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/lit/ - Literature

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18205587 No.18205587 [Reply] [Original]

ITT shitty books they forced you to read in high school

>> No.18205592

I successfully dodged that one. But I didn't dodge yellow raft in blue water. At least it has the word "cock" in it.

>> No.18205594

Do CHIcanos really...? lol

>> No.18205596
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>> No.18205604

I never took A level english but those schmucks had to read the Handmaid's tale lol

>> No.18205605

I don't remember which one it was but a friend of mine hated one of these assigned reading books so much he burned it. He got in trouble for it too.
In retrospect it was kind of based.

>> No.18205615

To Kill a Mockingbird

Probably the most based thing I had to read was Beowulf followed by Macbeth

>> No.18205630

Night by eLie Wiesel

>> No.18205733
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I'm sorry but as a highschooler i really could not give a shit about this book

>> No.18205811

Can't believe my school had us read this garbage and never any quintessential middle/high school readings like Catcher in the Rye, Catch-22, or Vonnegut.
Only exception was Gatsby which is based.

>> No.18205818

La Raza

>> No.18205909

>Handmaid's Tale
>The Scarlett Letter
I liked watching all the kids have to say nigger in class though
I actually liked that book desu
Oh fuck! I forgot about this one. LMAO it did NOT have the intended effect on our class we all left thinking that Africa was a fucked up place.
Also literally WTF all I can remember is Okonkwo butchers his own son for some stupid reason and there's like a whole chapter about Yams too.
I didn't hate it as much as the ones I listed above tho but yeah it was a bad pick at least for my class

>> No.18206050

>tfw sunbelter so no one takes hockey serious out here

>> No.18206062
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This is genuinely the worst book I have ever read. The Alchemist is up there as well.

>> No.18206064
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I fucking hated The Wars by Timothy Findley. Horribly written, terribly boring, and in the middle there is some sick gay rape fantasy that he just inserted for no reason. I remember speaking about this book with my mom's friend, who is a high school English teacher and loves this book, and she told me some bullshit about how the rape scene was meant to symbolize how much his life perception has shattered or something like that. I told her it was 100% a gay rape fantasy, and when I looked up the author that afternoon I learned that he was, in fact, a fag.

This book was also terrible. Yams are boring, Nigeria is boring, and there are way better books about muh colonialism.

>> No.18206088
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One of the worst books I've ever read.
I ended up burning a copy once it was over.

>> No.18206106

In HS we read To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, 1984, Romeo & Juliet, and The Great Gatsby

>> No.18206122

All good books

>> No.18206156

t. Midwits.

>> No.18206188

If you enjoyed reading Nathaniel Hawthsnore, feminist propaganda, or BLACK feminist propaganda then I think you're the real midwit.
Is it because I made fun of Things Fall Apart?

>> No.18206338

shut up nigger

>> No.18206538

>To Kill a Mockingbird
Glad someone agrees.
I liked Romano and Juliet, Their Eyes Were Watching God(the slang was quite funny),
Cather in the Rye was good
Things fall apart was a good book.
Anthem and A clockwork Orange were also books I read in high school.

>> No.18206545

WTF. I quite liked this book. It was different and illustrated the change that came with colonialism and missionary work.

>> No.18206654
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so fucking boring

>> No.18206691

>The Alchemist is up there as well.
That book comes up so often as people's favourite book. Now I know it's because they read it in high school and probably never read anything else. I read it a couple years ago to see what it was about and it was one of the most mediocre books I've ever read.

>> No.18206708
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I didn't have to read this but my gf did and I read it too since I liked reading and didn't believe her about how bad it was. Holy christ it's the worst thing I've read in my life and I read literally any book I'm handed.

>Tim Winton
I hear nothing but complaints about his books yet they get lauded as modern 'literature'.

>> No.18206757
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We read this in HS English class (europoor here) and lord was it terrible.

>> No.18207389

Book's about an autistic kid who discovers how the real world works.
It taught me how annoying the autistic mind is.

>> No.18207395
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I didn't post image?

>> No.18207399

In my shitty eastern European country we read literature that was obviously ordered by the socialist government decades ago. So now that socialism is dead, we have to pretend there's some deeper, universal to life meaning in them.

>> No.18208067

This book is actually good though

>> No.18208088
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TFW you had to read The Fountainhead in 11th grade because The Ayn Rand Institute gave your school a bunch of free copies.

>> No.18208104

Which one exactly?

>> No.18208394

I heard that autists and autist supporters actually hate that book. So it exists purely for people to virtue signal.
I don't remember much of the book but I know I didn't hate it. It wasn't this: >>18206708

>> No.18208398

I liked this one.
It's really about the native, African response to the alien society that came to rule upon them. Achebe makes it very clear that his people had a choice in adopting western customs and many picked the easy way out, they put up no resistance because they saw a better chance for themselves in the new system. Very few, especially the elders, decided to keep themselves tied to the traditions and reject "modernity" as represented by the whites.
Okonkwo is caught in between
It is very sad to think that so many years of traditions and customs can be swept away without a thought, if only for the uncertain chance that life could be marginally easier without them.

If all you can take away after you've read this book is white bad, black good, then you deserve to think it's terrible

>> No.18208406

It is terrible

>> No.18208421
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The book that showed me that, as long as you call it "magic realism", you can literally do whatever the fuck you want with your plot.

>Everything's going well
Throw some magical shit to fuck things up. >There's a problem
Throw some magical shit to fix things up.
>You need a forced dramatic ending
Throw some magical shit to fuck things up again.

And so on.

+ I didn't really care for mexican food sorry

>> No.18208425
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>> No.18208433

He also speaks of the value of the family and of a people as an extended family. The elders admonish the youngsters that they may never know what it is to act, feel and live as one again, as a community of like-minded people who share, by being a clan, a bond of blood. This is perhaps their greatest loss

>> No.18208446

Good on you then

>> No.18208448

>The elders admonish the youngsters that they may never know what it is to act, feel and live as one again, as a community of like-minded people who share, by being a clan, a bond of blood.

Sounds like he's describing a cult, desu.

>> No.18208470
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>700 page novel about incest
>considered a classic in portuguese literature

>> No.18208709
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The plot was boring but the prose was inexcusable. Ayn Rand was a miserable hack.

>> No.18208752


>> No.18208794
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Being forced to read so much nigger & kike drivel in both history and lit classes turned me into an supraracist, in the Evolian sense.

>> No.18208821


>> No.18208893

>me onkonkwo
>me chief village
>me beat wife during peace week
>me get cucked by white man
>me hate christianity
>me kill self, that show white man

>> No.18208928

Flowers for Algernon was the only story I read in school that I can say was based.

>> No.18208932
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Our entire school tried to convince us that this book was "important". The half German, Hitler worshipping Muslim raping the main character's friend was the only entertaining part of this thing

>> No.18208947

Kek I just remembered the random clown rape chapter from 11th grade.

The House on Mango Street was otherwise boring, and I hated The Scarlett Letter, but otherwise I usually liked the books we had to read.

>> No.18208948

There are better books to read in school like the Color Purple, Sounder, Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, etc.

>> No.18208954

Well he was right

>> No.18208973
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>> No.18208977

I wouldn't want to read those, either. I do not care about black people at all. I am tired of learning about, hearing, or seeing them. The same goes for Jews.

>> No.18209065

I understand but as a child your fatigue meter hasn't filled to the max yet

>> No.18209069

I liked this book almost as much as I hate Michael Cera.

>> No.18209072

At the same point my friend.

>> No.18209084

And they say you can't design a good book cover in MS Paint

>> No.18209091
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This fucking bullshit.

>> No.18209104

You read a book where the protagonist rapes a woman who gets off on said rape in school? Lmao.
I'm a big fan of Atlas Shrugged but The Fountainhead was just a bore for me

>> No.18209109

Of Mice & Men reduced me to tears of boredom

>> No.18209111

The outright worst book I was ever forced to read in school was Catcher in the Rye
it was so bad I stopped reading it after a few chapters and deliberately failed everything to do with it out of spite, still got a B in the class though
I also had a hard time with Pride and Prejudice in my senior year, not because the book itself is actually bad, but because Jane Austen absolutely refuses to use any physical descriptions of characters or places whatsoever which absolutely befuddles my mind's eye that I need to get into books. I don't think I could ever bother reading anything without my ability to picture things based on an author's descriptions, but Jane Austen simply doesn't describe anything except emotions.

>> No.18209172

The problem with many high school core books is that they’re read at an age where the books can’t be fully understood. A 15-18 year old lives a mostly sheltered life and while they can understand a lot of themes in broad strokes, they cannot fully internalize it and relate to them. They should be reread at a later age once some life experience is accumulated

>> No.18209199

>The outright worst book I was ever forced to read in school was Catcher in the Rye
Look at this phony over here.

>> No.18209215

To be honest, I read a few chapters of it and found it kind of patronising.
Read Bob Chipman or Ullillillia's books if you want to understand autism. Much more enlightening.

>> No.18209241

As a child, I was taught that intolerance was abhorrent, but now I really understand the meaning of "Gradually, I began to hate them."

>> No.18209356

Isn't that book written at a 5th grade reading level?

>> No.18209393

Very true

>> No.18209492

My school read nothing but buttsex themed literature Kite Runner included. 12th night TRANNY Shakespeare, gay poems etc.

>> No.18209502
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Everytime I'm stuck under some wealthy BOOOMER's clutches or in a church I think about "Tell me about da rabbids George"

>> No.18209519
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Didn't read it. Just ad libbed slut shaming democrat talking points and sold weed to Feminists

>> No.18209538

No he's describing small tight groups in human society before they were ripped apart by the most destructive utilitarian individualism

>> No.18209546
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I actually enjoyed this one in Elementary school.
I still think about it to this day.

>> No.18209562

You must have had a nice childhood. At night I dreamt of running away to a nice white family Christmas and suddenly the family realizing I was hiding in their house.

>> No.18209593
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>> No.18209639

I was also assigned that book and got a free pass by blaming whites for racism every question on every assignment. I got straight A's every year all classes.
Q: How does Gabriel Garcia Marquez use Magical Realize to reinvent the rising action of ____
A: Marquez uses his colloquial literary devices to diversify the colonial and systemically racist prejudices we pressupose with our white literary background in....
Yeah I don't remember vividly but that's the gist.

>> No.18209661
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I started showing up to school with my hair greased, leather jacket, wife beater and and a switchblade comb. Teacher got a crush on me. Too bad she's married because I'd be clapping her cakes thanks to the curriculum.

>> No.18209675

I loved this book as a kid, I can still remember lying on my couch eagerly flipping the pages. I think it's a good book to teach kids about the things that matter in life

>> No.18209678
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>> No.18209719
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My school was probably more based than any of you f*gs but we once had to read THIS piece of garbage as a summer assignment

It was TRASH

>> No.18209742
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Really wonder what kind of peak retarded boomer marketing went into this shit show

Wonder who had to suffer this.
Saw it in a bookstore and it irradiated an energy I always battled but never could name.

>> No.18209795

A level lit student here and yes i genuinely have to study the handmaid's tale rn D:

>> No.18209829


absolute trash

>> No.18209830

fuck off

>> No.18209853

Faggot. My teacher said it was trash too but it was fucking great.

>> No.18209869

>have to
*get to

>> No.18209891

Not in my class, teacher made us say the hard R (I'm in CA most of the kids were uncomfortable with it and that's why she forced the issue)

>> No.18209930

LMFAO we read that in 7th grade and my friend asked me one time while we were walking home "Who's gayer The Giver or The Reciever"
LMFAO I miss being 13

>> No.18210049

You know, I thought "globohomo" was a meme, but the sheer number of books in this thread that can be summarized as "female minority's coming of age story and struggle against prejudice" is making me reevaluate

>> No.18210064

I really don't know what America is doing. Here in eastern europe we only have classics in the school curriculum, and I thought it was the norm everywhere.

>> No.18210089

We can presume America was once the same, and over time these globohomo books crept in, and the process is ongoing. Wouldn't be surprised if soon the classics are designated as "problematic" and "outdated" and only these books remain.

>> No.18210101


>> No.18210109

1984. Not a shitty book, but the book is used as propaganda. He was not just talking about communist countries

>> No.18210134

No Nigger Left Behind (actual legislation says "child" but we know that's not what they mean)

>> No.18210144


>> No.18210146

Pedro Páramo is sort of the same, but actually good.

>> No.18210153

Yeah that book was horrible. Also
>Scarlet Letter
>Haunting of Hill House
>Extremely Jewish & Incredibly Obnoxious

>> No.18210177

I get the feeling a lot of people in this thread just hate reading about people that are not literally them

>> No.18210188

it's because the Yankee (Northern Protestant) conception of schooling as "an institution charged with building Informed Participants in Our Democracy who understand Our Values". For them, "Our Values" = worshipping brown people.

>Wouldn't be surprised if soon the classics are designated as "problematic" and "outdated" and only these books remain.
it's already happening

>> No.18210236

It is the norm, the West is the outlier here, everywhere else they just teach the classical literature of their own culture

>> No.18210463

this. OP here. Pedro Páramo has a really good story, characters and the magic elements actually feel fluent and add to the atmosphere. I love that fucking book so I don't want to seem like a Magic Realism hater or something.

>> No.18210471

based. Always take advantage of the system

>> No.18210496

A formative moment in me going down the incel rabbit hole in high school was writing a killer essay about this book and having it torn apart by my cunt teacher because I argued the protag was intentionally creating drama due to a boring life and justifying it to herself with mental gymnastics despite her husband and kids doing nothing wrong.
Apparently suggesting women have agency or critical thinking skills is A Bad Thing.

I had to read another Chopin story in college and it was the same thing, some bitch in a happy marriage has sex with a boytoy while her husband’s away. By then I’d wised up and wrote about how empowering it was and got an A.

>> No.18210550

In middle school we read the version of Huck Finn where every instance of nigger was replaced with “slave” and one autist would always volunteer to read and just say nigger anyway.
he was right but the fact that he obviously just did it to get a rise out of people made it funnier

>> No.18210615

Extreme bibles are rad. Anything that helps young people read the scripture is great.

>> No.18210668

chicano literature is so soulless and disgusting, why not read actual Mexican literature?

>> No.18210689

Utterly based

>> No.18210753

i read one of her stories this year. she just wants to be raped in all honesty. my fucking teach made me find all the symbolisms in it. fucking funny because i made up all the shit and she took it.

>> No.18210827

you are the one that likes highschoolcore literature, you are the very image of the midwit

>> No.18210841

I haven't read Os Maias, but Eça is great and so is incest.

>> No.18210872

Hey retard. Just make something up in your mind if the author doesn't specifically mention what the setting looks like. Or are you too non-sentient to do that?

>> No.18210873

i thought Americans were incarcerated for saying that word

>> No.18210996

Hey guys, I can help you complete your assignments at a cheap price.

>> No.18211005

Hey guys, I can help you complete your assignments at a cheap price. Please email me via jackjonlive78@gmail.com

>> No.18211028 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, I can help you complete your assignments at a cheap price. Please email me via jackjonlive78@gmail.com

>> No.18211064

I liked this, but I was in the ninth grade so idk how I would feel about it now.

>> No.18211069

you failed high school french too?

>> No.18211084
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Anyone read this? Actually a pretty good read, hilarious at times. I guess the school board was unaware of all the obscenity in this book.

>> No.18211124
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If you know this book you read it in school and you know where I'm from

>dang he fingered that chick when the book went on after the plot ended

7/10 still reference it as a joke

>> No.18211206

Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. Fuck.

>> No.18211539

this looks like the worst book of all time and the Ozzy equivalent of Tuck Everlasting

>> No.18211570

>The Ayn Rand Institute gave your school a bunch of free copies.
The funniest part right here

>> No.18211576

I straight up refused to read this so my teacher gave me alternative assignments

>> No.18211583
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Honestly I couldn't give less of a shit about this book. Its boring as hell. Yeah it has good symbolism but a book with no good parts and all symbolism is called poem and not a story.

>> No.18211628

I thought it was alright. I like East of Eden more now that I'm an adult.

>> No.18211696


>> No.18211924
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>Be young small child
>Criticize book for being shitty
>Brainlet adults are alarmed and cannot comprehend your insolence to insult to holy and infallible intellect of the scribes, you are punished for your insolence
>Grow up
>Punished for the same but now accused with all the isms

>> No.18211977
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/d/ and /trash/ write a children's fantasy novel.

>> No.18211980
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Actually enjoyed this for the wrong reasons. This book was taught to teach us Communism sad and bad. But the lesson I got was Chink superiority that even the filthiest backstabbing Chinese rich boy is more noble and teachable than the brightest and most idealistic USA boomer.
This story is about a gambling Chinese noble in the time of Chiang Kai Shek who gambled his family's fortune away just before the Communists killed all the wealthy. His family spared barely holds on in the new system. He lives to be old and weary and outlives every relative and descendant to chaotic misfortunes like rickets and choking and construction accidents.
The prose is gripping in a way I paced along as if I was there and the feeling of every vivid image is burned in my soul. I'm white but because of this book it has microchimerized my mind.

>> No.18211985

Okonkwo was based af. Big black mf

>> No.18211994
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I don't know why but they had a box full of these books. No one read them but some retarded kids. EVERY STORY IS THE SAME. WTF WHY WRITE A NEW STORY FOR EVERY ANIMAL ANIMORPH?

>> No.18212000


>> No.18212006
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Anyone else?

>> No.18212037
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I've never met anyone outside of my high school English class who had read this, and I'm glad

>> No.18212045
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i had to read literal jewish propaganda. then i started asking things like "their nails scratched through metal?" "wooden doors?" "a chimney?". then i got in trouble!

>> No.18212096
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ty you for this

I forgot about him, but this makes me feel significantly less autistic (still undiagnosed, but certainly on the spectrum imo)

Honestly, i guess I am literally an autist because i prefer being forced to read the odyssey or the count of monte cristo (which i would regard as much more palatable writing)

I just recall this being so boring, I didn't even finish it and just hazily read throughout, picking up parts here and there until the conclusion. I think for a mind without the capabilities of imagination, this is just a trial.

Catcher in the Rye I read of my own volition, if only to see how bad it was and frankly? I think being forced to read it would make any normal minded person hate it but from my perspective it wasn't so bad. Not great, not bad, just eh.

>> No.18212108


I liked that one too.

shit was pretty forced, kind of 1984ish but i remember at the time, in elementary school, i liked the concept and it wasn't so bad.

>> No.18212121

As a kid the reveal that none of the characters could see in color was pretty mind blowing to me

>> No.18212164
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My assignment was to portray the Holocaust in either a fictional short story or graphic novel. We either read a novel or a graphic novel. I drew Muriel and Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog in striped Pajamas with Schwarzenegger Von Strangle fairy as the Nazi guard. The teacher was none the wiser. The hot girl in class I flirted with got in trouble for blurting a near orgasmic moan of "oh he's so hot" when we saw The Boy In Striped Pajamas Nazi guard (live action film). The fat counselor overseeing and bitterly recusing the class for lack of seriousness had a funny nick name. Each building in the High School was a numbered house, house 1 through 4. She was house 5. Eventually the brainwashing broke my almost Murdoch chan. I never got to have a Murdoch chan gf. Almost. Almost.

>> No.18212180

I liked the part where the chick is so hot she explodes an out door shower

>> No.18212190

lol you think you're a rebel but you're a brainlet

>> No.18212199

Went to a good highschool in texas.

They taught the classics pretty straightforward, I think for every poor blacked librulhearted youth in the usa there's a rich cultured redneck somehow.

and some intermatching of the words rich and poor and black and white.

All i recall in highschool readings wus

Odyssey, Count of monte cristo, The scarlet letter (trash)
Wuthering Heights was good imo,

Frankenstein was good,


oh Huck finn was fun

\also kek the reality of things


is necessary lit if only to show what hyperbole is


oh yeah! the whole thing was really my first time ever experiencing something so dystopian as a youth, It felt very (in my videogame addled adolescent mind) like there was a clear protagonist and that most people were deemed npc's and the whole shot thing....oh boy. Really makes you wonder what "childrens books" are lol

>> No.18212214

I think the author was playing up the character's illness for maximum sympathy points and failed miserably. It ended up making aspies out to look like actual mouth-breathing tards

>> No.18212216

I made a general statement but do you really need a particular? No, you'd discard it just the same because of your strange affections to authority. Your strange affections to authority are more interesting than my defecting. Why don't you open up about why you're not a rebel? Everyone is a rebel these days because that's the orders from above funny enough and if you disagree you're still a rebel. How do you not rebel in chaos and fractured authority? Are you the obedient woman who blindly obeys an empty seat of revolving doors?

>> No.18212317

nigga that's a middle school summer reading list book

>> No.18212324

It doesn't because it's not extreme but rather cheesy annotations written by boomers about what they think teenagers find cool. Like "Hey dudes, here's what Jesus has to say about cyberbullying"

>> No.18212331

My creative writing class remembered this as the book with the oddly high amount of gay child rape

>> No.18212347

the book that tried to be the sound and the fury

>> No.18212362

add rasin in the sun to the list

>> No.18212373

yep, had to read this fantasy too

>> No.18212375

So a cult.

>> No.18212387

Oh fuck. That nostalgia. I thought the AR program was only in my school district.

>> No.18212415
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>T. câlisse anglo

>> No.18212430

What the fuck are half these books you guys were reading? We read shit like Frankenstein and The Great Gatsby. I only graduated in 2012.

>> No.18212609

You have no idea how bad things have become. Graduated 2017. Had several trannies as students and a few literal communitst teachers. One was openly lesbian and would give interviews to the school newspaper about her relationship. Half the classes were ESL

>> No.18212657

>But I didn't dodge yellow raft in blue water.
Had to read that in 10th grade with Ms. Morrison. Hated it

>> No.18213019

You may or may not be surprised to know that there is in fact "an oddly high amount of gay child rape" in Afghanistan.
>t. multiple veteran of a really dumb war

>> No.18213053
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This book fucking sucked. Hawthorne a hack.

Lord of the Flies was also terrible. Someone once theorized to me that it's a passive-aggressive statement by midwit/retard schoolteachers about how hard they have it dealing with SAVAGE little boys that aren't even 100% compliant at all times even though teachermommy is the only thing keeping them from literally murdering each other. I agree.

Read The House on Mango Street, it does suck but is at least very short.

I didn't like The Great Gatsby but it wasn't awful. A Tale of Two Cities was tedious but not without merit.

To Kill A Mockingbird is manipulative trash, as of course is (((Night))).

>> No.18213083

>The Scarlett Letter

Hawthorne gets too much hate, mostly because schools force kids to read his full length novels, which are arguably his worst works.

Hawthorne's romantic style works best in his short stories, in small bites. While his novels are a slog, his short stories are some of the best literature ever produced in the English language.

>> No.18213124

Ok, what do you recommend?
I don't want to needlessly ignore someone like him if he actually has something to say and maybe my opinion was negatively effected by my immature brain...
And yeah I didn't hate that book until like 4 chapters in and by the time she was out in the woods with her kid I decided to just stop reading and guess on all the quizes, bullshit the essay, etc.
I still passed the class but that was the only book in any of my years of schooling I consciously objected to reading.

>> No.18213238

You have the privilege to not care about your identity and not think about people of color. You can hide behind age-old American concepts like individualism and disassociate yourself from a group that built a system that gave you your privilege. But believe me when I say that they always have to think about you. Historically this system has favored us, which means while they struggle with their own identity, they also had to learn adapt to the system in order to survive.

When I hear people like you say that you're "tired" and "don't care", all I can think of is selfishness. What about the people that have to live this experience? It comes across like you putting your own feelings above everyone else's. You can keep on thinking whatever it is you do, but since you're posting your thoughts, I may as well post mine. Your weakness and refusal to know is part of the bigger problem, and I hope you don't think that if you're ignorant of racial issues that you're exempt from accountability. You're not a bad person, but you're displaying behavior reflective of how racism continues to adapt to keep things the way they are.

I hope that someday something good happens to you to make you reconsider your outlook. Life's to short to carry around the smoldering anger and baggage that comes from hate.

>> No.18213437

Why are you fucking kikes always so vague, and when pushed to actually produce evidence of this "system that gave you your privilege," you just refer to historical examples and insist that this is responsible for modern-day problems? Or you refer to "lived experiences," which is just another term for anecdotal evidence.

It's the most unserious pseud shit to ever pass over as acceptable in academia. You start with a conclusion, that group x is oppressed, and try to search for the causes of this, without even considering that multiple factors could be responsible for the same phenomenon which may or may not to have to do with any real oppression?

Like take African-Americans for example. It's pretty obvious that a history of racist policies have played a role in their squalor today, but it's also equally obvious that black culture leads to the problems in the black community too, which is why immigrants from Africa are disproportionately likely to do well compared to blacks born in America.

There is no system of privilege designed to oppress blacks. It's a fantasy, a conspiracy theory, which primarily propagates itself through the use of sophistry and fallacy. There are the aftereffects of previous racist systems, the occasional racists here and there, and the culture of the black community, along with who knows how many other factors which have put blacks in the situation they're in today.

>> No.18213592

I didn't consider anyone to be mystified as to who's in charge. Think about major institutions in this country. They have been, historically, almost until the 1980s, at least 95% white and male. This isn't some cranky theory, it's just a fact. We still make up the vast majority. These racist systems aren't "previous", they are here and now, there are still influential white people in these systems who may not be exhibiting racism in the same way past generations have, but that's just a sign of how discrimination has adapted over time to make those who push that message to be more palatable to the public. Also...

>voting laws
>the justice system's disproportionate effect on people of color
>police brutality

If there's a balanced scale and I put my finger on one scale to push it down, the other scale will tilt up. A group of people cannot be deemed second-class without elevating another group of people to first class. People of color could not have been seen as inferior without white people being deemed superior, along with being given legitimacy by institutions run by them, and a court system that could legally decide if someone was "white" or not. Yes, things have improved, but it would be disingenuous to say that there isn't work to be done.

>> No.18213612

>it's real
What the fuck I thought that was something Clint McElroy made up in Adventure Zone. Reality really is stranger than fiction.

>> No.18213623
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I had to read this in several different classes

We also had a book about an eskimo girl who is married off very young and is raped by her teen husband. She leaves him and goes to live in wild Alaska where she falls in love with a wolf. The book is full of very graphic descriptions of the virile wolf. It never explicitly says the wolf fucked her but it was pretty obvious. The girl was 12

>> No.18214579

That's not why he got expelled, iirc it was because of a past incident where he accidentally killed an elder's son a few years ago

>> No.18214624

>Hawthorne's romantic style works best in his short stories, in small bites. While his novels are a slog, his short stories are some of the best literature ever produced in the English language.
No it doesn't, and lol no they aren't.

>> No.18214634

>They have been, historically, almost until the 1980s, at least 95% white and male.
The United States itself was 90% white "almost until the 1980s", and of course men occupy more high positions than women. This is true of every single civilization. Shut the fuck up, kike.

>> No.18214649

I loved it when I read it in highschool. I wanted to be an architect, and enjoyed it. People that shit on it almost always do so because of rand and not the story. The story had great lessons about not compromising individual integrity, and the dialogue was pretty great. Keatings character arc will always stick with me.

>> No.18214755

The education of Little Tree. I was an ESOL student.

>> No.18214847
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when i was probably around 8 years old, they made us read pic related in class
it wasnt necessarily scary but it made me anxious and kept me up at night for a long while

>> No.18214886

what is it, with american teachers and rape fantasies?

>> No.18214910
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This fucking dogshit book. Even at 13 I hated it.

>> No.18214939
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>> No.18215179


>> No.18215357

I hate catcher in the rye, and I was never forced to read it. I hated it as a teenager, and I hate as an adult. It's like the epitome of everything I hate about America, He has an absolutely incredible life in one of the best countries in the world but he is such an insufferable cunt it's impossible to take him seriously at all.
I mean, there are books with unreliable or annoying or even evil protagonists, but no other character in any book annoyed me as much as Holden.

>> No.18215420

I have to agree. I hated The Scarlett Letter. Boring and stupid. However, I enjoyed The May-Pole of Merry Mount short story.

>> No.18215443

I thought this book was mediocre as fuck too, everyone else seemed to like it a lot.

>> No.18215538

Lol I had to read this. Something about growing up in the cities as a latino or some shit

>> No.18215719

You have the right words. "This is true of every single civilization". You admitted it. Most every society in the Western hemisphere is predominantly white and minorities were severely underrepresented until recently. Now you have to ask - why? If people of color are still speaking about injustice and issues that they face, a better understanding of racism is needed. Understanding how people of color have gone through all kinds of horrible experiences isn't enough. The other side of the coin is better seeing how white people respond to it. Mostly white people protesting toting their guns around to protest masks after just six weeks of lockdown goes off without a hitch. But then black people protest and it turns violent, people get hit with tear gas and beaten. America prides itself on the ability to rebel against injustice, but you have to compare and contrast protests with white people and black people.

Who's rebellion is valued? Why is that? And for the reasons given why, what does that say about the people who give those reasons? Not that they're "good" or "bad", but that they might subconsciously be exhibiting the influence of the racist system they've been conditioned by.

>> No.18215763

Black people in america have a better life than 99% of Africans and they dont't have anyone to blame for their problems but themselves.

>> No.18215771

please leave this site and go to reddit

>> No.18215783

God you're such a fag. How do people put up with you? Fucking insufferable reddit speech and thought process.

>> No.18215937

I will never get why this book is so divisive. I really enjoyed it and related to Holden, but the polarization of HATE/LOVE for this average book is really strange. I mean, deliberately failing assignments because you hate the book so much? Hating Holden more than evil people? You guys are kind of weird.

>> No.18215957

We didn't read any books because my teacher was a retard. We were however forced to read black poetry because if we don't have it drilled into us every day that slavery is immoral and racism is bad, we might turn into evil sexist racist confederate nazis. Hence, we read a whole bunch of mediocre poetry about segregation

>> No.18215981

I think Holden is an uncomfortable representation of most teenagers. Most kids like the book when they first read it and relate to Holden. They revisit it when they are in their late teens and early 20’s and cringe at Holden. People who reread it at an age older than that seem to like it as more time has passed since they were Holden’s age and they can recognize a lot of similarities but also how they have grown.

>> No.18216022

Arguments like yours tend to reinforce the ridiculous mindset some people have that they can be color-blind and "not see race" in their interactions with others. The statistics and experiences and thousands of stories online shared by people of color prove that this isn't the case. If people can't see race, then they can't see racism. It's very self-serving to claim that kind of ignorance, because hey, if you don't know, then you can't be held accountable, right? And what's so nasty about how racism has managed to adapt is by obfuscating what people recognize to be racism through the promotion of individualist culture.

There's nothing wrong with individualism in itself, but sometimes it's used because that's the response people are taught to use when someone calls attention to racial issues. White people are conditioned and have the luxury of not having to think about their race, so most may not feel comfortable to agree with someone pointing racism out. "Oh, it's his fault because he didn't work hard enough (against a system that clearly discriminates against him)". And then after systematically oppressing people of color for so long, when they point that progress still needs to be made, people like you have the arrogance and the nerve to say they "have a better life than 99% of Africans".

That kind of thinking is so poisonous. All we have to do to better solve racial issues is to have a desire to learn, which means accepting that we don't know everything, that some of our preconceived notions may be wrong, especially if they're not firsthand, and that learning is a constant process.

>> No.18216024

So the seething is just from manchildren?

>> No.18216051

Oh shit, is this the one with the puppeteering and then getting conscripted into both sides of the Chinese war? I think I saw the movie

>> No.18216068

Why do the colored people deserve to be pushed up on the scale when they're lazy criminal niggers who take too much gibs? Also, funny how Asians and Indians are always absent from the systematic oppression narrative

>> No.18216076

No joke, I had a college teacher where everything she assigned was about marital troubles and infidelity. It could be a poem, a play, short story, just everything. She had just recently become pregnant from her husband lol

>> No.18216082

Nigger I'm not going to read that fucking word salad

>> No.18216090

I actually liked this book, but I read it after I graduated.
Was a fun ride.

>> No.18216102

Most novels are. Plug some passages into Word and test for yourself. Not that readability tests can accurately judge difficulty.

>> No.18216126

Was marriage the class theme, and you failed to read the catalog discription?

>> No.18216130

I'll humor you and make my post shorter.

Statistics make the idea that society is now mostly color-blind bullshit, and that thinking only serves white people to claim racism isn't their problem when it is. Cultural ideas like cherishing the individual are abused to justify racism and obscure it, and white people are socialized to not think about race and instead resort to this defense, again, to avoid responsibility. It shouldn't be controversial to say that white people don't know everything, especially about race or the experience of other people, and they could stand to listen and learn more and own up to mistakes.

If you refuse to read this post or don't understand it, it just proves my point that your actions are part of the problem for why racism continues to exist.

>> No.18216318

It’s a little more than that. Teenagers are notoriously know-it-all’s who think they have the answers. Everyone changes as they get older and gain new experiences. The things you like now and your opinions will most likely be different years from now. Most people cringe when looking back on their teenage years. Holden is an uncomfortable reminder for for college age kids of themselves a few years back. Time heals most things so a 30 year old just laughs off their youthful naivety where as a 20 year old will take a more hardline stance to distance themselves.

>> No.18216364
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>> No.18216425
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>> No.18216582
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breddy gud read it in school and liked it
pic related was absolute trash, I remember giving it a 2/10 on book report and got a B+.

>> No.18216614

>voting laws
In what way is any particular minority group prevented from exercising their vote?
>justice affecting any group disproportionately
In what way? The fact that they make up a larger prison population percentage than their national population percentage doesn't on its own indicate an issue with the system. Men are also imprisoned at a much higher rate than women, is that also the fault of the justice system?
>police brutality
Use of force is statistically equal when controlled by crime. Violent crimes are more likely to result in a use of force incident. The fact that a particular group commits a disproportionate amount of violent crime isn't the fault of the system.

>> No.18216676

One again, sophistry and vague associations. No evidence, because you fuckers dont even believe in evidence. Evidence, for you guys, is just more white supremacy power structure projection.

>> No.18216690

Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko


>> No.18216712

No it was an entry level english class lmao

>> No.18216716
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This shit

>> No.18216748

>Cultural ideas like cherishing the individual are abused to justify racism and obscure it,
You cant back up this statement with logic
>white people are socialized to not think about race and instead resort to this defense
We're socialized that way because all the jews promoting diversity said the only difference is between individuals minds, and not a manner of circumstance. Of course, idiot nigger genetics disruptive that theory.
>your actions are part of the problem for why racism continues to exist
Stupid nigger thinks racism can go away
>It shouldn't be controversial to say that white people don't know everything, especially about race or the experience of other people, and they could stand to listen and learn more and own up to mistakes.
I don't make mistakes. I think the ones who need to own up are the black cracks addicts tweaking on the corner of the road on my ride to work and the urban youth who knock old ladies out on the street due to "useful indiscretion". Why you niggers seek to demonize those that actually support your welfare nigger lifestyle with taxes never fails to boggle me. Just be content with being useless leeches, and leave white people alone.

>> No.18216862

The Department of Justice statistics, sworn testimony by thousands of black Americans in lawsuits, videos that we can see with our own fucking eyes.

>> No.18217553

Why is the main character named like a Teletubbie? Onkowonko? What were they thinking?

>> No.18217609

>the sheer number of books in this thread that can be summarized as "female minority's coming of age story and struggle against prejudice" is making me reevaluate
There aren't really that many books in the thread that even have a woman as the protagonist.

>> No.18217617

90 IQ post

>> No.18217623

I remember reading some short story in 4th grade about a puerto rican immigrant in new york complaining that people would pronounce the country's name "porto ricko" and that it made her feel out of place
I remember trying to figure out what the point of the story was

>> No.18217664

This book is probably the worst I've ever read. Utter fucking garbage

>> No.18217858

Niggers are impulsively violent compared to whites. It's not some huge fucking mystery.

>> No.18218096


That one's good, you have poor taste.

A REAL shitty book is Great Gatsby, also The Dwarf. Once my own tastes got involved, the reading improved. At the end of high school we all did self-directed projects: pick a book, do an essay. I picked Crime and Punishment, then read Brothers Karamazov over the summer before college.

>> No.18218122
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Shit book

>> No.18218129
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I found this to be unremittingly dull.

>> No.18218192


>> No.18218206

The only thing I liked about school.

>> No.18218342

Holy fuck it wasn't just me. The clown rape made me laugh which got me a detention.
You wasted your money on a sociology degree, a lived experience is one data point.
t. Social Scientist PhD who also wasted his money.

>> No.18218370

>You have the privilege to not care about your identity and not think about people of color.
I don't care.

>> No.18218372

He wrote another book, "A Thousand Splendid Suns". It was actually an interesting look into the lives of Afghan women, and the trials they face.

>> No.18218378

I have a theory that 99% of the nigger/feminist/kike lit is pushed by female teachers. At least male lit teachers seem to favor the classics, which isn't so bad.

>> No.18218419

I have infinitely more respect for 90iq based retards than 110iq 'big boy' midwits who crow about how bad racism is on the internet.

>> No.18218436

this and hatchet. compared to all the drivel we read, they were very pleasant surprises. hatchet stuck with me moreso than the giver, but i still like it just the same

>> No.18218450

hey your a nigger

>> No.18218481
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I remember we only read books pertaining to or written by black people because our English teacher was black (had same teacher for two years). Pic related...

>> No.18218623
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Pic related is absolute misery. I couldn't even finish it, had to use the cliff/spark notes. Same goes for Jude the Obscure I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Maya Angelou is a hack.

>> No.18218722

The villain is so preposterously evil it makes this book hard to take seriously. The bad guy:
-Worships Hitler
-Is a Muslim extreemist
-Is a warlord
-Is a drug addict
-Abducts children
-Rapes children

>> No.18219803

Reading this book killed all enthusiasm I had for literature for about 10 years. I didn't recover until I started browsing /lit/.

>> No.18219857
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we had a list of novels to choose from and for some reason the whole class went for Die Schwarze Spinne. The teacher even recommended picking a different one and predicted that we won't like it. My god was he right. I love me some gothic horror but this was so incredibly boring.

>> No.18219891


>> No.18219902

ah yes, the jew york times bestseller template

>> No.18219929

No dude. You missed out. Those books are fucking great. They are the whole reason I became a "reader" in the first place. These books were dark as fuck.

>> No.18220856
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I read that one and it was okay from what I remember. Pic related was also assigned, but I didn't read it. From what I gathered from in class discussion, it was about some latina who has to choose between a boring doctor and the badboy, and she chooses the badboy that makes her slutty loins froth.

Also had to read that trash.

Book was fine from what I remember but we also discussed how Achebe accused Conrad of racism or whitewashing for not giving niggers any speaking roles in Heart of Darkness.

Ah, you beat me to it.

The honkler.

I am extremely jealous. I'd be much better read if we were assigned better books in school.

>> No.18221998

kola nut

>> No.18222043


>> No.18222052


>> No.18222076

lmao we read Anthem in like 9th grade, despite being short and simple it had a pretty big impact on my understanding of the world.
IE most people and institutions main goal is just to hold onto whatever scrap of power they have even if it means stifling development both of society and technology.
It also kind of thouches on how any system can and will be justified by appealing to some collective greater good.
See children being taken from there "families" at birth to be raised collectively by some state institution.

>> No.18222094

There was one kid that got the nickname pony boy for literally the rest of middle school and all of highschool after we read the outsiders in 8th grade

>> No.18222118

Yeah I never understood this, a major part of 1984 is the assertion that underneath their surface level trappings the three super states of that world are practically the same in beliefs and function.

Totalitarianism and oppression are timeless, non ideological threats that must forever be held at bay.

>> No.18222152

Hey, that’s a good book and it only takes two hours to read.

>> No.18222161

Part of the lession I took from this book was there weakness and passivity are not virtues.
It's bad to be an angry violent dickhead but letting people walk all over you and others is not good it is pathetic and destroys your soul.
If you are a kid being builled do not be afraid of fight back even if you know you will get your ass kicked. So many people in my school went from being picked on to having an indifferent peace with their the people that used to harass them just by giving them a bloody nose once or twice.

>> No.18222169

>t.middle class schlomo

>> No.18222177

wasn't her name esperanza or esmerelda

>> No.18222182

Women are objectively the midwit of humanity.
Men make up 90% of both the base retards and super intellectuals.
Women get make less on average because they willingly work less hours while also taking easier jobs (not climbing power lines, not running a business where they are constantly on call)

>> No.18222187

starkfield, MA

>> No.18222312

>Attempting to view the world through a non-racialist lenses is racist
>You have a collective responsibility because of your race
>[Whites] should just be quiet when we tell them how the world actually works

>> No.18224083
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Had to read Heaven is for Real in HS I went to a Christian private school There was absolutely zero value in it, even as a Christian. It really only worked for people to affirm their own beliefs but any critical thought about it made it look like shit.
Worst College books were Jeffrey Eugenides
Middelsex and Virgin suicides. They only had a read them because he was coming to speak at the school.

>> No.18224182
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>> No.18224209

I got to meet him at some AQA poetry reading at a leisure centre. He seemed nice.

>> No.18224218
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This book was gay

>> No.18224241

This was one of the original “”Fuck white people” books

>> No.18224540

Holy hell is it really that bad? The absolute state of zoomers

>> No.18224652

I burned my copy of I know why the caged bird sings after I read it for school. A few years later my sister did the same thing. A great coming of age ritual