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18165891 No.18165891 [Reply] [Original]

Books about this?

>> No.18165895

based schizo

>> No.18166878


>> No.18167407

I really hope this dude is a writer, because this is the most entertained I've been in years.

>> No.18167503
File: 182 KB, 1552x837, egbertsteamtunnelincident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to research various angles on these posts, but it's hard to find anything. If you go down the D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Base) rabbit hole there's almost nothing outside of like 30 year old declassified reports from field agents about China's tunnels. There's some recent articles in Military Times type publications about the huge increase in underground combat training, but obviously they are light on details. The Beer Seals is easy enough to learn about, but again there's not much info on these folks. I somehow feel that this even connects to the Satanic Panic D&D scare of the 80s/90s, because one of the main 'events' that led to that whole firestorm was that "kids were going into tunnels and caves and dying/committing suicide" after playing D&D. The famous case was the Egbert Steam Tunnel Incident (see pic related). The novels Hobgoblin and Mazes and Monsters were published in the midst of the media storm.

>> No.18167632
File: 48 KB, 1073x283, stopgoinginthetunnelsgoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, look at this. The writer of "Mazes and Minotaurs" early life:
Jaffe was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1931, the only child of Samuel Jaffe, an elementary-school principal, and his first wife, Diana (née Ginsberg). Her grandfather was a construction magnate who built the Carlyle Hotel. Growing up in affluent circumstances on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, she graduated from Radcliffe College in 1951.[1]
This novel was released contemporaneously with the Egbert Steam Tunnel incedent, and within months was produced into a Tom Hanks movie about "growing up, and leaving D&D and your schizo ways behind."

>> No.18167639

Where's this from it looks like 4channel?

>> No.18167685

I doubt there are 30 million people underground. I would however not be surprised if the "hunting games" for the elite thing is real, forests on secluded areas could very well be real and the underground thing could be an extension of that. I'm almost certain elite cannibalism and all kind of wacky occult shit is real, it just depends on the scope. The 30 million underground figure is a bit ridiculous, if I had to guess these are probably private forests/castles, islands, maybe some caves etc. where all of this stuff happens. If you add all of those figures up, it's probably a significant number.

>> No.18167702

If I had to guess how this cycle occurs. You probably get someone who escapes or decides to get his story out as a survival or attendee or whatever, then media calls it a crazy conspiracy theory, then that gets everyone's attention and you get wild stories about 30 million people being held in a cave or something crazy like that and then it gets discarded as a crazy conspiracy shit when there is probably the smaller bit at the root that is true.I generally view conspiracy theories as things that probably have some degree of truth in them but got extrapolated into increasingly crazier shit the more popular they got.

>> No.18167887

Yea I'm interested in some information beyond guesses. It is interesting that he mentions that in order to get an accurate radar reading of underground activity you'd have to get everyone above ground to sit still and stay at home, considering the recent global lockdowns. I've also spent sometime monitoring the seismograph networks and there did seem to be a lot of strange longitudinal 'earthquakes' all at about the same depth in the last 6 months

>> No.18168535

Behead All Satans

>> No.18168812
File: 1.31 MB, 800x533, TAKE YOUR MEDS SCHIZO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds. Now.

>> No.18168858

>I've also spent sometime monitoring the seismograph networks and there did seem to be a lot of strange longitudinal 'earthquakes' all at about the same depth in the last 6 months
Sauce or I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.18168924


>> No.18168950

I'm going to need more details than that. Post your research.

>> No.18168973
File: 210 KB, 421x519, 1616485537060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.18168980

Please go to /pol/ with this schizo shit.

>> No.18168995

The shills have arrived, all in unison

>> No.18169018

Conspiracy theories are just there to confuse people about reality

Climate change? Pollution? You mean, if I throw plastic in the sea and use a giant SUV just to commute that will kill the wildlife and increase my chances of getting cancer? No dude, it's clearly the chemtrails.

What do you mean lobbying is legal and all corporate contributions are public? No, no, corporations SECRETLY rule the world.

What do you mean NSA can track all your internet and phone data, and that I'm brainwashed? No no, they need to implant a chip in your brain with covid vaccine to do that. Until that time, I am a free thinker

etc etc

>> No.18169044

There are actual interesting conspiracies and then there is the schizo shit where people can not tell reality and fiction apart anymore. You can normally tell. Schizo conspiracies normally have popular figures or nebulous "known" agencies in them. Or they sound like some grand action movie script.

>> No.18169050

There will be a larger audience at /pol/

>> No.18169060

a good rule of thumb is- if it sounds exciting, it's probably false.
Any real conspiracy or cause of collapse is going to be boring, most likely involve mass stupidity, and will not present any meaningful opportunity to prevent it.

>> No.18169072

I don't like that gif at all

>> No.18169090

How am I a shill? I'm genuinely asking you to provide some of your findings, since I am not a seismologist.
If you actually found anything interesting you could screencap relevant data and provide some sort of explanation. Instead you're just deflecting.

>> No.18169091

Doesn’t the Missing 411 series show a correlation between disappearance cases and the American cave systems? The author claims it’s because of big foot or whatever but it probably is something way more sinister

>> No.18169098

If nothing else, conspiracy theories are one of the most exciting literary genres to emerge from the internet, and a good example of collectively written narratives emerging from organic interactions.

>> No.18169102

You can go on usgs.gov and watch in real time seismic activity, as well as go through past data. You're not really interested in doing that, though. So why are you pretending?

>> No.18169116

Yeah its correlated highly. The number of people who disappear every year is frightening and most people just cope by ignoring it

>> No.18170477

I hope none of you guys believe this shit.
The schizo is outright inconsistent with the story, he says there's 30 million people then a few posts later there's 32 million people.
He also says there's no windows or doors down there, how did they put all those people down there, did they squeeze them through a 10 inch pipe?
This kind of retarded shit like Flat Earth is probably made up by glowies to distract you from the real, more plausible conspiracy theories like pedo elites using Epstein's island as a getaway.