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18195043 No.18195043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Next week, I'll have an amazing sexual opportunity but it's sickeningly seedy and immoral. What books should I read over the weekend that will help me go through with it?

>> No.18195054

Whoah! I'm erect and horny, what an attractive female.

>> No.18195062

madame bovary

>> No.18195064

the best. any advice for my situation though?

>> No.18195074

Just have the sex, women don't have any morals at all so why should you

>> No.18195076

i should have mentioned I'm primarily looking for non fiction

>> No.18195085

there will be no sex involved

>> No.18195094

Now I'm intrigued, what sort of situation is this exactly?

>> No.18195097

>sickeningly seedy and immoral
Don't fuck your cousin anon.

>> No.18195099

Sister loving, cunny, faggotry, cuckoldry?
It's too vague with just the OP.

>> No.18195100
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not with you in the picture, OP
what, is she letting you watch her and her fuckbuddy?

>> No.18195120

i would love to but that's not the opportunity i mean
It involves my sister
See above. No sex however, just very immoral and depraved. I'm having an opportunity to steal her nudes. I already cum gallons to the pictures on her social media but fuck. I'll probably jerk myself to death if i have her nudes
god i wish

>> No.18195123



>> No.18195134

of course. but i need to get rid of the morals that hold me back

>> No.18195136
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>I'm having an opportunity to steal her nudes.
devilish of you to even have this sort of thought, OP
either do this >>18195123 or don't do it at all

>> No.18195151

>devilish of you to even have this sort of thought
thank you.
>either do this >>18195123 # or don't do it at all
I will but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I mean I know how to get them I just don't know how to get myself to go through with it

>> No.18195154
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you have those morals for a reason, OP
it doesn't have to be like this

>> No.18195156

oh I remember you. Trying to build up that jouissance again?

>> No.18195160

Sade obviously. Philosophy in the Boudoir

>> No.18195180

it doesn't have to but I want it to
must be another anon. there's no shortage of hot cockteasing sister's in the world

>> No.18195197

You have do it now, Anon. Just imagine a hundred /lit/ neets jacking off to your sister's nudes, I bet you love the idea.

>> No.18195200


>> No.18195209

fuckm i do. she doesn't deserve it at all which makes it so much hotter

>> No.18195215

Based sisterposter

>> No.18195217

Read Plato's Phaedrus, the portrait which Beauty offers man is not to be treated like a wild animal or bull ready for making children and such, but of a Philosopher.

>> No.18195220
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that's horrible anon, you're scum. Take a look at yourself and the kind of man you are.
>inb4 bait
I believe this faggot

>> No.18195241
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>that's horrible anon, you're scum. Take a look at yourself and the kind of man you are.

>> No.18195257
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>> No.18195266
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>No! You can't fap to your sister's pictures and share them with /lit/bros!

>> No.18195272

is this going to have the opposite effect of what I want?
>I believe this faggot
good because I'm very sincere.
Please elaborate why this repulses you though

>> No.18195281

Post some clothed sisterpic as a teaser

>> No.18195282

you sound just like this -> >>18195241

>> No.18195293

If you let other people influence your decision about doing something "immoral" or not then you have no morality in the first place but only the fear of being exposed.

>> No.18195297

Don't do it OP. You'll regret the decision.

>> No.18195306

Stealing nudes and being a degenerate aside, the fact that you're wanking over your own sister is pretty rancid. Perhaps by spending enough time on the internet you've convinced yourself incest is 'BASED' or fine or whatever, or that you hate women blah blah blah, it's just a generally repulsive thing to do IMO. On the day of judgement you will justify your actions in front of the Lord. Do it if that's what you feel you must, I'm just the sucker who moralfags on a Bolivian Horticulture Forum.

Eat shit

>> No.18195308

He'll regret it either way. If he does this, he would regret his immorality. If he doesn't, he would regret the missed opportunity.

>> No.18195320

Absolutely based.

>> No.18195327

Lmao, christcucks are getting more embarrassing every day. Isn't bible full of incest by any chance?

>> No.18195340

???? It isn't promoting incest, it's always examples of sinful behaviour, unsurprising that an athiest has never even read the bible though.

>> No.18195354

dont do it, because you will get one step closer to becoming an atheist. Basically hedonism=atheism, so if you will indulge your carnal pleasures you will move away from morality, society, and most importantly, God who gave you your life and who is watching over you. The funny thing is, atheists do it all the time and see no problem in this. Dont make that mistake.

>> No.18195361
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>> No.18195363

Not sure if Old Testament condemns incest. Remember the story of Tamar.

>> No.18195374

okay fine but just one and no face. i already agonized over posting one so that's all you get
sounds like it might be true.
i highly doubt that. it'll be pleasure on another level
sounds very moralistic
true. I'd rather get some pleasure out of it if I'm going to feel regret regardless
i can't speak to this
I am in actual fact, a theist, but I don't know if what you say is true

>> No.18195378


>> No.18195390
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sorry forgot to attach

>> No.18195395

mamma mia. I would steal her nudes and attempt to fuck her after getting her drunk.

>> No.18195397

Fucking hot, looks like a real slut. I'll fap to her right now.

>> No.18195399

rate my thot sis?

>> No.18195406

i think that has low chances of success
enjoy. stay tuned and on monday, you'll probably see her naked

>> No.18195419
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based cumbrain

>> No.18195421

Tamar is Judah's daughter-in-law, they aren't related by blood


>> No.18195431

>those milkers
if you don't post her nudes in the next few days I'm going to find you and fuck you in the ass, OP

>> No.18195432
File: 669 KB, 1000x666, HolyBible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in serious need of reading the Holy Bible, son. You do not want to make things any worse than they will already been on that day when you face the Lord. The way you are talking only reduces the true value and worth of each of you involved, *cheapens*. Your souls is all you truly have, the rest of you passes away, the world passes away.

>> No.18195434

thank you. mine was always that

>> No.18195435

Awaiting thot sis nudes on monday, don't let us down. I'd fuck her and make you watch too.

>> No.18195438

>is this going to have the opposite effect of what I want?
N- no... wait you're thread is about how to divulge in the worst sexual shame? I guess I should read the full Op more, but that's horrible anon. If not for your heart, then for what the action itself will do to it.


You don't reject sex for asceticism, but there is more importance for it than literally just the chemical act of ejaculation, and the fact that you do not see it as anything more means you will suffer its consequences ever more dire. To follow desires not without reason, but against reason, against morals, that is hubris.

>> No.18195441

Fuck off

>> No.18195457

don't worry. i will.
I'm not a christian. I think the trinity is polytheism
I'll try my best to deliver asap. and thank you. I'd love that
I need encouragement not discouragement

>> No.18195460

Wrong Tamar, he means the story of Tamar being raped by Amnon. Although I wouldn't say that story really paints incest in a positive light. A lot of the OT incest stories are presented somewhat neutrally, or at least matter-of-factly (like Lot and his daughters).

>> No.18195462

What’s in the Bible =/= What the Bible teaches

>> No.18195464

>Tamar is Judah's daughter-in-law, they aren't related by blood
Yeah, but this story kind of promotes internal family relations in favor of procreation. Of course, this has nothing to do with incest for hedonistic pleasure only.

>> No.18195468

>I'm not a christian
Found your problem.

>> No.18195480

>I need encouragement not discouragement
Why do you feel the need to do this?

>> No.18195512

Want to bang your whore sister’s ass. She does anal I can tell.