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18198669 No.18198669 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that go in-depth about female dominance in sexual relationships?

>> No.18198756

It's unnatural and wrong. Weak insecure men like it because they don't have to assert themselves and risk looking like a joke

>> No.18199392

it's a fetish op, why do you need a book for it?

>> No.18199524

Venus in Furs

>> No.18199722

I kinda want to search about femdom in my university's library, but I'm too scared of getting found out or something,

>> No.18199754

Just say you’re doing sexology research

>> No.18199831


>> No.18199861

There's a chart for books with relationships with younger men and older women on the wikia if you're interested

>> No.18200683

Are they good books?

>> No.18200889

dating older women fucking sucks, nothing like your anime porn suggests.

>> No.18200898
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Female cruelty is so good..

>> No.18201157

Deleuze - Coldness and Cruelty
Silverman - Male Subjectivity at the Margins


>> No.18201537


>> No.18202501
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>Deleuze - Coldness and Cruelty
>Silverman - Male Subjectivity at the Margins
Those are definitely some nice picks, but I have to ask, are there any books that go into detail about a woman who is dominant in a relationship with a man and their relationship with other man's other female friends and family.

>> No.18203611

Do it, anon, be a man.

>> No.18204579

is there any literature involving a scenario where a dude is weak and submissive and open to femdom but then reclaims his masculinity and overpowers the female?

>> No.18204669

Lots of kino doujin on it, femdom reversal is such a fetish of mine, will post some pics later, would love to see some literature on it though

Femdom in general is a sensitive topic for me cause I was basically addicted to femdom hentai for the longest, I’m not completely out of it, but it’s far less worse now, porn addictions does things to a nigga
Albeit I do think growing up basically being devoid of any girls to talk to, kind of put girls almost as another species in my mind, and I began to fetishize that because of my low self esteem at the time, don’t let coomers try to convince you that you should embrace this fetish, run from it as fast as you can, there’s basically no women that like a submissive man anyways and the ones that do are fucked in the head

>> No.18204689

>kino doujin on it
link me up bro
and you're basically me

>> No.18204764

At least it isn't NTR...

>> No.18204798
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No because it doesn't exist. Men have a need for sexual variety so they don't mind switching between dom/sub, women are happy with one chad or multiple cooming inside them and saying "I love you" and shit. Women only peg men when the men ask them for it, no woman has ever said "i'd really like to be the dom tonight".

>> No.18205278
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Jannie please no ban this is on topic i swear

>> No.18205286

NTR gets me so irrationally angry, fuck /a/ for spamming terasu mc

>> No.18205306

A survey was done and about 40 percent of woman have fantasised about being dominant sexually. It was less then have fantasised about submitting but I think the dearth of such relationships is more to do with the fact that women are uncomfortable and embarrassed with sharing their sexual fetishes, are less willing to do deviant things even if they partake, and also the fact that they assume that most men would hate it (which many do)

>> No.18205314

*partake in fantasizing

>> No.18205374

I have absolutely no faith in modern day surveys

>> No.18205416

The theme of women wanting to dominate men is pretty well known throughout history, I'd argue the male sadistic stuff is more recent. Think about it, it's in the Arthurian cycle Sumerian mythology, there's subtext of it in other mythology. In terms of humiliation, well there's Aristotle and Phyllis. It often exists in cruder forms. My mother sometimes used to hit my father when they first got married and from the way they talked about it it seemed as if they got some kind of sexual titillation from it.

>> No.18205423

The relevance of the last paragraph is obviously as my parents are from a traditional background with no real understandings of the perversions of western society yet they seemed to develop it naturally nonetheless

>> No.18205430

*sentence, lol, not paragraph.

>> No.18205535

Mythology isn’t exactly an accurate representation of people’s sexual fantasies, I know little about Sumarian myths I’ll be honest, but I seriously doubt Greek myths reflected the sexual wants of the common man back then, most societies were patriarchal, and yes exceptions obviously exist, but I’d argue generally speaking, and biologically speaking men are naturally far more dominant in behavior, (now actual marriage on the other hand is another topic in of itself, however as we see in the west as women gain more control of the relationship things tend to go to shit)

>> No.18205557

To add on to that I vaguely remembered that in spiritual and ceremonial practices Sumerian society’s were matriarchal, however when compared to other societies of that time, they were largely an exception

>> No.18205558

Depends on the man I guess. It's always a minority of men who have been into things like this. But it is curious how male sadism is so common now when it is not that commonly attested in history AFAIK. I wonder if feminism has made women desire it more, whereas men from patriarchal societies liked the relief of submitting to a woman.

>> No.18205588

Mainstream porn is the reason for it. It's incredibly violent and dehumanizes women.

>> No.18205598

But women are far more into this shit than men, and they don't watch porn to the same amount. If you're blaming media, you might as well blame erotica.

>> No.18205607

I do also think it’s interesting how male sadism is on the rise, alongside several other depressing trends of human behavior after the advent of the internet, I do know for a fact that testorone levels are dropping world wide, I don’t think feminism had that big of an effect in this because, as we all know, the ones that are the most dominant and feminist tend to be the most submissive cum dumps known to man, one wonders if it’s all just an act, a biological shit test designed to filter out men weak men and being those that can make them kneel. I’ve talked to women about this, and literally all of them admit a lot of their mannerisms come from the secret desire that a man comes and cuts through their bullshit. I unironcially think much of modern pop feminism is just women, secretly hoping that a dominant man rips their sense of reality to shreds. In terms of the survey I believe their perception of what exactly “dominating” a man is much different than ours, and it seems like something a lot of them might want to try, but not really commit to

>> No.18205629


>> No.18205643

This one is a legit cinematic masterpiece

>> No.18205650

>the ones that do are fucked in the head
The girls that are into men treating them like shit are absolutely 100x more fucked in the head than girls who like to treat men like shit, . They cheat more often for one.

>> No.18205678

I'd say it's 2 sides of the same coin desu.

>> No.18205684

So the move is just a get a nice, kind girl, and then introduce slowly her to whatever proclivities you have later in the relationship?

>> No.18205695

I sleep
Real shit

>> No.18205702

Seems like it, although never ever ever, go down the femdom rabbit hole, she will lose respect for you, and if that sounds nice to you, you might like short term, however your innate male instincts will later make you realize just how soul crushing the idea is, is to be contained and domesticated. I read some story about an anon on /tv/ that was generally more dominant the whole time, but one time he let her peg him and she never looked at him the same way again, I don't mean to antagonize women, but they seriously do think like this. Women are extremely fucking dishonest about what they want, because they hope the man figures it out.

>> No.18205735
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Some women just want to dominate men, anon, its in their nature.

>> No.18205758


>> No.18205768

>I’m masculine! I’m masculine! I’m masculine!
>you’re the insecure one!

>> No.18205948
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Has there ever been a study on how older sisters dominating their little brother? I remember reading anons from /adv/ and other sites that state their older sisters would use them as quasi-boyfriends, with some trying to go even further beyond. .

>> No.18205971

No there's never been such a study

>> No.18206182

I don’t think sexual abuse is femdom, anon. That’s a different matter entirely.

>> No.18206854

This is pretty much the arc of Venus in Furs.

>> No.18206874 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that quite a lot of women, given the opportunity, enjoy experimenting with a sexually dominant role as a reversal of having felt genuinely disempowered by men at various times in their lives. But usually they've internalised that dynamic to such an extent that they lose their confidence and revert to default very quickly if something doesn't go to plan, so they have a (legitimate) concern that fetishistic men may often be looking for a complete replacement for the traditional sexual relationship which will undermine the ability to do that.

i.e. girls can be kinky but boys are spergs.

>> No.18208554


>> No.18209168

>It's unnatural and wrong

>> No.18209528

Rushing to Paradise by JG Ballard

A 17 year old becomes breeding stock for a cult of feminists posing as a wildlife sanctuary in Micronesia.

It was an OK read.