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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18198358 No.18198358 [Reply] [Original]

I need to rebuild myself from scratch. Throw myself into a new environment, force myself to do new things, assume a new persona, change my body, learn new patterns of thought and give my mind new models to work with, change my speech habits, get in the routine of doing things that will help counteract learned behavior, learn new skills, disrupt my established circuitries of love, hate, fear and attachment, change my looks to the point where I can no longer recognize the man at the mirror.

>> No.18198380

First tell me about where you’re at now and I’ll tell you what to change

>> No.18198395

leave 4chan then

>> No.18198398

Godspeed anon.

>> No.18198424

>I need to change who I am
The first step is realising you aren't anyone. There is no "you". Act the way you want.

>> No.18198427

An the first thing you do is to post this on vietnamese drawing board. Kek.

>> No.18198450

You're just a bag of flesh that can inflate and deflate over time and gets saggier as it gets older.

>> No.18198457
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Pick up some charts (search warosu) and say goodbye
Don’t forget to delete the frogs and blowjacks

>> No.18198570

same here

>> No.18199168

Start with something like Atomic habits to learn about changing your identity through working on your processes and systems.

>> No.18199664

mass exodus from 4chan when?