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/lit/ - Literature

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18201947 No.18201947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18201961
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Illuminati is a hoax. “NWO” is just the neoliberal hegemony

>> No.18201965

>Posting Marxist shit
Go away fag

>> No.18201975
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>> No.18201984

If you want readings on one world government, have a look at Wendt - Is a World State Inevitable

>> No.18201989

You want Pinker maybe? Supporters of the NWO?

>> No.18201993

None of this is weird except the huge Mao. I am guessing mainland Chinese?

>> No.18202007
File: 28 KB, 353x499, De Monarchia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Dante Alighieri.

>> No.18202008

It seems there was briefly a fad for Mao pictures in America, I was in a shitty little diner once that had him in the men's room - guess that's what the Beatles were talking about in that one song.

>> No.18202011

What's wrong with Deng, the greatest leader of the 20th Century?

>> No.18202018
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>> No.18202028


>> No.18202039
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>> No.18202065

Pinochet did absolutely nothing wrong

>> No.18202072

He wasn’t their leader. He had no business executing people, and you’re an asshole for promoting him.

Are you a supporter of the NWO?

>> No.18202083

Are there people ITT who seriously think Dante was wrong and that the world shouldn't be governed by a universal Roman Empire?

>> No.18202093

And you are a degenerate transvestite shitting up up the board with leftoid nonsense for sub-90 IQ mouth-breathers

>> No.18202095

What is it with males and empires? They don’t work. They always degrade and cause massive damage at every step

>> No.18202112

God damn fucking troon every post you make is retarded

>> No.18202123

And no retort you give ever says anything
You post the naked cartoon boy too?

>> No.18202131

What the fuck is weird about that room? Is she retarded?

>> No.18202135

Probably the glory and majesty. Better to live under a grand Nero than some competant local mayor who trims the grass at the park well.

>> No.18202136
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That was me sorry

>> No.18202142

What's wrong with Deng big nose?>>18202011

>> No.18202154

Better to throw off all that and bring back the common ties of community.

Was weird.

Read the book. We’re all up to our necks in capitalism

>> No.18202155

Klaus Schwab has actually written about how between nationalism, democracy and capitalism, one must be given up for it to function.

He of course advocates for nationalism to be given up.

>> No.18202165

imagine not having a single thought of your own and parroting david harvey of all people

>> No.18202185
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>Imagine recommending books on a literature board

>> No.18202281
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I don't think anything is weird anymore

>> No.18202291

The Aquarian Conspiracy

>> No.18202298

Glory of Empire > neighborhood commitee voting on what flowers to plant by the road.

>> No.18202325

yes lets live in the mud and never challenge the limits of our own capability.

>> No.18202327 [DELETED] 

anarchism is just letting the entire civilization be run by a hoa instead of just your suburban cul-de-sac, true hell and anyone who advocates it is worse than stalin

>> No.18202365

There is a wide gulf between living in mud huts and expanding indefinitely in every direction just because you think you can

>can only imagine "the common ties of community" as quaint park maintenance and other things of little consequence
And you people pretend to be "trad"

>> No.18202736


>> No.18202755

Pinochet and Deng are both top five leaders of the 20th century. Don't know what the two anglofags are doing next to them.

>> No.18202835

They are both responsible for implementing neoliberalism in their respective countries and have been incredibly influential in that respect?

>> No.18202847

Bro i love eveything about this except that picture.

>> No.18202856

Yeah I wish I had that setup...

>> No.18202857

i wonder who this book is about

>> No.18202893


Beat me to it.

>> No.18202959

I don’t get why one world government is some big conspiracy. Imagine if we got the same legislations and currency all around the globe. It would literally ease everyone’s lives

>> No.18203003

It would homogenize a lot of culture, and people don't automatically assume the opinion of a government just because it's in place.

>> No.18203036

roman empire =/= globohomo

>> No.18203055

The anarchocommie's idea of active comunity are, in a nutshell, weekly board meetings of adjunct teachers, thanks, no thanks.

>> No.18203105


>> No.18203206

who is?

>> No.18203219

...Is this a boy?

>> No.18203230

no its a drawing

>> No.18203257
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>> No.18203338

It's nothing to do with literature, but both Wells and Stapledon see a world government as a natural stage in going from savagery to actual humanity
Silly buggers to believe we would ever have anything but death camps, hydrogen bombs, and iterations of the "Great" game, huh?

>> No.18203716

No? Having similar legislation and currency has nothing to do with culture as long as that culture isn’t doing anything extreme. I mean if you’re a theocrat who thinks homosexuals should be executed then there would be no problem as most governments are secular at this point.

>> No.18203983

Klaus Schwab

>> No.18204013

>people itt unironically responding to butters

>> No.18205387

you should be given a helicopter ride tranny faggot

>> No.18205401
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If you are PRO-Illuminati you are for having your soul stolen and serving as a drone for eternity.


People dont understand the nature of evil at all. I can almost grasp it but its essentially like taking a human mind and trying to think like an alien. Evil people are so fucked up that they arent actually human.


>> No.18205438

The elite are based you pleb

>> No.18205724
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Coulda been worse.

It’s public record, not a pol disinfograf.

>> No.18205732

Present thy milkers.

>> No.18205742
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This isn’t /b/ tardo

>> No.18205991

>He wasn’t their leader
Reality says otherwise. The reason Chile is the most developed nation in Latin America is because of him and his team. Why there attempting to replace there constitution is beyond me. Its been good to them.

>> No.18206026

is the implication here that mao is pro-nwo? he was attacked by the west for trying to extricate china from world economic system, and was hated by the soviet union for supporting movements that wanted to pursue an independent course for their country, even if they were against socialism (e.g. UNITA in angola).
why isn't pinochet considered pro-nwo? he made bankers a lot happier than allende. i'm genuinely curious as to what the dissident right explanation on this is.

>> No.18206047

this set up goes hard

>> No.18206108 [DELETED] 

>He saved the whole worlds with his divine grace...
Chicago school economics created a miracle on earth for once hu? Literal fascism did for Chile what is couldn’t do in Spain?
Jump pit of your helicopter already.

>> No.18206141

>He saved the whole worlds with his divine grace...
Chicago school economics created a miracle on earth for once hu? Literal fascism did for Chile what is couldn’t do in Spain?
Jump out of your helicopter already.

>> No.18206380

>because you think you can
read Polybius

>> No.18206392

>Chile is the most developed nation in Latin America

>> No.18206482

Deng was great, they've been protected from true neoliberalism by banning Freemasonry in China, unlike Chile.

>> No.18206554

you wish

>> No.18206579

Not kidding, Crisis of the modern world by Guenon, near the end he advocates for the formation and or joining of an elite society that can transcend disasters and conflicts and can impose their ideas no matter the condition, he even ends off the book with a masonic motto. not critiquing Guenon or his work but it felt very secretive/elitist.

>> No.18206610

You glow in the dark

>> No.18206962


>> No.18208233

Panama or Uruguay are the only other places I can think of that may be possible competition. And one of those places has a canal and historical proximity to the United States.

>> No.18209350

everyone who is pro-nwo is fascinated by the fact that the intellectual elite rules the world, and because they consider themselves very smart, they think it's right. it fits their fantasy.
they're still slaves like the rest though.

>> No.18209366

imagine a neckbeard neet or a common wagecuck going to sleep dreaming of wearing cool mage robes and secretly mutilating children
>"so based..."

>> No.18209416

stop counting Jews in Biden's cabinet

>> No.18209475

The hallmark of NWO/Neolib/Neocon literature is being wrong about absolutely everything all the time and making pronouncements that look either really stupid or really racist after 5-10 years. Therefore any book by Thomas Friedman, Milton Friedman, Larry Summers, Francis Fukuyama, Alan Greenspan, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, David Brooks, Robert Kagan, or Bret Stephens are safe bets.

>> No.18209622

it's not their fault, they lived at the height of the british empire and naturally imagined world government to be it scaled up to planetary dimensions

>> No.18210248
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>> No.18210258

Can we truly face the challenge posed by climate change without more internationalization?

>> No.18210336

Climate change is caused by globalization. The only way to correct it is to move to highly localized economies

>> No.18210349

Can you explain your reasoning a bit further?

>> No.18210353





>> No.18210360

Are you fucking retarded? States in the USA have radically different laws which reflect their local cultures. Simple mid-sized cities and rural towns can't even agree on minor legislation

>> No.18210372

Because history is full of every human agreeing with eachother on all points.

The road to Hell, as they say.

>> No.18210377

Climate change is the result of rampant production and unrestrained growth. In order to accomplish this, fossil fuels must be burned to run the factories, extract resources, and transport materials. This holds true even for renewable resources. They are completely dependent on fossil fuels. The only way to reduce emissions is by obtaining resources from local sources. "Tragically" this will crash the global economy

>> No.18210394


>> No.18210538

>Evil people are so fucked up that they arent actually human.

>> No.18210541

oh, I know how this movie ends

>> No.18210650

Nation-states have a way worse history of cultural genocide than empires...

>> No.18210700

>He wasn’t their leader.
Literally wrong.

>> No.18210733

>guess that's what the Beatles were talking about in that one song.
what song?

>> No.18210849

Take your meds, godfag

>> No.18210869
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Do not apologize to the tranny, it was based

>> No.18211298

He's the only reason why Chile managed to be a reasonably developed country for some 30 years

Of course it has gone back to shit now

>> No.18211315


>> No.18212021

not anon but they're right, only the global hydrocarbon supply chain allows us to generate as much carbon as we do. the reason why oil is the energy source of choice is because it's very easy to transport and fairly uniform regardless of source

>> No.18212146

the anglos

>> No.18212396
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The Dacians would object, but they’re all dead now.
They’re pretty much the same thing.

He was their tyrant. I don’t care how much the moneyed class approved of him. He was an illegitimate dictator.
So you like the CIAs pick. I don’t care. South American goes to shit because of the parasitic classes in the US

>> No.18212420

He has a point. TITS OR GTFO.

>> No.18212432

TITS OR GTFO you drunk slut

>> No.18212488

i don't base my self worth on some other dudes "accomplishments."


>> No.18212493

if jewish conspiracies were real you'd be the one falling for them.


>> No.18212647

If I met margreat thatcher at a cocktail party and in between the mingling and flirting I saw that she fancied me, I think I would sleep with her

>> No.18212652


>> No.18214120

everything degrades, like democracy for example. Because modern democracy is at a very low stage, we need a new empire to start the cycle anew.

>> No.18214155

would date that guy, but illumanati belongs on /x/

>> No.18214375

So, because something breaks and decays, that means it shouldn't be made in the first place?
Let's all an hero, then.

>> No.18214378

My guy, your illusions of original thought are ridiculous. All you do by not reading into ideas, is having shallow and malformed ideas.

Books are the obstacle course ideas travel through to prove their worth.

>> No.18214522
File: 282 KB, 1247x1871, bVsKE1iQ0HXZyBgBZ3Ro9CKiotj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically thought about hanging this poster on my wall just to fuck with people (and also because I like the movie). Should I actually do that or would it be cringey?

>> No.18214872


>> No.18214885


>> No.18214902
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It breaks to be made. It breaks to be maintained, it breaks at its height, it breaks in its decline, it shatters as it falls apart.
It apparently doesn’t work. We should embrace something more natural.

>> No.18215923

all the schizos talking about the NWO seem to care very little about the actual global hegemonic world order, curious... its almost like conspiracy peddling only serves the ruling class in the end by distracting disillusioned masses
if you actually want to read pro NWO /lit/, read thatchers or raegans speeches or that of any other liberal leader