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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 900x900, 122334235334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18172448 No.18172448 [Reply] [Original]

I want to FUCK this chinky tomboy femboy twink like you wouldn't believe. I don't know why and I don't care. You can't stop me, nobody can. The passion is there.
See you at the library, faggot.

>> No.18172457

Waldun posting should be a banable offence.

>> No.18172571
File: 380 KB, 1200x420, buckley_and_rc_waldun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not everyday that the literary world would be collectively brought to their knees in shock and awe, even rarer that said Messiah comes from the Land Down Under.

>Uh, I would to introduce Mr.'RC' Waldun, his refusal to elaborate what these initials mean have invited some to fill in the blanks, some of them I cannot say in this program as they are *snickers* humorously erotic and degrading in nature.

>He is a Literature Undergraduate of Melbourne University, after shifting from his previous university where he studied Physics, as he felt that his passions absolutely must lie in the art of writing proses and not in the art of writing notes *grins*.

>He has many critics as he has disciples, yes he is indeed the new Robespierre with his revoution being 'Dark Academia' which he claims is the ,*cough* *cough* excuse me, Modern Renaissance, his 'revolution' is propelled by the *grins widely* wonderful proses and stunning characters of his works, like Arthur Forrest of The Learned Disguise which has been described as a Love Lettter to the Classics of 'Jamie Joyce' and 'Brother 'Speare'.

>I would like to begin this interview by asking Mr Waldun on why he thinks Dark Academia is the Modern Renaissance and on his latest upcoming work, L'Académie and how he feels about the recent responses to his character, whether with malice or adoration.

>> No.18172589

Im in Walduns inner circle. Ama.

>> No.18172595

is he cringe

>> No.18172596
File: 8 KB, 297x170, Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a "Baneable" offence you say?

>> No.18172611
File: 81 KB, 212x320, cover shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie.
I've been hoping to see another Waldun thread for days. Not because i like the ridiculous little twink. Not because i think he or his idiotic followers have the slightest bit of talent.
I like seeing them for the sheer unadulterated shitposting joy they bring me.
This cringeworthy dork gets so many people angry it's a beautiful thing.
Keeping shitposting Waldun, tis the Lord's work.

>> No.18172638


>> No.18173629


>> No.18173638

You can see her transitioning from lightyears away. From another dimension even.

>> No.18173986

Tis a beautiful thing

>> No.18174034
File: 1.43 MB, 3001x4096, IMG_20210504_102850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese boys always make cute girls

>> No.18174057

based waldun.

>> No.18174243

Is that book as great as they say? I heard it's going to be considered a classic.

>> No.18174246

So does RC stand for Rice Cock or something??

>> No.18174254


Of course dark academia is the modern renaissance, why is this even a topic worth discussing? Some nerds who watched Good Will Hunting one too many times decided to read some classics, that's the exact same thing as the renaissance for fucks sake. Stop trying to cheapen the genius of Waldun.

>> No.18174259

Dubs and I do another ''sperme hommage''

>> No.18174266


>> No.18174271

Rice Chink Dumdum

>> No.18174275


The gods are on our side.

>> No.18174281

give me 2 hours to get off work then. Ill deliver

>> No.18174285

>sperme hommage
my sides
don't forget to post it

>> No.18174306


Just realized that Jamie Joyce and brother Speare were not invented by lit, but the man himself.


Every time there's a thread on him I love Waldun more and more.

>> No.18174321

you think he'd wear a dress if asked?

>> No.18174397
File: 122 KB, 1270x268, WCwaldun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probably do all the time. Didn´t you read the preview of his upcoming novel?

>> No.18174440

Personally I want to break his kneecaps

>> No.18174877

I wanna facefuck waldun so bad bros

>> No.18174911


>> No.18175078

Completely agree, the last Waldun thread was the funniest shit I've read in a month.

>> No.18175086


>> No.18175122
File: 77 KB, 719x526, capital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look capital Timur, my R.C. is already... erect.

>> No.18175127

You clean your ass stupid motherfucker

>> No.18175139
File: 139 KB, 378x378, 1619024595940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18175143

BROS... Was Waldun, dare I even say it? but, was Waldun built for BBC????

>> No.18175145

Is this satire

>> No.18175160


Nope, it's from the book.

>> No.18175189

No, but to be fair he wrote it when he was 18.

>> No.18175223

In all fairness, yeah. It's a good example of why you shouldn't publish a book before you are at least in your early twenties and had sex.

>> No.18175298


>> No.18175720
File: 446 KB, 1280x717, 1620158141136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres to everyone who said my cum was pityful the last time

>> No.18175723


>> No.18175729

holy shit he actually delivered. Too bad the thread died before you did it

>> No.18175734

good god

>> No.18175761

lemme succ

>> No.18175770
File: 237 KB, 447x896, Tarrant meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke and i'm having my morning coffee and i see your cum tribute to the pretentious twink.
Laughing my arse off first thing in the morning.
Please keep the Waldun threads cumming (see what i did there) they're great

>> No.18175822

someone has to send all 3 sperme hommages to him

>> No.18175851


Imagine if he came to visit. A Waldun thread with the man himself...

>> No.18175862


Love to see it. Based as fuck.

>> No.18175891

Post some pics of Saskia
That bitch floats my boat for reasons i can't explain.
Anyone have nudes of Saskia?

>> No.18175908

you just know she would freak out and write about if someone made a sperme hommage to her. SOMEONE DO IT

>> No.18175938

Does she have a blog or something other than instagram?

>> No.18175964

in the last waldun thread there were a bunch of images of her (none nude) but I don't know where they got them and the thread is no longer archived

>> No.18175975

There can be no poetry after the last Waldun thread was lost

>> No.18175984

They're on her instagram. It's not worth seeking out.

>> No.18176007


>> No.18176013

God bless you anon

>> No.18176039

I just want him to advise me on how to dress better!

>> No.18176051


My man.

Saskia is meh, dime a dozen on any college campus. Would still hit of course.

>> No.18176192

>good will hunting

>> No.18176239

Go back

>> No.18176282

Stop trying to shill this stupid faggot.

>> No.18176420


>> No.18176636


>> No.18176673

bro cant you hold it for a week anad give us a real tribute?

>> No.18176841


Just in case anyone doesn’t know the guy who continuously and incessantly posts a picture of that stupid fucking book on every post he makes is the author or said book himself. He admitted as much on an older threat that was about something like “have you written a book /lit/?” Etc.

Holy fuck shit it annoyed the fuck out of me to see this mediocre cunt shill himself in every single threat trynna pass it off as an authentic popularity of his book fuck me dead he’s as bad as Waldun or Gardner or some shit

>> No.18176857


At this point others are posting it for shits and giggles.

>> No.18176992

>visit /lit/ for the first time in years
>this is the first thread I see

>> No.18177058


>> No.18177133

Good shit my meta-ironic brother, truly we are giving proper respect to the great revivalist of renaissance.

>> No.18177508

You're just jealous that you don't have and will never have a book to shill

>> No.18177567

>Horia Belcea
I am forgotten...

>> No.18177569

Jannies are trannies