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18176976 No.18176976 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18176993

what a beauty

>> No.18177006

I miss the anime Op.

>> No.18177008

Western society is collapsing

>> No.18177015

Not getting the vaccine out of spite. I just don't care anymore.

>> No.18177027 [DELETED] 


>> No.18177032
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I have a test tomorrow, I missed most of the classes, and now I understand like half of the content.
Good thing is that I can do another test for the same class in 4 weeks, I could take more time to study and all of that. Problem would be that it would be an oral test, and that I would already have gotten a bad grade, and the teacher would know how stupid I am.
This is happens because I'm a retard who cannot manage his time.

>> No.18177063


>> No.18177072

do it for me anon, I'd care. you'll feel better after you do it.

>> No.18177099

i always wondered how researchers (especially those who work in fields that aren't very lucrative) manage to sustain themselves financially

>> No.18177115

I want to make a video review for a book that I enjoyed and I can't find the motivation to pick the book up again to make notes on it lol. I'm ready to record the footage to play in the background, I can write a great script to read, but I just can't be bothered when it comes down to reading the book again.

>> No.18177119

Grants, mostly. And I hear it's tough. If you're into some really niche science you basically have to become a marketing professional and shill out the possibility of applications from your studies to interested parties.

>> No.18177204

The girl I'm in love with moved to a different country and my best friend is a rapist. I don't exactly know how to deal with any of this so I've been obsessively reading for the past week and trying to get my mind off of all of this for a bit.

>> No.18177208

I don't know you.

>> No.18177210

My boss says he's been really sick since he took his 2nd shot. He's going to the doctor soon.

>> No.18177215

women are trash and rape is based (it's basically like playing robin hood but for sexual economy instead of the regular one) ergo you have nothing to worry about

>> No.18177220

Going commando is so comfy

>> No.18177237

I admit rape is a little bit based but the girl he raped was quite a close friend to me and I mean I don't actually care about that but I am scared that cancel culture is going to make him kill himself which would suck

>> No.18177247

If they work for a University, they receive funding from the university, usually the source of which is corporate sponsor money, grants, gifts, or donations.

>> No.18177256

I am just not loving The Brothers Karamazov. I just got to the part where Dmitri arrives in Mokroye and so far it’s just not that fun to read. I don’t know if I got filtered or what but I just don’t find this that enjoyable.

>> No.18177292
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>letting your friend rape your other friend
Not based at all, in fact this is actually a form of cuckoldery.
>friend killing himself
This is called Darwinian evolution, ironically since the idea was advanced by students of Darwin, never the man himself. The hypothesis is thus: those with undesirable genes will naturally remove themselves from the gene pool. That you’re friend had to rape implies he lacks favorable genes to secure his own mate, thus nature would have rather he not had the opportunity to reproduce. This error would be of little consequence were it to happen outside the bounds of society, but modern cancel culture has little to do with it. I’ll tell you that in medieval periods the punishment was far more... direct than current year. Your friends suicide would remedy the situation though, elimination from the gene pool means that those with traits society deems desirable : attractiveness, intellect, economic or sociological success. These would in turn lead to the natural procurement of a mate and the further facilitation of those good genes.

Taken from this perspective actively encouraging your friend to take his own life is the morally sound, indeed, the righteous thing to do.

>> No.18177295

I don't understand internal conflicts, does that mean characters ponder inside their heads whether or not should they do something over several chapters or something?

>> No.18177313
File: 1.04 MB, 2800x2000, 1043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's on my mind huh? so my old wwoym thread got deleted but I really like the new pic

here's the old pic tho

>> No.18177315

I don't know what life I want. I don't know if I want to be honest or not. I don't know whether I should be, more accurately.

Difficult to say really. How disappointing.

>> No.18177320

how is buttercunt faring?

>> No.18177323

I don’t know what would make my life worthwhile.

>> No.18177324

I didn't let him rape her I didn't know until recently (about a year after it happened) because she posted about it on social media
>Taken from this perspective actively encouraging your friend to take his own life is the morally sound, indeed, the righteous thing to do.
I wont lie how you put all of that does bring me solace about the fact he's gonna off himself.

>> No.18177328

The big firm's HR Dept keeps messaging me on linkedin.
But I want my own law firm to be a success.
But I need to pay my bills.
I don't want to sell out.
I'm so tired.

>> No.18177333
File: 136 KB, 640x920, 5BFED1E6-69FD-4824-A381-C0C869FC9173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Mine Were Of Trouble and now i want shit to kick off somewhere in Europe so i can volunteer for the nationalists and have an adventure of my own

My wartime sweetheart would be 2008 Alice Glass

>> No.18177364

Iktf bro
Read Keep the Aspidistra Flying by Orwell

>> No.18177375

>but I am scared that cancel culture is going to make him kill himself which would suck
Just be the one guy in his corner

>> No.18177376

why do you care

>> No.18177383

made a quick sojourn into r9k for a shitpost and christ this site is going to shit real fast

>> No.18177390

ive always had an affinity for butter cunt. although she never reciprocates.

>> No.18177399
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This but Storm of Steel, I wish I could fight and die in a war, drone strikes, tanks, etc have ruined warfare

>> No.18177401

Thanks for the rec. I’ll look into it after I finish great expectations.

>> No.18177414
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to add, the girl I would obsess over in my free time would be pic related

>> No.18177426

When I was a boy I liked to laugh. I still do, but I used to, to. Joke books, TV, making up gibberish words and phrases and feeling my stomach ache as I listened to the audio recording of me and my sister saying it, it didn’t matter. I can’t remember much else about myself before the age of 15 or so. I suppose I was a bit of a non-person. A lot of people did my thinking for me, and I knew nothing but to react to it with naive understanding or joking irreverence. Maybe this is why I grew up to be such a bitterly critical person. I never fully understood what a grand undertaking thinking can be. I still struggle to be as funny as when I was a child. The inanity of everything doesn’t seem to be there anymore. I take life too seriously. I’m far too eager to get to the point. To put the puzzle together rather than stop and wonder at the inventiveness of it first.

I can’t remember when I started being like this. When I started to take life as a puzzle to be solved. Nothing burns so much in my mind as this question: “What is the answer?” I’m not talking about anything as childish as the answer to the meaning of life. It’s just the hammer I’ve wielded since I’ve gained the use of reason.

No wonder I’m not funny anymore.

>> No.18177431

the american healthcare system has to be one of the most byzantine bureaucracies in all of history

>> No.18177433

You're welcome friend. Think you could work at a large firm for a couple years to reach financial stability? Big law and burn is what I think they call it. Maybe after you have that cushion you could leave and start your own private practice to live on your own terms. I've seen people do that and I'm assuming you're young and have plenty of time. Idk, this is the kinda situation that turned me away from law school (also I was terrible at logic games)

>> No.18177478
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further thinking about this. It's purposively made so complex so that jews can more easily get a sense of satisfaction out of finding deals and loopholes. It's like catnip for them. I unironically believe this

>> No.18177481

I clerked for a few small and medium sized law firms before I was licensed and I just couldn’t manage it. Small firm people were all ways high stress and angry, medium size people were always corporate and passive aggressive. So either I took a verbal beating every day or I got the cold shoulder every day. No win win there. This firm that keeps messaging me is a PI firm that’s one of the biggest in the state. Their turn over rate is insane, I really doubt there’s any other reason why they would reach out to someone like me.

I’m jealous of my friends who are getting direct experience and a paycheck, but at the same time there’s a kind of thrill and tradition to starting your own practice. I have one or two friends also going out on their own that may be able to throw some work my way. I dunno, the more I think about how hard and pointless this whole entrepreneurial thing is, the more spiteful I am to the world of law, and it kinda motivates me. I don’t think I’d ever fit in with the traditional corporate types. Too loud and too weird. Thanks for letting me ramble and engaging, anon.

>> No.18177499

that reminds me a bit of myself. I can only advise you to write down your conflict of thoughts or whatever is on your mind and try to find out what it is all about. always keep a positive / neutral attitude, as if you were just observing your reactions so that you can take your time to see how you react to them. pay attention to what you feel. you just change sometimes, you have to learn to deal with it. maybe you create a new style. a style that suits you, because it sounds like you are looking for a new picture of yourself. but you have to listen to your inner voice and try not to accept the things you have learned as obsolete truths but as options that float in the air, between which you can decide who you want to be. let these things float in the air for a few years before you let them petrify you too much.

stay focused but don't be reckless. do not put yourself under too much pressure inside, remember, you are only looking at the options. once you've figured out the trick, you may be able to look at life a little less seriously. no matter how shocked or emotionally charged those around you are, don't let it influence you. invent your new style.

>> No.18177540
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Books that evoke this feel?

>> No.18177545

i think im going insane

>> No.18177549
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started working again and now that i have a small bit of money to buy stuff im thinking "what can i buy to make myself more content than before and i really cant come up with anything. i already have a backlog of books im working through, i dont enjoy video games much, im getting bored of the same old shows and movies and such. the only thing i can ever think of is drinking because it sometimes makes me content with things. the obvious answer to this problem is that i need to get my shit together and re join society and start hanging with old friends and such again,, which is almost certainly something that is within my power to accomplish, but i feel like there isnt any use because Ive changed so much as a person that i dont have a damn thing in common with my peers so i will never accomplish anything more than a bit of superficial socializing and I will never be able to reignite any sort of real friendship. im not really sure where to go from here aside from drinking and waiting to die alone

>> No.18177552
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>> No.18177608

bro my social life isn't the best either but bro. don't keep telling yourself things like:

> obvious answer to this problem is that I need to get my shit together and re join society and start hanging with old friends and such again

stop, because that's not you. I don't know you but I know this thought and that is not an original thought but a manipulated thought. as I said to another anon before, don't stress yourself too much. also, stop drinking and play table tennis or something, do 1-2 minute planks, do a few push-ups, go outside, throw a few basketball baskets and sunbathe a little bro. don't be so negative.

my hobby, for example, is skateboarding, I love it and can clear my head. just get out, drive somewhere, hear the birds chirping and when I get home after 2 hours or so, then I always feel lighter than before, freer in my head. you just have to clear your head by going out and having fun.

alcohol is also fun, but it is fake fun and dangerous fun. being drunk is being driven and getting into something like being hyperactive. I don't want to badmouth alcohol now, but that's the way it is.

rare tip: make sandwich baguettes with tuna, crumble cheese, cucumber, corn, radishes, salad and season it with a little salt, pepper and paprika. eat it up and you'll have strength again. do you know what i mean?

>> No.18177612

>you see anon, reality is actually very real and the body you experience it with is definitely you, and even though you don't feel any emotions and the whole thing plays like a bad video game, the thing experiencing this reality is definitely you and also real. you can tell because of the way it is. you will soon find that the extremely convincing string of words i have just spoken will unlock within you your ability to perceive genuine reality, like a terrorist sleeper cell hearing the president say the secret codeword on national television. now go buy some funko pops and, hey, why don't you have a bottle of seroquel on the house?
i haven't actually

>> No.18177650


>that reminds me a bit of myself.

I would not have believed you if you had not been able to predict the next thing I had said after writing that post. I appreciate your advice.
As much as I listen to great comedians, I can find no answer as to why they’re funny and I’m not. The question of why it’s so important for me to be funny doesn’t even come up in my mind. I just know I have to be funny. “Maybe I don’t hang around with funny enough people?”, “Maybe I don’t write enough?”, “Maybe I’m too concerned with putting things in an understandable manner, since my raw thoughts seem so confuse so many people.” I don’t know if I’m just incomprehensible or stupid.

I’ve been funny. I’ve made people laugh, I’m sure of it. I understand that the craft of comedy is understanding how that’s done and learning how to display it on command, but when I try to take apart comedy as a craft it falls into a million bits of some grandiose puzzle. It just happens. It’s not a thing you can study and turn into a manual, at least not for me. My silliness isn’t amusing, it’s just confusing. My jokes are far too esoteric, my references too confusing and not at all clever.

Maybe I’m so concerned with comedy because writing and comedy go hand in hand. Wit is the uniting factor between being a good writer and being a good comic, a good work ethic just seals the deal. I’ve wanted to be writer for as long as I can remember, though I’ve only written a pitiful amount. I know, you have to actually write if you want to be a writer, but thinking just comes so much easier. Conversation is more fun. I often wish I could have someone dictating my conversations and thoughts. Maybe I’d regret it if I could have a written record of how many stupid things I’ve said. I suppose that happens to all of us, but that nagging feeling keeps telling me mine are worse. I continually thank and curse my memory for its gifts of forgetfulness.

Perhaps it’s my inability to openly display my deepest thoughts. How many times I’ve been given the ire of the crowd for doing so is mainly the reason why I stopped. Nowadays I extol the virtues of honesty, but I struggle so much when I try to hold myself up to that virtue. Everybody seeks to change what I have to say, but I’m not trying to be a victim about it. I probably do say offensive things with no point to them. With no funniness to it, and with no taste. I’ve learned not to like those things about me. How is one to express themselves with no filter if one finds themselves distasteful?

>> No.18177691

dude no one gonna read that long ass shit

>> No.18177751

I think I'm going back to writing soon

I'm still devoid of inspiration, devoid of excitement and burnt out, but just waiting it out hasn't solved my problems before and I don't think it ever will. I just need to put my nose to the grindstone and keep going until I don't have anything left to give

>> No.18177756

In some cases yes, I've had entire days I spend thinking about one abstract issue in particular, if you're interested in this read Hamlet.

>> No.18177764

Pretty much in the same boat. The rational thing to do is to sit on your desk and start reading the material. Learn as much as you can, and all will be well.

>> No.18177772

>“Maybe I don’t write enough?”

Try to loosen it up and look at it differently, if something doesn't work out as it should, then it doesn't mean it's fixed that way. Sometimes something doesn't come up from one moment to the next. If a thought pulls you down, try to direct it in a neutral direction, this will keep your flow going. This is comparable to breathing evenly.

>My silliness isn’t amusing, it’s just confusing. My jokes are far too esoteric, my references too confusing and not at all clever.

That's just a thought you tell yourself. There are no rules, just different styles. You can get it all across the way you think it is, but I guess it depends on the way you do it. I don't necessarily think of the words now, but where it comes from. What is it that leads you to this? It should be of natural origin, because laughter is natural, so from the heart I would say. Everyone has doubts at times, but if it comes from the heart, then it is based on honesty and is therefore authentic.

you can't make everyone laugh, people have different humor, some will laugh and some won't. humor is relative. and it always depends on the point in time.

Just because someone doesn't laugh at your joke doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't laugh at it either. therefore you should never take it too personally and doubt yourself. no matter how bad it goes, it has something to do with perseverance.

>Conversation is more fun. I often wish I could have someone dictating my conversations and thoughts.

hmm... try to catch the vibe of it. maybe try a few different methods that you haven't thought of yet, such as taking photos, which may motivate you to write afterwards.

>I probably do say offensive things with no point to them. With no funniness to it, and with no taste. I’ve learned not to like those things about me. How is one to express themselves with no filter if one finds themselves distasteful?

I guess that's just your style and honestly it sounds kind of funny. I am absolutely no comedy expert and these are all tips from someone who has absolutely no idea, so no offense.

But sometimes you insult someone, comdey isn't there to compliment people. Even if that person doesn't think it's funny. Somehow I find this thought in itself funny. Reminds me a bit of Zach Galifianakis lol.

>> No.18177832

for all the talk of how assertive transgender people are politically, "tranisarries" and so on, they are very allergic to the idea of establishing our own ethnostate.

>> No.18177863


I worked for a company where something similar happened. The owner skipped town and the paychecks stopped coming. Gradually we all stopped showing up. One mexican dude tried to keep the place running, he'd respond to all the voicemails from irate customers (they were still paying, but the revenue didn't come to the company, so no one was going out to do any of the work), and then go out to do his contracts.

Basically most of us just kept stealing shit and screwing around with company equipment. The mexican guy stopped showing up, and a few days later the door was locked.

>> No.18177885

I'm in a similar situation right now where nobody has been paid in 9 weeks. The CEO is still out there on the grind but we just got served a big notice from our landlord today to pay back-rent or get served with legal trouble in 5 days. I spent all day today playing around in GIMP.

>> No.18177902
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I am legitimately fine with going to war with China, even if the risk of immense disaster for the United States is high. I do not want China to become the most powerful country in the world. America as the hegemon isn't exactly great but China would be a thousand times worse, and I am willing to wage war, even war on a mass scale, to prevent this from happening.

>> No.18177908

>One mexican dude tried to keep the place running, he'd respond to all the voicemails from irate customers (they were still paying, but the revenue didn't come to the company, so no one was going out to do any of the work), and then go out to do his contracts
vivid imagery of a collapse

>> No.18177934


this shit just got added to criterion channel, should i watch or not?

>> No.18177956
File: 166 KB, 1588x1200, blue clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a motivating track I discovered on soundcloud a few months ago.

Schopenhauer - chin_up:


another trippy track, with a comfy pic:


>> No.18177964


Thanks for trying to comprehend my meandering. I'm almost embarrassed somebody took the time to understand me, but I'm glad. Thanks, anon.

>> No.18178013

Anyone know anywhere that accepts longer form short stories (15k - 20k words)? My short stories are all part of a larger work, and so it's not simply a matter of me trimming them down to fit short story publication guidelines.

>> No.18178261

Stop panicking. The key to China's power IS America, the American dollar is the global reserve, and almost all of China's reserve, and that isn't going to change until we start seeing proxy wars in Africa and America pisses off the rest of the world so much that they are willing to ally with China and Russia for a new global reserve and a military to back it. Given that Russia is going to collapse as soon as Putin does, not a good bet.

If China goes under, all that means is shit gets more expensive in America as we re-arrange our labor exports. If America goes under, China goes with it - along with a good portion of the western world.

There are forces that would like to take our throne or see us step down, but no one, not even China, wants to see us step down suddenly.

>> No.18178271

I need inspiration but I don't know where to look for it

>> No.18178376
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This what I've been doing, but it is just trying to bite more than I can chew.
I will wake up early tomorrow and study a bit more, I would be happy with a mediocre grade.
Good luck for you too anon.

>> No.18178430

what happens if the planes fall off the boat lol

>> No.18178459
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>> No.18178545

How would that work in the long run?

>> No.18178554

I had a really long day and yet here I am, on 4chan. It has been one hell of a week and tomorrow is only like the half of it. Shit.
I'm so paranoid I fear writting personal things here and someone finding.
I'm feeling anxious and tired af. Just relapsed on porn too. I'm done.
Nofap mode for now. 30 days.

>> No.18178564

The Janissaries didn't establish one either. It's ust an observation about how politically fanatic you all tend to get for your chosen side.

>> No.18178565
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I hate that serious threads go instantly to lit/archive/, and that shitty threads (evola, pepes, apus, and girl image threads) entomb them.

>> No.18178594

Im sorry for not being the person you want me to be.

>> No.18178622

it's ok anon

>> No.18178632

its not, i've failed you.

>> No.18178634

Getsky elon winZ

>> No.18178658

But I forgive you. I don't want you to hurt. It's ok.

>> No.18178765


>> No.18178904

But even then i feel bad for you showing the goodness when i dont deserve it.

>> No.18178924

I can stand being ignorant, but I can't stand being naive

>> No.18178931

How do deal with being a "heretic" religiously?

>> No.18179024
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>if I want to be honest or not
You don't decide that.
Do not try to plan your life in the long term, focus on what you're doing now.

>> No.18179027

It already is.

>> No.18179030

I don't. These are more interesting or clever.

>> No.18179050

I still daydream and dream of re-doing parts of my life over

>> No.18179091

humanity isn't worth saving.

>> No.18179104
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I stopped being religious at 12, but I think it depends on how you conceive free will. If it's some minor doctrine thing like the Holy Spirit does not exist it doesn't even matter at the end.

Me too, it's kind of bittersweet. I still have to learn how to deal with the consequences of my mistakes but on deep inside I also believe it can help to learn from them. Maybe I'm just a fool.

>> No.18179111

They actually have anchor points so it's pretty hard for them to fall off.

>> No.18179147
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I refuse to submit to mediocrity and normalcy. I was born this way.

>> No.18179288
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Why the fuck I played this shitty game. Now I'll be all sad and shit for the rest of the week.
How do I cope bros?

>> No.18179315
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Whenever reality seems to fail one's high expectations, he keeps in his delusion by falling in love with the ideal.

>> No.18179326
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My dog is pissing me off. This asshole doesn't eat his dog food whenever I give him but if I mix in any food I'm having for breakfast, lunch or dinner, he gobbles it all up. Just eat your fucking food.

>> No.18179334
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Legitimately 4chan's greatest achievement.

And I think it's very telling that when 4chan set out to make a video game, it didn't make some edgy, insufferable wankfest. No, it made a kind, sweet game, which treats its characters with love and respect, and which is filled with wholesome love.

I think there is a lot of genuine love in 4chan, beneath all the resignation and bitterness and hate. It's unironically one of the things that keeps me coming back here, year after year for more than a decade. 4chan is capable of real love. It's also capable of real hate, real nastiness, real cruelty, and so much more. But all these emotions are real, and not faked. So when 4chan expresses love, it's real too. And that's what makes it so strange on the internet these days. On an internet where everything is either performative or ironic, 4chan expresses real emotion. Always has. Always will. And this is why I love it. Because when you DO get love on this miserable website, it's real love. Not fake.

>> No.18179340

Ukraine looks promising
Some guys have already gone there and joined paramilitary organizations

>> No.18179345

Im so tired of being unfocused, cowardly and timid me. Thanks God for suffering.

>> No.18179357

I've been watching that making a murderer series on netshits. In the series there is someone who has an IQ measured as 70. What's crazy to me is that, if you go by my test scores (which I don't necessarily put a whole lot of stock in) I am as smart as he is dumb with an extra standard deviation on top. Someone with an IQ of 55 would be precisely as dumb as I am smart, so going by the raw statistics I'm actually smarter than he is dumb. That's crazy to me, because this dude is DUMB. Like a lamb to the slaughter for the hamfisted detectives who are trying to manipulate him. I'm one of those people who has trouble building mental models of other people's cognition in the first place and it gives me this gigantic burst of apophatic realization. I see myself illuminated by contrast as I watch this guy's interviews. Often I think I kind of just assume that other people's minds work like mine does, but I'm realizing lately that this just isn't the case. I'm not really interested in building some kind of complex around the whole thing but I still found it pretty startling.

>> No.18179363

Cocksucking jannies deleted ANOTHER Philosophy thread as I was typing this, AS USUAL:

>As Aristotle explains in De Generatione Animalium (book 2, chapter 3), a woman is simply a misbegotten man. The complete example of a given animal is male, with the female existing as an incomplete variation. Aquinas expands on this in Summa Theologica (first part, question 92), observing that natural law requires both a male (active, complete) and female (passive, incomplete) for reproduction to occur. Hermaphroditic species must carry both in one, burdening them with the female part of the reproductive process. Assuming that God is bound by natural law (cannot just create square circles, etc), the only way for purely male individuals to exist is to offload the female part to another individual. In other words, woman takes on the burden of being incomplete so that men can exist.
One might be tempted to think this reasoning is born out of a primitive understanding of biology. Modern science, however, confirms that bearing children incurs a great expense in bioenergetic resources. Much of what distinguishes a woman from a man is a trade off in favour of reproduction over efficacy in other areas. Even psychometrically women are much more likely to possess traits such as neuroticism and agreeableness, which make them better at keeping small children out of danger, but worse at everything else.
>What would the platonic form of a woman look like?
In light of the above, I suspect the question is a contradiction in terms. The ideal man is the ideal human. Being female is just one of the many deviations that matter can take from the ideal.

To which I replied:

I concur, but there are more layers to form-instantiation, for example: instantiation being superfluous to form, the former being utterly false inasmuch as it is proper, i.e. man is a perfect "microcosm" of the most ideal form per the content of the form-instantiation structure, but he is a redundant Demiurgic abomination per the form of the form-instantiation structure. Whereas woman is a redundant Demiurgic abomination per the content, and a perfect "microcosm" per the form.

>> No.18179367

Maybe philosophy threads detached from any specific work of literature should go on /his/. You know, like the rules say.

>> No.18179386

Either Ukraine or the South China Sea are going to be the great wars of our time. I legitimately think the hour has come when the major nuclear powers will war with each other. Whether they actually USE their nukes is an open question. It's a taboo no one dares to breach, but it always hovers like the sword of Damocles over all their conflicts.

>> No.18179388

Maybe his food tastes like ass. You'd probably not want it either

>> No.18179392

What is the most touching sublime writing you have ever read?

>> No.18179405

>As Aristotle explains in De Generatione Animalium (book 2, chapter 3)
> detached from any specific work of literature

>> No.18179406

I’m depressed and constantly anxious, my relationship has become a burden and I can’t stop thinking about having casual sex with tinder girls. Also, my girlfriend is very dependent and her life is a mess, so god knows what would happen to her if we broke up.

>> No.18179427

Happy birthday (Good bye)

>> No.18179437

So if you posted that in a thread about cum and cum-related activities like tits and ass and pussy and big cock, would that make the thread itself less about tits and ass and pussy and cock?

>> No.18179448

Look man I know you love the smell of your own farts but at a certain point you have to realize there are specific boards for specific farts and meandering philofarts aren't on topic here.

>> No.18179450

People like you two should be put in fucking stocks. You are a net negative to the world.

>> No.18179456

The world would be a much worse place if you could be put in stocks for wrongthink. This is not an endorsement of rape or whatever those two retards are talking about.

>> No.18179458

Just wait until you get a Tanzanian variant and your lungs explode.

>> No.18179462
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>> No.18179464

I realized I barely lived all these years, if I keep up this "life style" I will probably kill myself before I reach 20 or so, so one of these days I will be taking a walk outside just to figure it out
And I have been listening to the same David Bowie song (Not telling which one because just no) for some weeks now
Just wanted to say that

>> No.18179467

You should just get ahead of the game and kill yourself before you turn 18.

>> No.18179471

lol you are not even 20 yet. You have not lived at all yet. Chill out.

>> No.18179479

Aesthetically everything is fideism, however it is that rationalism is objectively more beautiful than irrationalism, by its nature. Yet it's all faith nonetheless, for what one believes to be true is a matter of aesthetic opinion. Logos is the highest pathos. The issue is then finding what is most beautiful outside the realm of the logos. Whatever it is, I call it the godhead. Will Nietzsche be proven right, or is it only YHWH, and his worldly family which lies bleeding? From Shiva to water sprites, to extraterrestrial psychic beings. Yet a greater unity remains, truth in this context is the key to unlocking the most beautiful of all. Let us then follow the path of Aphrodite’s ghost. One beauty leads to another of a higher essence, till we reach the end, where we meet the true god.
Maybe then it is that there is no end, and the unity we find along the journey pull back the curtain of the ego illusion and there we find god. Or what we might call god, for I believe others know of this already. They do not call it god or a god, but call it way. It is the way, is the path traveled, it is Dao. Now what Dao in itself is impossible to put into words. For doing so is a false organization. A bottling of being and thunder, of light and yes. Maybe this is not the say Dao of China, and if not I will give it a new spelling, yet I find this true; that being most beautiful, as anything. Beauty is not equivalent to the good, the positive, or pleasure. As Nietzsche says we must go beyond good and evil. Beauty is an expression of truth made real.

>> No.18179483
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I'm too well read to enjoy fantasy/scifi like i used to but too much of an brainlet to enjoy "literature"

>> No.18179484

>Let us then follow the path of Aphrodite’s ghost.
Your farts don't smell as good as you think they do.

>> No.18179487
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If I start something and I don't like it or I even start to hate it, should I just give up?
Shouldn't I do things for the sake of the process and not for the end? Or I need to force myself into it?

>> No.18179494

Yeah, all those guys who made it after 30 kek

>> No.18179497

Write down exactly why it is you hate it. From the text, draw specific examples and write how they contribute to your hate. Then ask yourself how you would do it differently. If you just keep starting and abandoning projects without actually examining why you dislike them, you're just going to keep writing things you don't like.

>> No.18179506

He was eating it yesterday, but now he ain't eating it. It's a gamble whenever he'll eat it.

>> No.18179518
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thanks, but I cant help myself from the LARP

>> No.18179519

With a post like this, you're begging people to prove you wrong. Off the top of my head I could list at least five or six major, generational authors who got a "late start," but I won't do that because you're probably right. You most likely never will "make it," just like the rest of us. If I were to give you a short list of authors who "made it" after 30, you would compare yourself to them. You would realize the obvious: no, you're not that guy. You don't have his set of experiences or his specific capacities and you never will because you are you and not him. You would get nothing from that except an expected answer for some low-level quandary posed by your unconscious mind which does nothing but further the negative feedback loop you're trapped in, and from which nobody but yourself can extricate you. At a certain point you need to get over yourself and actually put the legwork in. If you want literary successes, fucking WORK AT IT. Nobody here has the slightest amount of pity for you because we've all been there and know pity isn't worth the paper it's shat on.

>> No.18179521
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Not sure if sarcastic but there are many people that made it late in life.

>> No.18179527


>> No.18179530

Don't cheapen yourself like that. You sure as shit better not do it for someone like me.

>> No.18179533

That was hella gay, fren.

>> No.18179558

Long term, it bogs me that I feel like I'm not a "real" man (mentally). Recently, I had this dream where I was what I think is a real man. That was real interesting! It's the first dream I remember, where (it is me, but) my whole personality is different. I've always wanted to just try being in someone elses head for a while just to see how differently they think, and this feels like it kind of happened, actually.
(also, if you had some good sources on managing performance stress, I'd appreciate those; stuff like how a fighter would cope with the stress of an upcoming event where they compete for high prizes or something)

I'm not too sure what you mean by that, but I really like how Bohumil Hrabal writes. His books do have a story-line, but plenty of time is seamlessly spent poetically describing the protagonist's surroundings. Normally I can't enjoy those efforts, because they seem forced, but Hrabal is something different. I'd say the ending of Closely Watched Trains is perhaps the most beautiful thing I've ever read, no matter (or maybe because of) how 'simple' it is.
Dude, wish you good luck with that, stay strong.

>> No.18179567

Philosophy is remedial and a lot of retards read it thinking they need it. Actually, it's not made for them.

>> No.18179612

Can you please give us eternal truth then? I would like no know.

>> No.18179640
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I'd like to start this post by saying I'm not looking for pity. If I was in person I wouldn't feel the need to say that, as you'd probably know me to the extent that I'm not that kind of man.
I'm 20 and I'm just drifting. That's fine, most people at 20 aren't calcified people and I'm still young. What I'm dealing with is my nomadic nature and my disconnect from almost everyone else around me. I'm not a misanthrope by any means, I treat people with respect if they give me any basic courtesy. I'm an honest guy as well, so I don't feel disconnected because I'm living one life in person and another in secret. If anything I'm too honest, it's gotten me into trouble a few times so far.
My problem is that I can't pin what my problem is down, and even the not being able to pin the problem down doesn't seem to be the real problem. Is it the lack of meaning beyond goals that only take a week or so to complete, with big gaps on any meaningful struggle? Is it the lack of social connections barring the few friends I have? Is it that I'm impatient the live I'm currently living and not trusting that I'll grow into a more fulfilled man with the discpline that I have? I feel it's a joke to say "all of the above" because then I have the same problem as before. Thinking too much is up there too.
I mainly just get pained by the fact I meet so many people, only to feel like I should move on or that I'm starting to feel wrong in the environment that I'm in. The internet is homogenousised and even the weirdest of artists I'm met online just feel like a product of a memetic based reward system. I'll stick out the uncomfortableness, but it doesn't mean I'll stick around.
(I relate to this man on screen, but it's best not to dwell on people I will most likely not meet)

>> No.18179680
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I'm not going to do the test today.
It's just too much stuff to learn in so little time. Plus, I did the maths, and since I will probably end up getting a bad grade, I will end up harming my academic performance.
Now I will have 4 weeks to prepare myself.

>> No.18179701

I prepared a week Excel schedule to include studying and hobbies, exam season will start in 1 month. Don't procrastinate.
Godspeed anon

>> No.18179703

Bitches, Benjamins and Bentleys....

>> No.18179762

Thanks anon, this is what I'm doing now.
I had designed one with the upcoming tests when I realized how badly I had managed my time, but it was already too late for this class.
It is the first time I skip a test for these kind of reasons, feel a bit guilty, but it's the most rational thing to do.

>> No.18179801

this board is populated by teenagers who really want to convince themselves they're smart
i hate it

>> No.18180002

Here's the story I'm working on it.
>protag is forced into gladiatorial combat
>is eventually pulled out of the cells, along with others, to help defend the city
>he goes above and beyond in his duties
>he's given special treatment yet still forced to fight
>the other combatants despise him because of his advantages
>he tries to help his friends out
>they're scolded and beaten because of it
>eventually they reject his help
>he learns to focus on himself instead of others
That's about all I have so far, but I dig it.

>> No.18180071

I have a couple prints by that artist, I forget her name though

>> No.18180102

What are some tricks that you guys use to get yourselves just writing when you’re in a slump?

>> No.18180107

you seem angry for some reason

>> No.18180119

Hello, please answer.

Is this a correct use of a comma?

Our sample of Indian mutual funds has statistically significant negative alpha using the CAPM and the Fama–French five-factor model, and non-statistically significant negative alpha for all other asset pricing models.

It is two independent sentences (even though I'm not repeating "our sample of Indian mutual funds has" before "non-statistically significant..." - I don't have to repeat it right?), so it's correct? Right? My first language isn't English btw.

>> No.18180132


>protag is a new king overshadowed by the legacy of his grandfather and the death of his mother
>flees the pressure of the kingdom to join the army under the guise that he's learning about the common soldier
>the regent he left behind takes over the kingdom and has him declared dead
>king mounts an armed return to the capital city and retakes his throne
Looking at it a little objectively, not only did I miswrite about a 1/3 of the story, but it feels pretty trope-y as well. The theme is about him learning to move past his inferiority complex and accept the responsibility of kingship. It's part 1 of a story about his whole life and each part has a different theme.

>> No.18180160

I hope I can finish work on time today. My destiny may depend on it.

>> No.18180161

Depends on the cause of the slump. Might be reading a book, exercising, or just dusting off an old project.

Lately I've found reviewing just how many stories I want to write and how long they take to write is good motivation to keep working

>> No.18180199

I recently broke up with my girlfriend. She just didnt give a shit about me. I tried my best to be caring supportive and so on and there was no progress. She put her sport(baseball) on the first place and all she seemed to care were her team mates. And in the back of my mind i knew things would be like this yet I forced myself and believed things would change. I don't understand what led me to this kind of irrationality. She has given me nothing in this relationship, I have given everything and yet I am the one that feels empty like there is a hole inside of me. This wasn't my first relationship. Had several before, but why is this one so different boggles me. Im not even hurt that much i just feel so aimless.

>> No.18180342

There should not be a comma. Also you might consider replacing the first “and” with something like “along with” for clarity and readability.

>> No.18180370

ask if you can go in early or something

>> No.18180397

Biggus Dickus muh dick gets bigga cause im a crazy nigra

>> No.18180419

theres nothing

>> No.18180439

I wish i'd feel confident in myself. Even if i manage to do something right, i either write that off as "thats nothing hard and anyone could do it" or "it doesnt mean anything".

>> No.18180457

Don't hype yourself up retard whatever meager accomplishment you may have succeeded in it doesn't make you shit

>> No.18180508

you seem upset

>> No.18180524

have an esoteric world concept as a backdrop for a convoluted story told through a ton of characters that took me a long time to write
>still feel like it would appear shallow and surface level to readers and feel like I have to add more depth to make it interesting

So this is straight up autism right? I feel like the things that are obvious to me would be obvious to everyone else like they have access to information they have no way of knowing.

>> No.18180707

im glad these threads arent made with vtuber scum these days

>> No.18180711

pimple on my forehead

>> No.18180713

What have you been reading?

>> No.18180715
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Yes. I really like the non-anime pictures. They are much more creative. This time it is a silly monkey but you get neat paintings and pictures sometimes. Anime and Asian consumerism in general just rots your brain.

>> No.18180738

Someone already did, you fuck.

>> No.18180775

You should always believe in yourself, even if you have no reason to, that way you're more likely to succeed and build a base for actual confidence.

>> No.18180812
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>> No.18180840

What do I read to refute Jung and Freud?

>> No.18180847

can't sleep
I can never sleep on the days I don't go to the gym
but there are days when I can't go to the gym

>> No.18180885

anything not written by prostitutes with daddy issues really

>> No.18181095

But this seems unreasonable atleast to me. Like being a complete liar to yourself.

>> No.18181138

I have become greedy. it's hard to shake. it's like I know that something about this is wrong but like the matter is closed in my head.

>> No.18181355


>> No.18181381

You ever give up on a classic because you’re just not feeling it?

>> No.18181411


>> No.18181462

Yer not supposed to use a comma to conjoin two independent sentences, period, though you can use one for a compound predicate. Commas should also not be used in place of conjunctives.

Outside of legalese, however, you can, talk, like, William Shatner, if you really want to.

"Our sample of these Indian mutual funds has a statistically significant negative alpha, when using the CAPM and the Fama–French five-factor model, yet retains a non-statistically significant negative alpha, for all other asset pricing models."

Is a bit easier to read.

>> No.18181477

Laughing neonazis straight in the face is great. Combines a fun chuckle with a little bit of adrenaline from whether they're gonna be aggressive.

>> No.18181482

Maybe I was just a faggot all along

>> No.18181507

story time?

>> No.18181536

Also, commas are optional when framing prepositions, but generally recommended when they are complex or redundant, such as in that mess.

>> No.18181598
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>> No.18181605

>Anime and Asian consumerism in general just rots your brain.

>> No.18181609

I like the idea of writing in an old english/norse verse and tone, but i don't think it can be done in contemporary English without seeming campy. Has it been done?

>> No.18181763

Thank you, anon

>> No.18181771

the original video for that was so much better


>> No.18181813

i read this but there was no funny
time wasted

>> No.18181819

It will be campy but there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.18181840
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>> No.18181896
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>browsing ex's social media, whom I only broke up with because I was moving countries
>now a goth tomboy doing Taekwondo and shooting competitions
JUST. Never going to recover from this blow

>> No.18181933

I only had a gf at 5. Then a handful of girls flirted with me throughout my life but I kept ignoring them or whenever I tried to talk to them it all seemed so forced and I stopped. I don't know if I'm too choosy or my subconscious is trying to tell me I'm a fag, even if I don't like guys.

>> No.18182016

How much can someone cringe at himself and not commit suicide?

>> No.18182039

>I only had a gf at 5
Doesn't count

>> No.18182046

>>browsing ex's social media
see, this is where you went wrong

>> No.18182054

you’re likely better off separated than in a long-distance relationship (never functional, always a mess of betrayals in the end)

>> No.18182075

>tfw waiting for job interviews and follow ups

>> No.18182250

>tfw you dont even get negative answer
its an abstract kind of feel

>> No.18182267

I'm about to tell her I liked (still do) before the virus via text. Haven't seen her in a while. I'm so damn nervous.

>> No.18182268

if you stayed together you'd just have a goth tomboy cucking you right now

>> No.18182300

The original has far too many qt Asians for Simpsons anon to watch it.

>> No.18182321
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Really curious that, for all the fat, disability, and race acceptance campaigns we have out there today, we still have no ugly acceptance campaign. When you look at fat models for example, you can see that all of them have good facial structures, they all have perfectly pretty faces, they're just fat. For all their inclusive rhetoric, the people in charge of these campaigns can't bring themselves to promote genuinely ugly people.

>> No.18182388

I'd prefer to blame her for making her profile public, I've been amazed recently by just how willing women are to post tightly cropped nude photos on profiles with their full name and thousands of followers - naked and hugging their tits to obscure the nipples is a very popular trope. Hot, but utterly baffling
This is true

>> No.18182537
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iftar with a yuge stack of pancakes for the second day in a row. what a great idea, praise be to God.

>> No.18182561

literally why do we use sugar anymore if stevia exists?

>> No.18182656

i’m a zoomer and want to start a youtube just to ramble about whatever. like how i read a passage from neitzche and how it ties to the modern world and why social media is bad and whatnot. i’m not well versed in any topic but i just have a calling to speak about it and share it to someone. i don’t want to look like a fool or a midwit talking about subjects that i have no expertise in, but i want others to see what a zoomer and his mind has to say about such topics.

>> No.18182697

It's not the same for baking

>> No.18182716

Ramadan mubarak anon, been to a couple iftar buffets myself when I was in the gulf - a proper feast that was. Consider cheese cooked into thin pancakes if you want something more savoury, thinly sliced apples do well in a pancake as well

>> No.18182732

I would personally recommend not to do this. Or at least keep it private for a while and show it only to selected people.

>> No.18182746

thanks anon! damn this is good advice, may try the cheese tomorrow

>> No.18182774

i'm getting too old to type in all lowercase

>> No.18182957

I'll get the vaccine for that one.

>> No.18183177

Do y'all feel like browsing this place made you smarter in any way?

>> No.18183179

Normally, I'd welcome our new Zoomer overlords, but 1) Nietzsche is not meant to be done in passages, and 2) it's not meant to be applied to the world at large so much as rare deserving individuals. I suspect you've fallen into the Cliff Note's trap, where you think Nietzsche is anti-Christian and pro-Nihlhism when nothing could be further from the truth. Nietzsche describes nihlhism as a dangerous trap, and Christianity as something necessary for most men, while the path of enlightenment he describes is for a select few, and certainly not for those who haven't completed his works. Further the "dancing god" he describes is indeed part of Christianity, it's only the religion does not teach esoterics and the feminine aspects of God at a certain age or certain degree of initiation, unlike the Hebrew religions it is derived from, and he touches on this in his later works, but by then all the syphilis he picked up from fucking his slut sister kinda starts to drag on him.

>> No.18183190

I feel like browsing this board made me know more authors that I wouldn't have heard of if I didn't browse here

>> No.18183191

shut up faggot

>> No.18183194

Made me a better editor. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing much in the way of original works to help edit these days, so much as shower thoughts and tweets, coupled with the occasional asshole complaining some rant was too long.

>> No.18183227

yea I think so. it's good for developing ideas that someone will tell you to kill yourself (in a controlled setting) when you're being a fag. also turned me onto a lot of ideas.

>> No.18183304

I had a psychotic episode a while back. One thing that was a step forward to me that resulted from the affair was that I realized that it is necessary to share openly ones feelings with other human beings. This was a big step forward for me, really in every human way. But now, years later, I feel like I'm back in isolation. It worries me.

>> No.18183315

everyones like this tho. just sit down the night before and grind it all out

>> No.18183333

That's terrible anon. I've drowned my (much less bad) sorrows with Bach recently, playing and listening while reading the sheet music. You maybe need to romanticise yourself as a tortured genius for a bit to get through. Do you have a creative outlet?

>> No.18183461
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>> No.18183522

>tfw you still feel an odd hopeful feeling in your chest despite it all
We're all going to make it.

>> No.18183527

How do I act like a man even under mental stress?
It makes my stomach roll, my ballsack shrink and suddenly there's a tiny soul inside me.

>> No.18183563

thanks anon. it’s insightful what you said and i believe i already got that message reading beyond good and evil. i guess it won’t be anyone’s benefit in listening to a zoomer when others have so much more to offer.
there is a man on youtube who ties in theology, philosophy, evolutionary biology and discusses the hero’s journey, divine feminine, etc. kinda like what jordan peterson already does.

>> No.18183617

i keep getting disappointed when i come here even though i know i shouldn't be. I know that the people who post here are the same people i wouldn't have anything to say to irl or who would have mildly interesting things to say to me at best. Yet, it's /lit/ and since i like books i'm drawn here thanks to the priming in my brain. But yes, i come here and then there's the same regurgitation of pynchon, evola, peterson, mccarthy, the greeks etc, and on and on it goes without ever becoming interesting.
I guess i'm disappointed that so many people think there's actually some truth about the world to be found in books. And that this truth will make them smarter or better people or whatever. It's just you, temporarily thinking you've gotten wiser cause someone put something you were suspecting to be true in a better wording than your diffuse brain could. Yet, within two weeks you'll have forgotten about it and you'll be back at scratching your head, wondering why your life sucks again, despite all the truths you've found.

point is, life comes easy to me. I like books cause they are entertaining when they're good. And i like the idea of them, the concept. But if you can't figure it out for yourself, you ain't gonna find it in a book either.

>> No.18183660
File: 269 KB, 656x2138, 64F0D695-75CB-4A6E-8B9A-779EF3173F8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is sooooo slow to respond
it’s pissing me off but at the same time she’s probably my one chance to not be a kissless virgin loser freak with no relationship experience

>> No.18183681
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>> No.18183683

Resentful people are caricatures of something very specific. One might think that God makes people angry but they are actually manipulated by another, one who is the main antagonist, and the main component of the horrific, and tragic drama of the cosmos. Such a component is the illegitimate son that seeks to dispose of his brother. Meanwhile, altruistic caricatures have a fate that is a necessary component that cannot be stopped. This is most unfortunate because what their personality seems to be caricatures of is the brother of the source of anger and bitterness that is orchestrating the whole thing.

It is destiny for the scheming manipulators to plot to destroy and attempt to gain cosmic authority, and fate for them to be manipulated by resent. I dissent from them because I am under the impression that wise men are grown to do as if done in sport: not to be taken seriously. It is to become more wise than the wise men when confronted by tragic circumstances and not to worship authority or be against it.

There may be a problem if you think that while your God is a father to you and you are honest and serious in your dedication to him, that you will be plotted against, lied about, and attacked, and that the persecution justifies it. The problem is that it could be unhealthy to the mind to base your life upon seriousness because the whole thing is a vicious cycle. Consider not being serious or your fate will catch up to you.

>> No.18183684

Most of my life I thought I had ADHD because that's what my dad told me, recently I went back and read my records and it turns out I never actually fulfilled the criteria for a diagnosis. Now I wonder if my life might've been different if I hadn't acted as if I'd had it.

>> No.18183689

Just tell her how desperate you are and how she's your only hope to escape a life of loneliness.

>> No.18183725
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>> No.18183760

Cut her off the instant she stops being a real possibility of sex. She's already being rude and probably doing some mind game shit about how you seem "desperate" because you're interested and polite. Don't give her the satisfaction of being the "hey??" "hello?? plz respond" guy. You have to hedge your bets, your dignity vs. sex.

It's an easy choice when you realize that if she's already started treating you this way, and you're already doing something she could perceive as begging or caring more than she cares, you're probably not getting laid anyway. So take your shot, do your best, but forget about her completely the second you make the decision, like a man, that she's not worth your time.

You will learn this wisdom anyway a few years from now when you've gotten laid and gotten rid of your self-loathing complex about not having gotten laid, you will know by instinct at some point that grovelling to a woman like this is embarrassing even when it works (let alone when it fails and you keep going). But do yourself a big favor and jump forward to that wisdom now. Too many guys like you end up being the "plz respond?? plz????" guy for 10 fucking years before they get it, and then having to live that down forever.

No pussy is ever worth your dignity. Not even your first pussy. If a woman is not actively interested, if she is disrespecting you, she is not worth begging for.

>> No.18183792
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>> No.18183847

But what would be an interesting conversation to you about, say, the Greeks?

>> No.18184196

say no to olives

>> No.18184216
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>> No.18184221

Politics has made this board pretty difficult

>> No.18184226

It exposed me to new authors which is good but no, I’m worse for having spent time here. After about a year, you’ll notice it’s the same stuff over and over and it never really reaches any depth anyway.

>> No.18184246
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>> No.18184265
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>I Have so many assignments due.
>I ain't gonna do em.
>I ain't blaming anyone other than myself for my failure and lazyness.
>I know I I'm gonna fail.
>I just don't want to waste my time trying to >fix something that isn't gonna work out.


Still ain't gonna do em lol

>> No.18184473
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I'm convinced that academics and boomers are right after all. Good knowledge and perspectives are limited online and many of the professional content creators online are in fact often quite questionable, even those who appear trustworthy and authentic. I've been falling for a company since I was a young kid instead of grounding myself in my state and moving up in it. Madness.. Yes I could post-modernist/post-ironically devalue these feelings and blah but true competence immediately grounds me in a certain kind of reality. I know nothing and should shut up and listen to the wise people

>> No.18184529

There are so many boundlessly bad things happening in online culture, people think something has been professionally revolutionized, only because professional criticism that would finally point out what is going wrong in detail is missing. People who succeed online are a joke and would have been labeled as antisocial a few decades ago. Today, they are modern idols who are almost worshipped. The stalking of these people has something of a perverted religious practice. Just go on personality-database.com and search for some e-celebs.
Even the people who are known for bringing constructive criticism online are ridiculously uninformed antisocials. They are all naive or children. There is a lack of people online who show, hey this is not normal, this is anti-social, morally reprehensible and absolutely cynical and nihilistic.

>> No.18184553
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>> No.18184554

I feel like a used up wash-up.

I don't have big interests anymore, or big ideas. I think at some point I noticed the only times my efforts weren't ignored were when they were actively criticized and insulted. Eventually, I just stopped trying to speak up because I felt nothing I had to say was worth saying. After that, I wasn't even sure there was a point in trying

>> No.18184570

post society!

>> No.18184573

Always good to see a man with a plan

>> No.18184578
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>> No.18184581
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Do them.

>> No.18184584

the niggers next door are yelling again. i guess i won't be getting any reading done.

>> No.18184590

is there a video of this

>> No.18184608

The "trustworthy and authentic" can be lied to, and wholly believe those lies as they pass on, which is usually the case, whenever one of these believers goes on the warpath with a mission from God. Such paths would not exist to tread, were there not some more nuanced story behind it, causing their rage to do as much harm as good, as almost any battle against any perceived evil does. Most evil is done in the name of fighting evil.

That said, the "wise people" become so by listening to unwise people or having once been unwise, and can't correct you if you are silent. Uncertainty should be a key principle, as few truths are wholly accurate or one sided, but if the question is never asked, the answer is never given, and quite often, one and the other cannot exist in the same mind.

At the same time there's a slew of wisdom out there that would have been ignored in any other social setting. True nexuses of thought and interactions between opposing masses that could not exist without this new fangled thing we call the Internet. Critics are legless runners, regardless if they are online or off, but while the social media nukes have devastated modern poli-think, much as with nuclear power, the solution to the evil of the invention oft lies within the same shell.

The lack of personal presence requires a different style communication to convey effectively and as wholly as possible, and that is not an art in which most people are trained, and it's much easier to dismiss someone when no personal confrontation is at hand, thus the number of people in agreement talking past each other increases exponentially on the Internet, as it quickly becomes less about what they are saying, and more about who they have sworn allegiance to or against.

>> No.18184650

i have always found it extremely comfy to browse the internet and talk to random internet strangers
in the winter i like to do this wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of hot tea
in the summer i keep the door open and go for smokes outside every now and again
of course these aren't the only two options, i'm just saying i like to pair this with other cozy activities
sadly it seems to be near impossible to find comfy people these days
i'm afraid that i have become really boring or too jaded to hold an engaging conversation
i kind of have a vague image of the perfect comfy internet friend in my head, maybe this has raised my standards too high
it really just feels like something is changing. like the people who populate the internet are entirely different beings now
this was far more cozy and easy to do back in, i dunno, 2017 or such
i just hope i will experience one more of those comfy nights of interweb surfing before i move on
i hope i will meet a comfy internet friend soon

>> No.18184681 [DELETED] 

there were some videos of it but unfortunately they were deleted ... maybe this will satisfy you instead (it's the same guy):


>> No.18184697

there were some videos of it but unfortunately they got deleted... maybe this will satisfy you instead (it's the same guy):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVGgqvsz3qA [Embed]

>> No.18184735
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you worry too much, stay comfy.

>> No.18184822
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>> No.18184827
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>> No.18184830

where do you find random internet strangers to talk to?

>> No.18184831
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>> No.18184835
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>> No.18184840
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>> No.18184841

Have you ever listened to Lemon Jelly's Lost Horizons? Put that on and chill.
>anonymous internet user says to another

>> No.18184848
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>> No.18184860

i used to add people from some VIIIchan (spamfilter pls) friendmaking boards or various steam threads and such on here
also things like epicmafia and other browser games
these days i just use omegle

>> No.18184862
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>> No.18184874

I took these two pics:

let me know if you need one of them in full resolution:

>> No.18184883
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x1376, Vedder,_Elihu_-_The_Questioner_of_the_Sphinx_-_1836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My desire is to run a game of Dungeons & Dragons. To do this will signify the accomplishment of a great many goals.

>> No.18184916

>anonymous internet user says to another
oh, it's not the same thing and you know it
hmm, interesting. what other browser games have you enjoyed? it seems that Transformice has an active community, but it feels impenetrable to me, requiring far more than two years of lurking.
and as for Omegle, I keep on planning to check it out, only to chicken out because it's scary

>> No.18184922
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I love the desert.
I really want to go on vacation in a desert area. but first I have to save some money. maybe it will be morocco, but I always found egypt very interesting too. I've always been able to take heat pretty well and i'm a fan of adventurous experiences. I'm a skater btw

>> No.18184941

i gave it a quick listen and i wasn't too into it, sorry anon
when it comes to late night comfing i prefer 'darker' music
oh what the hell transformice is still alive? i used to play lots and lots of that maybe 8 or 9 years ago
why do you find omegle scary?

>> No.18184964
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>> No.18184967

>oh what the hell transformice is still alive? i used to play lots and lots of that maybe 8 or 9 years ago
dunno if it's still alive, but it was to an extent when I last checked it out a few years ago. wonder how it's handled the death of Flash...
>why do you find omegle scary?
all livechatting is scary. you have limited time to respond, and thus, it's easy to say something you didn't mean to say, or write something that doesn't make sense. there's an imageboard I lurk where you can see all posts being typed out in real time, and the thought of posting there is the most terrifying thing in the world. this post has been brought to you by a supreme pussy.

>> No.18184968

I heard you prefer darker music?
say no more:


>> No.18184976

not because the singer is black, but because the lyrics are pretty dark

>> No.18184979

>I'm a skater btw
Skateranon, how do I do an ollie? I can barely get the damn board off the ground, let alone land with both feet on it. Supposedly the trick is all in rolling the front foot, but the resistance provided by the grip tape makes it hard.

>> No.18185013

i think we would get along pretty well, at least for a few days
i also get quite insecure and it's comforting to talk to similar people like that
i like this a lot!
tonight i have mostly been listening to music like this

>> No.18185034

I always sand off a lot of grip tape when I buy a new deck so the shoes last longer and because I don't need as much grip. but it's just a matter of getting used to, everyone is different.

I would advise you to just roll around / have fun and practice until you feel it. All of these tutorials don't really do much, it's just clickbait because nobody needs it. The trick is if you love to skate then you skate almost every day, and if you skate every day the ollie and all the other tricks come little by little as you try hard and committed.


>> No.18185057

>tonight i have mostly been listening to music like this

really good track, I added that to my playlist thank you

>> No.18185079

*pretty rare* one of my favorite skate clips (not this trasher commercial stuff):


>> No.18185132

Anyone know how to convert an Adobe Digital Edition ebook into a regular ass PDF for me to highlight and copy and paste text?

A book I need is in Italian and I don't know italian, but I can use an online translator. Adobe Digital Editions EPUB bullshit does not let me even copy text lol.

>> No.18185191

That's hypnotic. The one that was posted earlier in this thread >>18184697 was amazing as well. The sheer skill of these people.
Guess that's how it is, huh. Good to know that it comes with practice. Even now, this stuff's fun as hell.

>> No.18185212


>> No.18185230

What's wrong with both?

>> No.18185238
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I am transferring from a community college to a university of california school this fall. I will be 24 and finish at age 25. I spent a few years after high school traveling and working.
Will I feel really out of place or just a little more mature than most? Not looking for a "college experience" joining frat/parties shit, just want to make connections and not feel like an alien. I know I'll only be a couple years older than most kids but those two years makes a big difference at this age.
Anybody have experience with this?

>> No.18185244

maybe you like this one too


>> No.18185256


i'm so pissed this version with collier never got a proper release, if u want to listen to it, basically a rip of this youtube video is your only option, such a shame cuz it goes way harder than the album version

>> No.18185266

I wonder if I should just totally cut ties and live with my parents as a semi-neet for the rest of my life. I have almost totally socially atrophied, hope for finding a decent romantic partner diminishes by the day, old friends have fallen by the wayside and those remaining have become strangers to me, and I struggle to see a future on the horizon worth living for. I am weak and a coward. Stronger men than me deserve the mantle of the world.

>> No.18185273

>at least for a few days
in my (very limited) experience talking to internet strangers, it tends to be like that. honestly, it feels real hard to be an interesting person. making smalltalk is easy enough, but what after all the standard questions have been exhausted?

>> No.18185293

that chick on the bongos with the cowboy hat looks so bad ass

>> No.18185295

we should pray to the electro gods

>> No.18185321
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when you start to think this way, it's time for planks, pushups, and a delicious baguette sandwich.

just like I told an anon in a previous post; >>18177608

>rare tip: make sandwich baguettes with tuna, crumble cheese, cucumber, corn, radishes, salad and season it with a little salt, pepper and paprika. eat it up and you'll have strength again. do you know what I mean?

>> No.18185330

I'm sorry but I need to vent.
I'm stressed. So, so fucking stressed. I'm writing what I suppose counts as a web novel. I publish it as I write it with while usually being some chapters ahead of what's public. But I'm at a point where I've pinpointed huge flaws in my story. It's shit it's shit it's shit and I don't know how to fucking fix it without causing a complete clusterfuck of ideas or doing a complete rewrite. And I WOULD do a complete rewrite if I wasn't also publishing it on patreon. I'm losing sleep over this shit. I'm constantly anxious. I'm going for walks to think of ideas to fix this and then I come back and write scenes and dialogue that don't make fucking sense. I hate it. I fucking hate this feeling. I used to just write whetever without thinking but the more I study the more I see what I do wrong and I don't even know how to improve. The ONE thing I love the most in this world, writing, is causing me to feel like this. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.18185356

I Died Of Overwork, But I Was Reincarnated Inside Of My Badly Written Webnovel And I Have To Avoid The Plotholes?!?!

>> No.18185366

It's a web novel anon, not a Russian tome on the human condition. Just patch over the flaws and come up with some fun ideas to move things along.

>> No.18185449

i don't really know, sometimes it just clicks
most of the time when i meet an interweb stranger i can tell that we're going to be friends within the first 3 lines we exchange
the forced smalltalk is mostly pointless, i think, it just has to somehow work on it's own. i'm really not an interesting person, yet sometimes i have really lengthy and elaborate conversations with these internet strangers

one time i made a friend who was equally as uninteresting as i am
we bonded over it and our other flaws and it became a really cozy and heartwarming thing
we'd smoke outside and talk about what we were hearing and seeing, we'd talk about our dreams, remind each other to do little things to improve our mental health
we were just going through our days together, and it was only interesting because we were interested in each other
i mean, what do you actually mean when you say you aren't an interesting person? what are interesting people like?

>> No.18185469

I am glad that you like it. I'm pretty inspired by it too.

it doesn't really matter how many tricks you can do, you already have a lot of fun with an ollie or just rolling around, no matter how good you are

so if you want to learn the ollie, good luck and have fun with it, it will be worth it

>> No.18185743

"interesting person", I guess, means "always has something to talk about for a decent amount of time, even after getting past the initial small talk stage". even if a person just likes to stare at the sky and engage in armchair philosophizing, that person is far more interesting than someone who's read the whole Western Canon, traveled to 50 different countries, biked across America, etc. but has nothing to say about any of that.
going by that definition: if you're able to spend copious amounts of time with your uninteresting friend without getting bored, then clearly you two are both interesting.
although now that I think about it, it seems that it takes two to tango under this definition: even if you're the most interesting person in the world, there's only so far your conversation can go when you're talking to a wall. thinking about some of my own IRL friends: there are some that I have a lot in common with, but any conversation longer than five minutes inevitably sputters out or begins to go in circles. whereas other friends, I don't have much in common with at all, but we can talk for hours about random shit.
in general, though, two things that seem correlated with interestingness: having things to talk about and being able to share those things with others.
I do think that, in the wrong hands, the wealth of information provided by the Internet can have a catastrophic negative effect on interestingness. "how?" you might ask; it does seem paradoxical. but because there's so much "content" to consume, it's difficult to pay close attention to all of it and internalize all of it. so if you're anything like me, you (impersonal "you") end up with your eyes glazing over everything you read, and you're no longer able to bring it up in a later conversation: hence, you become uninteresting.
earlier I read a blogpost about how GPT-2 doesn't just reveal the incredible power of AI language models, but it also reveals our (humans') willingness to accept whatever is presented in front of us in writing without closely examining it. the idea is that GPT-2 (and now, GPT-3) scans as "genuine text" because as we read it, we don't pay close enough attention to catch higher-level inconsistencies; as long as the "style" or "format" of the text seems to agree with what we'd expect, we're satisfied. I see myself falling for that kind of thing, and when I do, it just proves that I'm not actually thinking about what I read when I read it. and this lack of thinking leads to an uninteresting personality.

>> No.18185779

more like, what they did, how they lived their lives and things like that. Historical focus.

I mean, occasionally someone writes something funny or gets me interested in a book, but the general air of this place is... pretentious kids trying to justify their misconceptions about the world through literature. And also, that constant search for truth and the objectively good literature... ugh.

>> No.18185782

i miss skating

>> No.18185797

ive honestly never read a published book i didnt like, i dont understand super picky readers

>> No.18185809

You will

>> No.18185813

try a different translation maybe

>> No.18185846
File: 1.84 MB, 3010x1970, Su-15_Flagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a good guy
have an su-15 for the road

>> No.18185866

Every few months I get this feeling that I'm an absolute retard, and that every bit of philosophy I have learned has been useless or wrong. I feel as if everything I thought was wrong and that I need to start over from the most fundamental metaphysics. I want to be a great philosopher, but maybe I'm to dumb for it.

>> No.18185882
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your just in a slump, don't talk to your self that way. keep going anon, breakthrough to the light.
Now push the fucking bolder.

>> No.18185935

They took Daft Punk from us too soon

>> No.18185948
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hmm, how do I explain this? I constantly try to penetrate down to the "origins" of my thoughts and actions, but of course I hit a dead end which frustrates me and I end up infuriated at my inability to "step back from that point which cannot be stepped back from" so to speak, and so I'll pound my fists against this wall and throw myself into a frenzy, and I won't commit any action out of spite for the fact that I can't [penetrate the depths and learn of the origin and nature of the action, because I want to know to what extent I am a slave to causality or if I'm deluding myself to shirk "responsibility", and so on, and the whole thing results in nothing. It's been going on like this for years now

>> No.18185950

I have felt happy and calm of mind for an unprecedented period, now. My college has sent me a rebate for commuting expenses as part of my financial aid for next semester, I suspect added from when my teacher learned how much I have to drive each day to get to class, God bless him, and I have a month or rest ahead of me.
For the first time I could think of, I can feel the stirrings of natural empathy within me, and I think I am the closest
I have ever been to grasping at the fact that some people will think you worthwhile even despite knowing your flaws. Was humanity as simple as flipping a switch?
I do not know if the seed of pride that I have prayed be cast out from me truly is close to a resolution, and I will not bank on it, but I would assume this is what such a thing feels like.
I feel happy, and though I know it is but a shining, golden moment I think I will stand taller when the next wave of horror comes for it.

>> No.18185983
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have to start another set of meds next week for my shit chronic illness. ill prob end it by the time im 30. if this doesn't work ill shit out of a bag for the rest of my life.

>> No.18185990

You are likely too young for such a thing. I felt a similar thing, once, and still do albiet in a different skin.
You must realize that your subconscious, the thing which coordinates all of that origin point for motive and reasoning, is no mere souless automaton, or a stranger that is at odds with you. It is just as much you as you are, trauma and foreign objects aside.
It bears scars and wounds just as you do. If anything, they are the same. That thing, the subconscious, has its job, and you the one of conscious functioning. It must be maintained, tuned, fed, and comforted just as you, and in turn you have a formation of will which belies no needless contemplation, only action and intiution on what you must do.

>> No.18186039

thank you

>> No.18186058
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I would settle for more normal looking people.
Like the tv show Girls had ugly Lena. You want uglier?

>> No.18186069

i downed a case of pbr and emailed noam chomsky a picture of my genitals

>> No.18186089

The thing about eating soup is that eating soup is by soup eating's essence, that is soup eating's nature, the act of eating soup, the act of eating soup, per its definition, indeed soup-eating itself and nothing but, soup-eating qua soup-eating.

>> No.18186122 [DELETED] 

Sorry I'm high from pain meds.

>> No.18186156
File: 75 KB, 159x161, 70982DB1-F99A-4DB3-B4D3-5F76DC49914F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wonder if there's any point in even responding to some people's messages. I've had some people message me at times and when I reply, usually with a question, I'm basically ghosted by said individuals almost indefinitely. I know I'm not the most interesting person but even the driest conversations end in some manner.
Yeah I'm salty. What makes me seethe is how some of them would complain on social media how they have no friends too. Like the world owes them shit or something.

>> No.18186164

Mock humility for the sake of gaining power. Like how the pope kisses people's feet, mimicking servitude despite living in a palace.

>> No.18186168

Because if you include ugly people you can't insult the people who you dislike. Can't call them chuds or whatever else if you do that now can you?

>> No.18186191
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My parents made it home safely from their vacation. They came home a day early, too exhausted to tell me much other than a lot of problems the family they visited are having.
Everyone always dwells on the negative. I used to talk about how I wanted to be a shining star, write my books and be someone they all seemed to shy away from me, consumed by their shadows and doubts. You'd think they'd be interested in helping me with audio books, or giving feedback on my ideas or reading free books or wanting to be involved in my projects in some way. Not even extended family wants in.
All I can do is reach out my hand and keep fighting, but it is a bit lonely.
Maybe if I do finally succeed someone will notice my hard work in the end.

>> No.18186212

I need to find a way to stay proud of and excited about my ideas even when all I get is ignored or criticized

>> No.18186223

Good job.

>> No.18186315

Boomers are right in general, academics? Not so much. Listen to the boomers.

>> No.18186548

New thread