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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.14826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

yfw fitlit actually turned into a really funny board

>> No.14866
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>> No.14993
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>> No.15024
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>> No.15030
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On other mergers the pathetic retards are trying to keep their generals, pretty sad honestly.

>> No.15043

*audience laughter*

>> No.15064

yeah compared to other mergers this one is working surprisingly well. it seems after the initial hostility /fitlit/ actullay works better than expected.

>> No.15120
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We literally ironpill now.

>> No.15180

I want this to stay, though i am from /fit/ and maybe most of the shitposting is coming from our side and /lit/ might not like that.

>> No.15227
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/lit/ is used to being raided, we were half-merged with /pol/tards already

>> No.15260

/fit/ is half-merged with /r9k/ as well

>> No.15522

It's two of the better boards on this website. I mean there are lots of small comfy boards, but the populated ones are garbage.
Average age is higher, both are into self improvement and despite being elitist, both are pretty helpful.

>> No.15581

Agreed. I frequented both b4. I was pleasantly surprised this morning. Oh fuck what'd they do to my other fave board, /sp/ brb guys.

>> No.15611

yes, that's where all those youtube celeb threads came from.

>> No.15652
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I'm back! They did no merger for /sp/, wah wah. Biggest disappointment of the day so far.

>> No.15673

>one of the better boards

>muh sips
>muh THICC
>muh no gf ;_;
Don't kid yourself. /fit/ has been my homeboard for years, but it's fucking trash.

>> No.15704

>he has never been to other boards

>> No.15706

It's gone down in quality recently, but compared to the rest of this website it's still good.
You just have to sift through the memes and shitposting more.

>> No.15718

What other mergers have happened?

>> No.15769

you seem alright anon, dont go to /mlpol/ today it's a warzone out there.

>> No.15776

/mlpol/- My Little Politics
/can/- Animals/Cute
/fap/ -Fashion & Photography
/cock/- Comics & Cartoons & Cooking
/mo/- Mecha & Auto
/fitlit/- Well-Rounded Citizens

>> No.15790

>It's gone down in quality recently

>> No.15791

/Mlpol/ LOLOL the bronies are bringing the bantz to new heights. The /pol/sters can't handle. Are being BTFO by the degenercy. Many many laffs.

>> No.15887

its all the damn reddit newfags on /pol/ who dont know what APRIL FUCKING FOOLS is

>> No.15948
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>implying I'm not /tv/

I'm in shitposting hell every day.

>> No.16047
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I am so sorry anon just move along to /mlpol/ then

>> No.16101

Still don't understand why /scix/ is not a thing. Seems like a perfect match.

>> No.16115
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I know! It's great! They thought they were gud trolls but then got trolled on trolls day by the website of trolling! I'm just so happy anon

>> No.16240

Needs a monster sticker on the board in the back. Replace the fire extinguisher with a can of monster. Add crumpled up cans to floor.

>> No.16689

no, it's pretty fucking shit

>> No.16780

Only 2 boards i visit, hope fitlit stays

>> No.16826

/mo/ is great too

>> No.16843

That's an understatement

>> No.16908

/lit/ is just a slow shitposting board, so it really doesn't matter as much

>> No.16930

I wish it stays

>> No.17037

that would be pretty funny to see

>> No.17043


>> No.17097
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>> No.17129
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How the actual fuck can one visit /lit/ and /fit/?!? The kind of people they group are basically opposites

>> No.17171

You'd have to be a Hegelian, a postmodernist, a cheeky cunt or all of the above.

>> No.17178

lol kys

>> No.17198

People who are into self improvement and actualization
People who are into self improvement and actualization

Yeah. Complete fucking opposites.

>> No.17218

I'm an epicurean with a dada ascendant, please to meet you

>> No.17222

/Spint/ would be comfy.

>> No.17231


>> No.17285

People who are into self improvement and actualization to pick up girls
People who are into self improvement and actualization to express themselves and understand the world and human life

Fixed your retarded post, my /fit/ friend

>> No.17339

>Implying I wasn't /lit/ before I was /fit/

Maybe you should read the Greeks and Mishima, my Reddit friend

>> No.17342
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>> No.17353

Only if you're a left wing dyel.

All men with a true understanding and appreciation of philosophy lift.

>> No.17371

Romans > Greeks
D'Annunzio > Mishima

Go expand your knowledge, my Facebook friend

>> No.17428

The only good thing the Romans gave us was Cicero

>> No.17433
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t. brainlets who can't read

>> No.17475

Uh, don't worry, you already proved you're from /fit/, you don't need to produce more evidence!

>> No.17547

I used to browse both

they're basically the same thing

>> No.17627

>lifting for girls

>> No.17644

One is full of photos of ripped normies whose objective is to show their muscle, the other is full of the usual 20-30 books and ironic stale memes

Yeah... both are shit, of course, but I prefer the second

>> No.17668

>autistic picking-up-and-putting-down of sturdy objects for hours straight a couple times every week
>to pick up girls

>"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..."
>not to pick up girls

>> No.17680

>People who are into self improvement and actualization to pick up girls

/fit/ is more homosexual than /LGBT/

>> No.17685
File: 13 KB, 236x211, ae5aa46c39bde4dd2de0efdc8a8af3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/-/lit/-/pol/-/x/-/a/-/r9k/-/his/ master race reporting for dooty

>> No.17773
File: 177 KB, 1682x2198, yr4jT84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board isn't too bad. I went to /pol/ to see what it got merged with.
>holy fuck
>pic related

>> No.17789

Well, replace "girls" with "boys" if you prefer

The concept doesn't change

>> No.17828

It's the punishment /pol/tards deserved for their stupidity

>> No.17860

>people I don't agree with are stupid and deserve punishment

The absolute madman

>> No.17879

It will get old soon

>> No.17888

/pol/ is degeneracy. The /mlp/ fusion is well-deserved

>> No.17893

>hes still this mad about the election
grow up senpai

>> No.17915

I suggest you to try /po/ just for today, my /pol/tards friends

>> No.17919

The tolerant left.

>> No.17951

You seem to misunderstand. I'm here from /pol/ and aside from ironic shitposting you losers who are desperate to see us suffer don't realize that it's going pretty well. No one gives a fuck and we're having fun with friendly bants. Must suck to constantly look over your shoulder for the /pol/ boogeyman.

>> No.17954

Don't kid yourself

>> No.17972

lit would become dominated with fits facts and would cease to exist

>> No.17980


Also, /lit/ has been a /pol9k/, e-celeb board since Trump started his presidential campaign.

>> No.17987

More like:


The rest is ok

>> No.17994



>> No.18017

back to R E D D I T you faggot

>> No.18020

Let's say the world itself is shit, so the whole 4chan represents this awful shit

>> No.18022

>self improvement
maybe in 2014

do people outside /lit/ really think /lit/ is a good board anymore? It was too small to survive the second reddit invasion.

>> No.18039

reddit? kek... if you only knew

>> No.18096

not an argument. /lit/ used to be able to discuss women writers with minimal robot faggotry, but the wave of memelord normies that came over because of /pol/ outreach antics made it impossible to discuss them without /mu/-tier "tfw no gf" garbage being spammed into the thread by bored crossboarders.

>> No.18099
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/x/ has some GOAT bigfoot threads every once in a while.

>that OP who detailed all of humanity's accounts of hair humanoids throughout the ages to theorized that bigfoot is actually the last remnants of the natural state of mankind and we've been genetically altered by aliens to be slaves

>> No.18168
File: 112 KB, 640x696, 1473217091822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine /fitlit/ to be two dudes in a gym, both incredibly muscular and sweaty and they're screaming at each other to get the other motivated.


It's nice that both boards have a sense of humor about themselves.

>> No.18174

I agree with you bro, but /pol/ outreach antics didn't start out of nothing. When the world itself started to be shit, 4chan started to be shit as well. I'm not really sure what this means, but you can bet I'm right

>> No.18199

fucking reddit-tier post, kid

>> No.18210
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>I don't even know what my argument is
>but I have a hunch it's correct


>> No.18232

>lifting for girls

>> No.18234
File: 930 KB, 1286x1286, Prime Wife Material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey redditor, have you read anything in the western canon that wasn't assigned to you in class?

>> No.18244
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>> No.18294

Not an argument!

>> No.18426

>reading for world and human life