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18169984 No.18169984 [Reply] [Original]

Books to deal with the fact I will die someday please...

>> No.18169995

The Holy Bible

>> No.18170026

The Enneads

>> No.18170038

the body dies, you are eternal

>> No.18170039

Just read Phaedo

>> No.18170054

There is nothing more disgusting than a being who wants to live forever.
Poor was the life of him who had nothing to die for.

>> No.18170077


>> No.18170081

There is no dealing with it. Whatever you read won’t change the fact. Best to stick to denial like most people.

>> No.18170086
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Take the Aubreypill

>> No.18170087
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>> No.18170090
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>> No.18170104

But thats a good thing, faggot

>> No.18170109

this is about right. good job guys!

>> No.18170189

I appreciate all the suggestions

>> No.18170205

You're welcome. Take it to heart.

>> No.18170223
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>> No.18170261

Unironically all evidence I see seems to point to a higher being (God) that created this world and that there is an after life. There's convincing arguments for why the bible gives what rules it gives, why there needs to be a trinity, pretty much everything begins to make sense in this context, and I find it sad there's unironically people who can neither find the meaning or even create their own. These people must certainly be the most miserable of all.

>> No.18170283

Any book.
Any book at all.

Stop posting this garbage, please. It isn’t literature related. It’s just r9k junk. Don’t post it here

>> No.18170306

Smoke DMT and find out.

>> No.18170386

yeah I can hardly wait

>> No.18170418

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the best work of fiction on this subject

>> No.18170438

De Brevitate Vita - Seneca

>> No.18170445

the conspiracy against the human race

>> No.18170459


>> No.18170471

You read that?

>> No.18170476

If some Buddhist dudes in Nepal can handle it you can handle it too. Just let go pussy

>> No.18170497

they can't, though. How many do you think reach enlightenment?

>> No.18170542

Behead All Satans

>> No.18170553

Hamlet obviously.

"Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay,
Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. Oh that that earth, which kept the world in awe,
Should patch a wall t' expel the winter’s flaw!"

"Not a whit. We defy augury. There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all. Since no man of aught he leaves knows, what is ’t to leave betimes? Let be."

"Not where he eats, but where he is eaten. A certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him. Your worm is your only emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service—two dishes, but to one table. That’s the end."

>> No.18170596

How could I forget

"The rest is silence."

>> No.18170659

>and we fat ourselves for maggots.
that's fucking metal

>> No.18170754

White Noise is the right answer (and the Bible)

>> No.18170888

(you) are eternal

>> No.18170905

Bardo Thodol

>> No.18170953

There's literally nothing that points out the existence or works of Yahweh, but I'd like to hear what makes you think otherwise.

>> No.18171191

Who tf cares about dying

>> No.18171213

Suttree by McCarthy. A profound rumination on mortality.

>> No.18171293
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>> No.18171343

Great. We doomed.

>> No.18171369
File: 3.88 MB, 1316x1316, BonesPushingUpDaisies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a book but


>> No.18171370


>> No.18171679

Just take ayahasuca so you can see what death is like.

>> No.18172002

This puts into words something I've intuitively known for a long time. Thanks for posting it.

>> No.18172042

Thomas The Obscure - Blanche
Death sentence - Blanchot
Correction - Bernhard
Yes - Bernhard

>> No.18172053


>> No.18172076

Very based

>> No.18172118

Stop equating your body with your life, fren. If your car crashes you just get out and walk home. Every single culture regardless of whether its the North of Norway or the South of Australia have one thing in common: the knowledge that our True 'Self' doesn't die when the body is destroyed.
But if you're worried about it then read things like the Vedas and the Nag Hammadi. They all have instructions on how to exit this life in the most spiritually beneficial way. It's something I personally look forward to not because of some suicidal bollox but because my curiosity and wanting to know is sometimes overwhelming. I'm honest to God really looking forward to it.
Also if you've got anxiety about this then I recommend L theanine kek. All the best.

>> No.18172156

Tom Brown's School Days

>> No.18172319


>> No.18172332

>your body with your life
doesnt consciousness depend on the mind? how do you make sense of concussions and comatose patients?

>> No.18172360

What people call the mind is actually the eternal part. The soul is more akin to what some called orgone. Its the eternal energy that permeates this reality and causes movement. Some part survives whether that is 'stored' in the heart or brain or whether those are just used as instruments through which this force operates I'm still not sure.

>> No.18172415

It seems to think the universe and life are a lot more simple than they really are, there's a ton of unanswered questions, like: Why did god make a universe with a diameter of at least 23 trillion light years for one species when he could have just made earth, the moon and the sun??

>> No.18172436


>> No.18172482

The Corpus Hermetica
>All is Mind. The Universe is Mental.

>> No.18172536


"The rest is silence."

>> No.18172606

I've thought that as well. If everything is a polarity then considering this is a universe of vibration (movement) then wouldn't the polar opposite be absolute Rest? If so I'm fine with that but nothing is ever that easy.

>> No.18172620
File: 290 KB, 550x366, 5 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing that my existence is too short for the historical frame of reference to really change during my lifetime is fucking unbearable.
"Uh, i can't wait to know how Hitler will be seen in 2500, or how the people of 3000 AD will talk about the first steps of the Internet. Oh wait, nevermind"
I don't care if my spirit is eternal or if life has a meaning, i just want more history.

>> No.18172641

I used to feel like this about planetary exploration. Born between the moon landing and the Mars expeditions but now it looks like I'll live to see the first men on Mars. There's a lot more history we have yet to live anon.

>> No.18172828

The Life and Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.18172849

Do not read this anon, this book will make you even more paranoid. Read Mishima's Sea of fertility instead. It offers or attempts to offer answers using Buddhist philosophy, very calming.

>> No.18172850

>"The rest is silence."
No, it's not. Silence implies some sort of experience (afterlife). The only thing you can say without making a logical flaw is this: "The rest is." Is what? If it "is", how can it be nothing? It could be silence as you said. But why would we experience silence if our body dies? That in itself implies a type of life beyond the corporeal for.

And please don't reply with "you're arguing semantics." This is something I've thought long and hard about, and even though on the surface it might look like a play on words, I assure you it is not. The experience of non-experience is entirely contradictory, and thus impossible, so your idea of eternal silence is simply flawed. I'm not one to assert anything about what happens after death, except that annihilationism is wrong.

>> No.18172883


>> No.18173971

No silence does not implie some sort of experience.

>"This is something I've thought long and hard about"


>> No.18173985

Are all religious people just egocentric faggots?

>> No.18173993

Literally no argument can be levelled against this image, pack it up lads

>> No.18174116

A lot of our "personality traits" are hereditary / innate, being social, anti-social, outgoing, more curious, aggressiveness, intelligence. This is what everyone always considered the "soul" but it's just coding into our DNA.

>> No.18174150

anything by philip mainlanderr

>> No.18174209

Most philosophy and almost all religious texts

>> No.18174224

>Why did god make a universe with a diameter of at least 23 trillion light years for one species when he could have just made earth, the moon and the sun?
The bible never confines man to Earth, I believe he intends to let us impregnate the stars

>> No.18174239

You know how Sneed's was formerly Chuck's? It's kinda like that...

>> No.18174257

It is said the warrior’s is the twofold Way of pen and sword, and he should have a taste for both Ways. Even if a man has no natural ability he can be a warrior by sticking assiduously to both divisions of the Way. Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.Although not only warriors but priests, women, peasants and lowlier folk have been known to die readily in the cause of duty or out of shame, this is a different thing. The warrior is different in that studying the Way of strategy is based on overcoming men. By victory gained in crossing swords with individuals, or enjoining battle with large numbers, we can attain power and fame for ourselves or our lord. This is the virtue of strategy.

>> No.18174462

It's not really deterministic, sure you have a higher chance to inherit some traits (psychological/physiological) from your parents than you have a chance to have a trait that is the opposite of your parents. But it's chance/probability. A lot of the development of your traits are just random processes (or processes that we cannot explain) that happen during development, fetal development, puberty, etc that aren't linked to any of your parents or yours DNA. The environment certainly plays a part (though not that big part). Does this disprove the existence of a soul? No