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/lit/ - Literature

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18170385 No.18170385 [Reply] [Original]

~ Questions that don't deserve their own thread ~

Do you need...
...writing advice?
...book recommendations?
...needlessly caustic opinions?

Then post your stupid questions in this thread.

>> No.18170466
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Christian literature that is as good as Mishima?

>> No.18170489

i need a goth gf with big tiddies

>> No.18170492

Should I tell my family I want to kill myself? I've been debating with myself and I think the right answer is no. Why worry them? I either will or I wont.

>> No.18170678

I hope you won't.

>> No.18170707

Those are now called "Dark Academia" in zoomerspeak

>> No.18170757

me too brother. Hope is keeping me alive for now. But I'm afraid it is finite.

>> No.18170762

Try out infinite hope (Jesus Christ).

>> No.18170773

try finding a big tiddied goth gf

>> No.18170786
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>> No.18170791


>> No.18171204
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I have a dumb question, and google isn't answering it...

Most available editions of classic books are abridged, or at least edited. How can I access the original version of the work? Are there any conservation societies, or whatever, that preserve classic books as they were originally written? If not, how many of these are lost?

>> No.18171217

Search for first editions, by isbn, and use a better engine like not google

>> No.18171299

https colonslashslash isbnsearch dot org slash

>> No.18171312

Try the counselling and meds bit if you haven’t already. Almost did myself in in ’19, and they helped. God bless, anon. Hope things turn around

>> No.18171317


>> No.18171329

No the fuck they are not, old ass.

>> No.18171699

How do I not get filtered by walden? dropped it last time when he starting listing bean and nail prices

>> No.18172249
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my enlarged prostate has made it nearly impossible for me to achieve a full boner
what do I do bros?
just fucking end me already

>> No.18172276

just get a smaller prostate?

>> No.18173021

have you tried massaging it?
have you tried pumpkin seeds?

>> No.18173276

Do you mean that eating pumpkin seeds will cure swollen prostate?

>> No.18173313
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Where to find girls like this?

>> No.18173314

indirectly, yes. pumpkin seeds of various kinds strengthen prostate and bladder, thus becoming healthier and normal again. every man should have them in his diet. chinese doctors dictate that.

>> No.18173318


>> No.18173384

Doesn’t seem russian

>> No.18173542

Is posting manga allowed in /lit/? How to report manga posts? /sffg/ is being overrun with animefags

>> No.18173553

i wanna know answer to this also
same shit happening /wg/

>> No.18173570

Yes, we had an entire thread about manga, how new are you?

>> No.18173583
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Imagine complaining about anime on a anime website.

>> No.18173585

Are you referring to some /sffg/ thread or /lit/ in general? Also if you are the OP of sffg pls stop posting

>> No.18173592

/lit/ in general, again, how new are you?

>> No.18173604

There is /a/ and /co/ for containing you degenerates. Go read a comic book.

>> No.18173615

Kill yourself subhuman freak.

>> No.18173631

>Let's not discuss the literary merits of manga on /lit/.
You really are a newfag.

>> No.18173642

The is no literary merit of manga. Manga isn't literature holy shit you degenerates. They are comic books. Comic books arent literature either. Manga is literally picture book.

>> No.18173645
File: 754 KB, 750x1045, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is posting manga allowed in /lit/?
Why wouldn't it be? Some manga are considered literary classics.

>> No.18173660
File: 57 KB, 343x500, ulysses manga de dokuha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The is no literary merit of manga
Jesus, just stop before you embarrass yourself even further.

>> No.18173667

Ulysses is a classic. Manga has nothing to do this the book. All anime posters do is add anime girls into everything. It was never about anything else than anime girls. They literally can't consume any culture without anime girls being present. They can't read classics if they are not put into a comic book format.

Have you even read a book?

>> No.18173683
File: 919 KB, 500x540, 2901978A-AFA2-4983-A7A8-3E23D0F32569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go bakkerpost on some other site you fag. That’s the sole reason why you’re so triggered about anime to begin with.

>> No.18173702

So you are you OP from /sffg/. Now can you please stop ruining good fantasy with your eastern bullshit picture books. Manga is not literature.

>> No.18173708

Anon, everyone knows you bakkerfags can't handle anime on /sffg/, it's not even a secret.

>> No.18173731
File: 1.35 MB, 773x2344, the truth again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sane person can. You are worse than sandersoys and discord trannies.

>> No.18173893

This image kills the anime

>> No.18173928

I'm this anon >>18170466
Ok doesn't have to be Mishima tier just has to be good any suggestions?

>> No.18174343
File: 1.02 MB, 1728x1728, sswans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I improve my vocabulary? I look up every word I don't know but there's usually so much that there's just no way to memorize them, unless they're repeatedly used, which isn't always the case. I want to know more words to read better, but also to improve my prose.
Do you have any system or method that worked?

>> No.18174359

I make 1600 dollars a month.
What is the best strategy to live the rest of my life as a reclusive hermit?
What state should I live in and how do I maintain housing, food, and water? Maybe just get a trailer in North Dakota or something? Where is the cheapest?

>> No.18174956

Cofessions, City of God by Saint Agustine
But it's a very different writing style.
See this, quickly

>> No.18174983

Check this out https://youtu.be/2t_obuccaP4

>> No.18175013

Thanks for that painting OP, I found the artist and apparently who painted it and apparently he painted a lot of good similiar stuff, peasant girls and guys in rural areas somewhere in Normandy.

>> No.18175205

this sounds like the easiest and most intuitive solution.

>> No.18176134
File: 84 KB, 640x960, putbullbabay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I write a novel about a pitbull which stands charged of mauling a child, but which was actually framed or blamed for the biting done by another breed? It would be some kind of allegory for black people and racism in America (I’m not American) which the reader, after having been presented with bite/crime statistics etc.., would not be able to tell whether it was some kind of absurd, racist call to arms, or a seething critique of an intolerant and unjust culture.

>> No.18176152

I hope you won't and everything will work itself out for you. Good luck!

>> No.18176343
File: 186 KB, 1009x791, shenlong___dragon_ball_z_by_rodrigobrito-d7reoai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best edition of Journey to the West?

>> No.18176353

Use Anki to remember. Also, pick a few words each day and force yourself to write a sentence containing each one of them.

>> No.18176963


>> No.18177534

So no one actually post in these threads, that's good to know.

>> No.18177555

It wasn’t like this when QTDDTOT had anime op pics. Sad to see it fall so hard.

>> No.18177791
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Just read anon. Try reading shit like "Red Fox; The Catlike Canid" and other field studies. They are decently wordy as they are written exclusively by zoologist-autists. Will teach you how to use these words that you learn, too.

>> No.18177800

Read Call of The Wild, if you haven't already. Will give you some inspiration. Jack does a really good job at writing about animals without turning the story into a kids novel.

>> No.18178175
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How do I stop wanting to die

>> No.18178181

Your family will just make your life a pain in the ass and then you'll really want to die

>> No.18178289

Is there a list of old childrens books, im looking for books published around the 1920s and a ton of them. I want to find books with as little propaganda as possible

>> No.18178460

Here's the best advice you're ever going to hear: look up morphemes. I took a linguistics class in uni and part of it was memorizing 50-100 morphemes every week. It wasn't that difficult because you just had to think of a word you knew that contained one of them and you could make an educated guess at the meaning of the morpheme. However, the bonus is that once you know what a morpheme is and how it functions, you'll be able to figure out what new words mean without having heard or read them (so the good news is you probably already know a tonne of them without even realizing you do). Morphemes are the smallest unit of meaning in English...they're what words are built from.

I'm sorry, I forgot the textbook we used (the back was just pages and pages of morphemes with their definition and the language they came from), but you could probably find something on Amazon or maybe someone reading this message could recommend one for you. I took the class with an ESL ex, I just used her text and don't have access to it now.

>> No.18178478

Start wanting to live

>> No.18178479


>> No.18178486 [SPOILER] 
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See if there's anything here to suit

>> No.18178557
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>literally consume
You're not supposed to eat books, you fucking retard

>> No.18178612

Does anyone have any recommendations for surreal horror or books in very unconventional formats (like House of Leaves or weirf ARGs).

>> No.18178667

Best translation of bhagavad gita? I hear the one is libtard propaganda and another is Krishna cult propoganda so what's a good one?

>> No.18178774

Books to cope with covid?

>> No.18178797

Arthur W. Ryder if you like poetry
Sir Edwin Arnold otherwise
The Holy Geeta by swami chinmayanada if you want a actual good comentry version.

>> No.18178802

Ligotti is the greatest horror you’ll ever read. House of Leaves is shit

>> No.18179295

Shades of Grey

>> No.18179426
File: 35 KB, 628x629, 52249e21d276b2a5ddf7ec0a3ee1b328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books with friendships like this?

>> No.18179540
File: 3.18 MB, 1440x2560, mash shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the idea of Defence so beautiful? Troy, Verdun and Stalingrad, the very idea of a just and righteous defender slaying hordes of vile invaders to the last - even in science fiction, Halo's Reach and Warhammer 40k's Cadia Defence is beautiful, even if it ends in defeat.

Why is Defence so beautiful, ten times more beautiful than the ideas of Attack and Offence?

>> No.18179555

Why doesn't everyone just agree that I'm the smartest person in the world and solved philosophy already.

...I know, sorry

Real question, why do so many people on here have a hard one for Brothers Karamazov? God is not real so why do I care if someone wants to refuse to go to Heaven?
>inb4 onions/reddit

>> No.18179563

Get in to anal and read "The Sun also rises"

>> No.18179565

Since when did Ego beget existence?

>> No.18179574
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>> No.18179579

a schizo and Jewish (same thing) lie

>> No.18179663

Anybody have any tips for improving prose? I think mine is okay, but I'm in the later stages of editing my novel and I really wanna tighten up the screws, so to speak.

>> No.18179672

Post an excerpt

>> No.18179695

>get given an answer
>keep asking how ad infinity
Your problem lies elsewhere.

>> No.18180757
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Mason and Dixon by Pynchon

>> No.18180795

Ligotti sucks.

>> No.18180809
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Any books that have the feeling of this painting?

>> No.18180952
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Eating books is the hip new cool speed reading tactic, you'd know that if you weren't a pseud

>> No.18181119

Preservation inherently more noble than destruction because of entropy.

>> No.18181374

Where do I go after blood meridian? It was so good.

>> No.18181565

I've only read The Road and it was pretty good.

>> No.18182000

Not him but thanks

>> No.18182566

That's a man

>> No.18183695

imagine dp'ing her with a book. a fairly voluminous tome.

>> No.18183825

Where to start with grimdark?

>> No.18183832

read suttree the novel mccarthy published 6 years prior to bm which i think is on par with it. or read moby dick (mccarthys fav book and obviously a huge influence on bm)

>> No.18183896

WHAT THE FUCK is the book where there's a character that's trying to write a perfect novel, but just ends up just rewriting the first sentence???? Its something like "a girl walked down the street and saw the blooming flowers" or something like that. searching no avail. FUCKING HEEELP its driving me crazy. its a really famous book too i think