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18178949 No.18178949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does it give an accurate insight into Jews and their trickery?

>> No.18178957

You should read the whole trilogy, but yeah, that book changed my life. Suddenly so much of what I experienced in college made sense. It's like being given the missing piece of a puzzle.

>> No.18178965

How many other books are there??

>> No.18178966
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>You should read the whole trilogy,
>How many other books are there??

>> No.18179012

What happened in college that is related to this book?

>> No.18179160


>> No.18179161

The indoctrination you receive by the judeo educational complex. I don't entirely agree with his pathological altruism theory however his analysis is spot on in terms of the jews an an undermining, subversive and anti-European force. It's a book that helped my understand what my own intuition was already telling me so I had that sweet hit of dopamine from confirmation bias.

>> No.18179397

Yes. Hell yeah.

>> No.18179512
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Reading his review of Slezkine's book "The Jewish Century" and damn... the Jews really did win...


>> No.18179591

is this book legit or just schizo ramblings?

>> No.18179610

The latter

>> No.18179613

Debunked piece of trash. Dubs and everyone in this thread reads pic.

>> No.18179614
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Doesn’t count because I forgot pic

>> No.18179632

I have read lots of Benjamin and Adorno, and MacDonald's account of their work is downright slanderous (as in, I would expect better even from an high school student). I haven't read the rest of the critique, mainly because the sections I've read displayed an absurdly low standard of scholarship.

>> No.18179693

>hasn't explained how Marxism and cultural Marxism are anti European
Truly an impossible riddle to solve

>> No.18179705

Reality regularly seams to be slanderous to your kin, funny eh?

>> No.18179710

I'm not Jewish

>> No.18179767

It is very academically sound and despite the fact that the subject matter is extremely contentious he handled it pretty respectfully

>> No.18179810

Shut the fuck up dickwad.

>> No.18179865

I don't think that matters when you know that the subject matter is based on conjecture or straight up lies. McDonald did a sloppy job like a nigger would, a nigger lol.

>> No.18179874
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>The Culture of Critique
Isn't that banned on Amazon? That's a good enough reason to read it.

>> No.18179923

This. It's not a perfect book by any means but the subject matter was very enlightening.
It's also telling that all cricitism is "muh antisemitism" and "it's not up to academic standards" (it's actually a very rigorous study based mostly on primary source quotes, they speak for themselves).

>> No.18179924

CoQ is extremely well sourced and your argument is repeated every time althr book is mentioned and no substance beyond your weak statement is every given.

>> No.18179925
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This too.

>> No.18179938

this desu. I didn't even care to read it but I'm reading all banned books including stuff like Codreanu, the Turner Diaries, the Camp of the Saints, etc.

>> No.18179980

This is true until you actually read the primary sources: only then you will find out that MacDonald is an extremely biased and dilettantish reader.
Slapping lots of random sources at the end of the book =/ producing sourced scholarship

>> No.18179995

No, not really. He just seeks out the parts of the sources that are relevant to his thesis, and it works. You can't expect the man to know every in an out of all the fields. Give me an example of how reading those primary sources invalidates what MacDonald proposed.
>Slapping lots of random sources at the end of the book
But that's not what he does now is it? Disingenuous.

>> No.18180046

You're arguing with one of them.

>> No.18180074

I have to admit it's happened to me before but don't forget that our culture has been infected with the semitic spirit for such a long time that many people act and think like them without being one of them.

>> No.18180085

When the forces that shape your academic as well as day to day thought are both held by them, that's the logical conclusion indeed.

>> No.18180109

You try really hard to make sure people don't read the book, but if they do they will know who the liar is.

>> No.18180117

Nice projection.

>> No.18180123

Why is your kind so fucking disgusting?

>> No.18180125

Post nose

>> No.18180213

Stop it with the pilpul shlomo.

>> No.18180242

seething /pol/cels

>> No.18180245

You're the one seething, heeb.

>> No.18180256

uhhh, Marx was literally the product of Western culture you illiterate pleb.

>> No.18180260

sorry, i should've used a singular here

seething /pol/cel

>> No.18180263

Confirmation bias the book. Anyone with wikipedia tier info on philosophy and psychoanalysis he talks about sees trough his shit easily

>> No.18180267

Lol okay moshe

Psychoanalysis is the product of deranged perverts and molesters.

>> No.18180278

Why are jews so prone to projection? Is it in their tainted blood?

>> No.18180309

You don't see how the one bashing the book and the author only uses weak adhoms but never answers how his accusations actually work?
>no the book is bad just trust me bro
Really? And you're surprised people call that out?

>> No.18180315

Well enlighten us then, how is the MacDonald wrong?

>> No.18180318

Found the salty jew

>> No.18180338

Everything in the world is the product of Western culture

>> No.18180381
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>predicts the ADL shutting down free speech on the internet 20 years before it happened
You tell me anon.

>> No.18180385
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>> No.18180486

Doesn't seem to work desu. Until now people were doing fine so they didn't care. Now people are no longer happy and I see antisemitism increasing everywhere.

>> No.18180504

This has to be bait

>> No.18180634

Don't reply to me if you don't have anything to say

>> No.18180654

I do what I want

>> No.18180745

no, kefir isnt

>> No.18180752

These threads wouldn't be so autistic if you would just actually post the section of the book you agree/disagree with like >>18180381.

>> No.18180790

But the people who disagree with the book haven't read the book.

>> No.18180855

The main talent of Jews is that of verbal intelligence. They avoid engaging with logic and reason altogether and instead attempt to convince using aggressive and persuasive language as well as shaming and discrediting. This is very effective because the majority of people are not intelligent so reason is lost on them, but they respond to sophistry much better. This is incidentally why the JQ cannot be solved in a democracy and why they push for democracy so hard.

>> No.18180929

Yes this seems to be the case, and even those who claim to have read it don't seem to be able to actually discuss the contents of the book.
>They avoid engaging with logic and reason altogether and instead attempt to convince using aggressive and persuasive language as well as shaming and discrediting.
Yes this is literally what happens in every discussion of this book, or any similar topic. EVen this thread is full of it.

>> No.18180932

As opposed to the shitposters of lit who are intelligent never done anything wrong.
Tell me how many Nobel prizes your country had won?

>> No.18180944

Lmao proving his point immediately

>> No.18180948

Stop doing this sort of thing.

>> No.18180973

Just shut the fuck up and leave, lmao.

>> No.18180976

What sort of thing?

>> No.18180987

Triggered? Why don't you address your problems with the contents of the book instead of crying about someone calling out your rhetorical tricks?

>> No.18180994

Low IQ shitposting about "muh jews"

>> No.18180995
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Jesus Christ, someone get the emergency Hummus, Shlomo got burned so much that he has to talk about yet anonther subverted peer group self-adulation.

>> No.18181007

So is your issue with the discussion of the book in itself or with the OP post? I don't see what's low IQ about wanting to discuss a societal phenomenon.
>"muh jews"
You're no different than the people you criticize.

>> No.18181010

Jews are the reason why I can't get a girlfriend

>> No.18181015
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>> No.18181096

This thread is full of polcels

>> No.18181160

>It's da polcels!!

>> No.18181170

The rabbis are split between pro-moshiach and anti-moshiach jews
There are those whom are tasked with bringing about the moshiach and they don't know how, and there are jews who either just don't believe it or think the search is getting too desperate and is proliferating evil, which is against the commandments.
The sooner you comprehend this the sooner it will all make sense.

>> No.18181187

This is a classic Culture of Critique thread. I've seen this thread play out every single time this book is mentioned.
The anti semite slander is a reflex at this point and then you get the "the book isn't academically sound" argument which, as evidenced itt, doesn't really hold up.
Next you will get the argument about why these movements that are dominated and supported by mostly Jews are not really Jewish because not every single Jew supports them

>> No.18181208

You forgott the people which get ad hom from the start without having even read the book or being able to specify what's not "academically sound", hoping that just claiming this will be enought to prevent other pesky goyim from reading it.

>> No.18181210

They're neurotically obsessed with promoting societal taboos because they have a pathological hatred for the human race outside of their own, based on their religious texts which state that the rest of humanity are non-human. This, along with possibly genetics (they are heavily inbred due to centuries of living in segregated ghettos), breeds a psychopathic/sociopathic nature among the Jewish people, where they exploit other humans as if they were cattle - indeed, it states as much in their holy books, which promote such behavior.

This has always led to them being at odds with others and promoting their own, and refusing to integrate, which, since the Roman destruction of Judea, has led to them constantly pissing off every people they've migrated to, creating a feedback loop where both Jews and their hosts desire separation, which has allowed their people to exist for the past roughly 2000 years of having no homeland, while feeding on and ultimately being killed/expelled from their host nations, time and time again.

Perhaps the most amoral and disgusting thing about them is their exploitation of gentiles' good will, which is universally seen among all the rest of humanity as an evil, amoral act - a Jew sees nothing wrong with stealing everything from you after you've just saved his life, because to him you are just cattle - a thing to be exploited. This is why they are reviled among every people in existence and are utterly incapable of integration.

>> No.18181233

Chess is a Jewish conspiracy too.

>> No.18181267

You've read some out of context quotes and that's enough to cement your judgement.

>> No.18181289
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>post yfw you realize /pol/retards and "antisemites" on this website are controlled by jews who are trying to position any opposition to jewry as retarded as possible

>> No.18181346

Honestly, anybody which can't provide a timestamped edition of CoC should not be posting here. Those in question are to cheap to pay money for it just to shittalk it.

>> No.18181502

>no you're the real jew

>> No.18181531

post nose

>> No.18181546


>> No.18181550


>> No.18181554

Now back to pol.

>> No.18181566
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Did you just do the behaviour you yourself described in >>18181289 ??
I feel like I'm in layers upon layers of tricks

>> No.18181580

nice try lol, classic jewish gaslightning techniques

>> No.18181586

There's layers to jewry, for example how most right-wing parties in the west are still cucking for israel, big capital and forever wars in the middle east.

>> No.18181641

>muh freeze peach

>> No.18181654

There has never been a single person on this earth who uttered this phrase and wasn't a complete faggot. Go dilate.

>> No.18181685

>the left hates the concept of free speech so much that they had to make a meme to mock it.

>> No.18181726

Alright I fell for the bait
>jews who are trying to position any opposition to jewry as retarded as possible
I guess he was right

>> No.18181732

>Anyone with wikipedia tier info
Hit the early life section.

>> No.18181893

Reminder that none of the people criticising the book have addressed the actual contents of the book

>> No.18181907

They haven’t read it, i’m convinced some people are x-Poltards or something because these reactions are really emotional.

>> No.18181973


>> No.18181988

Yes of course, capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel, but their rhetorical tricks are something else

>> No.18182030

jfc >>>/pol/

>> No.18182043

Holy fucking shit when did /lit/ get this schizo?

>> No.18182078

Just like this post

>> No.18182091


>> No.18182118

You gotta quote more conetent from the book

>> No.18182124

Why? I'm not disagreeing with it.

>> No.18182185

Good information but it is a dry read, listen to the audiobook. A history of central banking is more interesting.

>> No.18182343

V is for victory

>> No.18182719

Schizophrenia is usually more common in jewish people. Funny eh? TMYN

>> No.18182950

I have not read the book however in my many ventures into the early life section of subversive figures in Russia, Germany, and America I have found many of them to be secular jews rather than practicing ones. In fact I can recall a single one of the figures appearing in any way to be religious at all. Does this book address this distinction between secular and practicing Jewish peoples?

>> No.18182958

I can't recall*

>> No.18182999
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>They avoid engaging with logic and reason altogether and instead attempt to convince using aggressive and persuasive language as well as shaming and discrediting. This is very effective because the majority of people are not intelligent so reason is lost on them, but they respond to sophistry much better.
That just sounds like Donald Trump or alt-right tactics online. Trump wasn't Jewish himself but if this is a characteristic of Jews, like using tricks to scam people with aggressive and persuasive language as well as shaming others, then I think most Americans are probably "Jews" or have "become" ""Jews"" at this point. That's just Americans. Like, there are certainly Jews like this too, but personally I think this is just society under advanced capitalism and Jews were doing it before everyone else, and anti-Semites are confused and look to displace the anxiety they feel, because such a society is an excruciating place to live in (it makes liars out of everyone), but this makes anti-Semitism (as Engels said): "nothing but a reaction of feudal social strata doomed to disappear, against modern society, which is essentially composed of capitalists and wage earners."

I've gotta say, Marx was a genius, and "On the Jewish Question" holds up. He wrote:

>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.

>Indeed, in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of trade, and the bankrupt trader deals in the Gospel just as the Gospel preacher who has become rich goes in for business deals. [...] Only then could Judaism achieve universal dominance and make alienated man and alienated nature into alienable, vendible objects subjected to the slavery of egoistic need and to trading.

It then follows that once capitalism has been gotten rid of, Judaism will go away, and Christianity as well, which is just Judaism at this point, and then Jewish people won't have to worry about being discriminated against.


>> No.18183032

Yes that's one of the major themes of the book

>> No.18183040

Most of that is correct to some extent, but capitalism and communism are both secular forms of judaism, two sides of the same shekel. It's a false dichotomy. The third position is the only viable political solution.

>> No.18183198
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I think it's just part of a process. In the case of the Germany, the economic collapse wiped out the middle class, but unemployment was already in the millions to begin with, so the crash condemned these people to starve. If you were a small businessman for example, you were on the street. The anti-Semitism was a way to try to save themselves, because you can help yourself to the Jewish guy's shop when it gets smashed up. Liquidating the Jews is a bargain capital makes with this evaporating social strata that Engels mentioned.

Economic constraints just squeezed down the path of least resistance. The Jews in the civil service? Raus! Expropriate the whole group. Raus! And the Nazis did, indeed, try to expel them, but others countries wouldn't take them, which perhaps in MacDonald's view is more evidence for those countries' foresight about the pernicious Jews. But which country is going to accept a couple million people who have had all their stuff stolen from them? Now the Germans had millions of these mouths to feed during a war and opted to work them to death. Like I wouldn't even say "the Nazis" killed the Jews per se (although they did) as much as a big machine called "capitalism" or a "production process" killed them.

This is the source of all the evils.

And actually, I don't think this will repeat itself in the main way. It'll just be you that gets squeezed to death. Or your parents. It doesn't matter because we're all "Jews" now.

>> No.18183241

I'm really not sure what prompted that essay. I never said anything about exterminating jews. Jews are just the "face" of what is happening but it has spread beyond them. Nazi germany was correct about identifying the core of many problems but very wrong in the execution of the solution (pun intended).
>It doesn't matter because we're all "Jews" now.
No, not really, those who swear allegiance to the overlords will thrive, and that will mostly be soulles bugmen and import wage slaves. I have nothing in common with an African import except that we're both human and slaves - which isn't much. Like I said the only political solution is a third position, and a big part of that is ethnic solidarity. The utopian myth of "slaves of the world unite to revolt against the masters" is nothing more than that. It will never happen because we're too different, ensuring that condition existed was precisely how leftism was (ab)used and can never be the solution.

>> No.18183368
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Go away chapofag

>> No.18183413
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I think communism is in fact the negation of the two secular forms of Judaism: capitalism and "third positionism," which still retains the logic of capitalist production but seeks the solution in wiping out an easily identifiable group and taking their stuff. In the Third Reich, all we had was capitalism looking for a way out of a crisis.

The "Jews" and anti-Semites are the same people, and the anti-Semites behave how they describe Jews behaving (and of course, some do behave this way). They don't use logic or reason, they try to convince using aggression and persuasive, manipulative language, etc. etc. etc. You say Nazism was correct and just wrong in execution but that's how they behaved more or less. The Jewish "spirit" became the universal spirit of the Christian nations and had predicted and it turned around on the Jews (and Germany too).

And it can turn around on you, is all I'm saying. Why do we need all these white boomers living in the Midwest? Just get rid of them. Kill them off. They're not productive anymore. The NEETs too. Let them die of opioids and suicides, and if they try to resist, concentrate them and then exterminate them.

It's the same logic.

>> No.18183466

jews are inherently schizophrenic, they are basically a mix of all races and have many conflicting instincts that always drive them insane

>> No.18183497

/pol/tard evopsych bullshit

>> No.18183501

A Marxist tranny wrote this post

>> No.18183510

No, that makes no sense. The difference between third position on the one hand and communism-capitalism on the other is that the former strives toward the spiritual, whereas the latter strives toward the material. Communism exists in the same frame as capitalism.
You do realize there is more to third positionism than just nazi Germany right?
>You say Nazism was correct and just wrong in execution but that's how they behaved more or less.
No, that's how the mainstream has presented it to you.
>And it can turn around on you, is all I'm saying.
And communism will turn around on you, without a doubt. It's the exact same spirit as capitalism, just with the rulers and ruled reversed.
>Why do we need all these white boomers living in the Midwest? Just get rid of them. Kill them off. They're not productive anymore. The NEETs too. Let them die of opioids and suicides, and if they try to resist, concentrate them and then exterminate them.
1. There is more than just Burgerland, I'm in Europe and speaking from a European perspective.
2. What are you on about? You evaluating people purely on productivity is why communism is no different than capitalism, you see people as merely cattle.
No, I should try to create better conditions for my people, even those who are less productive. Just as a Persian should do the same for his, a Japanese for his, etc.
I hope this is your misrepresentation of my worldview and now what you actually think.

>> No.18183550

The part about higher values than 'productivity' just flies right over your head, doesn't it? Third-positionism isn't fundamentally about persecuting some group (which happens in any major ideological shift because subversives must be neutralized), it's about reaping the important benefits of capitalism and individualism while still restraining those forces under the yolk of higher values (i.e. ethnos). Simply abolishing capitalism would be foolish, and would eventually leave a nation at the mercy of those that don't.

As for the logic of conflict specifically, it typically is the same... But that's a banal observation. The populations in conflict (and so their interests) are not the same. The difference is that most kikes understand that fundamental ethnic conflict is real and behave accordingly, while most Whites have been inculcated to the contrary and are sacrificing their own people on the altar of 'equality'.

An actual example of strategic miscalculation is that kike propaganda and policy has brought large useful-idiot minority populations into the West, but these populations don't have the White guilt complex and will start targeting jews once Whites no longer have anything to extort.

>> No.18183612

Found the kike.

>> No.18183624

It’s legit. Most of it is direct quotes from primary sources

>> No.18183632

No one is targeting Jews lol do you think Asians and blacks are politically aware enough to realise the Jewish lie? This is just wishful thinking or pathetic desperation to see something good where there isn't.

>> No.18183657

All of the features you applied to capitalism and third positionism are also present in communism. The same modes of production occur, but with capital accumulating to the state (and by extension the party) instead of the capitalist class. Problems are attributed to groups of people (kulaks, intellectuals, bourgeoisie, etc) who can be attacked in times of crisis. Many of the party members may be ethnically Jewish, but still hostile to Judaism all the same.
These same processes can be seen in all modern ideology, going right back to the French revolution. "Liberty, equality, fraternity" could just as well be phrased "Liberalism, Communism, Fascism".
>inb4 "that wasn't real communism"
This is exactly the same as the other anon claiming the Nazis were right, but wrong in the execution. The utopian ideal that an ideology is supposed to produce is irrelevant in the face of what actually happens when people apply it in the real world. I'm not saying that you would have replied with this argument btw, but I know that some anon is bound to try it.

>> No.18183690

Are there any studies on this that control for IQ? People often make fun of Jews for being neurotic, for example, but neuroticism correlates with IQ in all populations so it isn't really surprising that a high IQ population would have more neurotics.
Just typing "schizophrenia IQ" into a search engine yields this study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25752725/
>Conclusions: These findings provide evidence for the existence of a high-IQ variant of schizophrenia that is associated with markedly fewer negative symptoms than typical schizophrenia, and lends support to the idea of a psychosis spectrum or continuum over boundaried diagnostic categories.
I would be interested to see how many Jewish people have this particular variant, given that they have a high rate of schizophrenia and a high average IQ.

>> No.18183731


>> No.18183774

Great post but is feudal social strata inherently a bad thing?
I think it has its merits.

>> No.18183811
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>you see people as merely cattle.
I do not. Remember what MacDonald says (or at least heavily implies) in Culture of Critique? That Jews use tricks to manipulate people because the majority of people are not intelligent and they respond to sophistry much better? Well, I don't actually believe that about ordinary people -- I think people are much smarter than MacDonald gives them credit for. But I think Donald Trump believes that for example. Not just him either. You see it here all the time, a lot of people believe the masses of people are stupid, easily manipulated sheep. But I think this forum reflects the dominant ideology more than a lot of places online, it's just "mask off" which is why it gets suppressed, because it's too destabilizing. This is because, again paraphrasing Marx, that this "practical Judaism" has become the dominant religion, and it's from this which we must emancipate ourselves.

>I'm not saying that you would have replied with this argument btw, but I know that some anon is bound to try it.
Yeah, someone probably will, but I'm not a utopian.


>> No.18183925

>Well, I don't actually believe that about ordinary people -- I think people are much smarter than MacDonald gives them credit for.
No, I roughly agree with MacDonald. However their intelligence says nothing about their being cattle, merely existing to produce. You still haven't addressed that communism views people as nothing more than producers. What of man's spiritual needs?
>This is because, again paraphrasing Marx, that this "practical Judaism" has become the dominant religion, and it's from this which we must emancipate ourselves.
Yes I agree. However communism is just that, another form of practical judaism. Men are nothing more than producers. It's like ditching christianity for islam. Same shit, different name.
The only bonds we have is with our family, and our family beyond that - our ethnic kin. That doesn't mean we can't cooperate with others, but we cannot operate from the assumption that they are just like us. Reality shows us they aren't. Leftism has imported people from all over the world to my country so we will hardly be able to stand against them. Diversity is not our strength. Your utopia of all people in the world uniting will never materialize.

>> No.18183936

Why is Jewish trickery more subversive than Asian or Indian trickery?
If it's just muh Jews subvert White societies, then yeah sure that's been known since The Roman Empire and before, but if it's just a focus on the Jews (because of a predominant impact on white society) then ultimately what does MacDonald hope to achieve. Why would I not just read Celine who is at least funny and a good writer?

>> No.18183955

>If it's just muh Jews subvert White societies, then yeah sure that's been known since The Roman Empire and before
But nobody is allowed to talk about it and most people have no idea
> if it's just a focus on the Jews (because of a predominant impact on white society) then ultimately what does MacDonald hope to achieve
To make people understand how it works and what is happening by using examples from the previous century, not just historical.
>Why would I not just read Celine who is at least funny and a good writer?
Nobody's stopping you but they're not mutually exclusive. Does Celine gives examples on how psychology and sociology were co-opted to subvert western societies?

>> No.18183982

Think about it. Do you really believe that the brown hordes who inherit the West are going to tolerate jewish overlords (especially ashkenazim, who are mostly European by blood)? They're more racially conscious (which is the crucial element) than Whites by far, and I promise you the other shoe will drop. By subverting Whites, jews are putting their own future in jeopardy.

>> No.18184052

>Does Celine gives examples on how psychology and sociology were co-opted to subvert western societies?
Codreanu does. If you're interested in the JQ you should definitely read his book.

>> No.18184099

I have, it's excellent. It was written a century ago though and when it was written, most of Europe was still overwhelmingly ethnically homogeneous. That's something CoC dives into.

>> No.18184130

>By subverting Whites, jews are putting their own future in jeopardy.
They can't help it anon.

>> No.18184142

The section on Boas is the most important

>> No.18184153

soros said it best, the jews need to create a world where all groups are accepted so that they can be safe from intolerance. a sober mind wouldn't believe in such utopic fantasies, but these are the people that have been checking under their beds for Hitler every night for generations now.

>> No.18184189

All other races are slave races. If whites were gone, Jews would just drop the diversity bullshit and make the other races slaves like they've always been. Who's gonna take a stand? Blacks can't organise. This diversity stuff only exists as a way to subvert whites, and it would stop existing as soon as whites lose power.

>> No.18184335

I think we've lost it at this point. Can we drop the diversity stuff now?

>> No.18184879

Muh middleman theory. Indian and Asian middlemen don't try to dominate media, government and societal institutions. They just want their businesses and work hard. Jews are the only minority that actively subvert nations, they don't gravitate to finance because it's good business, they gravitate their to dominate the societies, to control and influence, like in media and entertainment.

>> No.18186157

It's due to their inbreeding, the list of heritable mental and physical illnesses they are prone to is mind-boggling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_genetics_of_Jews

>> No.18186162

Nothing wrong with scientific antisemitism, but for me, I prefer the aesthetic variety

>> No.18186272

What's that?

>> No.18186310


>> No.18186513

>Yes I agree. However communism is just that, another form of practical judaism. Men are nothing more than producers.
Hmm. I don't think so. I think communism is more like the Sabbath Jew and not the practical Jew. You find divinity in the immanent:


>> No.18186533
File: 78 KB, 500x434, na-internetu-niko-ne-zna-da-ste-pas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only bonds we have is with our family, and our family beyond that - our ethnic kin.
I don't know what race you are, and you don't know what race I am just speaking to each other behind this computer. I could be a dog. It's just an example but that's why I think globalization is inevitable. These modernizing forces are driven by changes in technology and social productivity. We're able to exchange information across the world. The direction of this is not linear, there are backlashes to it and reversals, but the long-term trajectory is toward a more globalized planet. And that's not something any individual or even individual countries can do a lot about.

And most people are not white, or live in the west. Most of them are not Jews either. One of the most important political questions I think today is the fact that the rest of the world which was colonized for centuries is reemerging and it's just going to wash away much of what the west considers important history and culture and this is unstoppable. Europe will still be Europe but it'll be like a museum.

>> No.18186546

Why are you amerimutts so obsessed with sex?

>> No.18186574

So long as you view it as inevitable, it is inevitable. So long as there is incentive to do something about, you can do something about it.
You believe in a (long-term) linear view of human development (that you inherited from christianity) but that need not be the case. We could have a major global disaster tomorrow and the globalized world will have come to an end. You don't know what will happen. You're like a slave that has already accepted his fate. I won't be like that.
>Europe will still be Europe but it'll be like a museum.
It already is. That's why Europeans need to stick together, drive out those who don't belong, and start building a new future. I am not responsible for what my ancestors way back when did.

>> No.18186583

That's not answering my question, just deflecting. Divinity in the immanent is just a cope for lacking anything higher to aim for. Communism is a dead end street, as history has proven.
> I think communism is more like the Sabbath Jew and not the practical Jew.
But jews nonetheless. I choose Europe, not Israel.