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18205726 No.18205726 [Reply] [Original]

>classes are over
>time to start leisure reading again
best feeling in the world, bros.

>> No.18205820

to keep this thread non-shit I guess I should ask for book recs good for college summers

>> No.18205828

Moonstone by Wilkie Collins.

>> No.18205872
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>country has protests and uni is on strike
>time to start leisure reading again
best feeling in the world, bros.

>> No.18205878
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I need to get pussy bros

>> No.18205880

dubs and you will never get pussy ever again

>> No.18205885

Communist Manifesto to prepare you for impending wage slavery post graduation.

>> No.18205893

Buy a gun.

>> No.18205915

Dubs and both of you never get pussy,
but i do (starting next week). Otherwise, both of you shall receive faithful wives and I will go to prison for sexual assault.

>> No.18205961


>> No.18205975

This but for all 3 of you

>> No.18205988

I am not saying this to be edgy, unironically rape. Its insane how easy it is to get away with it if you don’t live in the states or western europe, it will boost your T levels too which will inevitably lead to getting a gf in a normal way

>> No.18206000

This is why we need feminism

>> No.18206008

>Spring semester ends 5/14
>Summer semester starts 5/17

>> No.18206010

and this is the post that gets the dubs

>> No.18206017

yea but good luck trying to live with that in the back of your mind for the rest of your life
le raskolnikov moment

>> No.18206043

Sorry. I got out of summer classes this semester. The class my parents were going to force me to take is full. I'm looking forward to a fun summer. If only I had money of my own. But things are opening up here and I have some money in the bank.

>> No.18206237

Get a job NEET-chan

>> No.18206246

That, but for all 4 of you

>> No.18206569

I will hustle together a few hundred dollars. But will I be getting a job working for cuckbucks. No.

>> No.18206607

Yes bro. I got some assignments due will finish em quick and start reading stuff

>> No.18207306

Wasted trips

>> No.18207375

Seethe harder incel-chud, you will never be a man, always a boy.

>> No.18207384

It's not immoral
Men are superior than women therefore they can decide what to do with them and it will always be moral
Just like humans deciding to kill animals to eat meat. We are at the top of the food chain therefore whether we chose to be vegetarians or not would be equally moral

>> No.18207489

its true. I just dont like the idea of raping because it would damage them psychologically (mainly because of feminism who interprets it as very bad). And who knows, maybe you have ruined a life of a great writer or something. In itself, rape nor killing is bad, but it might have bad consequences for culture production.

>> No.18207522

Don’t do this, it sends your soul to hell.

>> No.18207532


>> No.18207581

>classes are over
>have a load of good books I got for my bday
>can't decide which to start with
>get fed up and play vidya
>I'll have to start dissertation reading in a few weeks anyway
Why am I like this?

the man who "needs" pussy never gets it.

scam social welfare, best shit I ever did.

>> No.18207619
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>> No.18207685
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>>classes are over
>>time to start leisure reading again
>best feeling in the world, bros.

>> No.18207709


Yeah, go fuck yourself dude.

>> No.18207715


This but for everyone in this thread, including me.

>> No.18207722

This but for all men on earth

>> No.18207724

I have 3 months of this semester still ahead of me with a thesis paper and 5 exams waiting at the end.
I wont be free till September. I hate the European semester schedule. Weather wise sumemr literally started today and I will be stuck inside infront of a PC doing zoom meetings and writing in a word document.

I envy you, OP.

>> No.18207732

is this a bot or something? i swear there's a couple bots that run amok and just post onions face greentexts of random drivel.

>> No.18207738

Uh oh

>> No.18207741
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>> No.18207763

Same except I leisure read all the time.