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/lit/ - Literature

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18147294 No.18147294 [Reply] [Original]

Prove that you read. You have ten minutes to post the best writing on physiognomy, otherwise you prove that there is no connection between countenance and spirit.

>> No.18147333 [DELETED] 

Post face

>> No.18147340

And to clarify for the jannie non-readers, the thread will begin in ten minutes on a serious work of literature.

>> No.18147368
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The Brothers Karamazov is pretty good for Physiognomy posting. Especially Smerdyakov, AKA Randall from Recess

>> No.18147378

Literally don’t care. I’m 5’7”

>> No.18147382

Time's up.

>> No.18147449

Pretty good answer. But not what I was looking for. And the text has zero results on warosu.

"“In the countenance dwells the spirit!” This maxim has been in currency since the earliest times; even today it is the basis of our judgments in our daily commerce with others, and only those on whom Nature herself has bestowed a repugnant form seem to doubt it. For that reason we consider their objections biased and stick with the tenet to which we subscribed: “in the countenance dwells the spirit!”

If this rule is universally true, then surely Mother Nature can have given us no better letter of recommendation to our fellow men than a favorable face—but on the other hand wretched are we indeed if an unfavorable physique means that we must not only forgo the consolation of seeking redress in our soul but also arouse the general suspicion that “our spirit is worth nothing” or “our heart is bad.” Why? Because our body, the dwelling place of the soul, is so unalluring."

>> No.18147466

"But for those who arrived too late when Nature was handing out well-proportioned limbs, there is no choice but to do as the Spartans did with their ugly and feeble infants and throw themselves into the river; let them then go to a hospital or to Charon’s skiff or return to their mother’s womb to be born again."

>> No.18147476

Ugly people are evil because I saw it in a Disney movie.

>> No.18147492
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Do you consider Stalin to be evil? He had a very good physiognomy.

>> No.18147498
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>> No.18147513
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Very close. Worse than Hitler but not as bad as a Reagan or Trudeau.

>> No.18147530

Junger was a garbage hack

>> No.18147531

Sounds like something an uggo would say

>> No.18147536

Then that makes Sartre worse than dogshit.

>> No.18147551
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A further assurance to the jannies. Some of the comments will seem like "/pol/ shit" but please remember what happened last time
When you moved the thread they said it was "cuck shit" and it got slid instantly.

I will try to keep the shitposting to a minimum while also ensuring the thread doesn't get buried like all the others in eceleb shit.
Herder's 'racism' is a bit of irony and artistic character.

>> No.18147589

"is the beauty of the body a herald of the beauty of the soul? I think this treatise will appeal to many readers: the beautiful will read me because they expect a flattering “yes” in answer to this question; the ugly will do so because they anticipate consolation and an edifying “no!” But only those who are neither beautiful nor ugly, or at least who do not make much of either quality, can be my impartial judges. To the last category few members of the fair sex are apt to belong, then, if indeed Gellert, that great poet of women, is correct when he says:

dass es beinah kein Mädchen gibt
die nicht den Putz und ihr Gesichtgen liebt."

>> No.18147605

Post Junger notes.

>> No.18147624


>otherwise you prove that there is no connection between countenance and spirit

Why would anyone argue this?

>> No.18147640

"Let us hear how Plato addresses the question I am treating here: our souls, he says, have been sent from the realm of the gods down to earth, either as reward for the virtue they have practiced in a former life or as punishment for their vices. Their fate in this world is determined accordingly. A beautiful soul is assigned to the womb of a blooming mother; here the soul fashions for itself a body from the most delicate blood, and the beauty of this frame shall be its glory, its agreeable home, the instrument with which it works with blissful serenity, and the mirror wherein its beauty is revealed. An evil soul, however, is given to the womb of a vicious mother; its body shall be a gloomy dungeon and its countenance the mirror wherein the black disposition of the spirit is reflected.

What Plato claims he may well prove. Yet when I, who unfortunately do not possess sufficient power of memory to recall how my soul came to inhabit my body, lay bare this pretty fable, I discover in it the kernel of the following truth, one that is very much pertinent to my proposition: “In our mother’s womb the constitution of our bodies as well as of our spirit is given form.” It is here, then, that our explanation must begin."

>> No.18147696

They were all handsome. Physiognomy is just a pseudo-scientific justification to ostracize ugly people not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.18147783
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Because we are at a point where people with a strong physical appearance, to use the example of lifting, are no better than cripples. Or worse, the torture they undergo to create the appearance of strength cripples them.
You can't lift your way to character. At best the technical perfection of appearance is nihilism ex negativo, and by way of exhaustion, removing the last elements of identity so that they too become installations - an end to the paternal order.
Lifting is makeup for men, a desperation to maintain appearances amidst the entry of shoulder pads into the workplace and having to accept a return to the domestic sphere ruled by women.

>> No.18147842

The ugliness is undeniable in the women

"The physique of the modern athlete betrays the one-sided training to which it is subjected. His body is trained, but it is anything but beautiful. The body-building, as effected by specialized sports, does not achieve beauty, because it lacks proportion, something a body devoted to special training no more can have than a mind narrowed down to highly specialized interests. When the sports-trained body is considered beautiful, it is due not merely to the absence of a trained eye, to insufficient study of the nude. No, an appraisal of this sort also expresses the fact that the human body is judged by mechanical criteria such as muscular dimensions and, in particular, by the specialized training it shows. These criteria, however, lack appreciation for the quiet, effortless fullness of beauty; they do not consider relaxed easiness or charm and grace. These viewpoints are deficient in spirituality as well as in sensuality. Unbalance and exaggeration of physique as bred by modern sports are most striking with women. Both their bodies and their faces acquire hardened, sterile traits. Modern sports are incompatible with any kind of artistic life and activity; they are essentially unartistic and unspiritual by nature.
A comparison suggests itself between the sportsman and the ascetic, who is also a professional, though in quite a different sense. The training of the sportsman has an ascetic trait, and through all sports we find a certain puritanism, a strict hygiene of physical habits, which controls sleep, nutrition, and sex life from the viewpoint of efficiency. Sportsmen are not a group of people who exuberantly express their abundance of vital energy, but a tribe of strict professionals who rigidly economize their every ounce of strength, lest they waste a single motion of their money-making, fame-making physique."

>> No.18147852
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>> No.18147880

>He had a very good physiognomy.

You think so? He looks dishonest and self-serving to me. He has beady dark eyes and pointy nose. Not a bad looking guy by any means, but he doesn't look kind or trustworthy. It could just be my prejudice getting in the way, but he looks like somebody who would stab you in the back.

>> No.18147887

FG Jünger

>> No.18147889

A ‘gloomy dungeon’ is great description of my body.

>> No.18147932

Based. /lit/ btfo.

>> No.18147939

It just gets worse the more you like, fuck.

>> No.18147977

"It is a fact known only too well that in their blood parents pass on their physical and mental constitution through a number of traits. Just as we sometimes think we can recognize almost entire families by their face and temperament when we are acquainted with but three of their members, so it is even better known that children carry the spirit and physical character of their parents mostly in their eyes, in their brow, and in their face.


Behold that man whose strong body testifies to his strong soul: the contours of his body are regular; his physique is well built; there is freedom in his posture and power in his breast; there is lightness in his legs and strength in his shoulders—and thus will his spirit also be, which was formed together with this body. Behold! There is honesty in his brow; there is intelligence between his eyes and health in his cheeks; there is charm in his mouth and a manly fire blazing in his eyes: behold the mirror of his soul."

>> No.18148043

There is more here on the blood, but I have to resist quoting the whole essay.
What is important here is the difference between countenance, or character, and pure physiognomy. Countenance is of a subtle nature, and requires not only a hidden strength of the individual but also a strength of perception in those who interact with him. Thus the military leader who must be decisive in the most hidden elements of one of his soldiers - and the brotherhood which reveals its weakness early on so that it may be discarded, and not carried onto the battlefield.
Jünger says this of the state and the individual: their sickness is equal in succumbing to a new order. One succumbs to the poison when the body has already accepted its fate.
Related to Schopenhauer, the tortured body is a type of resistant suicide, an encasing or entombing of the will.

>> No.18148161

Note the focus on the subtle characteristics, countenance is a pathway to the spirit, not a thing in itself. One sees the opposite today, technical perfection brings the subtle character to the surface like a bloated corpse - whether in botox injections or the bodybuilder who does focused high-repetitions to accentuate what should always remain hidden.

That the character is formed in the womb also speaks to fate. In the Eddas it is said that the ideal time for procreation is during the nights of festivals. It is then that man and woman will begin the birth so many months and years later - theomorphosis begins before birth and is in the numinous signs of seasons and the celebratory character of a people.

Sex today is a final act, a recognition of death, but where it cannot be accepted and so must deny all life. The abortive mother first takes on characteristics of man, and then an old bloated woman. In Platonov, the old crones who take the virginity of a young man to the grave.

>> No.18148245

Related to /lit/ culture. There is little point in posting countless images of books. The nicest book I own is not only pleasing to the eye, more than anything the quality is felt in the softness of the linen cover, the supple pages, the weight and balance. Hence the old measure of the golden ratio, but even it loses its aesthetic significance when no longer a reflection of the highest ideas. The golden ratio remains but the strength is no longer felt.
The surface differences are minor, whereas the whole character runs much deeper.

>> No.18148276

Thus the focus on all of the technical aspects of literature: how to read; what to read; setups for reading; proper reading chairs; charts to follow so as to ensure one processes all of the technical aspects intended by the author; a linear program to ensure that the Greeks are understood and then overcome, and in the most efficient manner.

And then no one reads. Because what's the point. The bloated aspects of the technicalities of literature overwhelm and displace any remaining elements. The grotesque aesthetics increase.

>> No.18148465

One may look to Jonathan Bowden as a passageway. Not to ridicule the man but few would regard him as particularly handsome. It may even be said that there is nothing which distinguishes his physical characteristics from a leftist, or any office worker or late intellectual. The age of the worker attributes an anonymous character to even the highest beings.
Nonetheless a strength remains, as if running the the hidden strata of an invisible state. The strong voice is of a military character, it wrests from the soul what mere physical appearance cannot. One may point to the current voices of the rightwing: foolish clowns, technocrats stuck in the phase of dystopian startups, and post-nietzscheans who are a synthesis of both.
Thus the imagination as a strong voice, but cowers equally with the leftist before the calming voice of Woman. The physignomists are of a weakened and unconscious marxism.

>> No.18148535

The blood of the law courses through the voice. As Hölderlin says of Ajax and memory.
Strength is of the inner streams of the world and in death one finds a resting place equal to his domain. This is a return to the elements which were signs in our birth.

>> No.18148548

"My friend! Has Nature bestowed on this man a feeble body? And has Art not exalted his spirit instead of Nature? That is the simplest question; the more difficult one would be this: In what does this man’s greatness consist? Is it perhaps precisely a consequence of the feebleness of his spirit? And in what does the feebleness of his body consist? Is it perhaps a consequence of the errors that only the strong man could make? Here we speak of Nature, and not of Art."

>> No.18148571

"Behold this woman: her beautiful body is apparently a symbol of the beauty of her soul. The gently inclined profile of her face, the delicate fullness of her figure, and the spirituality pervading her entire being betoken an equally beautiful soul. Behold! It lies in her eyes, on her brow, on her cheeks, her lips. Her lover will say: those are the eyes of Pallas, the forehead of Juno, the lips of Suada, the cheeks of the Graces, the eyebrows of Venus. We would not go quite so far, but even the coldest of men will not deny that her body is suggestive of a beautiful soul.
In this way, then, the beauty of the body is related to the beauty of the soul, for they are twins who develop together."

>> No.18148584

"In Greenland men and women cannot be told apart because they are equally ugly, and it is known that just as their physical stature is diminutive and misshapen, so is their spirit confined, superstitious, stupid, and small. Only the temperate zones are the workshops of Nature, where the beauty of the body and of the spirit are together brought to maturity, developed and exalted by her hand."

>> No.18148607

"A great man of our time, indeed perhaps the greatest in his knowledge of antiquities and classical beauty, President Winckelmann in Rome,3 holds Greece and Italy to be the only regions where Nature has cultivated the beautiful in its fullest measure; on this side of the Alps, he claims, there are haphazard and half-finished features even in the most beautiful faces. I shall leave it to the aforementioned abbé to defend this remark aimed against the fair sex of his countrymen, the Germans, for my problem is touched by his beautiful ideal only thus far: if our northern Nature cannot bring the beauty of the body to full perfection, then she cannot also perfect the feeling and refined sense for beauty. We must therefore be compensated for this lack of beauties by an insensitivity and a certain northern severity that might be more of a blessing than a curse: if our feeling for beauty were underdeveloped compared with that of the countries prized by Winckelmann, then we would not notice the absence of beauty."

>> No.18148615

"Up to a certain point, education conforms with our experience that body and spirit develop in parallel. The wet nurse who poisons the blood of an infant often alters its entire growth and gives its spirit a form that can perhaps never be undone."

>> No.18148682

"The character of our body and soul becomes fixed in our twentieth year, and just as we can thereafter alter our facial features only with difficulty, so it is even harder to give the soul new impetus and to change its constitution—unless Nature is defeated by daily effort, exceptional cunning, and unceasing diligence in the pursuit of great ends. Until now I have shown in general terms the real possibility that the beauty of the body can testify to the beauty of the spirit."

>> No.18148696

This speaks to time being ahead of us. Teleology is written into the elements.
And so the equal force of memory and the arts where the body cannot find its equal in the soul. Goethe's dancer forever at her grave, but also freed of it.

>> No.18148728

The Hours force within us the nature which draws us to the screaming of the mountains or the quiet breath of hidden streams; so too the Muses, but as a divided path to what lies behind us, or as a current of return.

>> No.18148744

"The word beauty as it is commonly understood is so fluctuating, indeterminate, and ambiguous that not only nations but also individual men imprint on their imagination an ideal of beauty that perhaps sometimes becomes a pretty crotchet of their peculiar constitution but is mostly a composition of those features that made an impression on us as our taste was formed and developed. As Montesquieu has observed,4 this first, powerful impression accounts for the idiosyncrasy of the lover who takes delight in a little lisping here, in a dimple on the chin there, or here again in a small pockmark on the cheek, because these things coincide with the ideal image that was interwoven in our fancy from the very start.

However, if we examine the taste of everyday life, all judgments can be reduced to the following three kinds: The lowest taste is satisfied by mere heartiness and judges at most according to sprightliness and the color of the cheeks. A more refined taste perceives regularity in the finest features. The third kind of taste is alive to spiritual beauty, which reveals itself in the eyes, the cheeks, and the attitudes and nuances of the whole body. To what extent do these three stages attest to the beauty of the soul?"

>> No.18148821

One can see a nihilist aesthetics forming where even the lowest taste is no longer adhered to. This is an abandonment of the species and of a knowledge that if only a single being remains then the only possible beauty is in the forestalling of death. Hence nihilism from the negative - an infinite strengthening effect. The mind sees the growth of the body as a barricade against time, the end of eras, then epochs.
The ugliness of youth is no longer seen in the other. The character of generations lost so that even the enduring physiognomy of the herd is abandoned.

>> No.18148981

What is ugliness? Ugliness.

>> No.18149046

With the end of the paternal order man takes up the undiscerning tastes of women. He is beautiful of his self, his feelings which cannot be impartial - the character of the Motherland which is becoming foreign. The decadence of sexuality, as with the martial states in decline, takes over the cities - man seeks a Calypso who is sworn to refuse him.
The law of the landless, of the war which is lost at home: it is better to imagine oneself as a slave forever resigned to the outskirts of Ogygia than to live as the final warrior in the Americas.

Thus man rises from the depths only to be abandoned by the earth. He eludes the mother only to be destroyed by Antaeus; or becomes him in the killing of the father.
The death of Germany as the law of this final man. Perfidious to the order of Europe, and so mourning the future.

>> No.18149097

What are these excerpts from?

>> No.18149123

Herder - "Is the Beauty of the Body a Herald of the Beauty of the Soul?"

>> No.18149137


*looks at you* Physiognomy isn't real.

>> No.18149143

thank you

>> No.18149148

Are these gymnasts?

>> No.18149164

>What is ugliness?
That which cannot be mastered by the comic arts.
The endless laughs of our time are of a Zeuxis who has not yet seen his art. This could also be the source of Nietzsche's resentment of Socrates, a simplicity which surpasses all tragic feeling.

>> No.18149204

Yeah Olympics 2016 I think.

>> No.18149260

"Most people are neither beautiful nor ugly, and this large middling species lends solidity to the whole race, as it were, and preserves the unbroken line of the generations. A good, not ill-constituted man who lives merely to act and seek gratification, who seldom raises his action to the level of conscious reflection and his gratification to the level of fine feeling, deems beautiful that which is amenable to these ends."

>> No.18149310

Looking at old images it becomes clear than a plain or even unattractive woman can be made attractive or almost beautiful through an elegant culture. The dress of the Greeks and the plaited hair of Norse women being clear examples.
And with men the law enobles and strengthens the feeble, raises them up to a martial order secure in its peace. Thus the importance of the uniform, but also the threat of being lost to nature.
The battles over the armour of the dead in the oldest wars free the chest and its wounds to the sun. Similarly, the bronze armour is a mirror of the form and must welcome its scars. The gold armour threatens to act as a mirror to the sun's rays, and must be reserved for the few who have attained theomorphosis. Glaucus receives the gold armour only to be blinded by it - an Aegis gift. This precedes trickery and the mobilisation of technique in which the advantageous position must enter the earth forces.

>> No.18149329

"In those nations which reckon the other sex merely among those tolerable and useful things that are supposed to inhabit their houses and put them in order, what is prized most of all is a cheerful durability (as long as it is not actually repugnant) in lieu of all physical charms, and plain, sound common sense in lieu of all spiritual beauty. It is said that these two species of beauty ought therefore to form the first couple: neither is fine but both are robust and useful, for that which is fine evaporates or is easily broken."

>> No.18149337
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physiognomy bros. what would you expect a person that looks like me to believe and act?

>> No.18149415

Characteristics of durability increase wherever the species is in danger. The explosion of population where the connection between the continents was threatened coincides with an ugliness and weakening of the species which can then only endure by technical means. One harvests the black blood of the dying monarchs and then solves what had baffled Christianity - igging in to the bottomless pit as a salvation.
Men cowering from the sun's light, renouncing the severe characteristics of the North which are also deprived of light but enervated by the cold which precedes it. The great prism within the earth which forms of colour, perhaps even creation.

Forced from the earth the cowering men begin to cherish a beauty of which the knowledge only survives in rough caricatures, worn away and desecrated stone. Where men are plentiful peace destroys more than any war ever could.

The honesty and ugliness of Mother Russia towers over all of Europe, while America satisfies itself with the eternal remains of the monarchs, digging away at any memorial of the sleeping kings. Thus the Mother appears as a ruler first in Russia, but only as America's end.

>> No.18149436

Sartre was still smarter

>> No.18149523


>> No.18149534

"If, as I have claimed, mere complexion—the Frenchman may call it by as many names as he desires, whether fraîcheur, coloris, incarnate, vermeil, and so on—does not constitute beauty, then it also hereby forfeits its right “to be a herald of spiritual beauty.” A red color often signifies an unhealthy sprightliness in body and spirit: a white lily often changes into a yellow one, and still more often does it belong to those that simply grow there; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet they array themselves in the glory of Solomon."

>> No.18149557

"Because the second degree—that is, a fine, regular form—properly constitutes beauty, it can be a good herald inasmuch as it promises an equally regular spirit, one that is perhaps placid, like a calm sea on a summer’s evening, gentle, incapable of great passion, be it good or ill; in short, it promises a tranquil, balanced, and orderly heart and mind. The reasons for this I gave earlier, but what they promise is admittedly nothing more than a hint, and just as a certain writer calls this regular form, if it be not enlivened by spiritual charms, a statuesque beauty, so the regularity of the spirit, which is supposed to accompany it, can likewise be the disposition to all that is beautiful, but often it remains mere disposition. Just as outwardly this regularity is intended only for the eye, so inwardly it also belongs, if not among the mute, then at least among the quiet charms that will never disturb, but seldom enliven, a spiritual pleasure."

>> No.18149560

"Perhaps this is the appropriate juncture to mention that the greatest men have mostly possessed irregular features, because the passion that elevated them to greatness also caused them to develop early. Conversely, those handsome and suave gentlemen whose minds are filled with the portrait of their bodies are usually born only to convey, nurture, and delight in the thought “My, how beautiful I am!” Julius Caesar may always have carried a picture of Venus with him, whose son he claimed to be; but he will have shown it mostly to ladies. In the Roman senate and in the three hundred battles that made him great, he surely never thought that he was a beautiful man—but of course after his triumphs he did so all the more."

>> No.18149574

"The third and highest degree of beauty is the spiritual charm, poise and grace that enliven everything mentioned above and therefore probably have the greatest claim to announce this very charm of the spirit. Those members of both sexes who possess this beauty are thus apt to love the beaux arts and belles lettres, to be made for the pleasures and variety that they offer; and when they now weep at a tragedy or an oratorio and now laugh at a comedy or a lively jest in society, they do so from the same abundance of heart. The same languishing blue eye in which now a sympathetic tear wells up will at another time bathe in pleasure; the same fiery eye that is now held in check can also flash with menace; the same sweet lips that now enrapture me can also twist into contempt; and the lovely foot that in the dance rises so lightly, twirls so nimbly, and glides so gently can also, with the same lightness and nimbleness, kick and stamp with displeasure. The same charming features that are now bewitching can at another time mock with the very same grace. And furthermore, just as the gentle can very easily degenerate into the frivolous, so this sweet charm turns unnoticed into a pretty courteousness that in the fine sense we call coquetry.

Now let us put all this together: how is the beauty of the body a herald of the beauty of the soul? At most it heralds that form of beauty which prophesies health, sprightliness, and fire in a person’s thinking, a sensitive and tender heart, and a disposition to moral goodness. But whoever wishes to infer from beauty a deeper understanding, a strong and truly virtuous soul, will draw ten false conclusions for every true one."

>> No.18149575
File: 120 KB, 1200x849, klaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is important to realize that people look like what you would expect.

>> No.18149580

"Hence the male sex need not grieve inconsolably over the beauty of the body: for men make pretensions not to a beautiful soul so much as to a strong, noble, and great soul, which they seek to exalt only through beauty. “If you do not find me beautiful, then I shall compel you to respect me,” a man can say, whereas the power over which the fair sex disposes is yet more secure, for even the serious-minded man must love her for her beautiful body and soul. A man who desires to be beautiful like a woman in body and soul is as intolerable as a hen that crows. For a man the following should apply: “Let the nobility of the body manifest the nobility of the soul.”"

>> No.18149591

What are you quoting? Where is this from?

>> No.18149605

"If we were to qualify our proposition, we might say: “The beauty of the body (regularity and grace) is a reliable but not infallible herald of the beauty of the soul, if the latter is taken to mean not true greatness and moral goodness but only a slight and perceptible disposition toward them.”"

>> No.18149613

"“To infer from the face to the heart” is always deceptive and ought never to be heard. Our facial features develop in the years of our youth, when our heart has not yet struck out on its own, and if therefore an unfavorable conformity between heart and face should obtain, then a friend of mankind ought rather to have this excuse ready: “If this man had power over himself, he will have been able to reform his morality; but his face was already molded. Why should the poor wretch awaken an unfavorable prepossession through something that was not in his power to alter?”

To infer from the face to the true nimbleness, greatness, and strength of the spirit is also deceptive. Favorable features can at most only prophesy a potential and capacity for this greatness, but whether this potential is realized and is raised to perfection is another matter entirely. The dullard who wants to amount to something adopts with much effort the self-important air of a scholar, of a clever, spirited, and profound man; and the greatest men are commonly so rough and ready in their face, features, and decency that their beautiful soul does not shine through in a beautiful body."

>> No.18149620

Herder - "Is the Beauty of the Body a Herald of the Beauty of the Soul?"

>> No.18149635

Sartre looked like that and had sex, wheread I look average and have never felt the loving touch of a woman. This puts a serious dent in incel theory.

>> No.18149649

Thanks, I ended up getting it by just googling your posts. Have never heard of this guy and he is not some meme'd up talked about writer, but I like what I've read so far and will look into him further.

>> No.18149658

Mien as the nomos of the body, the genealogy which strengthens countenance and acts as the subtle language of character. Physiognomy takes its place as nihilism once the numinous signs are completely written out of the figure of man.
The gaze of such a man is seen first with Michelangelo's David - his becoming and reconciliation with Goliath.

>> No.18149698

In the intro to one of his books it says that his best works were undiscovered and would have changed the course of aesthetics. He is one of the greats, and part of the circle surrounding Hölderlin, Goethe, and what became romanticism.
Not widely known but highly respected in aesthetics and the philosophy of history.

>> No.18149718
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checkmate OP

>> No.18149959

This is a Kant-free zone.

>> No.18150002

ugly thought-ified materialist detected

i can barely look at your post, it's so ugly

>> No.18150018

Transgender twitch streamer

>> No.18150030


>> No.18150058

what hideousness

>> No.18150206

Great thread.

>> No.18150220
File: 15 KB, 600x164, sartre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP disproves physiognomy as Sartre is infinitely more based than Junger.

>> No.18150297

>as a priest

bad conscience lookscel

Few people have faces, most are beasts wearing masks

Repulsive vs. homely/plain

>> No.18150668

its the same thing as race really
biological impulse leftover from threat response detection
plenty of massive macho looking dudes can be total pushovers or teddybears

>> No.18150675

randall was based on a trope. stereotypes can become self-manifesting
should be obvious. his name is an anagram

>> No.18150681

Kek. Post body.

>> No.18150689

yes and no
lifting can be a means to invoke discipline, exercise, virility, and testosterone
but yeah, i think we fetishize forms so much that we become empty mannequins

>> No.18150692
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>> No.18151159
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>> No.18151272

Of course. It was a bit of a joke to reveal the nihilistic aspects of it. If you look at the post I was responding to the anon didn't understand something fairly simple.
To some degree the exercise situation is forced, people live in such close proximity that there is no natural means to health. The technological society mobilises the entire world through its transport systems yet the average city dweller only commutes in a basic triangle pattern of a few blocks from his apartment. It is an impoverishment of the basic human relation to the world, his movement through nature. One attaches himself to a machine to evoke the same sense, but he does not know his limits - or perhaps he even revels in it as a triumph over nature. Who else would drink powdered chemicals and live off nuked beans/astronaur food?
So partly there is a reaction to this completely unnatural living situation, but it is also a medicalised growth of the body. The becoming of the technicalised being - and so restricted to appearance alone.

You are not going to save the nation by drinking egg whites and certainly not by worshiping clownish images of what man once was. The deep traditions of the 1980s and American television are only a reversion to what destroyed the European nations in the final stages.

This is the old anarchist divide of lifestylism or organisation. That the right is adopting 70 year old leftist problems is a sign of the depth of nihilism, and to a degree a willingness to increase its passive form. A strange position for people who likely consider themselves Nietzscheans.

>> No.18151303

Another way to put it, where does /liftbro/ stand next to Herculean labours? It doesn't, as Jünger pointed out so well.
And even if it was a path to true strength it ignores what Plato said of the isolated martial conditioning which leads to homosexuality.

>> No.18151316

You've never met a nice ugly person or mean pretty person?

>> No.18151321
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The individual exists in himself and for himself. He is for himself, or is a free activity; he is, however, also in himself, or has himself an original determinate being of his own — a character which is in principle the same as what psychology sought to find outside him. Opposition thus breaks out in his own self; it has this twofold nature, it is a process or movement of consciousness, and it is the fixed being of a reality with a phenomenal character, a reality which in it is directly its own. This being, the “body” of the determinate individuality, is its original source, that in the making of which it has had nothing to do. But since the individual at the same time merely is what he has done, his body is also an “expression” of himself which he has brought about; a sign and indication as well, which has not remained a bare immediate fact, but through which the individual only makes known what is actually implied by his setting his original nature to work.

>> No.18151338

Can the personality really be fully detached from the body? The answer is obviously no, if you go down the scientific route of answer to this; because then spirit and body is one and the same.

Or from a psychiatrist's perspective: I did recently come across a discussion on what you could classify as physiognomy in Jung's book 'Modern Man in Search of a Soul'.

We act out our personality using our bodies. Thus, the shape, form, physical appearance of our body will in smaller to greater degree (varying on the individual) reflect one's personality.

>> No.18151409

Not according to Herder or Schopenhauer. These are much stronger arguments because they account for fate.
If the body is already set when you are a child then how much control do you really have? And as already discussed this can even happen at birth or before.

One may also look to the wounded warrior. Jünger's brother was severely wounded in the war, almost killed. No doubt this extended visit with death affected his physical character, his shoulder never fully recovered and he is not as striking in his appearance as his older brother. Yet one sees a clear nobility in him, and perhaps an even greater strength than his brother, at least in certainareas.

>> No.18151441

Exactly the same things the people around you do.

>> No.18151627


>> No.18151698
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>> No.18151791
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>> No.18151992

>Thus, the shape, form, physical appearance of our body will in smaller to greater degree (varying on the individual) reflect one's personality.
this seriously undermines social and environmental influence

>> No.18152002

>The deep traditions of the 1980s and American television are only a reversion to what destroyed the European nations in the final stages.
how? decadence and fetishizing vanity?

>> No.18152012

>That the right is adopting 70 year old leftist problems is a sign of the depth of nihilism
i swear this has so much to do with the cultural mythos of the west, and some of the european identity being gaslit by the abrahamics, all of which is centered on pain, shame, death, fear, etc.
its uninspiring.

the right falls prey to playing on lefty battlefields. they should just ignore it and make their own shit

>> No.18152033
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>He had a very good physiognomy.
A Caucasian manlet known for robbing banks and ordering mass killings, with his public image totally fabricated.
Western photos of him aren't shopped.

>> No.18152056
File: 776 KB, 923x693, Mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His actual mugshot from 1908, not Le Greatestmost Fuehrer postcard.

>> No.18152525

what the fuck are you? what's your anogenital distance?

>> No.18152844

You first.

>> No.18153080
File: 85 KB, 700x1039, salva-Maglakelidze .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin just looked average and plebian

>> No.18153104

I expect you'll become an hero soon

>> No.18153420

The faggot that posted that image is guaranteed to look like a troll. I hate sąrtre as much as the next guy, but that kid's using the avatar of some hollywood actor instead of his own face...he's a disgusting puny little shit and i could fucking bury him.

>> No.18154245

Will try to answer later.

>> No.18154390
File: 99 KB, 234x300, show-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of Jungers

>> No.18155323


>> No.18155461

>ugly frenchie contemplates suicide
sartres writing still comes out on top

>> No.18156623


>> No.18157624 [DELETED] 


>> No.18158680

Who is this?

>> No.18158735

Ernst Von Salomon, he wrote of his interwar experiences in 'The Outlaws'

>> No.18158862

No it doesn't

>> No.18158882

Of course Jünger ignored the comment, and even referenced Sartre's work a few times without a hint of resentment.
Sartre missed the mark since Jünger was of a noble character, not aristocratic.

>> No.18158912

But if physiognomy was real Sartre would be the guy producing cringe soundbites and Junger would be the real philosopher of the two.

>> No.18158929

None of you have read Jünger. You don't even read Marx. So why post?

>> No.18158950
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>existence precedes essence
This just means your essence is shit.

>> No.18158957

>CTRL-F Aristotle
>CTRL-F Physiognomics
>No results

Everyone in this whole thread fails.

>> No.18158991

>fails at basic reading comprehension

>> No.18159083

Based. We need more threads calling out /lit/ non-readers.

>> No.18159148
File: 2.59 MB, 3072x4096, 16199709795831576904555114717877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a gay retard
Pic related is me

>> No.18159184

“It’s impossible to walk along a boulevard there. Everbody is scurrying from brothel to clinic, from clinic and back to brothel. And there’s so much gonorrhea around that it’s difficult to walk on the Champs-Elysees, there’s so much gonorrhea around I can hardly move my feet. I see a couple of acquaintances, he and she, they’re both chewing on chestnuts, and both old. Where did I see them? In the newspapers? I don’t remember. Presently I recognized them: that was Louis Aragon and Elsa Triole. ‘It’s interesting,’ the thought slips through my head. ‘From clinic to brothel or from brothel to clinic?’ And I cut myself off, ‘You should be ashamed. You’re in Paris, not Podunksk. Ask them questions of social significance, the most agonizing social questions.’

“I catch up to Louis Aragon and open up my heart and say that I despair of everything, that I have no doubts about anything, that I am dying from internal contradictions, and much more in that vein, but he only look at me, saluted like an old veteran, took his Elsa by the arm and walked off. I catch up again and this time talk not to Louis but to Triole: I say that I’m dying from a lack of impressions and that I’m overcome by doubts just when I stop despairing, while in moments of despair I don’t know any doubts… but like an old whore she patted me on the cheek, took her Aragon by the arm, and walked off.

Sartre eternally BTFO.

>> No.18159242
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>a well-proportioned frame must be an indication of upright men

>> No.18159626

And you look like just a gay
ur pretty tho

>> No.18159882

seethe kraut

>> No.18161276

What are you quoting?

>> No.18161313

>pussying out
You do know that in the prussian image a german soldier was forbidden from joining any political party? German soldiers till shortly before the war ended would have been brought before a military tribunal for joining the nazi party.

Either way, Jünger was openly shittalking the nazis for not benefiting the german people but being as based as he is, nobody dared to touch him. Pretty sure he actually denied getting put on the "Gottbegnadeten" list, which was a special classification of artists which were too important to be send off to war.

Jünger was an Übermensch.

>> No.18161535

>being as based as he is, nobody dared to touch him
how does one get this based?

>> No.18161554

Aly is my qt

>> No.18161740

They thought he was popular enough that he shouldn't be executed. They knew of his feelings towards them, he passed those feelings on to his son who 'died' whilst training in Italy. Probably talked too much shit

>> No.18162882 [DELETED] 


>> No.18163039
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, Ahnenerbe-Heinrich-Himmler-2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What physiognomy is this?

>> No.18163122
File: 268 KB, 640x985, arthur-schopenhauer-essays-aphorisms-penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concerning our physiognomy in general, it is still to be observed that
it is much easier to discover the intellectual capacities of a man than
his moral character. The intellectual capacities take a much more
outward direction. They are expressed not only in the face and play of
his features, but also in his walk, nay, in every movement, however
slight it may be. One could perhaps discriminate from behind between a
blockhead, a fool, and a man of genius. A clumsy awkwardness
characterises every movement of the blockhead; folly imprints its mark
on every gesture, and so do genius and a reflective nature. Hence the
outcome of La Bruyere's remark: Il n'y a rien de si délié, de si
simple, et de si imperceptible où il n'y entrent des manières, qui nous
décèlent: un sot ni n'entre, ni ne sort, ni ne s'assied, ni ne se lève,
ni ne se tait, ni n'est sur ses jambes, comme un homme d'esprit. This
accounts for, by the way, that instinct stir et prompt which,
according to Helvetius, ordinary people have of recognising people of
genius and of running away from them. This is to be accounted for by the
fact that the larger and more developed the brain, and the thinner, in
relation to it, the spine and nerves, the greater not only is the
intelligence, but also at the same time the mobility and pliancy of all
the limbs; because they are controlled more immediately and decisively
by the brain; consequently everything depends more on a single thread,
every movement of which precisely expresses its purpose. The whole
matter is analogous to, nay dependent on, the fact that the higher an
animal stands in the scale of development, the easier can it be killed
by wounding it in a single place.

>> No.18163127
File: 219 KB, 800x1000, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take, for instance, batrachia: they
are as heavy, clumsy, and slow in their movements as they are
unintelligent, and at the same time extremely tenacious of life. This is
explained by the fact that with a little brain they have a very thick
spine and nerves. But gait and movement of the arms are for the most
part functions of the brain; because the limbs receive their motion, and
even the slightest modification of it, from the brain through the medium
of the spinal nerves; and this is precisely why voluntary movements tire
us. This feeling of fatigue, like that of pain, has its seat in the
brain, and not as we suppose in the limbs, hence motion promotes sleep;
on the other hand, those motions that are not excited by the brain, that
is to say, the involuntary motions of organic life, of the heart and
lungs, go on without causing fatigue: and as thought as well as motion
is a function of the brain, the character of its activity is denoted in
both, according to the nature of the individual. Stupid people move like
lay figures, while every joint of intellectual people speaks for itself.
Intellectual qualities are much better discerned, however, in the face
than in gestures and movements, in the shape and size of the forehead,
in the contraction and movement of the features, and especially in the
eye; from the little, dull, sleepy-looking eye of the pig, through all
gradations, to the brilliant sparkling eye of the genius. The look of
wisdom, even of the best kind, is different from that of genius,
since it bears the stamp of serving the will; while that of the latter
is free from it. Therefore the anecdote which Squarzafichi relates in
his life of Petrarch, and has taken from Joseph Brivius, a contemporary,
is quite credible--namely, that when Petrarch was at the court of
Visconti, and among many men and titled people, Galeazzo Visconti asked
his son, who was still a boy in years and was afterwards the first Duke
of Milan, to pick out the wisest man of those present. The boy looked
at every one for a while, when he seized Petrarch's hand and led him to
his father, to the great admiration of all present. For nature imprints
her stamp of dignity so distinctly on the distinguished among mankind
that a child can perceive it. Therefore I should advise my sagacious
countrymen, if they ever again wish to trumpet a commonplace person as a
genius for the period of thirty years, not to choose for that end such
an inn-keeper's physiognomy as was possessed by Hegel, upon whose face
nature had written in her clearest handwriting the familiar title,
commonplace person.

>> No.18163131
File: 18 KB, 220x306, 220px-ArthurSchopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what applies to intellectual qualities does
not apply to the moral character of mankind; its physiognomy is much
more difficult to perceive, because, being of a metaphysical nature, it
lies much deeper, and although moral character is connected with the
constitution and with the organism, it is not so immediately connected,
however, with definite parts of its system as is intellect. Hence, while
each one makes a public show of his intelligence, with which he is in
general quite satisfied, and tries to display it at every opportunity,
the moral qualities are seldom brought to light, nay, most people
intentionally conceal them; and long practice makes them acquire great
mastery in hiding them.

Meanwhile, as has been explained above, wicked thoughts and worthless
endeavours gradually leave their traces on the face, and especially the
eyes. Therefore, judging by physiognomy, we can easily guarantee that a
man will never produce an immortal work; but not that he will never
commit a great crime.

>> No.18163150

I would

>> No.18163181


>> No.18163260

The Chad OP vs. The Virgin Physiognomy Posters

>> No.18163455

What is this gif trying to say?

>> No.18163689

So this is where Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig gets this idea from. I was starting to believe it was a Japanese custom thing that I couldn't penetrate unless I lived there, not something the writers were miming from the West. And since Western ethos is always wrong, sans French, this to me betokens the folly of this polemic absolutely. And it freaking WOULD be a western thing too since we are incapable of thinking without seeing an image of it in our mind (this is why we hate meditation. The idea of the supersensible becoming apprised to us in the sensory level scares us).

>> No.18163691

Same as Socrates.

>> No.18163738

Sorry for the slow response, had some important things to do.
In short it is similar to what Jünger says of the bourgeois defenses. Technical exercise is partly a perfection of the image of man, but it also is a defense against the destructive aspects of technology.
This could be compared to the old industrial practises, and the type of man you woukd see in the foundries. These were much harder and tougher men than anything you will find at your local gym, and often half the size.
Like the leather which could endure the trenches and lumber camps, the chemical strengthening made highly durable and wearable boots. These chemicals are outlawed today and we have work boots that are excessive in appearance, apparently stronger and with greater uses, yet they tend to fall apart in a few months where conditions are rough.

The machine-bulked muscles endure where they are a defense against the confrontation with nihikism.

>> No.18163980

>They thought he was popular enough that he shouldn't be executed.
Nah, Hitler himself loved his works. If I rmmber right he even met him once or more. It wasn't just PR, the Nazis, while not conforming on all grounds, actually loved his mindset of doing all humanly possible for his people. Same goal, different ways of going about it. That's why Jünger stayed in the Wehrmacht instead cowardly fleeing.

Which also makes it highly unlikly that his son was sunsetted. People die, even in todays military training. And let's not forgett how Hitler treated people he respected, like the polish head of state Pilsutzki, where he went to his funeral and made it a day of mourning.

You might not like the nazis, but they where the last military group to actually live respect for even ones enemies - even the jews had their Haavara Abkommen and Madagaskar plans.

>> No.18163989

Thats a diet induced bird jaw. What do you expct from a starving generation? That's also why germans gained 15-20cm after the war till today.

>> No.18164056

Herder >>18149620
Everything without quotes is from my notes. And there was a Jünger quote or two.

>> No.18164345


>> No.18164369

>Herder - "Is the Beauty of the Body a Herald of the Beauty of the Soul?"
It looks like I'm too retarded to find that specific work in german, besides vage quotes about beauty in his collected works.

You can't pinpoint me towards it by any chance in german?

>> No.18164602

Physiognomie and chiromancie, metoposcopie, the symmetrical proportions and signal moles of the body, fully and accurately handled; with their natural-predictive-significations. The subject of dreams; divinative steganographical, and Lullian sciences. Whereunto is added the art of memorie by Richard Saunders (not the cringe atheist).

>> No.18165347


>> No.18166698


>> No.18166776

I am so glad I can trust the West!

>> No.18166792

So there is a circumstantial element to physiognomy that exceeds the person's personality or genes. Of course, there were plenty from that same starving generation who looked more manful than he did, face-wise

>> No.18166814
File: 42 KB, 316x461, Rd845d30d5f4f5b94abb096cc936032d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18166828


>> No.18167086

Ist die Schönheit des Körpers ein Bote von der Schönheit der Seele?

>> No.18167213

Of course there where, but as you can read up in "Physial degeneration and Nutrition" this is mainly due to what certain people had to eat. And it is no wonder that those which suffered most between the wars where also more radical.

He also was a manlet, even for this period where most germans had a reduced height, which further points to nutritional deficiencies and a sloppa diet as a young man. This is indeed a big problem in phenotypical classifiction, as those traits, similar to obesity will fuck up your features even those your genetics under adequat circumstances would have expressed differently.
Personally that's why I take more weight towards other traits which are more constant like the distance between ones eyes, genetically caused deformations, pre-natal asymmetry etc, to measure beauty.

>> No.18167218

Dankeschön, mein Kerl.

>> No.18167866

He based.

>> No.18167902
File: 240 KB, 1020x424, rg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the satirist etc

>> No.18167926
File: 236 KB, 810x1059, junger-print-810x1059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always reminded me of a post some guy on /lit/ made years ago that I've always remembered

>Sartre was extremely cowardly but he was far from the only one. You have a hundred Sartre's for a single Jünger.

>> No.18168369

Christ, this post glows with the force of a thousand suns.

>> No.18168387

Physiognomy isn't related to literature
You don't have to read books to understand it's an extremely stupid concept, we all met nice ugly people and detestable beautiful idiots

>> No.18168452
File: 426 KB, 1200x1537, B35FDA6A-5D2F-47B9-A269-0EF9E8FA788E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Bach... hmm seems all of the greatest people were completely unremarkable looking. Interesting enough, Christ is portrayed as physically attractive despite his brief physical account in the Bible. Seems maybe there’s something with vapid people and reliance on physical traits over ability and moral traits.

>> No.18168923

Maybe you should check your eyes.

>> No.18169107

Ignore Sartre's eyes and he's literally a regular dude

>> No.18169707

Ignore the world and it's not a planet.

>> No.18169763
File: 116 KB, 400x800, 1521731310116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18169852

Yeah but Shawn Johnson though.

>> No.18169922

"For many vocations, imprudence is indispensable; it is an existential precondition for their performance. Among soldiers, those belonging to light cavalry regiments, especially hussars, have since time immemorial been famous for their hot tempers. Their mission was to demoralize, to spy on, and to attack and ambush the enemy. They participate in “skirmishes” (plänkeln)—a word that is related to “flash” (blinken).139 The classic charge, the decisive blow reserved to the cavalry, who fought with cuirasses and went into battle with swords held horizontally. They constituted the preferred personal guard of the prince.

Tolstoy sketched the figure of the light cavalryman, with his light and shadow, in The Two Hussars; Kleist also introduced him in his stories. The surprise attack of the hussar involved the rapid seizure of loot, bold charges, reckless gambles. He liked to bet everything on a single card.

The hussar’s affinity with populations of nomadic horsemen is reflected not only his equipment, but also in his physiognomy. One could imagine Zieten among the Pandurs.140 In many regiments, it was precisely ugliness that was valued.

The dazzling element of ambiguity is also present wherever these horsemen erupt into universal history. Blücher, whom Napoleon called the “drunken hussar” and for whom even Léon Bloy professed admiration, preserved his sanguinary temperament until an advanced age. His tenacity in remaining in contact with and attacking the enemy, exemplified above all in the Battle of Waterloo, could take on demoniacal features, which evoke the “Wild Hunt”.141 It is reminiscent of the panting dog hot on the trail of the fleeing prey. Sometimes, he did not seem to be in his right mind and he imagined that he was an elephant that was the cause of so much devastation. Naturally, he was also a compulsive gambler and also a bad risk when it came to paying his debts, besides; there are still families that have kept IOUs with his signature, which have remained unpaid.

>> No.18169940

Blücher, who ran away from home when he was still a teenager to enlist in the Swedish hussars, was not an educated man; his strong suit was not knowledge, but character and temperament. His toast at Wellington’s diplomatic table, “May the pens of the diplomats not again spoil all that the swords of our brave armies have so gloriously won!”, remained proverbial for a long time. People with such gifts seldom lack that natural flair that enables them to hit the nail on the head, as Blücher did in many of his sayings. Thus, for example, the following saying concerning the Prussians, written after 1815, when he returned from a health spa, with his health in tatters: “The State does not possess a constitution that is any healthier than mine; in war we remain fresh, in peace no one wants to walk on his own two legs”. Zieten knew how to engage in brilliant repartee, in general his lives are more accessible.

Insolent speech is characteristic of the soldier of the light cavalry; both Zieten and Blücher were expelled by Frederick due to their arrogance, but they were also readmitted to the service. The great leader of cavalry troops in the Seven Years War was Seydlitz; he got his start in the cuirassiers.


Dangerous traits rise to the surface in civil wars and similar situations. Then the hussar can arrive on the scene, playing the role of the type who does not pull any punches. He is quick to hang or shoot, like Blücher when he had to deal with the Saxons who mutinied in Lütich, when the news was announced from the Congress of Vienna that their country would be partitioned. Just before the executions were to be carried out, the Prussian general Borstell hesitated for reasons of conscience and was dismissed. He was, it is true, an old cuirassier. Gallifet also faithfully represented this type, with his jagged and rough way of life. In his name the song of the “rooster” was played on the trumpet, which, at the gates of Sedan, summoned the cavalry to its last famous charge. It was said that one could even smell the gunpowder smoke on the bodies of the fallen.

Memories that would have annihilated a man of the stature of Borstell, would obviously not even have been a major burden for Gallifet. “Voilà l’assassin”—this is how he was later presented as the Minister of War in the legislative chamber. He displays some Mexican traits, including memories of the brutal massacre of Sebastopol, the model for the future battles of materiel. Rochefort, in his journal, Laterne, the model of all those weeklies bound in red cloth which were as blunt as a bullet, recounts a dangerous encounter with Gallifet. The man of letters escaped by a hair from the man who did not pull any punches. The behavior of Gallifet in the Dreyfus Case, which earned him the hatred of the conservatives, was, in this sense, atypical."

>> No.18169954

Jünger even goes so far as to deny gender. As if sex were entirely of the elements.
The focus on surface traits act much as the leaves falling from a tree - part of a great metamorphosis.

>> No.18170002

How does it glow? If anything the glowies want you focused on false movements which can only ever affect the surface.
That's been their tactic ever since the destruction of Germany, and now we're seeing the effects with American identity politics. The ideal for them would be a far-right that does nothing more than buy gym memberships and play skyrim.

>> No.18171083

Seele des Menschen,
Wie gleichst du dem Wasser!
Schicksal des Menschen,
Wie gleichst du dem Wind!

>> No.18171169


Wie an dem Tag, der dich der Welt verliehen,
Die Sonne stand zum Gruße der Planeten,
Bist alsobald und fort und fort gediehen
Nach dem Gesetz, wonach du angetreten.
So mußt du sein, dir kannst du nicht entfliehen,
so sagten schon Sibyllen, so Propheten;
Und keine Zeit und keine Macht zerstückelt
Geprägte Form, die lebend sich entwickelt.

>> No.18171224

"Character interpretation presupposes a kind of musicality. There must be a fluidity between the critic and the person being judged, including congeniality. This limits the scope of applied psychology, which can be regarded as one of the sub-disciplines of characterology. The assessment reflects the assessor. The character of the boss can be read from the appraisal of his subordinates."

Jünger likens characterology to astrology. In this the danger of planets completely unknown to us - being as a hidden world, as in Goethe's Urworte, primal words.
There is a distance in some faces, two beings who may never even come to notice one another; and in others the unspoken laws of an unbroken power.
Thus identity and individual being forms where being-alone takes over the world, where one is divided from the planetary and elemental beginnings. 'Submission of the will to the must.'

"A wing beat - and eons are behind us!"

>> No.18171483

"There's no art
To find the mind's construction in the face"

>> No.18171789


>> No.18173069 [DELETED] 


>> No.18173177

ok ugly

>> No.18173213
File: 278 KB, 633x800, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18173252

So you're saying you're an ugly mofo but have the spirit and virtue?

>> No.18173259

>post face
>post body
>ok ugly
Looks like the physfags are as cowardly as the marxists.

>> No.18173520

>calling others coward
>doesn't even have the stones to reply directly
lol the absolute state of unsightly creatures.

>> No.18173540

>Do you consider Stalin to be evil?
Not particularly. I see him as ruthless and ambitious, but not evil or bad.

>> No.18173562


>> No.18173571

Post face and shelf.

>> No.18173576 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 820x1024, 1620120033161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18173579

Not ugly, just masculine.
Female gymnast sportswear is really unaesthetic.

>> No.18173861

Not him, but judging from myself, I'm pretty sure most aesthetically pleasing individuals will face and shelf mog everyone of you creaturas which try to disassociate physical and intellectual beauty. Considering that there will rarely be an individual which looks hideous arguing in favour of uggo cullings, we can ascertain that those which do look better without even seeing their face.

Post your shelf (if you dare) and I'll deliver my library, brainlet.

>> No.18173878

>misses point
>doesn't post face

>> No.18173907

Heavy dose of phthalates in utero obviously.

>> No.18173913
File: 120 KB, 634x815, 1584647338910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point is quite obvious. You want to claim that those proposing what you do not want to accept will look ugly. This doesn't make much sense to begin with. But considering your standpoint we can safely say that you do not truly want to see his face, but to cease any discussion as only a collosal idiot would dox himself on here. This is futher proven by your denial of posting even something as non-problematic as your two high fantasy selfs and collected uread works by Marx.

Go on, prove your opponents wrong and post your well selected and broad library with a timestamp. I was looking for some evening entertainment.

>> No.18173934

>stones to reply directly
kek imagine thinking like this.

>> No.18173943

>there is no connection between countenance and spirit

>> No.18173947

This would mean that you're really ugly and Op beautiful.

>> No.18173957

you look like a pedo

>> No.18174014


>> No.18174088
File: 327 KB, 960x640, 1620142617364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found OP.

>> No.18174099

Cope, brainlet

>> No.18174286


>> No.18174346

Just looking through the list of UFC champions there seem to be very few 'Chads'. They all have a fair amount of rough features, and some are even ugly.
The first Chad that comes up was disqualified for steroids. Pretty much confirms what was said by Herder and Jünger.

One may compare Uffizi's Wrestlers to the earlier images which all have a rough character. Beards of the Olympians or even a centaur appearance.
Also interesting is Nietzsche's approach to health, an entirely apollonian approach, moralistic and technical. Whereas Milo the famous wrestler celebrated strength with dionysian feasting, drinking wine daily.
One who fears the effects of wine on his testosterone levels must be in a state of austerity, crisis.

Reports of Milo also suggest a delicate touch, the ability to hold a pomegranate during a wrestling match without harming it. Persephone freed from the underworld.
This is an important consideration as the strongest war dogs and horses also require a delicate touch, an ease with the movement of the earth, sensitive positioning is what allows for mastery, exertions of the earth by moving with it. This is how Heracles defeated Antaios.
The hardened and technical touch brutalizes, ruins the horse and dog, and leaves man to become the material without any earth companions.

>> No.18174356

>reading literature that describes the characters' appearance
Ngmi. Just pick up a picture book.

>> No.18174483

Hegel himself thought that the idea that the outer determines the inner doesn't really rise up to the level of thinking. He has one of his funnier quips on the subject:

"339. What such imagining vaguely has in mind in the case of this subterfuge is the true thought which, in fact, abolishes that imagining, viz. that being as such is not the truth of Spirit at all. Just as the disposition is itself an original being, which has no part in the activity of Spirit, just such a being is the bone on its side. What merely is, without any spiritual activity is, for consciousness, a Thing, and, far from being the essence of consciousness, is rather its opposite; and consciousness is only actual to itself through the negation and abolition of such a being. From this point of view it must be regarded as a complete
denial of Reason to pass off a bone as the actual existence of consciousness; and it is passed off as such when it is regarded as the outer being of Spirit, for the outer isjust that reality which merely is. I tis nonse sa yingthat the inner is only being inferred from the outer, and is something different, nor that the outer is notthe inner itself, but only its expression. For in the relation of the two to one another the determination of the reality that thinks itself, and is in the form of thought, does fall on the side of the inner ; but on the side of the outer, falls the determination of the reality which merely is. When, therefore, a man is told 'You (your inner being) are this kind of person because your skull-bone is constituted in such and such a way,' this means nothing else than, 'I regard a bone as your reality’. To reply to such a judgement with a box on the ear, as in the case of a similar judgement in physiognomy mentioned above, at first takes away from the soft parts their importance and position, and proves only that these are no true in -itself, are not the reality of Spirit; the retort here would, strictly speaking, have to go the length of beating in the skull of anyone making such a judgement,
in order to demonstrate in a manner just as palpable as his wisdom, that for a man, a bone is nothing in itself, much less his true reality.”

>> No.18174507

There is also Fedor's reserved character. This is much more of a concern than the displays of someone like McGregor. The old saying that 'it's the silent ones you have to look out for' rings true.
Fedor also dominated before the era of steroids, hormones, and viewership spectacles.

The Gracies also held this character. 'Form follows function' is the laww of the warrior and hunter.

>> No.18174590
File: 16 KB, 200x240, Edward-De-Vere1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18174599
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>> No.18174606

Cioran hated him too AND he was friends with Jünger

>> No.18174661
File: 645 KB, 1200x1635, stalin-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin was famously handsome

>> No.18174687
File: 289 KB, 599x389, oTkX8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards post fake Stalin picture
Checks out, brainlet.

>> No.18174708

Why be friends with someone you hate?

>> No.18174719
File: 124 KB, 482x651, 1620137279265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18174780

I’m physically attractive and imposing and approached by a lot of people. Physiognomy is a very feminine thought process. Very very feminine. If you think like this you should be ashamed.

>> No.18174791

You seem obsessed.

>> No.18174806

Physiognomy is a code-word closeted gay men use to discuss their man crushes inconspicuously

>> No.18174823

"people" with acne scars are the worst

>> No.18174857

>In 1988, radiocarbon dating established that the shroud was from the Middle Ages, between the years 1260 and 1390. All hypotheses put forward to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted, including the medieval repair hypothesis, the bio-contamination hypothesis and the carbon monoxide hypothesis.

>> No.18174859

Physiognomy is a sub-category of blackpill incel philosophy. No matter what you say, what you do, our primitively wired brains will always interpret LOOkS before rationale.

>> No.18175060

So why do you always post 'post face' when you're too cowardly to follow your own thinking?

>> No.18175272

I haven't posted any such thing. Imagine that: There are several people posting under anonymous, retard.

>> No.18175354


>> No.18175402
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you really showed me.

>> No.18175403

>the ability to hold a pomegranate during a wrestling match without harming it.

>> No.18175565

>Physiognomy is a very feminine thought process.
I agree. Henpecking takes over where male character is lost, and all that remains is feminine displays to impress women. And perhaps even more for other men. The homosexual aspect can't be denied.

>> No.18176057


>> No.18176061

He always looked to me like he has a huge ego. Like if you dosed him with acid he wouldn't be able to chill out and instead would have a manic episode.

>> No.18176247

May he burn in hell

>> No.18176531

>>All hypotheses put forward to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted...
No. Why are you allowed to say things that are not true?

>> No.18177012

What is this from?

>> No.18177014

Because he's an ideological brainlet only using propaganda not the truth. Do you seriously expect honesty from such snakes?

>> No.18177153

you're probably sort of handsome but have some weird features like a tiny face, that would explain the stupidity

>> No.18177211

>some weird features like a tiny face
Why do you think he's American?

>> No.18177574

I mentioned him twice.

>> No.18177581


>> No.18177598
File: 3.91 MB, 1292x8757, Shroud of Turin Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addressed here.

>> No.18177696
File: 51 KB, 780x405, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it.

>> No.18178318

i'm sure bro. i've seen you and i'm more physically attractive and imposing and people drop to their knees and worship me as i pass. I also say physiognomy is based.

>> No.18178514

Wow loterally napoleon.

>> No.18178550

Njggerman says.
Niggerman does.

>> No.18178556 [DELETED] 

Holy shir it's pver fpr.tnpn landians.

>> No.18178613


>> No.18178639

Getsky porun win4. Nigzamam

>> No.18178652

He strong. Admittin now.

>> No.18178806

I can do it in four words: Look good, feel good baby!

>> No.18178981

damn he looks even more rugged and handsome in those photos

>> No.18179080

>rugged and handsome
You mean birdjawed with dumbo ears, puffy eyes and with an unproportional large nose? lmao

>> No.18179152

Why are all their noses so bad

>> No.18179171

Those are americans, a mixture of farm equipment, bloodthirsty jungle beaners and jews. Shouldn't surprise anybody.

>> No.18179846

She can probably bench more than any litard.

>> No.18179854
File: 216 KB, 487x768, 14th-century_unknown_painters_-_Portrait_of_Jean_le_Bon,_King_of_France_-_WGA23666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot. Just check any king portrait and contemplate how ugly most are. They don't look any different than the common peasant.

>> No.18180058

This guy looks perfectly fine, wtf are you talking about.

>> No.18180181

Yeah ok.

Physiognomy is the interpretation of a person's facial features and expressions. It is the product of a historical worldview as opposed to a naturalistic one. There is nothing systematic about it, as facial expressions cannot be properly studied and codified, but rather have to be experienced as dependent on the given civilizational context of the subject.
A smile is ubiquitous in all cultures, yes. But for physiognomy to be a scientific endeavor, smiling would have to be the same in its meaning across cultures and species. There would have to be a veritable "law of smiling". Animals interpret the showing of teeth very different from humans, and humans interpret it very differently depending on cultural context. Where in one culture a smile would be very inappropriate in a situation, in another culture it may be expected of you.

Think about the concept of "smiling at disaster". An arab would never smile at his own misfortune and would only put on a smile to give one the impression that it isn't misfortune. A westerner on the other hand, being so uniquely obsessed with concepts of infinity, regularly smiles at misfortune because he knows it (for himself) to either atleast be not as bad as others may pretend, or to even be good ultimately. Compare this to the stoic presence-practicing ancient greek who would not have smiled either at misfortune, and alike with the arab would have thanked the gods for saving him from even worse trouble, but unlike the arab and westerner would not have interpreted his personal situation as being in tandem with the civilizational struggle which the other two take for granted. Yes infact he would have been incapable of interpreting it so because the ancient greek soul is not one of endless expansion into the future, but one of present-focused sensualities. This particular trait of their collective soul is expressed within their art and myth and philosophy.

Just as the patterned mosaic of mosques is a uniquely arabic product, and artists like Pollock and Vivaldi are uniquely western, so too is the dorian pillar and stoicism a uniquely greek product.

This is physiognomy of peoples and you cannot do it without Spengler you utter imbeciles.

>> No.18180234
File: 46 KB, 400x600, dancing-peasant-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't realize how fugly the average man looked. Anglo nobility was a head taller than their people, well fed, not burnt from working under the Sun and fit, they likely felt like another species while walking amongst hunchbacked peasants.

>> No.18180270

This is your brain on /leftypol/

>> No.18180455

kek what?

>> No.18180488

spotted the ugly poster

>> No.18180737

Physiognomy is a poetic endeavor, not a mathematical one. Read Spengler

>> No.18181998

She cute.

>> No.18183366


>> No.18184613


>> No.18184666 [DELETED] 
File: 790 KB, 1280x720, the seed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18184843

Interestingly this forms the basis of Jünger's criticism of Spengler.

"When Spengler states in the introduction to his major work: 'The means of recognising living forms is analogy', he touches on the essence of physiognomonic methodology. Through analogy, much can be accomplished, including understanding and organising historical figures under the mere superficial resemblance of temporal garments, and understanding processes that are yet to be completed on the basis of a knowledge of periodicity: such as prediction. Here the physiognomic instinct of the approaching man acquires prophetic power.

This is one of the peculiarities of the human mind, that the arrangement and comparison of similarities, though they occupy it forcefully, do not satisfy it so long as the question of the source of the comparisons and the general composition of the acts and representations of the great spectacle remains open. Mere comparison creates relationships, not norms. There remains the question of the inner unity of the multiple manifestations and processes beyond similarity. Similarity is not only an inexhaustible field of interpretation, it also refers to an inexhaustible meaning, to creation itself.

Spengler refuses to answer this second question; we search in vain for it. His morphology of world history thus resembles an excellent group photograph of eight brothers who are at once different and similar to each other. If the father could still be known, or even assumed, then there would be an intrinsic link."

>> No.18184901

One may say that physiognomy takes over where the father is no longer known, or in our case where the paternal order has been lost. The perfection of physical characteristics is at once a drive to complete the single image of man, thus ensuring that the death of the father was not in vain, and also of a great disappointment, the realisation that this great man is not possible, or at the very least remains out of reach for the great majority.
It is also worth noting that this perfection only occurs from the negative, that the individual is one with the declining mass. Individualism turned to sickness - the completion of nihilism.

>> No.18185541

I'm an amerimutt and I don't think I'm THAT ugly

>> No.18186215

Count your lucky stars, Cleethus.

>> No.18186334

Can you provide a link to read it fully?

>> No.18186677

wtf how could he do that

my own PM bros.. how could he?

>> No.18187317

Selected Writings on Aesthetics

>> No.18187510

>Randall J Weems
>a small jew nerd

>> No.18189132


>> No.18190270

My soul is very ugly, I am selfish, alcoholic and angry. Yet I am very handsome.