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18172092 No.18172092 [Reply] [Original]

What's the definitive retelling of Arthurian legend?

>> No.18172093

Disneys Sword in the Stone

>> No.18172162

i will write i for you brother just give me 10 years and another 100 for it to get popular

>> No.18172166

Le Morte d'Arthur

>> No.18172182

I do not want to read about Lancelot!

>> No.18172224
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>tfw learning about Arthurian legend and how it all ends in a civil war with the knights of the round table killing each other because one of them slept with king Arthur's wife

>> No.18172227

the epic of gilgamesh

>> No.18172230
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>> No.18172238

kek what's this from

>> No.18172245

Once & Future by Kieron Gillen

Plot: British nationalists resurrect King Arthur to purge the nation of non-British people only to find out King Arthur considers anybody not of native British blood to be exactly that so starts murdering everybody.

>> No.18172262

you read much comic books pal?

>> No.18172264

Yeah, I dig a little bit.

>> No.18172267
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>> No.18172271

I've got Parker by Cooke (Martini Edition) & the Green Arrow omnibus on me floor atm.

>> No.18172275

do you read any real books

>> No.18172281
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only has 1 thing wrong with it

>> No.18172285

mmmm yeah stroke your elitism harder, mommy

>> No.18172288

Of course!

>> No.18172303

i'm just kidding bro
you are a wonderful jasmine-scented human being

>> No.18172310
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That's fine! Comics have a pre-conception of being childish garbage for a good reason! A lot of it is!

>> No.18172323

I like you m8
have another (you)

>> No.18172370

The Warlord Chronicles

>> No.18172430

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.18172487

Based King Arthur

>> No.18172497
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Not enough black women.

>> No.18172547

The one by the woman who molested her children for years, forgot her name, Zimmer or something.

>> No.18172565

Fate/Stay Night and related works.
I'm 100% serious.

>> No.18172568

The Once and Future King by TH White.

>> No.18172578

If it includes Lancelot, it's not good.

>> No.18172593

Brits are still seething about the french knight after all these centuries.

>> No.18172594


>> No.18172600
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>> No.18173039

Anyone that says Fate is a plebeian of the highest level and his opinion deserves to be mocked

>> No.18173053

Star Wars is basically pseudo Arthurian af
>Luke Skywalker lives a sheltered life and dreams of glory
>Old man brings him magic sword and teaches him the ways of an ancient warrior order
>Fights to regain the kingdom
>Has a band of helpers
>Muh princess
>Incest themes

>> No.18173242

Anyone that doesn't say Fate is a plebeian of the highest level and his opinion deserves to be mocked

>> No.18173268

Not surprised at all

>> No.18173361

Why should I bother bringing up reasons when you did not?

>> No.18173397

Why should I need any reasons, I'm not looking for a debate, that's also why I did not bother to reply (assuming you are one of them) to people that said Fate. I just made my statement.
If your idea of a reply is to parrot what I previously posted, I find your lack of creativity even more disappointing than your taste.

>> No.18173402

Mists of Avalon

>> No.18173788


>> No.18174624

He's only in Zero

>> No.18175482


>> No.18175490
