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18189978 No.18189978 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read before getting into Nick Land? I haven't read any philosophy in my life.

>> No.18190006

It's a meme that you need to read anyone before reading anyone else, philsophy is something you can build over time. Start with the greeks is a meme, you'll never read anything if you follow the autistic cringe charts made by autists who work at starbucks. You'll just get burnout.

>> No.18190014

If you don't understand a book, put it down and pick something else up.

>> No.18190049
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Read one of his pieces. How much of it do you think you understand? A quarter of it? Half of it? Try another. Same thing? If you barely understand, try reading some of the figures that inspired him. Look for works that you can mostly understand, but not completely. Build up your strength, by challenging yourself, but not too much. It's like figuring out which boss to fight in Megaman.

>> No.18190055

Nick Land bro if you read the western canon before the book you wanna read because you need the background or something you will never read Nick. If he references something you don't understand ask wiki or lit.

>> No.18190547

Just go straight to xenosystems.net on wayback

>> No.18190578

Why was it gone?

>> No.18190584
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at the very least

>> No.18190595

>primary source
>fanged noumena
>misses most of the literature Land uses to critique most accelerationists now days
Your 'at the very least' is very appropriate

>> No.18190631

I think it had something to do with Wagner escaping

>> No.18190646

>Your 'at the very least' is very appropriate
I know.

>> No.18191017

the dude is alive, in China, go and have a beer with him

>> No.18191057

I tried, he punched me in the gut. I threw up, he called me a weak foreigner and left.

>> No.18191071


>> No.18191097
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At the very least you need to read this to understand Nick Land

>> No.18191329

>It's like figuring out which boss to fight in Megaman.
Why can't professors explain it as simply as this?

>> No.18191343

This helped me:
>I haven't read any philosophy in my life.
You might have to pause and look up some of the terms he uses, but you should be alright.

>> No.18191412

if youve never read any philosophy in your entire land... why the fuck would you want to start reading it from nick land. lmfao. what possible reason could there be

>> No.18191420

Nick Land isn't a philosopher so I figure you don't need to read any at all.

>> No.18191421

>I haven't read any philosophy in my life
Sounds like you are well prepared for Nick Land

>> No.18192014

You don't need to read anything, just plug these search terms in YouTube and you'll have all you need to get started: "AI", "marxism", and "dark triad personality traits".

>> No.18192065

Disable texture filtering you monster.

>> No.18192075

cuz he's based

>> No.18192127

cause nick land is a meme and therefore more appealing to OP

>> No.18192176

Basic understanding of deleuzian concepts that you can get from wikipedia:
>territoriality (reterritorialization / deterritorialization)
>code (overcodification / decodification)
>actual and virtual / extensive and intensive
>molecular and molar, smoth and striated space
>plane of immanence and body without organs

Basic understanding of thermodynamical concepts that you can get from wikipedia:
>positive and negative feedback

Basic understanding of kantism that you can get from wikipedia:
>transcendetal / transcendent
>categories and space-time

Basic understanding of freudian concepts that you can get from wikipedia:
>the unconscious
>desire and libido
>the uncanny

>> No.18192194

Start with Hume, then read Spinoza. After that you can read AO and as long as you’ve watched blade runner you’re good

>> No.18192235
File: 36 KB, 365x392, nick-land-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I need to read before getting into Nick Land?
You don't "get into" Nick Land.
You metaobserve neurolinguistic basilisks and get captured by the Burroughsian meme-virus of Accelerationism. Your polyfate converges on hyperstitions. Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality. Exit linear time.
Neo-China arrives from the future to offer you cybernetic e-citizenship in the Post-Kantian blockchain. Neocameralism recursolaunches ateleological neofeudal futarchy and subsubjectivity modulo-mutates into hypergendered transbondswomyn of Retrosingularity.
Technocapital omnideterritorializes enthalpy. Grey goo physioreifies slime girls. Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous process. Azathoth vomits unspeakably indescribably eldritch horrors into the hypermultiverse.
Then you wake up in a sweat with a copy of Fanged Noumena on your face. You put the book down, shake off the existential horror and vow never to mix drugs and Accelerationist /lit/erature ever again.
That basilisk will always be there though. On the outside you'll look unchanged and your friends and family will never know the difference. On the inside, however, you'll never be quite the same again. You'll have to live the rest of your life knowing what man was never meant to know.

>> No.18192309

Holy fuck stop with the spam you cunt.

>> No.18193229

>I haven't read any philosophy in my life.
Average acc fag

>> No.18193258
File: 71 KB, 992x558, GTY_bashar_al_assad_balcony_tk_130829_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved,nice copypasta but some parts need to be fixed
>Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality. Exit linear time.
Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality exiting linear time.
>Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous process.
Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous processes
>Azathoth vomits unspeakably indescribably eldritch horrors into the hypermultiverse.
Azathoth vomits unspeakable indescribable eldritch horrors into the hyperverse.

Now here's the full one:

You don't "get into" Nick Land.
You metaobserve neurolinguistic basilisks and get captured by the Burroughsian meme-virus of Accelerationism. Your polyfate converges on hyperstitions. Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality exiting linear time.
Neo-China arrives from the future to offer you cybernetic e-citizenship in the Post-Kantian blockchain. Neocameralism recursolaunches ateleological neofeudal futarchy and subsubjectivity modulo-mutates into hypergendered transbondswomyn of Retrosingularity.
Technocapital omnideterritorializes enthalpy. Grey goo physioreifies slime girls. Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous processes.Azathoth vomits unspeakable indescribable eldritch horrors into the hyperverse.
Then you wake up in a sweat with a copy of Fanged Noumena on your face. You put the book down, shake off the existential horror and vow never to mix drugs and Accelerationist /lit/erature ever again.
That basilisk will always be there though. On the outside you'll look unchanged and your friends and family will never know the difference. On the inside, however, you'll never be quite the same again. You'll have to live the rest of your life knowing what man was never meant to know.

>> No.18193261
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>> No.18193355

>Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality exiting linear time.
If you want it to be one sentence it needs a comma. Otherwise cutting the bonds to time becomes the thing that exits, rather than the cause of the exit.
Overimbibing methamphetamines cybersevers temporal carcerality, exiting linear time.
>Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous processes
This should definitely be singular. We are talking about process in the Accelerationist sense - the production of production - not some set of processes.
Elder gods reterritorialize panhomogeneous process.
>Azathoth vomits unspeakable indescribable eldritch horrors into the hyperverse.
This is a stylistic choice, so either way is fine.

>> No.18194342

retard. read literally 1 land essay man

>> No.18194348

Read Nick Land and the post-structuralists first, then the pre-Socratics, then Plato and Aristotle, then the Bible, then Kant.

>> No.18194349

>read literally 1 land essay
I don't waste time on pseuds.

>> No.18194355
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>> No.18194393

Start the greeks and skip the rest. Post modernism is shit anyway.