no mistake
>I love you so
>my boner it grows
>see you on monday
>dal face

>> No.18219531

When You say that it is your "last year", please tell me that You are not a teenager !!! My humble recommendation is that: 1- If You're an adult (+18 and if You are over 21 better) do not write a poem. It is something very noble and sweet, but for a first approach it can be strange. It is better that You invite her to have something or something like that and talk appropriately about your interest. The poems can come later, when You are already in a relationship with her, if She likes those gestures. 2- If You are a high school boy, my advice is that You don't tell her what You feel. It may be a problem for her. It is a very serious thing that can happen if things are misunderstood. I advise You that, if it is not really a question of hormones and You appreciate her a lot, and therefore You want to say something to her, do it without the love component. As someone who is studying to be a professor, I think She could greatly appreciate having a student tell her how much He enjoyed or was inspired by a class or a whole course. Let her know that She is significant, but as a teacher. It will most probably makes her happy. It is my little advice, which is not such, it is rather a possibility that I help You visualize.

>> No.18219979

>I hope someone can help me and thank you very much in advance.
That would entail talking you out of this silly idea of yours, and that's not happening, so...