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/lit/ - Literature

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18206836 No.18206836 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite book as a kid?

>> No.18206860
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>Ywn return back to those innocent days.

>> No.18206989

Beast Quest

>> No.18207073
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Lord of the Rings, which I read when I was 10.
As an adult it's become The Silmarillion. Very vanilla, sorry.

But | really enjoyed Captain Underpants back then.
Most the books I read were exclusive to my country, though. Brazilians might be familiar with the Vaga-lume collection, from which I liked Marcos Rey's books the most.
Also Some Pedro Bandeira (Os Karas series). Based Nazis hiding Hitler's mummified body in Brazil.

>> No.18207079

horrible history series and similar
still have em on bookshelf

>> No.18207127
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>> No.18207153
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Anybody else read this series? I was hooked because I was a horny fifth grader and there was so much dripping sexual tension that couldn't be resolved because of the target audience's age

>> No.18207157
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>> No.18207166
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>> No.18207191
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We should talk about good books for small children, because it seems like there's an unbelievable amount of crap that gets published in that category, and I want buy some books to stimulate my nephews' imaginations.

>> No.18207239

Are you me?

>> No.18207244

>As an adult it's become The Silmarillion.
Am I misunderstanding? Your favourite book is Tolkien's turbo-autist history of his made up world?

>> No.18207394

Well if you were also a little foreign five year old who started off reading them to learn English and then kept reading them for years then yeh

>> No.18207412

Asterix and Obelix
Calvin and Hobbes

>> No.18207439


>> No.18207445
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Anyone else play this?
I was born in '97 but read a lot of these from the local library because I was poor and also lived far away from the few friends I had
This is bringing back some feels
As for proper books I can't really remember since I binge read everything I could get my hands on for the same reasons. I really liked Harry Potter though

>> No.18207452

shit, those were great

>> No.18207477
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Did anyone else read these books about cats who lived in different clans? For some reason I read the shit out of them. I must have been younger than 10.

>> No.18207505
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I was autistic as a child but this goosebumps book scared me so much as a kid that i took the book to somewhere else in the forest and buried it. I've moved away since then but I wonder if some kid stumbled upon the book and read it... that would make for a spooky folktale

>> No.18207625
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Earliest thing I can remember.

>> No.18207638

dinosaur encyclopedias

>> No.18207639
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Yeah. Before I read the Silmarillion I really enjoyed the Appendix on LOTR 3, it was my favorite part to reread, despite the boring family trees here and there.

>> No.18207689
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>> No.18208203

>t. zoomer

>> No.18208210

>horrible history series
cringe. Its basically the reddit history indoctrination series.

>> No.18208385

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Read the first six books

>> No.18208480

This is one of the handful of threads that gets posted over and over again, but nevertheless here is the top tier of /lit/ approved comfy children's books:
>Alice in Wonderland
>Winnie the Pooh
>anything by Roald Dahl
>Wind in the Willows
>Tom Sawyer

>> No.18208486


>> No.18208495

>roald dahl
I can't disagree.

Anyone remember a story or stories about some kid getting stuck inside an egyptian video game and had friends that reincarnated in the real world or some shit. All to do with egyptian mythology and what not

>> No.18208639

I had these books confiscated after my mom fell victim to the ketchup packets I left under the toilet seat.

>> No.18208648
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>> No.18208665

Goosebumps was awesome. I got nightmares from it, but I still liked it so I hid the books from my mother and pretended I was not having bad dreams.

>> No.18208721
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>> No.18208801
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Yes, between those and the Redwall series I think I was a closet furry as a kid.

>> No.18208934

I'm convinced Redwall is the most patrician children's book series

>> No.18208965

Those skew a bit older. I mean like younger than 6.

>> No.18209121

Quentin Blake illustrated Shakespeare stories. Great birthday present from the grandparents that one

>> No.18209323

Probably the Alex Storm books.
Tintin is excellent. I had The Broken Ear as a kid and loved it.

>> No.18209346
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>> No.18210076
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Certainly leagues above a lot of the other shit kids read

>> No.18210217

I cant remember the name of the book but it started with
>a band of dirty pirates
>who sailed the 7 seas
>a band of dirty pirates
>who all had dirty knees

>> No.18210371
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still one of my favorites

>> No.18210381


>> No.18210639

Anne McCaffrey's Pern books, and Tamora Pierce's The Immortals series. I also really liked the Stargate novelization.

>> No.18210652
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this one. I only found out it was a sequel years later, and I don't think I ever read the first one. It's way better that way.

>> No.18210710

Here's a few that stuck with me for a long time:
>The Bronze Bow
>Pretty much any Scott O'Dell book, but especially the Captive trilogy.
>David Gemmell fantasy books

>> No.18210751
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As an none English speaker this.
Its Fairy tales rewritten to be as absurd and offensive as possible for children

>> No.18211398
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>> No.18211948
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Animorphs, shit was darker than it first seemed. The girl on the cover started off as a preppy cheerleader type until she started fighting aliens and realized she loved bloodshed/got addicted to violence. There's also a boy that gets stuck as a hawk. Pretty fucked up

>> No.18212053

Kino books for kiddos

>> No.18212157

The alchemist and the secret garden are my picks so far.

>> No.18212165

Yeah, I used to check those out from the library. Redwall and Artemis Fowl too.

>> No.18212183

The Critique of Pure Reason unironically. Gladly I grew up and don't waste my time on philosophy anymore.

>> No.18212192
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A Series of Unfortunate Events, by far. I loved the lore and mystery that slowly unraveled in each book. (I still go back and read pic related every now and then as a guilty pleasure)

>> No.18212481
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>> No.18212512

Unbelievably based

>> No.18212695
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>> No.18212702

Based, wasn't that the one that had several black pages meant to introduce the darkness of the elevator? That whole series was great at vaguely gesturing at these huge conspiracies that are forever just out of sight of the reader in ways that encouraged ideation and honestly every child should read it.

>> No.18212999
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Some people have already posted but
>Captain Underpants
>Everything by Paul Zindel (spanning pure lit to schlock,Raptor and Loch were my favorites)
>Deltora Quest
>Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
>Harry Potter series

>> No.18213016

My nigga
My school librarian in elementary school would go through boxes just to see if she could find the missing entries for me.

>> No.18213029

I loved those books as well. In hindsight, it was surprisingly dark for a children's series. I remember one of the cats was forced to watch his daughter get executed by cat Hitler for being a mixed race mutt, but he couldn't say anything because he was spying on them through the bushes, and that'd reveal his position.

>> No.18213061
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excellent for honestly, Capitan underpants was a working class hero. I am still waiting for someone to be honest and say harry potter.
of course someone would

>> No.18213074
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another good one

>> No.18213084
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anyone else read these badboys?

>> No.18213102
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>> No.18213108

Island of the Blue Dolphins

>> No.18213449
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The Hobbit

>> No.18213455

Early dragon ball was kino.

>> No.18213494

I used to love the audio CD you got from cereal