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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 1168x702, nofun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1821361 No.1821361 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1821366

Well, he's right.

>> No.1821368

I just had sex with two men and a female prostitute.

Next move is yours OP.

>> No.1821369

no, that's silly

read the comic again

>> No.1821371

Jesus, go the fuck away, Prince Charming/Cinderella

>> No.1821374

I just watched an episode of Skins and realized all my youth was a total waste.

>> No.1821373


>wasting time at a party
>producing work you're proud of

I'd pick the latter every time.

>> No.1821377

Hedonism does run rampant among today's youth.

But it's only temporary, people generally grow up.

>> No.1821378

it's just one party

it's made pretty clear who's the happy one in the comic

maybe you're just not a deep thinker

>> No.1821379

>I have dedication and morals blah blah

That's a weird way of saying "I hate parties stay the hell away from me"

>> No.1821380


everyone thinks that about their generation's youth at one point or another

it's just a phase, you'll grow out of it

>> No.1821381

you're crazy

we have distinct personalities

you understand!

>> No.1821391


If you're happy that means you're distracted. I don't ever want to be distracted.

>> No.1821393


Once you accept some responsibility you'll think differently.

I don't think I'm better than hedonist youth. Generation Y has a lot of problems, they have to cope with it somehow.

>> No.1821399


Wonderful, my prince!

>> No.1821400

if you cannot be perfectly happy with yourself you must be a uhm

shitty person

>> No.1821402


>Generation Y has a lot of problems

And chief among them is apathy.

>> No.1821407


Or maybe I'm just not a narcissist.

>> No.1821408

Apathy leads to hedonism.

>> No.1821410

that was my entire point just about

doesn't mean the youth are hedonistic

>> No.1821413

I'm done with this place. This thread didn't do it, per se, but it was the last to do it--if that makes sense.

So long, /lit/.

>> No.1821416
File: 8 KB, 225x225, siouxie4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1821417


This thread isn't that bad.

Stop being such a tight ass.

>> No.1821419


Nah, this thread is pretty awful.

>> No.1821427

Prince Charming = Fabulous.

Also, good job. You finally mastered the "read in the same direction in all panels"!

>> No.1821434

actually this is my 2nd comic and its kind of old

but thanks


i don't shit talk your threads!

please dont shit talk mine!

>> No.1821456

Oh my mistake.
You are regressing then.
My condolences.

>> No.1821458

well i wouldn't call it "regressing"

are you a master comic maker?

plz help

>> No.1821471

>plz help
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help

Those two words echoed off every surface, so simple yet so encompassing. In these two basic words could be found the meaning of all that he is.

So sent out to a distress call to all who would listen
>plz help

Indeed, he was in need of help, in so many ways.
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help
>plz help

May God help you, for neither we nor you can.

>> No.1821474
File: 6 KB, 264x191, ChhekHoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate when people make posts like these and i know they're making fun of me but i still feel touched and welcomed on the inside

it's like an empty feeling 8(

>> No.1821481


If I had posted this with my tripcode on, would you have felt differently about it?

>> No.1821501

depends on which one you are

>> No.1821509



>> No.1821511

That's the response I expected. Maybe I'm not even a tripfag.

No. But that is quite the compliment considering D&E is probably the most influential tripfag on /lit/.

You honor me, truly.

>> No.1821519

>d&e influential

>> No.1821524


> that is quite the compliment considering D&E is probably the most influential tripfag on /lit/.
>You honor me, truly.

Hey D&E, what's up?

>> No.1821522

Does Isabelle still post here?

>> No.1821521

I'm going to a party this weekend for mock trial and the girl's name is katie who is throwing it
it's like you're speaking directly to me
eat shit betas

>> No.1821529

You come off as unintelligent and boorish.

>> No.1821543


as anon


>> No.1821549

is prince charming stagolee or mogwai? or both?

just here to remind y'all that stagolee/quentin has two dads and needs to stop shitting up this board or else

someone will pay a visit to his house....again

>> No.1821550

If you prefer well-known that works as well.
I'd say the Top 3 are D&E, FAB, and TY. Maybe BB instead since he's trying to be more relevant.

You are a middling tier tripfag.

That doesn't mean they are liked or are even good.
A comparison to the top 3 would be like comparing them in terms of authors like Tao Lin, Ayn Rand, and DFW I suppose. Well known on the board, but not much else.

>> No.1821552

Prince Charming is Fabulous.
He announced the switch in a thread a while back.

>> No.1821557

lets not make this thread about those things

>> No.1821559


And has subsequently not contributed positively to this board since. There is no reason for this silliness.

>> No.1821561

ITT: mistaken identities

>> No.1821563

Historian is still the best tripfag to ever post here.

>> No.1821570

there's maybe, 3 good tripfags on /lit/

you're one of them, i'd also nominate behemoth

but let's not pursue this further because it will cause an aspie tripfag shitstorm

>> No.1821565

That is not a very kind, caring, or helpful thing to say.
I see that you are already experiencing the changes that come inherently with being a tripfag.

>> No.1821567

oh it's you...

i thought you had a gift for human understanding or something...

>> No.1821573


I just care so much for those of us who actually read and want to discuss literature. I still think they are splendid fellows who just havee too much energy and time for silliness.

>> No.1821572

i fucking miss historian

>> No.1821576
File: 6 KB, 190x265, siouxie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he really didn't do as much as you all like to remember him having done

>> No.1821577

That's a funny thing to say considering you are trying to have people mistake me for you.

>> No.1821585

What I remember him having done is largely housed in the oval for all to see.

>> No.1821588

yes you're right

>> No.1821597

Well I guess that settles that, then.

I've considered tripping up numerous times in the past, but I don't really post that much to begin with and don't feel like forcing myself to live up to the prodigious posting virility of a tripfag. =/

>> No.1821611

/lit/ moves slow.
If you simply posted in every thread once when you are on for a week or two, you'd become known sooner or later. Maybe.

It's more that they draw so much attention to themselves rather than their post counts, though that doesn't hurt either.

Stradlater is a new tripfag who is attempting to be up-and-coming.

>> No.1821619


I am doing no such thing. I am simply working with the good anons and the good tripfags (and capsguy) to make this place a haven for writers and readers. If any credit is or attention is showered on me then that shall be a disservice to the good people of this board.

>> No.1821622


>> No.1821626
File: 9 KB, 480x360, derridacrazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Stradlater seems alright.
But... eh... you're expected to make macros and comics and force memes and establish a persona for yourself. It's a lot of work. I don't even have very many reaction images saved, except for about three. Pic related, D&E copped it off of me.

>> No.1821627

In some cases they aren't happy with just one persona, but it seems like it's usually just a matter of time before they found out to be the same person.

I tripfag whenever I feel like, which isn't very often.

>> No.1821628


You could always work with me to secure pleasantness and support for the virtuous anons.

>> No.1821634

Stradlater is doing a good job in that he fills a niche that no other tripfag fills.

Most of the tripfags are the aggressive, in-your-face, attention-whoring, argumentative, who love to circlejerk each other type.

A few attempt to make comics.
Refer to OP.

>> No.1821636

>implying existence of valuable writing other than philosophy

>> No.1821637

>implying existence of valuable tripfags other than males

>> No.1821639
File: 21 KB, 450x378, Eminem-Stan-179651..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to give trip personalities a pass if my extremely reductive mental summary of their schtick at least includes an actual writer they fanboy over

so like
stradlater - maugham
onionring - wittgenstein
fabulous - wilde
capsguy - russians (i guess)

people like brownbear ("prettier and less slutty") and vdubby (stupid glasses) don't fare so well

what happened to scout? he was a'ight

>> No.1821645

shut the fuck up i don't care.

>> No.1821646

one of those "tripfags of the month"

>> No.1821649

iirc he's currently in a relationship so i guess he's busy with that but i don't know

>> No.1821652

I'm not just talking about the name, I mean the character they play. Like Stag's old 'oblivious retard with morals' shtick and Stradlater's vacuous piety.

I have noticed that it helps to form alliances with the other tripfags. I'll have to think about what path I will take to the trip canon. I don't want to be another Arcuid or whatever his name is. Nobody wants that.

>> No.1821654
File: 59 KB, 450x619, saw-torture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind if this happened to all Epicureans.

>> No.1821660

I think there's something pathological about chronic tripfags. It's understandable posting for maybe a month at most and then not doing it anyway. It something entirely to do it for months, and years on ends even.

>> No.1821658


Well that actually hurt. I have reason in my piety. I stand united with the good anons of /lit/

>> No.1821662

most tripfags do when they're new

that's not so fair

have you ever had your genitals sawed through?

>> No.1821667

That's what they get for thinking with them.

After a certain age, it isn't acceptable.

>> No.1821669

>form alliances
I think the term you are looking for is "circle jerk".

>> No.1821671

i wonder who is the most famous writer you could make serious headaches for by semi-competently impersonating as a /lit/ tripfag. maybe a no-name selected at random from the latest issue of mcsweeney's, or a gawker night editor

>> No.1821676

I remember there was a "athens" around the time of creation /lit/ I believe and he was quite hated.

I could be misremembering though.
Arcuied has a ton of posts though if you look greenoval. Still one of the top posters.

>> No.1821677

what boring people call their idols of personality

>> No.1821678


mistake you for who?

>> No.1821686

Author: A fool who, not content with having bored those who have lived with him, insists on tormenting generations to come.

Tripfag: A fool who, not content with having annoyed those who have lived with him, insists on tormenting generations to come through having his posts archived.

>> No.1821687

I like your trip.
Starts with two of the same number. 22
Easy to remember.

Having a good tripcode is important too.

>> No.1821688

I used to think that but I'm starting to see the light. You're probably just a tripist bigot.

Yeah, but not too many people like him, and he thinks a hipster is somebody that doesn't like dragons and fairies.

>> No.1821692

I hope you like anime because a lot of the lit tripfags seem to!

You can bond and form alliances over it.

>> No.1821695



>> No.1821702

jezebel what are your trading card attributes? what pet obsessions and peccadilloes will you be plaguing /lit/ with in the weeks to come?

>> No.1821706


find your cinderella card

>> No.1821708

In my experience (which is entirely extrapolated from my personal and observed), people tend only notice the first 3 character, sometimes 5, of a tripcode.

This is especially a problem if you aren't using a secure tripcode.

However, having a good unsecure tripcode like tybrax's works too.

Naturally the best always disregard the rules, such as in the case of D&E

>> No.1821714


>D&E posting as anon detected

>> No.1821717

I'm going to say it already.
I don't know if it's true, but I declare,

Fabulous=Prince Charming=Cinderella=jezebel

How do you plead?

>> No.1821723



>> No.1821726

Yet again already I'm declared to be D&E?

Dear me, maybe I should be using my tripcode for posts like these.

Then I can have my tripcode be equivocated with D&E. That would certainly improve my rep rather quickly.

>> No.1821729

ITT: ban everyone.

>> No.1821739


I implore all of you to not disrupt /lit/ any more. This is an absurd discussion with no substance. You are all splendid fellows and have a wealth of knowledge to spread.

>> No.1821741

I have been here since day one and I honestly never really noticed this.

I was just now weighing in my mind secure vs. non-secure. I think I prefer non-secure. I'm undecided whether the trip should spell a word out. I know to de-trip if I want to start a serious thread that probably won't get many replies.

>> No.1821767

That's because it doesn't really have a place.
I've seen it more so recently.

And I was just looking through green oval at a thread.

Seems I misremembered, it was just Fabulous and Onionring, and 2 other tripfags not of note with various anons.

I'm sure I've seen others and I've certainly seen more of a anime encroachment recently.

>> No.1821777

I don't like that, but if you resist, it'll just become stronger. I adblock the 4chan banner at the top of the page so I don't have to see that shit.