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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 721x1023, 1620062248477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18186127 No.18186127 [Reply] [Original]

Any scientific books on determinism?

>> No.18186139
File: 147 KB, 720x720, n-0630-04-000014-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please... Please... Stop tormenting me with w*men.

>> No.18186319

>non-greek toes

>> No.18186322

I want to get down on my knees and kiss her feet

>> No.18186361

Determinism isn't a valid scientific concept as it cannot be scientifically verified or falsified. It's just an assumption that it always applies.

>> No.18186443

this will be a great thread.

>> No.18186731

Bugman found

>> No.18186735

What is the appeal of hairy toes?

>> No.18186744

all beautiful Greek women were depicted with Egyptian-type feet

kill yourself

>> No.18186820

holy shit have you ever looked at classical statues?

>> No.18186950

I'm talking from a strict Popperian perspective.

>> No.18186973

You're retarded and half right, still though, never post again

>> No.18186988

The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.18187155

>Determinism isn't a valid scientific concept as it cannot be scientifically verified or falsified. It's just an assumption that it always applies.
The capacity of reason to grasp the objective reality of things isn't a valid scientific concept as it cannot be scientifically verified or falsified. It's just an assumption that it always applies.
What scientific reason should and does for the most part accept is that we should consider as valid the best accounts we have of reality at a given moment and place, determinism is one of those accounts of reality.

>> No.18187174

Structuralism would be the schoold that develops determinism the most. Levi-Strauss, Foucault, Norbert Elias, even marxist and postmarxist thinkers go in that direction.

>> No.18187394
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>> No.18187432
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determinists are so retarded that they can't even explain how immaterial rules govern matter

>> No.18187546

Anyone who looks at pictures of feet in isolation is irredeemable.

>> No.18187837

>it's just an assumption that it always applies.
I already about to correct you, but yes, science or even our knowledge on anything rests on the assumption of determinism

>> No.18187856

there is no such thing. god damn this place has become total shithole

>> No.18188180
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>> No.18188292
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>> No.18188313

anti-human detected

>> No.18188355

Fetishistic vivisection is anti-human. When your focus narrows so tightly that you derive pleasure from photos cropped like the OP, your soul is sickened beyond recovery.

>> No.18188385

You're fucking retarded beyond recovery

>> No.18188415

You seriously really need to stop browsing 4chan because you're getting way too comfortable writing embarrassing inane shit like this

>> No.18188416

Why? Aren't you concerned at the growing inhumanity of your fetish as you reduce the attractive quality of the woman to a single body part? To the point where you no longer even care to see their faces?

>> No.18188435

>have a picture or sculpture of a beautiful pair of hands or torso to highlight its particular features in a way that can't be appreciated from a broader view

>> No.18188453

What additional appreciation does isolation permit? Artistic studies are done to focus on perfection in a particular area; they are artifacts to be produced for the artist's improvement, not the audience's consumption.

>> No.18188467

Do you depreciate portraits because they show only the person's face and not their body?

>> No.18188510

You're very ignorant, just stop posting. Every foot fetishist would tell you that the thing which makes feet particularly hot is precisely the connection between them and the face of the "owner". Fetishism is a wrong term, because it's the whole person that passes the sexiness down to a specific part of its body.

>> No.18188514

No. But I don't fixate on portraits and only portraits.

Faces are also significantly more expressive than feet; there's a reason why we look at them during conversation. They form the basis of the emotional connection.

>> No.18188528

I have have Classical feet and my woman must also!

>> No.18188533

There is a reason that my initial post used the phrase "in isolation". I wouldn't object to someone who looks at those photos where girls smile and show off their toes. At least those are human.

>> No.18188550

Fetishism is disgusting and ought to be routed out of the mind.

>> No.18188554
File: 128 KB, 768x1024, 1577727286069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the hands and feet are also very expressive parts of the anatomy, which is why feature films use close ups on them to express some hidden or dramatic feeling. The feet especially are quite un-choreographed. Not to mention these kinds of focuses just replicate what you can achieve quite naturalistically in real life, when we gaze at a particular part of our lover in bed for instance. You seem to have an autistic fixation on this idea which for some reason is a moral issue for you.

This picture, for instance, captures qualities of the sculpture that would be difficult to appreciate with a wider angle. It doesn't represent a repudiation of the rest. We know it is a focused image.

>> No.18188571

Okay retard, you can keep your shitty opinion, just be aware that fetishism has existed since the beginning of written history and that the majority of intelligent men who are remembered today were fetishists of something.

>> No.18188591

Perhaps, but they didn’t focus on it and allow themselves to become degenerate coomers. You act as if that is what they were known for. As a Puritan New Englander I disapprove of your vulgarity.

>> No.18188605

The sculptor created it as part of an integrated whole. And taking an individual look at an interesting part of a sculpture is not deviant. But let's not pretend it's a variable interest in diverse parts well-executed. It's feet, over and over. You wouldn't look askance at an artist whose walls were covered in examples of all different body parts as he studied perfecting each of them. But when it's just feet, you see the pattern of the disturbed mind.

>>18188550 is not me, btw.

>> No.18188618

Read Petrarch he can't shut up about Laura's feet. Philostratus also wrote lavish poems to women and boys instructing them to go barefoot.
Just nonsense meaningless value judgements, the projections of a tasteless mind.

>> No.18188635

I don't care, since I'm not a degenerate coomer. Accusing others because they like feet and express their appreciation is simply wrong.

>> No.18188689

This post is correct. Science cannot make any claim regarding determinism. I don't see why anyone is upset by it.

>> No.18188700

Science has nothing to do with determinism in general, since determinism is a philosophical concept.

>> No.18188703

>Just nonsense meaningless value judgements, the projections of a tasteless mind.
Is there any perverse taste this would not excuse?

>> No.18188709

Classical literature shouldn’t be a complete model for our behavior as moderns.
It has more to do with the expression of appreciation than the appreciation itself. This sort of acceptance of sexualization in regular conversation (and believe me it does happen in real life and not just online) is wrong and has contributed to societal decadence which is why I’m wholly against even discussing such things.

>> No.18188738

>It has more to do with the expression of appreciation than the appreciation itself. This sort of acceptance of sexualization in regular conversation (and believe me it does happen in real life and not just online) is wrong and has contributed to societal decadence which is why I’m wholly against even discussing such things.
That's a whole different thing, upon which several of us would agree.

>> No.18188763

>philosophical concept.
and a mathematical one, used daily by scientists hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.18188772

From my reading of older literature, in 18th century through the Victorian era it appears to have been quite ordinary -- or at least acceptable in polite society -- to talk admirably about the shape and appearance of, say, a person's foot. Ironically it seems that we're more squeamish about it today than we were in the past. The taint of psychiatric concepts like "fetishism" probably influences our ideas of what features a psychologically normal person is expected to appreciate or comment on, in the same way perhaps that the idea of sexual orientation makes people wary of appearing gay.

>> No.18188801

Not really. The fact that 2+2 makes 4 is universe magick, not human philosophy.

Source: Summa Pythagorica

>> No.18188803

>But when it's just feet, you see the pattern of the disturbed mind.
I sincerely hope you're joking with this. All the feet pics that get posted on this website are almost entirely the result of being provoked by oddly prude statements like this. It's natural to like every part of the female body and to be stimulated by any part of it, isolated or not, as long as it's attractive (and if you think there can't be attractive feet, or attractive legs, or attractive ears, or whatever, then you're the odd one).

>> No.18188836

Oh so it's the standard anti positivsm posting. I was thinking /lit/ had a hard on for determinism or something

>> No.18188869

I would say the same if it were just hands or just elbows or even just breasts that had a repeated pattern of appearing in isolation. But it's never those. Feet alone are commonly posted in separated form. That's why "every part" doesn't hold up to scrutiny for many of these posters. It's not about every part; it always converges on the one.

>> No.18188880

Being aroused by feet is abnormal

>> No.18188884

>Feet alone are commonly posted in separated form.
Because it's provoked. They're baiting nimrods like you. Foot fetishism may be more popular than hand fetishism, but that doesn't change the fact that the constant stream of feet pics on here isn't bait.

>> No.18188896

is bait*

Being aroused by a healthy, attractive female part of the body isn't abnormal for sexually healthy young men who make up most of the site.

>> No.18188901

>sexually healthy young men who make up most of the site.

>> No.18188915

>merely pretending
You generalize to "part of the body" to mask the truth but the generalization doesn't hold. You're always interested in the same part.

>> No.18188921

>most of 4chan is guys with erectile dysfunction / homos / women
I'd like to see you make a compelling case for that.

>> No.18188928

How many levels of cope is this

>> No.18188934

>You generalize to "part of the body" to mask the truth
The truth that most men find good looking, healthy women's bodies sexy? What else do you think is going on here?

Not an argument.

>> No.18188947

Why are partisans against the human foot so abnormal? They talk like schizophrenics.

>> No.18188951


>> No.18188953

So if I were to look at your folders and browsing history, they'd have a nice even mix of all kinds of different body parts?

>> No.18188961
File: 177 KB, 845x686, the collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18188962

Do footfags suffer from OCD? They seem oddly obsessive with one body part.

>> No.18188965

I don't have folders and I get all my porn from 4chan, but if I had folders then 110% yes. You've been baited into thinking there is some epidemic level of obsession over a single body part.

>> No.18188971

>this is a healthy display of male sexuality

>> No.18188972

>hands folder has feet pics in it

>> No.18188978

tomato tomato

>> No.18188993
File: 477 KB, 540x443, music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so, footfags, answer me this: what does a "sexy foot" look like? I could describe to you what a "sexy boob" looks like, or a "sexy ass". What specific morphological characteristics do you want to see in a foot? High arches? Low arches? Long toes? Stubbytoes? Every time we have a footfag thread on 4chan, I feel like it's just MUH FEET with none of the subtlety or refinement of the architecture-enthusiast or the titty connoisseur.

If I am wrong, explain why.

>> No.18188995

The effort required to fake an obsession is an obsession unto itself.

>> No.18188999

> determinism is one of those accounts of reality... because i say so

>> No.18189003

Don’t you mean tomato tomato?

>> No.18189004

go on and tell us how compounds are indeterminately compounded by other compounds and so on never making a whole. unity is the immaterial all-determining.

>> No.18189008

Based neoplatonist

>> No.18189010

It's not even sexual. Handposting is a separate thing focusing on ethnic verification next to specific material objects. We are not fooled by this collection being presented falsely.

>> No.18189014
File: 135 KB, 1904x1078, 1555154710197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, so, footfags, answer me this: what does a "sexy foot" look like?
Personal tastes differ, but generally: curvaceous, soft, and clean, like pic related

>> No.18189023
File: 143 KB, 700x790, 5abc8faf8f5ffuglymedievalcatsart1035aafaff5c7b63_700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some weirdo saved and now cum tributes the hand pic I posted

>> No.18189028

Yes, shitposting is an obsession, but trying to combat it is a type of shitposting itself, so good luck on that crusade

>> No.18189031

>muh isms
No one knows, there is no point to reading a giant tangle of words and still not know at the end. The only thing worth reading is the Holy Bible. Also you people need to put on the whole armor of God and you will not be phased in the least by the sight of some roasty's legs. It is nothing but meat and bone animated by Roasty spirit. The proper thing to do is to pray for her soul. She should be dressed modestly so as not to be a stumbling block for weak faggots like (You) all.

>> No.18189034
File: 122 KB, 590x422, nondualclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a cosmic dance

>> No.18189036
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People's tastes in feet differ a lot and I find that most footfags are extremely picky. I find 99% of the pics that other anons post of feet uninteresting or repulsive. For me, I prize grace, softness and sensitivity. Arches noticeable but not too high, not jutting. I prefer "stubbier" type toes (it's hard to express it more elegantly in words -- essentially toes that have a nice amount of flesh and aren't all gangly and bony, but are not "fat"). I also hate all artifice: painted toenails are an utter turnoff but I am also a homo but for ecumenical purposes I'm restricting this discussion to the female form. I also prize sensitivity: I want feet to be ticklish lol. I find it very cute and adorable to stimulate them in that way. I like to torture people's feet via tickling. Most people find it unbearable. It's exhilarating. The way you can have people writhing and gasping and begging(!) with the merest application of the pointed tip of a feather. I don't understand why people are so interested in "worshiping" feet or anything like that -- it is much more enjoyable to torment them. That's what I associate feet with anyway: humility, vulnerability, exposure. Not dominance like the femdom thing.
It's sexual for me.

>> No.18189042

I don't plan to maintain this level of effort in further threads. Perhaps I'll combine the refined points, generated with the polite collaboration of the perverts here, into a comprehensive image for later use.

>> No.18189054
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20210506_104337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my hand

>> No.18189061

Holy shit thats my hand

>> No.18189062
File: 741 KB, 2448x3003, 1620004241664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me personally, a sexy foot is
>clean and soft and generally free of wrinkles (although for some women his is inavoidable because of the texture of their skin); no discoloration or calluses
>nails are trimmed and clean and a nice healthy color, cuticles are pushed back, etc (nail polish is a hit or miss and I absolutely despise french tips)
>toes are NOT stubby piggy-toes; they should be on the longer side but not super long freakish toes that look like fingers
>Well defined arch, entire foot is generally well-proportioned, etc
>the feet shouldn't be 'fat,' like hooves, ideally they should be relatively slender
Pic rel is (to me) a very 'sexy' foot

>> No.18189069

go drink some water

>> No.18189070

Roughened, a little disproportionate perhaps (the palm terrorises the fingers), but not irredeemable. A certain affability of character is detectable. I can imagine a magisterial personality in possession of these hands, a Pompey Magnus.
Which one anon

>> No.18189075

I agree, there's something weirdly inconspicuous about feet; people often expose them without a second thought, but the feet are also highly sensitive and vulnerable areas

>> No.18189085

Neck, ears, lips...

>> No.18189091
File: 1.96 MB, 406x720, french renfaire tickle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's why it's so fun to take people by surprise and tickle their feet when they're not expecting that kind of intense stimulus (not that I do this, since it's a sexual interest for me, but it's cute to see it happen organically among friends or whatever). The feet are a common site for tortures because of their exquisite sensitivity. Foot whipping was to the Middle East what caning the bottom was for the West.

>> No.18189093

>Neck, ears, lips...
those are all areas that are usually given some form of attention during foreplay or when making out. The lips are used directly for kissing, the ears are often nibbled on or whispered in, the neck is often kissed, etc. Feet don't get that kind of attention unless you're a footfag

>> No.18189095

>that spotting
getting on in years or bad living?

>> No.18189104
File: 2.50 MB, 3264x2448, 20210506_104343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww thanks. Its only disproportionate looking because of the awkward camera angle. It doesnt look that fat or gangly irl
I've been doing a lot of work in the sun the past two weeks. The change of season is killing me. I drink a ton of water but its meber enough

>> No.18189106
File: 1.97 MB, 960x540, Brandi tickling J fingers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice example is this webm. One can hardly watch it without flinching.

>> No.18189110

>Its only disproportionate looking because of the awkward camera angle.
Thought that might be the case lol.

>> No.18189199

So then would you say that a highish arch, or at the very least not flat-feet, is generally considered to be attractive to footfags?

Additionally, how much would you say that the feet "are the point"? Like, I'm into lactation, but just sucking on a titty, even if the girl enjoys it, isn't "the end" for me. It's just a stop-off to actual sex (or some analogue, like a tit-fuck, oral sex, handjob, whatever). In your opinion, would you say that people who would suck on toes (or tickle them, or get stepped on, or whatever you do with a woman's foot) and then NOT get sucked off or something are common in this fetish? I would consider a footjob to be analogous to sex.

>> No.18189216
File: 2.95 MB, 3264x2448, 20210506_111323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me feeling vain. This my left hand. Noticeably softer

>> No.18189223

I'm not really into footjobs or sucking on the toes or anything (maybe kissing them, but I'm not crazy about it), I'd say that for me, its more about touching them and getting a reaction out of the girl, another way to show physical affection if that makes sense; I'm really into massaging and tickling, so its more like a foreplay thing. Also just random foot massages as a non-sexual kind of thing are really nice too. I can appreciate a nice-looking foot without having a lot of sexual thoughts, if that makes sense

>> No.18189248

Im the tickle guy (or, at least, the guy who mentioned it first). I usually do other sexual stuff as well. I’m not monomaniacal. I like the whole body (and tickling the whole body lol). Foot jobs feel really good but ironically I’m not into them fetishistically. They’re not part of what I find attractive about feet. I don’t mind feet with lower arches so long as they’re at least discernible, have a contour. Something to run my fingers down. A shape that looks nice at an angle. Is gracefully constructed.
Quite nice actually anon

>> No.18189259

>So then would you say that a highish arch, or at the very least not flat-feet, is generally considered to be attractive to footfags?
Yeah, but there are a ton of different preferences

>Additionally, how much would you say that the feet "are the point"? In your opinion, would you say that people who would suck on toes (or tickle them, or get stepped on, or whatever you do with a woman's foot) and then NOT get sucked off or something are common in this fetish?
Yeah, some people are into tickling or massaging like >>18189223 and >>18189248, others are into getting stepped on (in my expereince, these people usually get off to the thought/action of getting stepped on, so there's that; there's a big overlap between those people and the people that are into being dominated, etc), some people are just exclusively into sucking on the toes and get off to that, etc

>> No.18189267

Why do preteens have such lovely legs?

>> No.18189283

Right. You think you thought that thought but you actually can't think because thinking and ideas don't really exist bro lol.

Enjoy your delusion.

>> No.18189365

All these footfags
When I'm looking
At those lovely legs

>> No.18189536

Being told I have nice hands is a validation I never knew I needed

>> No.18189572

this. footfags always gotta ruin it for legfags

>> No.18189856
File: 90 KB, 472x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean, soft, smooth, feminine. Curvaceous but not to the point of classical dancers' feet.

However—this is an important addendum—when they have some slight, super slight feature or detail that "breaks" the perfection, the attractiveness is increased. This especially involves the shape. A perfect foot is supposed to be proportionate in all its parts. I won't go into detail and explain what constitutes this proportion (English is not even my first language) but I'm pretty sure there's some golden ratio that can be applied to feet just like to the rest of the body. For instance, the sole must not be too large but also not too slander, the toes must not be too short but also not too long, the skin must be soft but not so soft that it feels dry, and so on. Now, if I imagine a perfect foot (and perfect feet not only exist, but are also very common in foot modeling and foot fetish porn, especially among Western/Northern white women) I truly wholeheartedly admire it, to the point that I desperately ask how such perfection and purity can even be possible in nature. Feet perfection usually leaves me dumbfounded and speechless. BUT, the problem is that this perfection soon turns out to be merely the gateway of foot fetishism. You appreciate them, but don't love them. A very proportionate, feminine, well-cared, immaculate foot is desirable and upsetting, but it lacks something. And that something is a seed of its opposite: imperfection. So here is what experience taught me: the type of foot that I really love, the one that I keep coming back to with my mind and memory, the one that freezes its image in the occipital lobe of my brain, the one that truly conquers my senses and my heart like something that *needs* my attention and devotion (pay attention to this point because it's literally the same with women) — is the foot that TENDS to perfection but DOESN'T reach it, the foot that is largely perfect but still conserves a shred of imperfection, the foot that is flawless but holds that subtle irregularity, that puzzling and ambiguous deviation from the golden ratio of feet. This, as I said, is especially determined by the shape. Not by the external care that the owner dedicates to the foot, which must be clean and healthy and well-treated, but by the carnal form that God or Nature decided for it. How you may discern the foot that has all the opposites enclosed in it—included perfection AND imperfection—and if there are objective criteria to be used other than intuition — I really can't tell. The explanation of this goes beyond my possibilities.

>> No.18189886
File: 2.46 MB, 694x900, 1620330801113.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, just wanted to remind you to stay on topic

>> No.18190307

man feet

>> No.18190325

Stop anon! i need to stop cooming to female feet and soles once for all!

>> No.18190345

just like with sexy boobs and asses, it depends on the tastes of the person. You don't think what you view as a sexy ass and boobs is what everyone else also thinks right? Some people like smaller boobs, others like big boobs, not to mention the shape, the nipples, the color, etc. There's no guideline for what is sexy about a specific body part, that's bugman thinking.

>> No.18190362
File: 460 KB, 1333x1459, monkey business (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18190374

Nobody needs to explain anything, just look at pictures of feet. Look at Emma Stone's feet and compare it to Kristen Ritter, Brie Larson or Amy Adams. Unless you are blind or have a deficient sense of aesthetics, you will know what makes a foot attractive. It's self-evident and doesn't need any kind of rationalization.

>> No.18190379

I like feet myself but I agree with the other anon that said looking at feet alone is fucked up.
>baiting nimrods like you
Yeah fucking right. Surely in hindsight you realise how retarded that sounds?

>> No.18190396
File: 2.09 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20210506_223048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me to the collection

>> No.18190401

God damn degenerates, answer the question

>> No.18190411

your feet, in my mouth, NOW

>> No.18190420
File: 88 KB, 859x960, AE1B1E3D-38AC-4110-AE8A-2B0A098DD6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If determinism is true all sex is rape. Reductio ad absurdum. QED. Game over. All you faggot retards in this thread just got btfo. You little bitches lost and your highest aspiration is now to voluntarily choose to let me fuck your tight little boipussies with my monster cock.

>> No.18190459

The whole point of any fetish or fixation is that your mind fills in the rest and attributes a consistency that transcends the real object. OP's girl is probably very average outside of her immaculately kept legs/feet.
Also see
You not only sound retarded, but extremely frustrated over the pettiest shit. Reassess yourself and your posting habits.

>> No.18190477

Jack Skellington, is that you

>> No.18190538

I'm 6ft tall and weigh under 70kg, so yes, basically.

>> No.18190565

Is this just an edit of a Zizek copypasta?

>> No.18190575

Reads nothing like Zizek you brainlet.

>> No.18190596
File: 3.90 MB, 1500x2000, shoe reels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a fun read, audience itt might enjoy these essays

>> No.18190608
File: 3.25 MB, 1465x2000, dancers foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was interesting, especially how skeletal development impacts training and performance

>> No.18190612

>philosophy of footwear in film

>> No.18190614
File: 3.26 MB, 1423x2000, footnotes on shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another fun collection of essays

>> No.18190628

it's a really fun collection, good essay techniques for introducing the unusual to an audience and keeping their interest

>> No.18190639

One of Zizek's prominent quotes is something about the most beautiful women having an odd/ flawed feature

>> No.18190750
File: 470 KB, 1696x696, Krysten-Ritter-Feet-2293262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to describe, but I can try to show you.

>> No.18191181
File: 113 KB, 2000x1333, 2b2a6553 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feet are biographical so it depends on what they're saying

>> No.18191209

>someone I know wore high heels entire life
>got bone spurs and fucked up toe from it
>gets surgery to fix it
>months of rehabilitation
>"I can finally wear high heels again!"
Whenever I see these deformed feet in heels I immediately lose my mood. Women are fucking dumb.

>> No.18191230

>And had the high heel never bulldozed its way back into popularity, in the nineteen-fifties, thanks to designers like Dior, who never suffered a woman’s social mandate of daily wear, I wouldn’t be visiting a pricey podiatrist. Add on the four-figure plaster foot cast, which gets tossed at year’s end, because the bastards know your beleaguered and bunioned foot will keep spreading like yeasty dough. The neuroma between metatarsals will inflame more nerve endings. (For the uninitiated, a neuroma is like a stone in your shoe that you can’t shake out.)
>Before I taped up that container of shoes, I stared into its abyss. Wasn’t I perpetuating misery by passing these along to hobble my sisters-in-arms/-feet? The vision of my young foot that came made me misty.
>While the rest of my physique is mediocre by the laxest standards, I started adulthood with an exemplary foot. My toes tapered evenly, and my high arch was ballerina-worthy. I even copped a job as a foot model for an exercise sandal. Yes, I am bragging.
>By sixty, those feet had gnarled up like gingerroot. I don’t grieve my less than pert tatas. When my ass lies down on the back of my leg, I think, Oh, rest, you poor thing. Given new bra technology and some spandex, I can squish stuff in and—spray a little pam on me—still slither into a size 4. But standing for an hour in heels sets red lightning bolts blazing off my feet.
Mary Karr tried to warn hoes but they don't listen

>> No.18191231

I think heels look hot, but it will fuck up your feet if you wear them too often. They're more suited for once every so often, in special occasions.

>> No.18191248

>that midget ring finger
I didn't even know that kind of hand was possible

>> No.18191451
File: 306 KB, 1080x1514, 1618610764850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just needs to look ultra feminine and be attached to someone attractive more than anything. The specifics of the traits really come down to the abscence of offputting, outlier, extreme, or hideous traits, leaving an aesthetic foot.

>what are some feminine traits
*softness both visual and textural
*delicate shape
*pinkish, orangeish, reddish sole flesh
*good coloration/complexion
*good ass pheramones
*healthy looking toes
*healthy looking nails
*nice integration with the ankle and rest of the leg

>what are some things that can be offputting and ruin an otherwise good foot
*too much roughness visual and textural
*foot too long/stubby
*toes too long/stubby
*foot arch too extreme
*foot arch non existent
*toe arch excessive or non existent
*unkept nail hygiene of any type
*eyesore nail polish that doesn't complement the toe/foot (Some girls nails don't hold it well visually and it looks like an offputting eyesore. This is why some guys altogether don't like polish and it's rather hit or miss)
*too fat/bony
*excessive wrinkles
*hair(peachfuzz is fine if otherwise unnoticable)
*bad stench as opposed to pleasant scent
*discoloration/bad coloration/weird gradient

All that being said it's just one part of the body anyone who obsesses over it is unwell and the primary reason you're sexing someone should be much detached from how their feet look.

>> No.18192142

ok Dolarhyde

>> No.18192178

I approve of this post and agree 100%

>> No.18192348
File: 556 KB, 2000x1404, Elle-Alexandra-Feet-3125842-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18192378

Nah, my arm moving upwards was determined by the set of physical causes that resulted in my hand moving up, if there were no physical causes my hand wouldnt move nor would even exist so yes, determinism can be observed by human beings and so we can classify this as a scientific observation at our scale of existence.

>> No.18192442
File: 27 KB, 959x450, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah pretty much. Unless you actually know how things work. Pic related.

>> No.18192449

no. tha'ts a philosophical question. go do philosophy

>> No.18192457

>>there is no such thing. god damn this place has become total shithole
wait you really believe rules are material? where are they in the universe? why aren't they in the matter subject ed to the those rules?

ho wait, you are jsut a NPC atheists infatuated with popsci

>> No.18192473
File: 292 KB, 640x614, 1618534968167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My peepee just leaked a whole bunch of precum ngl

>> No.18192893

You were right.

>> No.18192906
File: 512 KB, 732x688, 1616189155290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because gays love Neoteny and atheism = glorification of gays

>> No.18192939

please say something else, pedant

>> No.18192963

It's some sort of genetic trait
My grandfathers middle finger was bent even worse than mine

>> No.18193044

It isn't, but having a foot fetish is degenerate.

>> No.18193094
File: 59 KB, 1080x577, Perfect feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other anons have already given great answers but I'll try to lay out some qualities in regards to what makes a nice foot. Pic related for an example of what I consider to be a perfect foot.

-"Long" and slender looking
- Long thin toes (but not freakishly so) with cute round tips and a slight curvature inwards.
-Greek type foot or close to it, long second toes are simply delightful
-Noticeable arch, but not so high it makes the top of the foot look like it has a hump
-Soft soles, not too many wrinkles
- Reddish/Pinkish sole coloration for white girls, more orange-y sole coloration for darker girls. I feel like latinas tend to have the best feet both in terms of shape AND color.
-Thin ankles. Cankles can absolutely ruin an otherwise great foot.

Obviously a sexy foot would be free of callouses, bunyons etc.
When it comes to cosmetics and acessories. I have a thing for lavender polish (but plenty of other colors look great) and anklets. Toe rings are an abomination and should be exterminated.

There's a few other important aspects but this should be enough to describe what a "perfect" foot looks like.

For me it's literally the second most important body part after the face. Easily wins over both tits and ass. It's the only body part that I'm truly picky over. It's almost scary to think that I could be dating an amazing girl and I would feel instantly compelled to break up with her if she took her shoes off and it turned out she had ugly feet.

>> No.18193556


>> No.18193611

Source on the pic? reverse image search turned up nothing

>> No.18193614

my ape brain keeps clicking this post instinctively because of those feet. fuck you

>> No.18193615

Same here but because of the legs.

>> No.18193835

it's from meninalatinafeet on instagram

>> No.18194329

