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18193883 No.18193883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do you prefer /lit/?

>> No.18193920
File: 198 KB, 839x472, slaughterdyke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18193948

>Insecure maga-brained youtuber
>Le mumble mumble *snifffff* chad
There is no comparison

>> No.18194005

zizek ponders big problems with no solutions
at least peterson gives you practical advice

>> No.18194012

>Stand up straight and clean your room
>Practical advice
What are you doing here?

>> No.18194017
File: 217 KB, 720x398, Screenshot_20210506-191437~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that Marxist trash

>> No.18194268

>Washing your penis is the archetypal dragon of chaos.

>> No.18194275

And that's practical compared to zizek's advice which is "do nothing"

>> No.18194283

they're both awful

>> No.18194294

It's over for marxists.

>> No.18194297

No one named Sloterdijk, you huge faggot.
It's a question about Zizek or Peterson.
>zizek's advice which is "do nothing"
Don't you notice how Peterson tells you to read and not misjudge people and all you faggots do is not read and prejudge people?
Anyways, Zizek is trash, Peterson is more trash, but both are useful in their own way. I do find more joy in reading Zizek

>> No.18194299

All I ask of philosophers is that they be entertaining, I don't bother reading philsophy that's boring considering it's all pointless anyway. So Zizek, by a mile.

>> No.18194303
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communist manifesto

>> No.18194312

Ideologies aside, Zizek simply has more to offer.

>> No.18194316

jordan peterson's word bank for the zizek debate (remember to tick off all of them peter!)

[ ] bourgeoisie
[ ] communist manifesto
[ ] low resolution
[ ] proletariat
[ ] oppression
[ ] class
[ ] metanarrative
[ ] bourgeoisie
[ ] oppressed
[ ] post-modern
[ ] proletariat
[ ] oppressor
[ ] bourgeoisie
[ ] fundamental

>> No.18194319

zizek for philosophy
peterson for life advices
you can combine both

>> No.18194328

Zizek because he is funny

>> No.18194396
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Zizek in that debate and having to be all like "damn, Jordan Peterson, my learned friend, all clever with your transplanted hair and horrific puppet voice. I would totally correspond with you, both as a speaker and writer." when all he really wants to do is write another 800 page book on Hegel at home with his son. Like seriously imagine having to be Zizek and not only sit in that chair while Jordan Peterson states his sophomoric critiques in front of you, the unfavorable lighting revealing the transplanted area of his head and his cricket body, and just sit there, word after word, minute after minute, while he googled 'the big other'. Not only having to tolerate his repulsive fucking voice but his haughty attitude as everyone on his subreddit tells him he's BASED and REDPILLED and, DAE LE TRANNY HATE TOO?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his whining fucking wikipedia critiques, ignorance you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been reading nothing but a healthy diet of Hegel and Lacan and, allegedly, Marx, for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the ex-Yugoslavia. You've never even seen Anglo-Saxonism this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his throbbing forehead as he breathes in to deliver more utilitarian cringe at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in the "Intellectual Dark Web (for that is what he and his friends call themselves)", the Intellect he worked so hard for reading English translations of Jung and Nietzsche. And then the moderator calls for questions, and you know you could embarass every single person in this room before the moderator could silence you, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Zizek. You're not going to lose your jovial persona over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it, and so on.

>> No.18194421

How could you watch this debate and think that psychoanalysis isn’t anything other than empty posturing?

>> No.18194433

>It's over for marxists.
Silly boy

>> No.18194471

People who like Peterson literally don't read.

People who like Zizek mostly read sunday morning cartoons (the least funny ones).

>> No.18194473


>> No.18194606


In an interview shortly after the debate, Zizek said that he saw the meme of Peterson googling "who is Hegel?". I'd wager he made it himself.

>> No.18195012
