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18192717 No.18192717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18192723

I hate druggie who abuse CNS stimulants.
I need amphetamine to function well and everyone is busy giving them a bad name.

>> No.18192728

let go of your hate, honky bitch
you'll feel better

>> No.18192733

Hate is what gives me the motivation needed to improve my nation and community.
Negative emotions can be productive if channeled correctly.

>> No.18192741

Ok Darth Vader

>> No.18192749


>> No.18192760

>need amphetamine to function
You got memed into speed addiction by your retarded doctor. ADD can be improved other ways. You're just another speed addict.

>> No.18192763

Continue your life of mediocrity.

>> No.18192800

>says the fucking speed addict

>> No.18192810

I started medication when I was 28 after a lifetime of failing most things I tried even though I'm relatively ambitious and have an IQ of 130.
Amphetamine truly changed my life for the better.

There are indeed other things which reduce ADHD symptoms such as decent sleep and exercise. I've always made sure to sleep enough, I lift and I run 5-7 days a week but it's not enough to make me a functional adult.

>> No.18192819

High speed low drag

>> No.18192910

I've been to that playground, it floods you with mischievous energies

>> No.18192924

You sound like an addict

>> No.18192928

Hypnagogic reveries of Mira begin as dreadful disagreements that we work to conversationally unravel and ease ourselves into a more serene state, ready only then for high quality slumber

>> No.18192999

Well there is no physical addiction since I experience no negative effects when not taking my medication and I feel fine on vacations when not taking it. In fact it has had the common effect for people with ADHD of reduced overall drug use. I almost never drink alcohol anymore, I used to consume a lot of tobacco but I am tobacco free since I started medicating.
Your worldview is narrow and false.

>> No.18193059

Abuse all the stimulants you want. Don't try justifying it by pretending you have some made up disease cause your brain is special

>> No.18193105

You're coping. Listen to this dude >>18193059. Stop pretending meth is curing your "disease"

>> No.18193115

I have no physical addiction, I feel about the same when taking it and when I don't, except I'm less functional when not taking it. My dosage is extremely low compared to people who take it recreationally. I don't get euphoria from it.
You are ignorant.

>> No.18193120

>except I'm less functional when not taking it

>> No.18193132

You don't even know what that means.

>> No.18193143


An alcoholic all my adult life, there was an interval of about a decade where I didn't register any dreams. I drink low-alcohol drinks these days, and these allow for interesting dreams which I can just register in the early morning hours, one of which involved dad lecturing me. Deterioration of health is a common theme, teeth falling out, you know the drill. Just today I pooped blood for the first time in about a year, and dad will drive me to the procedure in a few weeks. So goes the imaginary.

>> No.18193185

the last 3 days I have been getting nightmares and I wake up in the middle of the night (but still in a sleepy daze that I would not be able to get up, I just know I am not fully asleep anymore). I went from sleeping 10-11 hours down to 7.

Nothing changed in my daily life or any great event occured that I can think of.

Books for this issue?

>> No.18193638

How? Anything other than the obvious sleep/exercise? Been considering amphetamines for a while now but would rather not.

>> No.18193665

>be dreaming
>walk into the gym to lift
>start with dumbbell shoulder press
>lady that plays Dexters sister in the show Dexter shows up
>walks right up to me and introduces herself then starts exercising somewhere
>conjure up a lifting buddy to spot me on bench, but I don't know how to lay down on my back
Woke up and shed a single tear at the beauty

>> No.18193666

I'd say very frequently yes. There's something happening, and some kind of causality. The other day I dreamed that the elder brother of a friend I broke up years ago abducted my sister. The news was delivered by my mother, who I also broke up because she's a narcisistic devil of a woman that sabotaged everything I ever did while living with her. I went to kill him and rescue my sister because I was expecting he's trying to defend the honor of his younger brother that I told to get fucked, only to know she was actually visiting and that was one more lie my mother told me to fuck me over and make me hurt myself with some degree of separation.

That's a proto-epic if I can ever think of one.

>> No.18193832


Bottom middle picture is awful.

>> No.18193856

>tfw missed out on sex and drugs as teenager
>tfw too old and have to cope with books now

>> No.18193873

Imagine thinking you are too old for drugs.

>> No.18193887

>so this is sincerity

>> No.18194016

who is this woman

>> No.18195469
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it's a living

>> No.18195483
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>> No.18195488

>just be miserable bro trust me

>> No.18195502

Dude you are Killua?

>> No.18195525
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Will adderall make me a functional adult?

>> No.18195556

No. Prayer might.

>> No.18195733

I tried a no sugar diet to see if it makes me think better but I have no clue what to make of it
Idek if I'm confused or not

>> No.18195749

Getting mad at a picture of some girl snorting coke isn't a productive use of negative emotions

>> No.18195760

I'm you but stimulants give me insane aura migraines. Have you looked into non-stimulant alternatives that actually work?

>> No.18195778

Megfag finally got responses?
This board really is in the shitter.

>> No.18195812

>they don't work for me so you should try something else even though they work for you
Just stop

>> No.18195834

must be nice living without this horrible feeling daily. get bent idiot

>> No.18195841

Ohhh is that Megan Boyle?
I didn't know she was THIS retarded and ugly
God, women suck at everything
Makes me want to do violence against them

>> No.18196225

Megan Boyle is a genius.

>> No.18196253

Who hurt you? :(

>> No.18196343

Female genitalia and intelligence are mutually exclusive

>> No.18196349

> Female genitalia
He doesn't know.

>> No.18197336

Lately I fall asleep to reveries where a famous writer arrives at my doorstep as a guest and they're welcomed with great celebration, channeling old testament patriarchs and modern Mullahs. God has given us a guest, an occasion to exercise fortune, to aid the blessed traveller, whatever the path.
They're always surprised at how prepared we are, how quickly they're given wifi passwords, instacart logins, tours of the available bedrooms with full attached baths, orientations about pools, locks, paths, lighting, streaming services, neighbors and nightlife, all of this and more tied up in a bow and left for our guest to absorb in their assured new privacy. Yes we have tooth pastes of various brands and functional ingredients, new bathing accessories, contact lense solutions and cases, towels for bathing, for sunning, chargers for Apple, Android and others. Wipes, cleansers, full laundry privileges, anything our guest lacks will be acquired with dazzling immediacy, and I'll be more than mildly incensed at our oversight, but only on the inside. Do you need a luggage rack? I'm sorry, would you like one? Yes, the toddlers nap once a day and do make quite a discernible ruckus but we run a tight ship and may be showing off a bit with someone new under our roof: oh your breakfasts don't usually choose between french toast, waffles, pancakes or crepes, nor have a nauseatingly abundant supply of locally grown fruits harvested in hauls that ruin supermarket imposed ideas of berry scarcity? Do you have favorite snacks? Foods? Medicines? Beer? Wine?
But most of all, then that would all be that and our guest would be restored to their autonomy and I'd return to my innumerable responsibilities and perhaps not even see the new so-and-so until much later, maybe meeting them during a post slumber snack raid. I'd lament the delivery options but would certainly be on the hunt for their food "thing," some recipe or cuisine they like, and it'd be fun surprising them with banh mi or boba or something like that.

>> No.18197555


>imagine thinking drugs will actually help you solve your issues

>> No.18198376

Literally who

>> No.18198449
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>those hairy jew arms in the first picture

>> No.18198692

why is she so fucking funny?

>> No.18198932
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I think of Megan like a contraption mechanically ferrying fluids. Once her sad juice reaches a certain volume, that bucket tips over into the funny siphon

>> No.18199079
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>be dreaming
>find myself in my grandma's house
>there's a party happening
>most people there were strangers, except some girls who I had know in different periods of my life, and either had relations with or was attracted by at some point
>the hottest of them for some reason had a different haircut
>walk up to two girls, one of which had a baby with them, but I can't make out their faces
>out of nowhere, my mother walks in and interrupts the conversation
>look back at the girls, they are getting older really quickly
>look at the baby
>it starts to shrink
>he gets so small that his mother puts him in a tea cup
>right after this, another girl appears
>this time I recognize her, it was friend of mine, with whom I had a weird, very sexually tense friendship
>for some fucking reason she is wearing a kermit outfit
>she asks me to come with her to some place we could be alone
>we go to the garage
>I start to look at her, and she too starts to shrink
>she then says that place wasn't good enough, and we should leave
>tell her to come with me to my bike
>that was a lie, I actually had a car
>we get there, and she doesn't really seem to care
>also, she is not dressed as kermit anymore
>we drive to a very high place
>it's a massive plateau with only tall grass and some small buildings far off in the distance
>in the middle of it, there is an absolutely enourmous concrete mixer
>it starts sturning
>dream cuts
that's all I remember really, but it was pretty cool

>> No.18199490

Nothing is equivalent to the dopaminergic effect of taking 60 mg of methylphenidate to the dome. Exercise is essential and you must do it as well, but in terms of raw mental focus and mental energy, nothing compares to a big CNS stim.

>> No.18199670

ok druggo

>> No.18199684

great recall, anon
have these dream cinemas happened once or do they recur?

>> No.18200331

I wish she explained all her tattoos

>> No.18200622
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>> No.18201809

Did she fall sleep on top the monkey bars?

>> No.18202821

Megan is an underrated athlete

>> No.18202839

>tfw been afraid of sleep paralysis since January of this year despite not experiencing it once since then or ever in my 30 years of life

books for this feel? I can think of many other sleep-related scary shit like nightmares where you "wake up" 5 times over before finally waking up but those don't happen either and I'm not stressing out over that, yet somehow I'm more emotionally tied to sleep paralysis because of that one day in January that triggered my anxiety on it

so fucking retarded

>> No.18202855

You are a weak-willed fag. That's your real condition.

>> No.18202885

i used to have it all the time, it's pretty unpleasant but doesn't last long and is easy to avoid for me (don't sleep in too long, get up when you've awoken and start to become alert instead of going back to sleep, etc)
it's really not that bad, i once got it while sleeping in class in high school. i wanted to sit up and pay attention, and i could hear the teacher talking, but was physically unable to move lol

>> No.18202906

In the year 2342, all our dreams are just data gathering commercials for corporate overlords subsuming all of creation, ha ha ha, ha ha ha

>> No.18202920

Is that dodger?

>> No.18202925

yeah, plus something like 8% of all people get it once in their life only

it's a very rare phenomenon yet my retarded brain got freaked out by the existence of it

getting better though, now I just regard it as scary rather than terrifying, pretty soon it will turn into irritating scenario and after that probably irrelevant

>> No.18202956

>You are a weak-willed fag. That's your real condition.
Sure, but amphetamine changes that.
The problem is a lack of monoamines so of course I'm weak-willed without amphetamine.

>> No.18203926

I think we might see dreams beamed to us already, but it's so unthinkable.

>> No.18203946

take your meds

>> No.18204293

No, they are superverbally composed, however, when I am floating back to wakefulness, and my intellection is particularly restless, I tend to subconsciously literarily weave something poetic from the remnant lightstrands of the waning dream, and to collect it upon waking up: this constitutes 'morning' epiphanies.

>> No.18204477

I don’t know. Last night I dreamed I was sitting at a piano when three indian teenagers came into the room, tied me to the piano bench, and put a bomb on the piano set to go off in three minutes. Two of them left but one stayed and sat beside me and starting playing the piano very fast and beautifully from improvisation so that I could tell he had been practicing his whole life. I asked him why he was still here when the bomb was about to go off and he looked at me and said in a mexican accent (even though he was indian) something like “I lived to play music, and I will die to play music. Give your life to your art and give up your life for your art.”

It was much more compelling in the dream and so compelling that when the next dream after it came I thought I had woke up and starting analyzing the dream and repeating what he said so I would remember it while still dreaming.

>> No.18205281

Indian Pianist pilled

>> No.18206382

if you lucidly awaken in your dream and "acquire" a finger from the pianist, you can take it to any of several astral organ souks for redemption

>> No.18206819

idk worked for me. I think I'll take my doctor's word over yours.

>> No.18206966


You seem to have missed the point of the tableaux.

>> No.18208326

this image...