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/lit/ - Literature

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18213367 No.18213367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do people like this read?

>> No.18213377


>> No.18213382

What color dicks do the Anons who post this shit gobble?

>> No.18213405

I applaud the chad who said that, at some point before breaking her heart.

>> No.18213414

Who is that babushka guy?

>> No.18213416

I don’t care, if they are in my proximity I dominate them. In non-space it’s anyone’s game. In real life I dominate space, and you feed your dreams with space.

>> No.18213420

I don't see anything wrong with number six

>> No.18213434

Non-tough life haver woman.

>> No.18213436
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I found an even worse one.

>> No.18213451

The sorrows of young werther is pro incel would be my guess.

>> No.18213453

That subreddit is full of ugly girls, I tought femcels weren't real until i browsed there

>> No.18213456

Well, she ain’t wrong.

>> No.18213462
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they're not real.
the all have sex.

>> No.18213469

>Well, she ain’t wrong.
She called TBK pessimistic and misanthropic.

>> No.18213470

>anti infinite jest
>anti bukowski
>anti hemingway
>anti lolita
this amount of irrationality should be put in jail

>> No.18213472


>> No.18213477

These are the books her ex-boyfriend read

>> No.18213478

Women are too hysterical for materialism and too base for idealism.

>> No.18213480

>anti lolita
That's justified.

>> No.18213489

If Lolita is your FAVORITE book you're kind of weird dude

>> No.18213495

Only one I take issue with really.

>> No.18213499

Multiple articles have been written about this tweet.

>> No.18213504

Anyone who says their favorite book is Catcher in the Rye deserves an instant red flag

>> No.18213507

Harry Potter.

>> No.18213511

It is an amazing piece of writing.

>> No.18213512

>if his favorite book is Sun and Steel, RUN away and never look back
That's right bitch.

>> No.18213515

I hope this woman gets nowhere with men. Fair enough you can have your opinions, but I can’t abide the ‘I heard it was bad on Twitter so that makes you a terrible person now...just because’
I don’t even really like any authors she mentioned but man, what an insufferable bitch

>> No.18213528

She's right desu

>> No.18213533

Based Harry Potter take

>> No.18213550
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>> No.18213552

Dickenschads rise up

>> No.18213562


>> No.18213663

>me and my friends
stopped reading right there

>> No.18213675

>tries to be woke as possible
>hates the postmodern cultural marxists Derrida and Foucault that Jordan Peterson is always whining about
What did she mean by this?

>> No.18213703

Surprising that she’s okay with niche ultranationalist and Prussian supremacist Hegel. Why?

>> No.18213706

That she has literally no idea what she's talking about

>> No.18213713

baste femoid filtering out autists from gene pool

>> No.18213735

I can't tell if this is bait or serious, but either way it is genius.

>> No.18213740

Hegelbros.... will we ever stop winning?

>> No.18213754

Literally who

>> No.18213765

What's the problem with Ayn Rand though?

>> No.18213771

The surest way to get laid is to overload a woman's CNS with neoplatonic and gnostic philosophy

>> No.18213782

Do you really think she screens her men on what books they've read? She's probably being cumragged by some Moroccan dude who buys her fat ass all her weed or some black college guy who hasn't read anything past 5th grade.
The OP pic is her delusion of self worth more than anything.

>> No.18213788

No Fight Club?

>> No.18213839
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what's wrong with Pynchon?

>> No.18213882

5 and 7 are a meme but the rest are pretty correct

>> No.18213910

She's too boring even to be properly left wing.

>> No.18213916

Why? Is there any particular book of his you dislike?

>> No.18213923
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>art is okay, but not weeb shit
So Araki isn't okay, even if he was one of the only 5 manga artists to be invited to create original art for the Louvre Museum?

>> No.18213924

Rebatet's LDE
Celine's Exile Trilogy
Wagner's Rhinegold
Spengler's Decline of the West
Uncle Ted's Industrial Society

>> No.18213926
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she right expect about Nietzsche

>> No.18213929

>Palahniuk, run
lol a GIRL in high school literally introduced me to Fight Club. these bitches be trippin'

>> No.18213935

can you see how faggy that thing is you just posted? weeb art for the french, sickening

>> No.18213938

she's absolutely correct except for the last paragraph where she should have just stopped after the first five words

>> No.18213939

I stopped discussing books seriously with women long ago.

I had great relationships with girls who only ever read what they were asked too during class. One of the nicest girls I got with only had one book in her whole appartment, "Chicken Soup for the soul".

On the opposite, one of my exes read a lot, a huge lot, but missinterpreted most of what she read so it would fit her worldview and could get really unsufferable sometimes trying to explain philosophy or spirituality to me and using Buddhism and whichever authors she liked to push feminism, equalitarianism, and open sex.

>> No.18213942

A girl introduced me to American Psycho. These kinds of women are the most based and I wish there were more of them

>> No.18213944

I don't give a fuck what subhumans think about my personal library because I read whatever the fuck I want

put out or i'll push you out, as a gentleman once said

>> No.18213951

>I read whatever the fuck I want
Fuckin heck yeah bro, that’s rad

>> No.18213963

>Margaret Atwood
Not even for the most glorious most mind-blowing pussy would I ever say that she's my favorite author

>> No.18214007

>they all have sex
>gets sodomized by a 58 year old man clearly taking advantage of her insecurities
I bet you'd prefer that to your safe-space of masturbation over japanese cartoons.

>> No.18214072

She's right about him in most cases, most people that own his books either havent read them or dont understand them and just have them because they thought it was edgy

>> No.18214105

>They return to the innocent conscience of the wild beast, as exultant monsters, who perhaps go away having committed a hideous succession of murder, arson, rape and torture, in a mood of bravado and spiritual equilibrium as though they had simply played a student’s prank, [...] At the centre of all these noble races [...] the beast must out again, must return to the wild. It was the noble races which left the concept of ‘barbarian’ in their traces wherever they went; even their highest culture betrays the fact that they were conscious of this and indeed proud of it
Yeah man, Saint Nietzsche wasn't edgy he just preached us to rape, murder and loot like animals without guilt because these are the traits of noble races.

>> No.18214152

I wouldn't even be surprised should that be true. Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism are astrology for men (hence more developed than female magazine horoscopes).
There are few women that don't have at least a passing curiosity for magic and astrology. I knew a guy that got laid with supermodel tier women by showing his expertise on tarot (also the psychology of Carl Jung). Those "philosophies" are the natural step up.

>> No.18214168

>the Romans
Dropped, dumb bitch

>> No.18214204

And more importantly, why is she mentioning Franzen in the same sentence as Pynchon?

>> No.18214272

My oneitis liked Palahniuk and Dan Brown :(

>> No.18214305

This is more or less fair though, in terms of searching for a pathologically inoffensive reddit husband.

>> No.18214310

But I bought Atlas Shrugged and Infinite Jest because they are important cultural works. Doesn't mean I'm a libertarian or incel.

>> No.18214312
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stupid whore

>> No.18214324
File: 1.05 MB, 466x256, Mouth on Trunk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre a woman and you need a strategy to date then youre either hideous or you've got such a dreadful personality that you might as well be malformed

>> No.18214359

Those are books her ex read, that's the only internal consistency that can explain the list.

>> No.18214365

Just realized that the Elephant seems to be angry about the phone being shoved in it's face and reaches after it. Based elephant.

>> No.18214374

And you are a pedophile

>> No.18214377

Stop exclusively thinking in terms of left and right, you look like idiots

>> No.18214386

Ok, and?

>> No.18214392


>> No.18214401

Brainlet hot take over here. Zoomers sure are dumb as dirt.

>> No.18214422
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>> No.18214428
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Revolt against the modern world

>> No.18214431

Thank god Mein Kampf ain't there Bros, wagmi

>> No.18214455

I was actually reading through “red flag” posts just last night and saw this.
Apparently Infinite Jest is a running joke. I don’t quite get it. Is it poking fun at pseuds?
Also, they seem to have a problem with Faust for some reason

>> No.18214478

>art defines your sexual orientation
I hate how normie 4chan has become.

>> No.18214493

I don't believe a woman would be familiar enough with this many of the authors to write this; I assume this is by a man and satirical.

>> No.18214498

>old Christian scholar turns to the devil for a roastie
>Gretchen is comically dumb as fuck
>shows the abomination that is abortion/infanticide
>ultimately the positive female presence is saint Mary, mother and virgin, ie the ultimate anti-whore
I'm sure it fits the femistoreddit mindset.

>> No.18214516

>tfw no club, lodge or corner grocery store to lounge around at.

>> No.18214523


>> No.18214564

Never... It's just not possible

>> No.18214617

>My favorite author is Charles Dickens
>I loved 'A Christmas Carroll'
Is she trying to date Santa Claus?

>> No.18214673

the heart of all black distress is a deep self-loathing

>> No.18214682

>me at a house party when everyone has passed out

>> No.18214702

>giving advice about reading preferences
>can't spell
>grammar is shit
>yet surprisingly accurate
the mystery of the femoid

>> No.18214704
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>girls pay to have this done to them
>when i do it it's called 'rape'

>> No.18214726

well do you have a trunk that long sweetie?

>> No.18214731
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I must admit, i cannot compete in that department

>> No.18214747

Yea, F+S is a masterpiece

>> No.18214749

What the fuck, that's a very long dick.

>> No.18214778 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, 3EDCCC62-D753-425F-9C6E-3D2AFF010AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite book....my favorite book? Anonette, asking me what my favorite book is is like asking a parent who their favorite child is. This is a false dilemma. I have many favorite books. Just because two books are both books does not mean they are comparable to one another. To ask me to choose between, say, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time is to ask me to choose between two things that are not the same. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is a tragic story of a family centering around the conflict between faith in God and the doubts in Him raised by this material world. Marcel Proust’s masterpiece, on the other hand, is a coming of age story. A story of a boy growing into a man and the lessons he learns along the way, all while lampooning the behavior of early 20th century French aristocrats. To ask me to choose a “favorite” between these leads me towards two possible conclusions: one, you are simply not familiar with literature as medium and therefore do not understand why the question you are asking me is faulty on premise, or two, you are simply a cruel-hearted wench who enjoys inflicting intellectual upon men. This date is now over. Good day, madame.

>> No.18214793
File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, 24C56F67-2F4E-46FB-ACB5-83730E331FE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite book....my favorite book? Anonette, asking me what my favorite book is is like asking a parent who their favorite child is. This is a false dilemma. I have many favorite books. Just because two books are both books does not mean they are comparable to one another. To ask me to choose between, say, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time is to ask me to choose between two things that are not the same. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is a tragic story of a family centering around the conflict between faith in God and the doubts in Him raised by this material world. Marcel Proust’s masterpiece, on the other hand, is a coming of age story. A story of a boy growing into a man and the lessons he learns along the way, all while lampooning the behavior of early 20th century French aristocrats. To ask me to choose a “favorite” between these leads me towards two possible conclusions: one, you are simply not familiar with literature as medium and therefore do not understand why the question you are asking me is faulty on premise, or two, you are simply a cruel-hearted wench who enjoys inflicting intellectual anguish upon men. This date is now over. Good day, madame.

>> No.18214802

Discarded. And please stop making these threads that just bait responses and generate meaningless conversation.

>> No.18214803

That's all smoke and mirrors. 7 ft tall Chad can read fucking Winnie the Pooh and they won't bat an eye, you - an average male in 2021 - could know complete works of bell hooks and Robin diAngelo by heart and they won't look at you

>> No.18214805

They didn't read the book.

>> No.18214810

For you

>> No.18214815

>tries to be woke as possible
That's where you're wrong sweetie.

>> No.18214817

Hunter S. Thompson chads get in here

>> No.18214820

Fathers and sons seems slightly specific. Is this just a thinly veiled seethe about ex tweet?

>> No.18214831

Yeah, I don't get what's controversial about it. It's a great novel!

>> No.18214835

Do you have a 1,5 meter dick?

>> No.18214838

You wrote that.
Pretty funny still

>> No.18214842


>> No.18214903

A chick was judging me for reading pynchon once, I am a try hard and prefer other books but I brought it up and she said along the lines of "oh you like that guy." She then called it bro lit, these books: IJ, Frazen, Joyce are always liked by "men" or someshit.

A few days later we were talking and mentioned that she loved Catcher In The Rye so I told her how the dude was a creep and brought up all the stories of him seducing underage girls, she knew about this already and couldn't argue when I said he should be "cancelled". She also loved Dickens so I remined her of how he cheated on then abandoned his wife after starting a smear campaign about her and took full custody of her 10 children denying her access to them. She didn't know this and I could tell it really bothered her, she was looking it all up on her phone at break. Later on we were discussing other authors who were weird and Pynchon came up again, I said "thats what I like about Pynchon, such moral chracter and such political fiction, he was writing about the ecological crisis and black rights back when that wasn't the norm, he also wasn't a creep to women from what I can gather." She never mentioned the bro lit thing again.

>> No.18214909

You got that backwards. He’s the one I like and shouldn’t be on her list

>> No.18214913

Imagine shallowly filtering men by their favorite literary works instead of asking why they like them. Not every WW2 buff is a nazi looool

>> No.18214946

you thought of this entire scenario in the shower

>> No.18214953

That’s funny but it turns out he was a creep to women back in the day. I’ve talked to some women who knew him. Nothing as bad as the Dickens thing though.

>> No.18214956

>such moral chracter and such political fiction, he was writing about the ecological crisis and black rights

>> No.18214959

>avoid anyone into aristotle, nietzsche

Surprisingly sound advice.

>> No.18214963

>he was writing about the ecological crisis and black rights back when that wasn't the norm
yes he was, you uneducated cretin
>he also wasn't a creep to women from what I can gather.
had an affair with his best friend's wife, very likely engaged in other degenerate sexual behavior judging from his writing and his deep involvement in counter-culture

you're a pseud and morally judging writers is worthless, you either like their books or you don't

>> No.18214974

I hope you realize you are equally as annoying to her as the people who read the books she doesn't like if not more so

>> No.18214980

>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"

>> No.18214981

It is in musth, he has something like 100 to 140 times the regular amount of testosterone. You can tell by the liquid running down from the side of his face.
People probably take pictures with flash on and that pisses the motherfucker off.

>> No.18214986

>liberal arts major

>> No.18214995

Sometimes I wonder if they all are, I really want to treat a women nice but these storys of abuse makes me feel that i'm part of a population of rapists, I can't ask chicks out now beacuse I just feel so sad about it all, I just feel weird, when I hear my friends talking about giving chicks exstacy and shit then fucking them it just makes me feel weird. I feel most men I meet don't treat women properly and I wonder if I ever could. I'm going to kill myself when I grow a pair, I was born a rapist and my consciousness rebels against my flesh. I really wish I could wipe out life, if I could I would, I really would.

>> No.18214997

It's funny, how she interprets the book in order to fit in with her standards.

>> No.18215000

dumb beta

>> No.18215010

Franzen isn't a particularly masculine writer, dunno why he is considered bro lit

>> No.18215018
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>A few days later we were talking and mentioned that she loved Catcher In The Rye so I told her how the dude was a creep and brought up all the stories of him seducing underage girls, she knew about this already and couldn't argue when I said he should be "cancelled". She also loved Dickens so I remined her of how he cheated on then abandoned his wife after starting a smear campaign about her and took full custody of her 10 children denying her access to them. She didn't know this and I could tell it really bothered her, she was looking it all up on her phone at break. Later on we were discussing other authors who were weird and Pynchon came up again, I said "thats what I like about Pynchon, such moral chracter and such political fiction, he was writing about the ecological crisis and black rights back when that wasn't the norm, he also wasn't a creep to women from what I can gather." She never mentioned the bro lit thing again.
>Sometimes I wonder if they all are, I really want to treat a women nice but these storys of abuse makes me feel that i'm part of a population of rapists, I can't ask chicks out now beacuse I just feel so sad about it all, I just feel weird, when I hear my friends talking about giving chicks exstacy and shit then fucking them it just makes me feel weird. I feel most men I meet don't treat women properly and I wonder if I ever could. I'm going to kill myself when I grow a pair, I was born a rapist and my consciousness rebels against my flesh. I really wish I could wipe out life, if I could I would, I really would.

>> No.18215253

That is ancient pasta

>> No.18215263

>he doesn't know

>> No.18215282

only read fantasy and history/about religions
where am i in this list

>> No.18215290

possible incel, run

>> No.18215295

it's not my favorite book, though I would understand why someone would pick it as their favorite
the amount of talent that one needs in order to not only defend but also make the reader empathize with a pedofile it's amazing

>> No.18215305

it's not a zoomer thing
narrow minded people have the most retarded takes in everything
no wonder they don't understand that the writer tried to make the reader feel like a pedophile on purpose

>> No.18215320

am i salvageable if i pretend i never read salvatore?

>> No.18215322

A bald eagle entered the room and shed a single tear on the flag.
And then everyone clapped.

>> No.18215341

It's just okay

>> No.18215351

Weirdly, my only Ayn Rand is a copy of Anthem a woman gave me after a date.

>> No.18215362
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>the writer tried to make the reader feel like a pedophile on purpose
don't project. YOU felt that way because you're a pervert. I don't understand how someone could consider Lolita to be their favorite book, but if you read it and didn't hate the narrator on a primal level then you didn't read it well enough.
Or did you think Dolores says "squashed squirrel" because Nabby thought it was funny?

>> No.18215365

No, let alone for using 4chan to begin with

>> No.18215418
File: 512 KB, 768x432, oompa loompa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oompa loompa dopadee doo
I've got another lesson for you
If you want to land an H.V.M.
Stay far away from these dating stratagems

By some unknown mechanism
Shining basic instinct through the prism
of over-articulating millennial autism-

infuses it with hate
fucks with your date
and leaves you alone and without a mate

You should have been a better listener
from your mom or your sister
the first time they said it

now you're an adult getting
basic lessons of girlhood
from reddit

oompa loompa dopadee dee
take my advice
leave female dating strategy

>> No.18215430
File: 7 KB, 225x225, BCC17FEC-B876-40CD-B8E0-9D64F4932A37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Durant chads stay winning

>> No.18215454

>talking literature with women