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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 415 KB, 1280x1472, Robert McCall 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18168243 No.18168243 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18168257

I am going to be first narcissist itt
Suck my dick fags

>> No.18168267

Finally a decent image.
Thank you, OP.

>> No.18168280

I have given up and it doesn't feel bad at all.

>> No.18168288
File: 110 KB, 720x736, Ezz_yAhXMAI5nog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /free thinker/?

>> No.18168289

Present it.

>> No.18168290

Ma money.

Or is that the other way around?

>> No.18168314

I don't understand how people can choose jobs purely for social respect. Does it really bring you joy that people like you because they have a use for you? In reality you're abondoning self-actualization so you can be better used by the state/ other people.

>> No.18168327
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Oh yeah

>> No.18168336

It feels really good to be validated by people, isn't that why you're here?

>> No.18168349
File: 23 KB, 190x320, C2DC7DAC-E1AF-4B16-B28B-5ED051A1804A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks ago I was shitfaced and posting here and an anon took the time to write up a long explanation as to why I should read Euripides. I just went to half price books and got this for a dollar. Thanks again for the rec anon.

>> No.18168354

I think there are many reasons for this, they perhaps can't even conceptualize a self to actualize. It needs to scream at them a bit, for it to wake up.

>> No.18168364

The lamp makes the light beam, but the light beam is not the lamp. So am I my body or...

>> No.18168368

How common do you think are people who do not love anyone. I can respect some guys and get horny from women and I like to joke around with my little sister, but I have no idea what love is. I never fell in love with a girl and can't see myself doing it. I don't feel bad about it just trying to find out how common this is. I am pretty emotional, not a psychopath, likely sociopath. Can sociopathy and inability to love or hard time understanding love correlate? I wouldn't even say I love my parents, despite them being decent people. I only take care of people and pay attention to them due to my own sense of honour. I don't want them to misbehave and act foolish for my own self-respect.

>> No.18168410
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You are like water and only now, an experiential aggregate of synaptic orchestrations

>> No.18168436 [DELETED] 

I'm not particularly bright and I didn't get good grades in English, I'm a poor 24 year old NEET that's never had a job, I have a psycho mother, and divorced parents with a fairly shit upbringing, now live on my own
whenever I feel depressed and ask myself what the fuck I'm doing I feel like writing might be the answer; something about realistic, punchy dialogue lights a spark in me, as does good storytelling
I've barely even read any books, I'm more into films but getting a film made isn't exactly easy or cheap. I watched A Ballad of Buster Scruggs recently and it has these little book shots (pic related), and the writing is what inspired me to give it a shot once
so what are my chances of actually being able to write something worth a damn? is it just a matter of reading lots of books and learning how to write, with lots of practice?
I'm not that big on books (yet) but the writing in the pic is impressive to me, whether or not it is to you I'm not sure but if I could reach that level, I'd be pleased

TL;DR: how do I learn to write well?

>> No.18168443

Lost a lot of weight in the past few months. If someone told me that my dick would get bigger and harder I would have done it sooner.

>> No.18168448

My life is going good after being sort of a fuck up.
I have my own place, got a decent job, bought my first car etc etc.
But I have this urge to self sabotage. I want to be a NEET. I never got over this weird desire to be pitied and taken care of. When I was 14 I had this romanticized view of being put in a mental hospital where I have no responsibility.

I guess what doesn't help is knowing that no matter what 'steps' you take in life or what material wealth I get, I'll take it for granted a week after getting it.
The only goal I can see that would not fall into that category is a wife and kids but lately I can't bring up the will to care about women. How do I get someone to love me when i don't care about them?

I wouldn't post this if this was just a temporary dip but I've been having this funk for months now.

>> No.18168453
File: 2.67 MB, 3000x1759, 5455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not particularly bright and I didn't get good grades in English, I'm a poor 24 year old NEET that's never had a job, I have a psycho mother, and divorced parents with a fairly shit upbringing, now live on my own
whenever I feel depressed and ask myself what the fuck I'm doing I feel like writing might be the answer; something about realistic, punchy dialogue lights a spark in me, as does good storytelling
I've barely even read any books, I'm more into films but getting a film made isn't exactly easy or cheap. I watched A Ballad of Buster Scruggs recently and it has these little book shots (pic related), and the writing is what inspired me to give it a shot once
so what are my chances of actually being able to write something worth a damn? is it just a matter of reading lots of books and learning how to write, with lots of practice?
I'm not that big on books (yet) but the writing in the pic is impressive to me, whether or not it is to you I'm not sure but if I could reach that level, I'd be pleased

TL;DR: how do I learn to write well?

>> No.18168466

>I like to joke around with my little sister
but yeah I feel exactly the same. I am kind and empathetic but the only thing I've ever loved were my dogs.

>> No.18168473

thinking what if I had a classical education as a kid and learned plenty of languages
would I be someone who could devote himself to translating various stuff?
or deep study of religion?

>> No.18168516


Read a lot and write a lot, that's most of it really, plus some talent of course, something that nobody really understands. But if you want to write just for the glamour of it and for your writing to be pretty, don't do it. Or do and write some genre stuff. Doesn't need a soul, pays better and can be pretty.

>> No.18168524

don't try to act like someone you're not. if you're stupid, don't write like a smart guy. honesty and openness are very important. let your life, your experiences, your happiness and sorrow, your meals, your walks, your hopes shine through. first write down your sentences as they come. later you can read them aloud to yourself. imagine you are the narrator of your audio book. where do you stumble? where does a word sound wrong? listen to your instincts. reading helps train your ear if you read carefully, i.e. pay attention to the sounds your mouth makes. it doesn't hurt to cut out everything unnecessary from your sentences, your chapters, your books. but you can only do that when you're done writing for now. when you write something down for the first time, it's like a miner blasting out the marble. hammer and chisel only come afterwards. in any case, be yourself. see what others have done, but don't let them drive you crazy. as long as you write honestly, you'll be fine. some people write as if they were talking to their friends. when you think about your writing like this, the phony parts jump right out at you. read poetry when you feel like it.

>> No.18168528

was meant for >>18168453

>> No.18168536

appreciate the replies, thank you both

>> No.18168564

The water is not the bottle though, or the ocean floor. Water has to rest on something solid, something that is unlike water. Aren't we at the same place where we began? The light is not the lamp, the water is not the ocean floor.

>> No.18168606

How old is too old to be reading manga?

>> No.18168616


>> No.18168679

thanks anon. I will stay strong against the haters

>> No.18168683

I said “like water”. Like it in that it changes, is in constant motion. You are like that. It doesn’t actually rest on anything but these words we give it: glass of, river, fog, snow, cloud, ocean. steam, Iceberg.

> Aren't we at the same place where we began?
No. For how long have you sat in that diaper of poo?

>> No.18168703

hope i die soon

>> No.18168714

A hundred years is too soon for me.
Can I have yours?

>> No.18168726
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The windows are open, inviting all types of noise coming from the parking space in front of my apartment. I can hear it talk. I can hear it chatter and laugh and gasp and moan and yell and I, I can't take part. It's beyond me. It doesn't matter what language it speaks - English, German, Arabic, Russian, French - it all sounds equally alien to me.

>> No.18168732

what do you need to do

>> No.18168737
File: 22 KB, 600x370, 91b8b08f224c0560d4606c8e3e1dacab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am losing interest in all forms of literature. I feel there is simply not enough "possible" things that can happen for anything to be novel or interesitng. No matter what time period, whether fiction or non-fiction, historical or sci-fi, whatever - people live, people die, they love, they suffer loss, and experience joy and experience pain. People can have hard or easy upbringings, they can accomplish their dreams or fail, they can become self-actualize, or they can live blindly. It's all the same in the end. The details differ, but the essence of every story has been told time and time again. I feel there is not a single thing I could possibly read that would surprise me or cause me to feel something. I'm not depressed or anything, just trying to grapple with the fact that what is even possible in our universe is quite limited.

>> No.18168749

Do you enjoy it still?

>> No.18168755

The world is full of wonderful things to do. It’s just not enough time to experience half of it.
Why I read books, man.

>> No.18168767

There's a finite amount of stories, but infinite ways to live them.

>> No.18168785

>For how long have you sat in that diaper of poo?
Fair enough

>> No.18168792
File: 65 KB, 349x549, watchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon has become a god.

>> No.18168799

How does one look past just wanting the "jist" of every story? I feel like with all stories, the point of reading is to learn something, about life in general. But when I read fiction, I can't help but feel I want the point distilled down and said clearly, and that all the subtlety in learning things through events and characters to just be needlessly obfuscating whatever the lesson is.

>> No.18168842

It's raining hard today and everyone in the break room were all telling each other to be careful.
Every day on my breaks I'm writing but these people never do anything except maybe zone out and watch TV.
I'm sure they've all got rich backstories but I have no idea who they are.

>> No.18168875

Have you read "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote"?

>the point of reading is to learn something, about life in general
It's kind of up to the reader to draw out this meaning though, the writer has no idea what context the future reader is going to be living in. The "meaning" might be completely different from person to person and culture to culture. I personally don't think there is a "point" to reading beyond it just being entertainment and that the drawing out of meaning beyond that is just another game.

>I can't help but feel I want the point distilled down and said clearly
Read literary critics then, although you'll still have to make sense of what they say.

Why not talk to them? I know a lot of people aren't great storytellers, but you might manage to tease out something interesting if you're nice enough

>> No.18168881

Did lit become a lot more philosophy-focused compared to old lit (several years ago+)

>> No.18168900

Did you ask this in the last thread?

It's hard to say, years ago people were making pretty similar threads. I'm sure if someone went through and documented it using the archive or something they could figure it out.

I'd say no

>> No.18168905

Yeah I asked but got one yes and one no

>> No.18168926

Are you going to go through archives and figure out how many threads were philosophy focused vs. lit focused? If you do make sure to post your methodology and data so the board can review it

>> No.18168940

I'm not I just asked once more in this thread and I'll give up on finding the answer afterwards

>> No.18168941

I really should talk to them. I know in my bones I should and they all know me by name even if I don't have a name tag.
The biggest problem is my severe hearing loss which means my real life voice is a high whisper. (I'm bilingual so I can whisper in two languages haaaa)
Secondly I always feel guilty if I'm not progressing my novels or something so I feel like I have to make people a fan instead of a friend.
It also makes it hard to find your significant because screaming her name for me is a conversation level speech and if I talk normally I might as well still be in the shadows.
You know I do have the advantage of jump scaring people sometimes. That's kind of fun.

>> No.18168978

It's a good question, do you think the philosophy posts belong somewhere else, or do you just think they're part of a trend that you started noticing recently? It's tough to spot trends on the board unless you were literally online all day everyday.

>You know I do have the advantage of jump scaring people sometimes
That is pretty funny

>The biggest problem is my severe hearing loss
That sucks man, but I'm sure people are willing to work with you more than you think. Most people enjoy helping out others or being accommodating, and if they don't, then they've got their own problems

>> No.18168979

I can’t rationally explain how my life has gotten to it’s current state. I can only hope it’s Gods will.

>> No.18169014

behead all satans

>> No.18169022
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>> No.18169023

I'm glad I gave you a laugh.
No they're really nice. I like them all, but I guess I have a commanding presence on top of always being a workhorse a lot of new workers are afraid to approach me and instantly submit to my way of doing things despite not being in charge. Which is good sure but not for making friends to confide in. I think I'm just making excuses at this point though.
I miss having someone to confide in and be vulnerable with, but that's fine. I shall fly whatever banner is necessary and stand for those that don't know any better and just think I'm the strong silent type.
No insult or order can persuade me, because I didn't hear it in the first place.

>> No.18169035

It's nice to have people to confide in, but yeah if you have some barriers that gets hard, I guess posting was a way I got around that when I couldn't talk to people. You sound like you're doing pretty well all things considered though

>> No.18169042

I think there's been more philosophy recently. In the past I think people were discussing much more fiction, and almost all trips were into fiction. I guess one way to check is to just compare the ratio of fiction/philosophy for each lit yearly ranking.

>> No.18169048
File: 6 KB, 300x168, bottomless pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do my thoughts come from? Why is it uninterrupted and continuous?

When I let my mind go where it may, who is doing the thinking? Am I just the observer of this stream? Which thoughts are really mine?

When I let my mind roam where it may, I eventually start feeling like I'm falling somewhere within myself and it's terrifying. Is this some advanced level of psychosis I'm attaining?

>> No.18169062

Very well. I have that huffy attitude towards able bodied people that just give up because I've written five books, given myself financial independence and still want to work hard and really excel and just imagine if I could fly planes or play horror games that have directional hearing to find the monster. More importantly imagine having a real voice. I need to do audiobooks at some point and not only do I need a female voice for female characters I need someone to tell me if I can be heard in the microphone. Even talking on discord is ass lol.
That's alright though. My bloodline is all soldiers and warriors. Just because I can't enlist doesnt mean I can't fight on.

>> No.18169086

I've been off for awhile so my guess isn't very good, and I'm not all that familiar with most of the trips, but yeah that sounds like the surest way to figure out the status of things.

>Is this some advanced level of psychosis
Probably not, is it a problem for you? Does it impact what you do on a daily basis?

>Where the fuck do my thoughts come from? Why is it uninterrupted and continuous?
Why is your sight or hearing continuous? I'd say your thoughts are coming in through all the holes in your body, that seems logical, how else would they get inside you?

>When I let my mind go where it may, who is doing the thinking? Am I just the observer of this stream? Which thoughts are really mine?
I usually just say the good thoughts are mine and the bad ones are someone else who I'm accidentally attuning with.

>When I let my mind roam where it may, I eventually start feeling like I'm falling somewhere within myself and it's terrifying
When I was a little kid trying to go to sleep I'd sometimes feel like I was falling, it was cool, like my bed was flying around in space. Are you scared of rollercoasters?

Do you have hearing aids? I've heard mixed things about them from a few people I knew who used them

>> No.18169111

I do. I wear one in my left ear for severe to bring it up to mild hearing loss. They cost 2,000 bucks for the one I have but you don't have to wear it over the ear, which is nice since I have glasses.
I could get one for my right ear which is moderate hearing loss but it's cost prohibitive and I can still hear room conversation without it. (You can tell the difference without the hearing aids big time.)
I like them but you can't get them wet, including with swear and getting my glasses wet is a pain too. Life pretty much said hey we're gonna make physical activity bothersome but we're gonna invent the internet and give you a pen and paper. K have fun.

>> No.18169119

Sounds a little like Ramana Maharshi, that bit about falling into yourself.

>> No.18169126

I do not know but I am inclined to say yes because the Western world has turned crazier and many more are looking for answers.

>> No.18169200

Yeah but should that matter?

>> No.18169214

I am so ravaged by mental illness that I am expected never to recover. Even though my mental state has largely been stable for years now, the ravagings are such. I don't really know what I will become. I have a long time to live yet most likely. It's unclear what one should do with this hand dealt. It is clear that typical life projects are likely unrealistic. I will probably never have children (and that's probably a good thing). I will not excel in knowledge, I can not compete with those who will.. I am unsure how I will provide for myself. I haven't been forced to in a long time now, but I don't think I can be a welfare case all through life.. though it is possible I could afford it, at least if my parents choose to leave inheritances. Then it's quite likely I could, but this is not something I count on. Doing so would be foul somehow. I have been slowly trying to get a college degree, and that work goes along. With this degree it is possible I could get part-time service somewhere in the administration. But in truth my goal with this effort was to become stable enough to become a father, and I more and more believe that day will not come. If I am not to be a father, then who cares if I'm stable?

I can count myself among the mentally handicapped, and I will be able to do so for life, should I wish it.

>> No.18169227

I can’t believe I moved to this podunk town to be with my girlfriend only to have her immediately break up with me and then get stuck here because of Covid. What a complete fucking waste of my life.

>> No.18169358

Why wouldn't it?

If you enjoy it you should just keep reading it. I read books and manage to read manga as well, and occasionally watch shitty tv/anime/movies, who cares? Some manga is even pretty artistic or pushes the medium in interesting ways, or is at least funny. Remember that criticism is just another game that people play for fun and not some kind of safeguard against degeneracy

That's pretty funny, I had a chuckle. What else would you have done with your life?

>> No.18169372
File: 119 KB, 640x785, 1617209963637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women but still want to stick dick in them and then cuddle, wat do

>> No.18169457

Well sir on your standard keyboard on the middle row about two keys to the right of caps lock there is a "D" key. I have heard they make nice gifts.

>> No.18169516

Back to the gym, back to the films and telescope and keyboard, back to the books and the scripts, allocations, plans, schedules. Back to BLOOOOOOOMING
Strong mentality on full throttle, no lull for a while now, will probably buy some nice jeans and shoes for the first time in 2 years next paycheck.

>> No.18169518
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If I had one wish, I would use it to reveal their anonymity

>> No.18169527

>What else would you have done with your life?
Not poured 2 years of it into a black hole. I don’t know. I mean, I’m really in the middle of nowhere here. There’s just the ex-gf’s college sort of nearby and that’s it. I feel like a fucking idiot.

>> No.18169530


>> No.18169541

You get some good posting in during the 2 years?

>> No.18169547

I miss the anime op pics.

>> No.18169556

>Why wouldn't it?
Because we make judgements about what we’re too old to do all the time. if I had said “How old is too old for me to dress like an emo pre-teen?” you’d probably shoot back something like “15” wouldn’t you?

>> No.18169563

Considering I have no friends here, it’s about all I’ve done besides read books. It’s not funny, man. This was such a waste. I want to die. Who does this?

>> No.18169569

Fuck off faggot

>> No.18169629
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Me too. Lah lah lah, I feel like writing. I am writing. It is brilliant, lalala.

Cry more.

>> No.18169658
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I'm trying to buy a car but I don't really know what I'm doing. I recently moved out of my parents' house and didn't have a vehicle beforehand.
Do I need to have insurance before I buy the car or can I close the deal on a vehicle but take possession of it after I get insurance? Am I retarded? Is insurance just general auto insurance or does it take the specific vehicle into question? How does financing work for someone with no credit? Am I retarded? Is it a good idea to buy a new car if I want something that will last a decent amount of time or would I be overpaying compared to something used that I could learn to maintain on my own? Am I retarded?

>> No.18169688

Get something used that is reliable and low maintenance. I'd go on /o/ and look at the some of their resources as a starting point. As far as financing goes just talk to your bank and they'll be able to answer any kind of questions you have, even about the insurance (they'll probably just point you to an insurance company). It can be really shitty and stressful buying a car for the first time, but it's not the end of the world if you get a less than ideal car for a less than ideal price

>> No.18169693

First of all, no, you’re not retarded. Second, you know you can find all this information online, right?

You need insurance before you drive the car home. It’s illegal to drive uninsured (in America). You just need auto insurance. If you finance a car with credit history, you’ll have to put a bigger down payment and that car payment will start building your credit. Whether or not you should by a new car depends entirely on your income and how much money have to buy. In general, nobody should buy a new car. Buy at least 3-5 years old and preferably older if you can find a good deal.

>> No.18169701

What should you do if you have a talent for something but you don’t want to be known for doing that thing?

Like let’s say you have a real talent for writing romance novellas or something. You like romance novellas, you don’t even mind writing them, but you just really don’t want to be known for writing romance novellas. What should you do?

>> No.18169712

I dunno man I wish there was some other name that you could use like a pencil name, or a print name, or something like that. Too bad that doesn't exist

>> No.18169734

ever heard of a pseudonym?

>> No.18169737

Read Ham on Rye, you sound like the main character

>> No.18169749

Too bad that's a fake word or it might work out. I think >>18169693 is just going to have up to give up the dream of being able to write smut with dignity

>> No.18169770

who told u it's a fake word?

>> No.18169773

can you still grow height after 21?

>> No.18169778


>> No.18169780

Started doing therapy recently and today I spent my hour talking about Knut Hamsun. It feels quite good to go full autistic and the person on the receiving end having to just take it, but I don't know if this is going anywhere.

>> No.18169783

Well since I have to use their real name because there's no other option available to me it was Francis Hayward

>> No.18169787

there is still hope for me, how?

>> No.18169793

just grow

>> No.18169797

People wrote with pen names all the time and are found it. In the end, you can’t really conceal anything if you publish something.

>> No.18169805

growing is living, living is spending time, spend some time and grow, just live, just grow

>> No.18169812

The real funny thing is someone posting in this thread thinking that anyone cares if they write something embarrassing

>> No.18169813
File: 27 KB, 300x416, Chinatown-715792129-mmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books similar to this?

>> No.18169819

stop smoking

>> No.18169841

So you don’t have an actual answer to the question then I suppose?

>> No.18169846

whats thid gioyc

>> No.18169862

What will the consequence be if you are found out to be doing whatever it is you are doing?

There are artists that I like who started off drawing or writing smut under their real name, do what you can do to make a living and if anyone gives you shit then fuck em.

>> No.18169865


>> No.18169886

If the skin on finger and my penis is made of the same thing why can I suck on my finger but not my penis in the public library without being throw out and told not to comeback
Hello Its 2021 and I believe that we were over this but hate never dies

>> No.18169894

Buddy I've seen a homeless guy do exactly that and not get thrown out, maybe you just need to be as assertive as he was

>> No.18169924

Yes, there used to be way more discussion of fiction like David Foster Wallace, Pynchon, Tao Lin, and meme authors like Mira Gonzales. You can still find threads on the first two, but the quantity of IJ threads back then was akin to the number of Peterson threads now. I'm talking around 2014 era.

>> No.18169949
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>> No.18169962

Yes that's it! now I just need to find the racoon I fucked last Wednesday up against the red target ball in the parking lot
I'm pretty sure it had rabies and I believe that would really help #blessed

>> No.18169973

The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key - Dashiell Hammett
The Big Sleep, The Long Goodbye - Raymond Chandler

>> No.18169978

They might shoot you bro, be careful, I'm praying for you to find her #blessed

>> No.18169983

Great OP pic, this should be a regular thing. Is there a repository for old concept art?

>> No.18169988

Those were the days, low effort posting
and failing out of community college

>> No.18170004
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>> No.18170012

Do you think that vaseline is a good bullet repellent I would I need to do the age old of letting 12-14 chickens out to make a distraction
I would prefer not to because I just got done reinserting their eggs back into them a I could not bare them losing any of their children any advise would be great

>> No.18170028

If you could make yourself slippery enough the bullets will slide around you as they need friction to actually penetrate. I think the Vaseline is a good idea. The chickens need to be protected from the raccoon so they shouldn't be brought along

>> No.18170042

My downloads folder is up to 300 files again. Gonna take forever to organize this garbage.

>> No.18170103

How much should I charge for foot massages down by creek to fund this venture I'm in kinda bad spot financial over since my son got into crackI'm not even able to effort a new laptop after he lost his old

>> No.18170139

I hate pimples AAAAAAAHHH!!

>> No.18170188

To make things easy I'd charge by the minute, it's what I did while teaching children's swim lessons and it really does simplify things The price is going to depend on your confidence, someone who looking for a 20 min foot massage by the creek probably won't know a $100 one from a $20 one, B.E yourself and you should be alright.

I hope your crack addicted son gets his shit together and learns from you.

>> No.18170234

I'm sending some thoughts in the air - stay positive. stay strong.

>> No.18170285

I miss Mira Gonzalez threads. I wonder if she misses them too.

>> No.18170293
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I like this poem. It burrows into the brain like the "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" song.

>> No.18170323
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I haven't been able to visit or post here for a few weeks because I've been dick deep in a task that had no hope of succeeding but I had to do anyway, even though I would be miserable and feel like a disgusting fraud the whole time. It went even worse than I expected and I felt even worse than I could have imagined. Nothing has made me feel better and I am very depressed. But coming back to /lit/ feels like home and is the first thing that has actually made me felt better. Everything else is colorless and lifeless but /lit/ feels like home. Thanks /lit/ I would probably be dead if it weren't for all of you.

>> No.18170336
File: 693 KB, 1080x1920, 4738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are literally all modern marxists either huge faggots or trannies? Do these basedbois unironically think they resemble in any shape, way or form the old soviets/bolsheviks? At least those old soviets were not only feared by literally all of Europe for being ruthless psychos but their aesthetics were also top notch.

>> No.18170363

I stop accepting money with pictures of women on because it turns out that its worthless i found out about it while aggressively yell into the glory hole at dunkens donuts on 4th street you down the street form jimmy Jim jams apartment you know where the china man sells the best BBQ rat meat that's some of the best streets I've ever had what a time to live its not like back in the day where you couldn't find any honest to good rat meat what a shame

>> No.18170368

the older i get the more Nietzsche's insights come back to me in floods.

>> No.18170404

Please don't 4 of my chickens are on anti anxiety medications after that last pigeon incidents and I just don't know if they could ever recover relive that experience but at least I'm able to get the veteran discount because of their sacrifice
It just makes my feel so sad that I have to salute every morning and thanks them for their service america would or could not be the same place with out them remember never let hate win

>> No.18170406

welcome back, I'm sending some positive energy in the air. stay positive

>> No.18170419

Ngl rat is lowkey v tasty, people bash it because they thinks its racist to talk about chinese people eating rat, but I mean they do and it's good. You should check back at that dunkins though because you might be getting scammed, all of my stimulus money has pictures of hillary clinton on it (think she's a woman, but I refuse to see gender). If it had a picture of donald drumpf on it I would be worried since he's been trying all sorts of wily tricks to mess with La Presidente Hilldogg 4eva. What year is it btw? I saw some strange things after walking through a mysterious tunnel that I can't seem to find anymore

>> No.18170486

gtfo china dont eat rat
china namba wan
namba wan dont eat rats
u rat no eat wan

>> No.18170499

Show me a single chinese person who hasn't eaten rat. They even have a whole year for it

>> No.18170508

It's entirely my fault tony did ask for "a good blow" as today's youngster would call it but the research chemicals that I took early in madam kuntie bordello really knock my off my feet and I really didn't like the views tony penis had on abortion and I had to speak up which lead to an intense 1.5 hour long debate I know it might seem rude but what can do you her body her choice I just had to educate tony penis by calling it a bigot repeatedly its just not okay anymore god its 2021 already and we as people have to do better

>> No.18170538

Its proven
every time I get high I start looking like a chinese man and get a weird hunger for rodents

>> No.18170539

That's a pretty good bit, can you imagine what it'd be like if we were still having arguments about women's right to use abortions as a means of birth control in the sixth year of the first woman president? It'd be like if we didn't manage implement the great replacement and there were still white people

>> No.18170549

no, chinese eat cabbage only
only gordon ramsay east mmamals
ni de bong bong mei you ling long

>> No.18170558

I'd want to live on a bernal sphere, but I already do, and it's eroding away faster than it ever has been.

>> No.18170578

I should buy a globe.

>> No.18170595
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Only if there’s a bar-set in it.

>> No.18170613

What if a bald assassin was to put poison in it while I was walking around the circuit that I regularly walk around my house, and then I drank it and died? I think I'll stick to bench-pressing without a spotter and cooking with a gas grill

>> No.18170677

And the worst part is that tony penis kept objectifying me just because I sexual identify as a pan flute played by that handsome native american having to blow on several different flutes and horns to make ends meet that really says something but nobody would listen to bill maher when it really mattered and but we didn't and now its gonna jeopardise next years corn maze festival which is okay because we can't let trump plans of building a terror net work even out of innocent vegetables that has done nothing wrong just to fill up the for-profit prison who would stamp the license plates corn? That just prove my point oh one second a nice man in a black suit just came to tell me something

So it just turned out that I have been elected president of the united states of america I has sure that was just a thought that I convinced myself that while high on Pcp and poppers last week

Inb4 I have been Biden all along

>> No.18170713

Yeah weird twitter is funny sometimes, I don't go on their anymore though because it's gotten kinda old. I feel worse for having taken part in this exchange, I'm washed up man, shoulda never come back to 4chan

>> No.18170715

butt doctor

>> No.18170724

wtf, how do u know?

>> No.18170760

Nah you like it
there's not anybody telling you to stay
You just found that normie shit is both dumber and gayer then this thread

You could go out there but you know his place is better because people here is dump and gay on purpose instead smooth braining their way into it with no understanding of how gay and dump they are

>> No.18170761

I'm going to kill myself after my parents die.

>> No.18170778

That's cool I would recommend doing it with a big tank of nitrogen and a facemask to not end up as a stupid vegetable because you couldn't do it right the first time

>> No.18170792

or u can eat a snickers

>> No.18170800
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>> No.18170811

How would duck tomato look like?

>> No.18170828

Maybe you're right, maybe I just lost my edge and need to get back to the posting grind. Someone has to fight the good fight after all, and when you see the last sentence end without a period, you will know that I am fighting with you

>> No.18170835

like a little ball in the shape of a tomato with a face and a beak

>> No.18170849
File: 23 KB, 448x272, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the spiritual values of the metropolis?

>> No.18170852

motherfucking squares

>> No.18170854

but its beak would stick up so it wouldn't drown in the water

>> No.18170858

who are you, mcQueen?
fuck this place tho
it s not like anyone gave a shit abt it to begin with heh

>> No.18170860

I'm not a nofap psycho but I watched porn today and I feel really bad about it. I could count on one hand the amount of times I watched it in the past year and a half. It just makes me feel disgusting afterwards. Sin is sin regardless, but I wish I could just be above it. Also I hadn't masturbated in like five days because I was traveling and my nut was huge and my cock and balls were in horrible pain afterwards for like an hour. I guess I can just not watch it tomorrow or the day afterwards and hope I can indefinitely maintain that.

>> No.18170898

. I used to think the scared anons were schizos but since seeing my stories pop up in other threads I've become a believer
Anything you post here will end up on someones hard drive

>> No.18170935

Come live on this plane above the mortals that believe things with no layers of irony that does things with no greater reason then I was told so

But you looked into the light and that leaves with no choice you can't live around these people they are simple animalistic
The only choice is to become a god watching a herd of sheep

>> No.18171013

Cool. I'll take that into consideration. But I feel like they are going to be alive for quite some time.
I prefer mars or milky way. But snickers is alright.
I don't know who is mcQueen. Steve? Alexander? Lightning? I know people don't care that is fine.

>> No.18171030
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>> No.18171052

I have a weird superstition about bragging. I feel that as soon as one gloats an alarm goes off in the universe and it presses its thumb down on you immediately to teach you a lesson in humility. Perhaps this is how someone with a bad past thinks, but the best policy for success in life is to always expect the worst and to never rest on your laurels because a reversal is always waiting in the weeks. I am reminded of a line from Boethius:

“The greatest misery in adverse fortune is once to have been happy.”

Getting your hopes up thus sets you up for a crash of disappointment proportional to your optimism. Better to expect the worst but still aim for the best, and be pleasantly surprised when it all works out in your favor.

The cult of "toxic positivity" is the enemy of such thinking.. it supposes that if you hope and aspire and banish all negativity the universe will just open up to you and oblige. Take one solid look at the world as it is and tell me that a rational person can believe such hokum.

>> No.18171059

>waiting in the weeks
In the wings. Also I fully recognize that there are braggarts who attract more success to them, and that fortune favors the bold. But I am more concerned with coping with failure rather than maximizing success. Because you can't have one without the other unless you're cheating somehow.

>> No.18171087
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>> No.18171095

I probably should’ve had it all figured out by now but the older I get, the more lost I am...

>> No.18171100

Unless you're behind a vpn and using blocking cross-site trackers, that's true of everything you post online. Someone somewhere keeps a list of everything posted and associated with a particular IP address. After enough time an identifiable portrait unveils.

The way I see it is: flatter me! Read it and weep.

>> No.18171109

I don’t know about spiritual values but I regret not moving to the biggest metropolis I could as soon as I could. As depressingly sterile and alienating they are, there’s also something romantic about them and I can’t deny that that characterize our epoch and probably will characterize the future even more so.

>> No.18171111

No one has it all figured out by now. One of the wisest things someone ever told me was to picture everyone as a child in an adult body. Everyone is still the child they once were. Just because time passes does not mean you have figured anything out. Many are just where they were 5, 10, 15 years ago.

>> No.18171128

Yeah, but I’m still finding ways to self destruct and basically just completely fail to carve out any sort of life that feels tolerable much less worth it and with each passing year, I unravel more and more. I’m worse off now than I was 5 years ago. I’m doing stuff now that most people do 5 years ago.

>> No.18171184

I want to suck her feet but I want her to want me to do it, like I'm doing her a favor.

>> No.18171218

I'm feeling good. I performed the banishing ritual of the lesser pentagram recently and I have dedicated myself to ridding lust from my life. It's caused me so much trouble for the couple seconds of vain pleasure it gives. The cleanse from the ritual is giving me the strength to resist my desires more than I would normally. I will perform another in the upcoming days and then hopefully I will not have to rely on it any more and my demons will have been defeated.

>> No.18171236

I just wait for everything to happen instead of taking action and getting the results myself. I blame the lack of personal vision and not knowing what i want. Is it really the only solution to this is doing random things for the sake of doing random things?

>> No.18171281

Do it right not twice that's the lazy mans motto

>> No.18171399

you have no talent anyway so kys and find a real job

>> No.18171494

the generation where plus and minus is actually a discussion.
the greeks indeed prevailed.

wait is greece romans'?

>> No.18171587

The point is there is no time. No passing years. Personal development does not happen in linear time. It happens when it happens, or it does not. Passivity will do no favors. You have to pick and target a facet of your life you want to make better. Start simple, like eating better or sleeping right. And build from there.
Time does nothing for you if you're not doing anything in time. Time brings only decay if you are not moving against it.

>> No.18171658

go away

>> No.18171824

Does anyone else feel like being on the internet has helped their sexuality?

I am a huge pervert and degenerate with many vile fetishes and perhaps even a somewhat fluid sexuality. But I suppose I'd rather know this, than not know it and have it creep into my life without my knowledge.

I understand that the accusation often is that the internet fuels degeneracy and pathology in one's sexual awareness. But how much of this is true? How much does the internet and all the degeneracy on it really influence your sexual feelings, and how much does it simply lead you to uncover what was there all along?

My thinking on the matter is that if I'm a pervert and a degenerate, and if I have fetishes and perversions which are a big part of my sexuality, I'd rather know about them than not know about them, so I can deal with them in a self-aware manner rather than simply suppressing them and letting them fester. I'd rather be fully aware of what a pervert I am than have it simmer subconsciously under the surface. If I know about my fetishes, if I know just how degenerate I am, I can deal with it in a sober, clear-sighted manner. Not by being wicked and sinful and degenerate in an active way, but simply by dealing plainly with what I feel and what arouses me.

Does this make sense to anyone else? If I'm going to be a degenerate I'd rather be a self-aware one than an un-self-aware one, I guess is what I'm saying. Because if I'm self-aware I can exert a measure of control, and deal with things rationally.

>> No.18171854

Watched Milana Vayntrubs complaint video. Clearly she values her attractiveness, and it would feel good for her to be wanted, but to see it spattered across a feed of faceless comments of men she knows are losers even after she asks them not to is for her not just 'objectively degrading' according to some kind of ethical system, but an existential realization that she is still nothing more than a puppet for the men. Its the thin line for her between nobility and whoredom in the eyes of her female contemporaries.

>> No.18171871

the genitals are so powerful.
trauma trauma trauma trauma
it's so awful
why is writing in some small text box more
cathartic than simply

>> No.18171895

Every other man does it in one way or another. Two years ain't nuttin', and being stuck out in the boonies for awhile can do ya some good.

>> No.18171906

To be heard without judgment was once the task of the confessional. Should I be evaluated by the tenets of the Bible or those of the DSM-V?

>> No.18172022

there is no facism, communism, capitalism, or monarchism
there is only power and hierarchies of people who possess it
the terms mentioned previously are only circumstantial descriptors or obfuscatory abstractions

>> No.18172472

that's a neomarxist view: that everything is just
downstream of power relations. this was obviously retroactively refuted by Plato

>> No.18172488
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>> No.18172492

my personality online on internet forums is nothing alike my real world personality. I was surprised when I first saw people to replying to others online "you must be fun at parties" as if anyone acts irl the way they do online. but maybe some people do. I'm the nicest guy all the time in real life but on /lit/ I tell everyone to kill themselves. I'm not even pretending, I'm just a different person and in both cases I act naturally

>> No.18172503

I relate, I think the internet is great for developing self awareness. I don't understand why everything today is worse though. I like to think it would've happened without the internet too.

>> No.18172507
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>street surveillance and facial recognition only needs to exist for another decade at most
>we're just live datasets to create vast predictive models that will phase out the need for direct surveillance
The camera knows where you are at all times. It knows this because it knows where you aren't

>> No.18172517

the future is now.
that's an abstract kind of feel

>> No.18172521

Today's back day lads. LET'S GET NASTY, LET'S GET NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18172576

what do u mean back day? I need more info on that

>> No.18172610

I'm so glad I'm going to die soon. I hope my soul never comes back to this shit hole planet.

>> No.18172621

it's exercising. leg day, workout your legs. back day, workout your back.

>> No.18172640

sounds promising

>> No.18172935

just be yourself

>> No.18172948

Ive become expressionless and emotionless and im constantly arguing with myself inside. I dont know what its like to just take action and not overthink and its driving me crazy. Im like a statue to the outside world.

>> No.18172951

It's funny because the cyclical weather cataclysm that has wiped out all high civilisaions of the past is certain to return soon and wipe away all of their dystopian plans.

>> No.18173006
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>That one anon from about 6 months to a year ago who always typed "You're an autistic fuck." or something along those lines
Why was he so mean?

>> No.18173161

Mental midget. I fap and laugh at the absurdity of it during my moment of clarity. Sin is an illusion.

>> No.18173199

sin is not an illusion, but it's also not what religious people think it is

>> No.18173234
File: 78 KB, 639x659, 1509380137147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is philosophy useless? whenever I see people here discussing it, or discussing most of anything, it always seems like it has zero practical application
it just looks like mental circlejerking

>> No.18173264

I don’t think I’m really cut out for white collar professional work but I don’t think I’m really cut out for blue collar work either. I think I’m kind of screwed.

>> No.18173267
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I'm I wrong for not reading 21th and late 20th writers other then manifestos ?

>> No.18173316
File: 36 KB, 328x500, 51hylzZ85KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the larp yes
But it covers self-help, rhetoric, rights, ethics, behavior, etc
Its just models for things
Read it if something that hooks you

If you want to know ethical grounds for hating kikes and blacks you would read this

>> No.18173332

The amazon female small male master race is the future

>> No.18173348

I have acromegaly, and it's ruined my life

>> No.18173468

>he didn't appreciate the muscle blonde gal

>> No.18173487

did you take the bog pill?

>> No.18173510

First, calm down, don’t stress yourself. This shit is pretty easy, just a few steps.

1. You need insurance to drive the car off the lot. Get it before hand. Google up auto insurance companies for an idea of what’s available. Most car insurance will insure your specific car, and speaking to a representative about buying a new one should help.
2. Never buy a brand new car that you can’t pay for in full, or frankly at all. They lose so much value the instant it leaves the lot, look for a used car around 1-3 years old.
3. Financing without credit will be tough, essentially credit is a universal bank rating of how risky you are to lend money too, and having 0 credit means you’re an unknown liability. You may need to get a co-signer, basically saying if you can’t pay the car payment someone else is good for it.
4. Dont worry about fixing a car on your own, new or used you can take any car into an auto shop and they’ll fix whatever you need, but you can save money by doing the cheaper stuff yourself. And if you buy a used or new car it will still require regular maintenance.

Best of luck

>> No.18173515

What claim of moral objectivity can you make without religion?

>> No.18173552

what's ur budget? you really don't want to finance a starter car

>> No.18173568

the golden rule was demonstrated using reason by Hobbes

>> No.18173618

im going to workout and watch blade runner again

>> No.18173676

I'm home sick today. had bad sushi and woke up puking in the middle of the night. had to leave work an hour into my shift since I was obviously going to overlook something critical from sleep deprivation

>> No.18173886

Not useless at all. In fact I think this board should finally read philosophy and learn the rules of logic to get a proper understanding of philosophical ideas instead of using some fragmented references from youtube or what have you.

>> No.18173921

it's about as useful as any other tool or object.

>> No.18173935

People use philosophy all the time to justify their actions, guess that means it has a use.

I see reading philosophy as entertainment and as a way of validating actions, you don't really need it unless you're lacking justifications or need to kill some time

>> No.18174169

Everything on Earth is wrong the way I see it
You can't trust your fellow man, the government, or even Jesus

>> No.18174217
File: 275 KB, 720x588, 1616341045171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the hate towards anti-vaxx. I was in a discord with me friends this morning and they were advocating for the extermination of those who won't take the covid jab.
I am one of them. My reasoning is as follow:
1- I do not need it. I am young and healthy and I have a strong immune system.
2- They didn't even test it for the short term effect (18 months)
3- This technology never worked before and now we are suppose to blindly trust the big pharma that this one is safe. Who before was saying sugar and cigarette was good for you? Could there be corruption with those entities or is it totally impossible? (pic related)

I really do not get why people decide to not be prudent and listen naively to the so blatant aggressive propaganda. Also why do they care so much about people not getting the jab? If you believe they are wrong, then you believe they will suffer and thus proving your point. Instead of emotionally ridiculing and ostracizing them, just wait and be logical. Be logical : be a man.
>Inb4 it is to protect the vulnerable.
Well ok give them the jab if you believe it helps them. If the jab is a miracle they will be safe and the 84 miserable old pop shitting itself will live 6 more months. I prefer getting covid and developing anti bodies and if I make it out well my genes survived, if not well I don't even care.
Last thing that bothers me : I got a friend in construction that acts likes he is so much higher morally than me for wanting the jab while he does a shit ton a drugs on the week-end. Like dude you didn't even finish high school and me graduating in engineering this summer and having read more books than his whole family combined ; how do you think you are superior to me when you just listen to television and believe blindly what they say?

>> No.18174360

Its the similar when it comes to conspiracy theories - have a couple big mouths shouting complete nonsense and you can easily discredit ones who have even little true to it. Also, its pointless to argue with brainwashed people.

>> No.18174378
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i have this sick guitar music blog with great but hella obscure bands saved somewhere in my bookmarks but now i cannot find it

>> No.18174380

I’m really struggling with what kind of stories I want to write.

>> No.18174387

I fully agree with you, but I have already given up on reasoning about this in the COVID crisis. Just go with the flow and try to stay under the radar.

>> No.18174393


This will only get worse. But let them be the one with fear, you sound like you have a good outlook on it, very easy to take the deep end on these subjects and end up looking "crazy". I think that's by design.

>> No.18174400

How much of the western literary canon do I have to read before I could be considered capable of writing something of value?

>> No.18174404

one of the weirdest pro-jabbers i know is a coworker who believes that sandyhooker was faked by crisis actors and crazy conspiracy shit but then went out and got vaccinated super early probably jumping the line past old grannies, i think he might have a cognitive disability tho that qualified him to get it early, idk, i'm still pissed they hired him since he was obviously a doofus

>> No.18174415

None, someone will find some value in what you write even if all you do is this post

>> No.18174417

He seems like a blowhard who is just secretly scared.

>> No.18174418

I've been having severe difficulty with waking up on time for years and I don't know what to do about it.

>> No.18174421

all the pro-jabbers are scared to death and think covid is like the plague

>> No.18174429

Even if you go to sleep at the same time?

>> No.18174437

Yeah I also believe this where all the dissonance comes from. There are just gaping differences in risk tolerance in the general population.

>> No.18174444

And anything else that follows from that, all the arguments about who is right or wrong, ethics, is just cope.

>> No.18174456

Babylon wages war on Babylon, Babylon vanquishes the evil Babylon, Babylon falls and Babylon rises, the wars aren't real
but the genocides of your people are, how they massacre you little cattle! How God weeps for your misguided souls! Their merchants did trades, their leaders wore their cross, are you truly so blinded by the serpent propaganda? Where did their scientists go? You questions where the bodies went, where did we put ours? The head bites the tail, in death they are born.

>> No.18174484

Can you post a little more stuff like this? Think I'm going to be posting in this style today

>> No.18174498

Vaccines work best when as much of the population as possible gets them because it limits breakthrough infections. Anti vaxxers often think that breakthrough infections are proof that vaccines don't work, but what it means is that vaccines don't work as well when you're somewhere with no herd immunity; one of the reasons why antivaxxers see so many breakthrough infections near them is because they have enough unvaccinated people around one vaccinated person that the vaccine has minimal effect.
Having a healthy immune system for covid might be a bad thing. A lot of the damage done in young people is because their immune system is very healthy and starts attacking not just the virus, but also their own organs.
Vaccines have worked well before: there is a reason you didn't get measles, smallpox, and why your parents didn't make extra babies in case you died before your fifth birthday, and vaccines are why that isn't normal any more. When's the last time you saw someone with polio? You could find iron lungs in every local hospital 70 years ago, but the polio vaccine means most children in the west don't know what an iron lung is.
Most of the vaccines are similar enough to other vaccines that the major problems live testing have shown are probably immune responses to the disease component rather than the carrier, like blood clots which are similar but more easily treated than blood clotting in covid which can lead to more pervasive oxygen deprivation. They're also rarer complications than in covid. Basically because you're afraid of a 1 in 100,000 chance of a complication, you want to take a 1 in 5 chance of a more major complication. If you're going to bet on something, you should weigh your odds better.
You have to bear in mind most people who want to fight with antivaxxers are in a kind of religious war. They are not people who understand vaccines better, but both sides of the argument like to believe they are in the know. People who tout vaccines as a miracle cure are no better informed than people who claim they are some miracle poison. What both sides are is more convinced about their superiority.
Overall, this vaccine is pretty effective and pretty low in harmful consequences. However, its effectiveness might lessen the fewer and slower we vaccinate. At the moment, we might get a response like measles, where it's pretty uncommon for people to get it when immunised properly. That could change in the future, and we might have a situation where vaccines have little effect and covid still has life changing consequences for about 1 in 10 people. If we're lucky, we might vaccinate enough people that isn't the case.

>> No.18174516

I just want to be a normie and leave this hellhole

>> No.18174517 [DELETED] 

now tell about the flu vaccine and the hiv vaccine and bonus points if you tell use about how the dengue fever vaccine trial in the philippines worked out

>trust the science!
ok i will, how about this science:

>> No.18174580

m8 I'm not trying to white wash things. Worse than the flu or dengue fever vaccines, there have been vaccines for polio which straight up killed kids who got it in the early days. The polio in the vaccine hadn't been rendered inactive, so they basically injected the kids with straight polio. The reason you didn't bring that up when I explicitly mentioned polio is because your dengue fever point is something you heard and want to repeat as a way to show superiority, and you didn't have anything on file for polio. You're reaching for a pre-baked point of information, when you could raise points of information against what I actually said which make the same argument about not trusting the doctors and scientists know what they're doing. You just assumed that trial would be news to me, that I trust science to not get it wrong (Did you know the first cure for TB from the guy who discovered TB under a microscope also gave you TB and killed you faster? Did you assume I couldn't know that and that I must trust science)
You're doing the same black and white thinking that you're complaining about in other people. Personally, I was hoping we could discuss doomsday scenarios, but I think all yours will require me to live in the Philippines first.

>> No.18174583

since you're a vaccine expert, just curious, but why did they wait so long to make a vaccine when coronaviruses were first discovered in 1965? since they made a vaccine in less than a year in 2020, couldn't they have done this like 60 years ago?

>> No.18174593

I think you are misunderstanding the issue. Most sceptics have no problem with vaccinations but they find the way this entire affair is being conducted questionable and would prefer to opt out. They see this virus on the same risk level as the flu for themselves and their in-group, so they are not interested in moral lessons. This all goes back to the eternal fight between individualism vs communitarism and how much you are willing for an individual to sacrifice for an "optimal life" according to specific metrics. In this case, reducing the liberties of many for the benefit of the weak. I also believe Rawls discusses this in the Theory of Justice.
This is a deep rabbit hole and there is no right or wrong answer.

>> No.18174608

i didn't read any of that but i'm not planning on getting the vaccine or justifying my decision

>> No.18174619

the issue is also people with significant stakes in pfizer and johnson & johnson need to a see a good return on investment, pfizer stock has been more or less flat for the last five years, this vaccine getting rush approval from the fda could be the shot in the arm the stock needs to return to growth

>> No.18174626

Coronaviruses only killed nonWestern exposed people. There's zero money in making a vaccine just for uncontacted tribes, especially as it's impossible to administer them. Most of the people who had died of coronaviruses in western memory were dead soon after the Americas were discovered. They're only making a vaccine for this strain because the world powers have no real immunity. Now we're in the position that the Indians were when they caught our common cold and died, we care. Diseases we caught from the Americans natives like syphilis we studied and found cures for much much faster.
Essentially, most of the common coronaviruses in humans were ones we had sufficient immunity from, unless you're a tribesman in the Sentinel Islands.

>> No.18174642 [DELETED] 

woah now who's the conspiracy guy! lmao pro-jabbers exposed!

>> No.18174646

I'll refer you to this section >>18174498
>You have to bear in mind most people who want to fight with antivaxxers are in a kind of religious war. They are not people who understand vaccines better, but both sides of the argument like to believe they are in the know. People who tout vaccines as a miracle cure are no better informed than people who claim they are some miracle poison. What both sides are is more convinced about their superiority.
>/lit/ doesn't read
Fair enough.
That is not a risk at all. It's basically an open invite to take taxpayer money at the moment.

>> No.18174654

>I'll refer you to this section
Yes but what is your point then.

>> No.18174667

>Coronaviruses only killed nonWestern exposed people.
yeah i'm gonna need a source for that so i can trust the science

>> No.18174693

If the discovery of America or the common cold were revelations of a secret conspiracy to you, i kind of want to know about the education system near you.
That public health messages are always propaganda and the people most likely to take them up have an affinity for superstition and power games.
We can't trust that native Americans existed unless you provide a source they're not a conspiracy.

>> No.18174703

>We can't trust that native Americans existed unless you provide a source they're not a conspiracy.
do you have a source that native americans were killed off by a coronavirus? is this what they teach in your school system? interesting.

>> No.18174733
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>That public health messages are always propaganda and the people most likely to take them up have an affinity for superstition and power games.
Okay cool, I have no issue this. Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.18174739

Why do you think native Americans existed? That's just dumb if you read any sources about the virgin wilderness of the Americas. Next you'll think that those wildernesses were created by some mass extinction event.

>> No.18174757

>"trust the science guy" doubling down on native americans were killed off by a coronavirus

>> No.18174769

It just makes me annoyed because I have to listen to politicians saying things which are like a more retarded version of "smoking causes cancer" more often these days. The antivaxxers don't annoy me because they're always there, but the range of fedora pro-science-i-don't-understand has grown exponentially these past two years.

>> No.18174775

>anon still thinks I'm a trust the science guy
>still won't provide a source that native Americans existed

>> No.18174817

I can somewhat relate. I am a senior STEM PhD and by experiencing academia first hand I have developed strong scepticism towards science news. Or any newly published paper in general, really. It just makes me cringe when I hear this "trust the science" stuff.

>> No.18174834
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Just for clarification :
When I said : "I am one of them." it wasn't in relation to me being anti-vaxx but more one "who won't take the covid jab". I wasn't attacking vaccines in general. I would not call me self a pro-vaxx either.To be fair with me children I would prefer to get the least vaccines as possible. My grandma always stayed natural, never took an Advil for an headache and drank fresh raw milk her whole life and she reached 103 years old and she had a lively spirit up until the end. I prefer to stay natural for we are not separate from nature but a part of it.

>there is a reason you didn't get measles, smallpox
Well I got smallpox when I was 4 yo and everybody I know got it where I live. Is it uncommon? Nothing happened, It was itchy for a week and me mom put some cold pink cream on me once for me to not scratch.
>and why your parents didn't make extra babies
Well we are well above the average with being 5 of brothers and sisters.

>and why your parents didn't make extra babies in case you died before your fifth birthday, and vaccines are why that isn't normal any more.
I believe there is more reason to why families are getting smaller. Economical, cultural and physical reason, but I won't get into these here.

>When's the last time you saw someone with polio? You could find iron lungs in every local hospital 70 years ago, but the polio vaccine means most children in the west don't know what an iron lung is.
I believe vaccine might have played an important role in it, but let's not forget that we started to really focus on having clean water and cleaning our hands and our close proximity not a long time ago and it probably help a great deed to our health ; probably had more of an impact on our life than any vaccines have achieved.

>Basically because you're afraid of a 1 in 100,000 chance of a complication, you want to take a 1 in 5 chance of a more major complication.
The thing is why should I take the risk with a vaccine of a new technology (mRNA) not tested and a technology that failed atrociously in the past? Why, when the only folks that got sick in my age bracket were already ill folks : being obese, having diabetes and many more co morbidity, when I am not at risk of complication, should I take a riskier remedy? I say riskier because right now we are starting to see side effects, but what about in 5 years, 10 years or 20 years how will they grow with it? It is a risk I am not willing to take at my age since I am far from being at risk and I am pretty sure I had Covid two times already and I was fine. I was in contact with folks that had it and felt a little cold couple days after and they were confirmed not long after with it and they got out with nothing at all except for an headache for one of me mate.

>you want to take a 1 in 5 chance of a more major complication. If you're going to bet on something, you should weigh your odds better.
First off only 3% go into major complication.
End me post cuz 2long

>> No.18174839

Seems like science is rapidly approaching religion status with its rapidly increasing number of fanatics. It went from think on your own in unbiased kinda way to dont you dare to even question it.

>> No.18174894

Just get yourself banned.

>> No.18175022

>Well I got smallpox when I was 4 yo and everybody I know got it where I live. Is it uncommon
You probably got chicken pox. Smallpox hasn't naturally existed in humans since 1980 because of vaccine campaigns. It's the ultimate success story of a vaccine, because enough people were vaccinated it didn't have anywhere to survive except for in laboratories. Now people don't need to be vaccinated because there's nobody to catch it from unless a serious bioterrorism incident happens. Unless you're in your forties or older, it's unlikely you had smallpox.
Child mortality has gone down a lot over the past 100 years, and that going down is one of the biggest kicks to life expectancy going up. It's largely because childhood diseases are better prevented and better treated, so it's no longer a fifty fifty chance if you live til five years.
Not all the vaccines are mRNA and the only real attraction of mRNA for covid is that it's a very quick and cheap way to make a new vaccine. Lots of companies share your hesitation about them, preferring things which focus on easier distribution and pragmatic things like knowing an mRNA vaccine always has licensing problems (until now). I'll also point out that people got sick in your age bracket with no preexisting conditions, and they suffer long covid. Since you didn't get tested either time you thought you got covid, there's no way to tell if you're right. You might. You might not. Depending on how close together they were, you could even have got it once and have been immune during the second time period when you were supposed to have it again.
>First off only 3% go into major complicati
We might be using a different definition of major complication. Hospitalisation rates are higher than that in most places, though they are coming down.

>> No.18175195
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Europe needs a new emperor. A strong continental ruler, a new and concise leader. Per Gratiam Deum, Imperator Europae

>> No.18175207

My infantile and hysterical mother significantly impaired my psychological development.

>> No.18175243

>You probably got chicken pox.
Yeah you are right, I just searched it. Smallpox looks like hell. Yeah I got the little pink pimple everywhere. I am happy it is gone tho anon. I got confused and mistook smallpox for chicken pox.
>Not all the vaccines are mRNA and the only real attraction of mRNA for covid
Yes I know that not all vaccine are mRNA, but for the Covid jab this is what they used. Am I right?
>Since you didn't get tested either time you thought you got covid, there's no way to tell if you're right. You might.
Well a while ago, the priest that gave us the host at mass got confirmed with Covid a day after it and other folks with me went to get tested afterward and were positive to Covid. Public safety wanted me to go get tested, but I left to a different region to me family and they just forgot about me. Since then I got in contact 2 times (I just remembered an other recently) with folks that had it and we were not wearing any masks. They were family friends and personal friends.

>We might be using a different definition of major complication. Hospitalisation rates are higher than that in most places, though they are coming down.
Using this site : https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/worldwide-graphs/
Total actives cases right now : 18 667 662
Serious and critical cases : 111 489

111 489 / 18 667 662 * 100 = 0,597 =0,6%

0,6% are in a serious and critical condition. Let's not forget the vast majority that probably got it, but never got tested. So we probably are looking at a 0,06% of cases that end up in critical condition.

So it is barely anything worth risking taking an untested mystery jab and it is way lower than your 1 in 5 chance of major complication. Since the average age of death from the rona is at 84 where I live, I got 60 years in front of me before passing the stats.
In conclusion, like I said my major reason is that I have no need for it and I prefer prudency than fear and following a mob. Since I am young I find it more wise to just wait and watch. I got time on my side.

>> No.18175295
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The one time I actually liked the "Write a story about this image" prompt the jannies delete it.

>> No.18175499

my mom flies into a rage if i suggest someone is better at drawing than her. we live in nyc metro area, how much of an egomaniac do you have to be to think no one can draw better than you? then if she really gets confronted with the reality that her draftsmanship is mediocre, she copes by saying it's not "real art" anyways just technical skill.

>> No.18175520

It'll probably get one and it'll be terrible because Europe will sperg out again and then apologize for another century. I just want European culture back but by the looks of it that ship has sailed and now we just have endless wars between literal brainlets and savages. It's embarrassing.

>> No.18175528

kek based mom
too bad her son is a fag

>> No.18175617

>but for the Covid jab this is what they used. Am I right?
There are four different ones. mRNA ones are Pfizer and Moderna. Then there whole virus vaccines: these are the same type we use for polio where the virus is inactive, and China is making these. Then there are non-replicating viral vector vaccines like Oxford-AstraZeneca: these ones are modelled on the vaccine we developed for ebola. Then there's the protein subunit vaccine from Novavax, which is the same technology for hep B and meningitis vaccines.
I still can't tell whether you caught something or didn't from these stories. You might have, and might not.

The serious and critical cases in the chart you showed doesn't let me see how they're defining a serious or critical case. I can tell it's not hospitalisation though, because if you look at individual countries, and take their serious and critical cases, it'll not fit their hospitalisation rate. It could be the world total for ICU care, but there's nothing to say it is, so it could also be almost anything else. The UK for example has 185 serious and critical cases, but they're admitting about 120 people a day to hospital still. If you just took two days worth of admissions, you'd have more than the serious and critical cases number. The hospitalisation rate is higher, even in places with vaccines, so what counts as serious and critical means something more than being hospitalised. I think it might be ICU numbers but again, it doesn't say what it is so we can't tell what exactly it means.

1 in 5 is one of the estimations of long covid. I personally think this will come down, not just from vaccines but also better treatment. I think 1 in 10 is more likely to be the overall rate of long term effect once we're out of the woods a bit more, as people getting treatment now might be less likely to contract long term complications from it than if they contracted it at the start when nobody knew anything. Similar to how the death rate started to go down once treatments became clearer, and ticked up slightly where variants made treatment less effective.

>> No.18175955
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Same. If someone's trying to shine a flashlight into the shadows here the best way to really get to know me is to buy my books, but really you need outside opinions to compliment your own so I would tell your friends and family to also buy my books so your opinion is better set.
It's only logical after all.
That said today was productive. My Certificate of Deposit matured this week so I decided I'd put it into bonds in a week or two, and I got my car sticker for the year so I did a lot. Now to relax and write.
Some people are needlessly aggressive, or perhaps it's the outside cultural appearance that you need to be in order to fit in.
Truth is I would shake everyone's hand here and get them a soda, coffee or tea because it's much better to build a rapport, even without a name to follow behind it I think.

>> No.18175978

Man has turned into beast, out of God compassion's reach. He killed the God's lambs, Babylon's kings overreached God's throne while the cattle cheered from the slaughterhouse, they will all become sacrificial lambs to buy redemption for the serpent's heralds and Babylon shall be born again at Tel Megiddo, in spite of God's laws they will feast with the lambs' blood yet wearing their cross.

>> No.18176010

My mom just flew into rages. I understand that she had a stressful, hard life, but at a certain point she was an adult and I was a child/adolescent. Children are supposed to get off the hook, and screaming at them or putting them down is counterproductive. Screaming carries no meaning other than a brute expression of anger or frustration, it teaches nothing. There's something distinctly wrong with people who are mean to their own kids. It goes against nature.

>> No.18176015
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i don't know why my parents ever had me. i'm incapable of actually having vitality, even from a young age, i was a timid and weepy boy, and have grown to be a timid and weepy man.

>> No.18176052

I dread June, July and August. I loathe the constant bright sunlight, hot, humid weather, the insect, I hate it. I wish I was in a position where I could just leave to another country like Iceland or Norway for a few months.

>> No.18176059

lately I've had something on my mind. it is this: I keep hearing the words "I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high" from the classic rock song "Carry on my wayward son", only sung by councelor Mackey from South Park. He phrases it like "I was soaring ever high-er". It gives me some joy.

Other than that I am very, very full on pancakes. I discovered honey/lemon pancakes. Good times.

>> No.18176062

Being timid and weepy is nothing to be ashamed of. Being a considerate and productive member of society who treats others with respect makes you more of a man than whatever nonsense you have told yourself about manhood.

>> No.18176064


Proust, is that you?

>> No.18176065

Going to start my first creative writing project in many years tonight. Yes it’s smut.

>> No.18176085

My family owns a cozy cabin in the woods, absolutely quiet, basically no one around, only green hills and forests around. No electricity in sight but there is running water. We've been neglecting it for a few years but in the past few weeks we worked a lot on it and it's in a great shape now. Can't wait to go out there alone once I have the time for it.

>> No.18176121

I envy you

>> No.18176128

>it. I wish I was in a position where I could just leave to another country like Iceland or Norway for a few months.
No anon. That is when they are very sunny and humid and filled with insects. You want to go to somewhere in the southern hemisphere for those months. Do not book flight to Iceland during summer to avoid sun from May to August.

>> No.18176167

No you don't understand Iceland is paradise in the summer compared to where I live. It's not that hot it's literally the perfect temperature. Here it goes into the 30+ sometimes and you have crowds of smelly sweaty people congregating everywhere playing their stupid drums on the beach. I want out.

>> No.18176175

My mother did it back then and she hated me. It wasn't until later that I was able to understand that she hated me because I actually thought that she liked me. But that was just a delusion, a mind game. As a child, she hit me very often and forbade me to go out of the house. When I was 11 I had to write down a whole book with a pen that had 800 pages and I wasn't allowed to stop until I was done. I wrote deep into the night and at some point started crying because my hand hurt. She once hit me with a tennis racket so I couldn't even go to school because it looked like I got hit in the face. Just because I got home 2 hours late. The last time she hit me was when I was 16, and because I was thin and weak, I couldn't help but cry. At some point I had enough and moved away from the city, the main thing was to get out and away from this person. Otherwise I would have done something very bad and I certainly didn't want to go to jail.

Getting yelled at by my mother was a normal part of everyday life.
So my life was pretty shitty, but I still had my fun. I just hate it when someone makes fun of their mother beating them. Because they have no idea how harshly you can be abused. This shit isn't fun, it's dead serious.

Shit like this is 2005 type story, the world was different back then, believe me. I'm 28 now. Stay postive.

>> No.18176228

Addition: She made me put on ugly things as a punishment for getting bad grades in 3rd grade so that the children at school would laugh at me. And they really laughed at me. I was allowed to go to school with ugly things for months.

So much for that. Not like today, when little toads feel cool and order things on the Internet. I wasn't even allowed to wear a plain black t-shirt because it supposedly looked too cool. I had to look like a nerd. Just embarrassing. And completely disabled.

Years later, when I confronted my mother with all these things, she said; She would have been the best mother ever.

>> No.18176240

It doesn't get that hot but it gets boggy and humid. There are songs about midges which mark the start of summer, and there's a lake in the north which turns black with them in the summer months named after the swarms. They swarm everywhere with any water. Imagine the same drum circle but they're all Chad and think body checking people on the street is a way to show you're male, and they're sweating through wet wool and fishing gear. The only thing you will avoid is the heat, but the humidity, insects, and hours of sunlight are all probably much worse, and more people will be annoying to you.

>> No.18176277

Addition: My mother died for me years ago, as hard as it sounds, but that's the way it is. Sometimes I have nightmares about hitting my mom and when I wake up I have dark circles under my eyes and just feel like shit. Like a monster. Then I just try to be positive and forget that again because I actually don't think about the past anymore. I actually thought I got over it. But events like this prove that it's still somewhere in my subconscious ...

Stay positive.

>> No.18176292

btw, I never hit my mom in rl but recently in my nightmare.

>> No.18176332

Experiences like this shape your life, you don't forget that. When I listen to the new generation and their alleged problems, it just makes me angry. People have lost their respect. But no matter what people think of me, I still have love in my heart.

>> No.18176351

this is what heidegger was talking about when he said we have fallen out of Being

>> No.18176362

kek ok thank you for letting me know

>> No.18176384

Vollmann's Fathers and Crows isn't on libgen :(

>> No.18176394

Go in spring or autumn though and they are comfy. Fewer tourists because people come for midnight sun and aurora borealis in the middle of summer and winter also. Spring is very nice.

>> No.18176485

It was a pleasure talking with you anon even tho I am of a different opinion than you. You stayed informative and polite throught out. I will with all my might stay away from those vaxx. Simply put anon : I have lost confidence in the system in general. Simple as that. You are talking about the UK and I will never believe a word from those frilly bastards. They could all rot in hell and I would be please.
We ought to bring the IRA back together.

>> No.18176499 [DELETED] 

There IS a book that has things in it that you wouldn't expect. I assure you 100% of that.
I swear on my life. Your view of the "limited universe" is not even your idea. Think about it very carefully. You've been brainwashed my dude. You're blinded, maybe depressed. It just makes me sad to see that some people just giving up like that. You set yourself limits, you make yourself smaller than you are and you have no confidence in new opportunities.

Maybe books aren't right for you right now. Maybe you should try something different. Perhaps years later you will read something that will fascinate you when your world views have changed through experiences you have gained. Or if you happen to experience new insights into unknown terrain.

I often suggest a book on 4chan that would blow many people away. They haven't seen anything like that before. But it is always ignored. Not because they know better, nobody knows it. And they are too lazy or too vain to bother with it. Maybe it's also because it wasn't published in English. It's a German book. But so much for the subject. People are always too happy to limit themselves to the areas they know and divide it into various well-known categories. But these categories are limited. A true thinker does not allow himself to be restricted in his wild thinking by these classifications.

The question arises, is it really about researching the truth / the cause / the possibilities or rather about enhancing yourself or proving something to someone else. Free your mind kiddo.

>> No.18176541

There IS a book that has things in it that you wouldn't expect. I assure you 100% of that.
I swear on my life. Your view of the "limited universe" is not even your idea. Think about it very carefully. You've been brainwashed my dude. You're blinded, maybe depressed. It just makes me sad to see that some people just giving up like that. You set yourself limits, you make yourself smaller than you are and you have no confidence in new opportunities.

Maybe books aren't right for you right now. Maybe you should try something different. Perhaps years later you will read something that will fascinate you when your worldviews have changed as a result of your experiences. Or if you happen to get new insights into uncharted territory.

I often suggest a book on 4chan that would blow many people away. They haven't seen anything like that before. But it is always ignored. Not because they know better, it's because nobody knows that book. It's not your typical 4chan book. And they're too lazy/ limited/ afraid or too vain to bother with it. Maybe it's also because it wasn't published in English. It's a German book. But so much for the subject. People are always too happy to limit themselves to the areas they know and divide it into various well-known categories. But these categories are limited. A true thinker does not allow himself to be restricted in his wild thinking by these classifications.

The question arises, is it really about researching the truth / the cause / the possibilities or rather about enhancing yourself or proving something to someone else. Free your mind kiddo.

>> No.18176553

What's the book? I am German.

>> No.18176565

You're an idiot and should die out for the good of the gene pool.

>> No.18176567

I'm fasting ramadan for the first time. with my sleeping patterns I could get up in the middle of my night-sleep and eat, but I tried it and I have a hard time falling back asleep. I think it's worse having bad sleep than being hungry, so now I'm fasting extra long because I only eat before going to bed. Like 19 hours. It's not that bad, but it ain't great. I basically stuff myself from the time I can break the fast, in order to get a full days worth of calories in these 5 hours. Spiritually.. so far I think it may be a good idea. But it gives me some ease feeling I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

>> No.18176574

Well maybe I'm not a typical 4chan guy?
Not anon but,
I'm pretty much weaning all of technology and I'm going to read the bible soon.
Want to know this book as you're acting like a cocktease.

>> No.18176575
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>> No.18176582


>> No.18176597

I highly doubt it is the same guy. Stop impersonating you underage faggot.

>> No.18176598

Danke. Sieht mir ein wenig nach Wurzelchakra Kram aus aber ich werde mir das mal genauer angucken.

>> No.18176604

I’m so tired all the time

>> No.18176605

low effort blog general

>> No.18176635


This is essentially the question, why do parables exist? Because putting a lesson in a story makes it stick better, you understand it more if you are engrossed in a story, if you lived it in a sense. If I told you some pretty basic bit of wisdom, something like "don't abandon your friends", it wouldn't stick, you would nod along, it makes sense after all, but you'll only understand why that's important and why this seemingly banal advice is important if you lived it. Just hearing the conclusion won't help, our minds can internalize lessons best if we live them or as an alternative, live them through a story. You can read a quick rundown of the themes in any famous work on wikipedia, but that won't help you become a better person and it won't bring any enjoyment either.

>> No.18176643

Well thank you, Anon, that is somewhat of a deep rabbit hole. I still can not decide whether he is a Schwurbler or not. His channel is interesting though. I will sleep on this

>> No.18176650
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>Comes to a place where authors and readers congregate.
>Doesn't expect us to be a wordy bunch.

>> No.18176654

Can someone explain this mentality to me. Why do so many people so desperately want to be ruled over by a single man child? It's never gone well for any nation or region, in the long term. Are they just bored?

>> No.18176662

>The thing is why should I take the risk with a vaccine of a new technology (mRNA) not tested and a technology that failed atrociously in the past?
It's 30 year old technology, which makes it older than most of the folks here, though I'm curious about this epic failure you speak of.

>> No.18176686


They want their society to be different somehow and feel like if the best way that it can be changed, is to be forced to changed by a powerful person with their mindset.

>> No.18176703 [DELETED] 


Hier eine kleine Leseprobe. In diesem Buch werden viele typische 4chan-threads (über Reduktionismus, Materialismus, Determinismus, Atomismus des naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbilds) behandelt, mit dem Unterschied, dass hier 50 Jahre Arbeit/ etliche Nachforschungen dahinter stecken und sehr genau darauf geachtet wurde, wie gewisse Dinge ausgedrückt werden. Ich kenne nichts vergleichbares.

>> No.18176713
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>> No.18176729

you probably should have. it might give you some release to beat the shit out of her.

>> No.18176733

Hier eine kleine Leseprobe. In diesem Buch werden viele typische 4chan-threads (über Reduktionismus, Materialismus, Determinismus, Atomismus des naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbilds) behandelt, mit dem Unterschied, dass hier 50 Jahre Arbeit/ etliche Nachforschungen dahinter stecken und sehr genau darauf geachtet wurde, wie gewisse Dinge ausgedrückt werden. Ich kenne nichts Vergleichbares.

>> No.18176734
File: 51 KB, 460x655, Interrobang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Don't tempt me to learn German. I almost did it for a bird girl and I'm not afraid to step into polyglot territory.

>> No.18176746

it's an anonymous board, autismo. calling you a retard isn't impersonating anyone

>> No.18176769

don't tell him shit like that

>> No.18176773

Have you considered that children don't only come in the form of flesh?

I mean, if you just want to breed, go to a sperm bank. People will be paying top dollar for schizophrenic, or whatever it is you think you have, in the near future, because we've long since past the stage where ideal genetics are ideal. There are nearly eight billion people on this planet now. Genetic information isn't nearly as valuable as is new art and new ideas, and the "crazy" folks, are the ones who generate that stuff.

So you've a unique opportunity, in that you are fiscally secure crazy. All you need to do is find a productive outlet for all that pain.

Seeing as how you're on /lit/, I suppose writing would be an obvious outlet. I'm sure, even if you aren't a writer, a quick glance at your favorite authors should prove to you that most of them are certifiably insane.

I may or may not be speaking from similar experience at a more advanced age - but I suspect we're equally fun at parties.

>> No.18176795
File: 55 KB, 646x366, Toukobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, as an author we're not insane. We're just built different.
Pff who am I kidding. The best perk though is you can search for the most questionable things online and if someone ever questions you the answer is always book research.

>> No.18176818

Carlyle on Heroes and Hero Worship

>> No.18176896

lol someone zapped the new wwoym thread, not a big loss tho the pic was shit

>> No.18176902

lmao, that was my thread


>> No.18176939

>read old post I made
>say to myself "God why do I type like such a fucking autistic robot?"

>> No.18176941
File: 569 KB, 600x604, Madospiral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're being pulled from the shadows into the ever gaping darkness. There's no hope for us but to see this story from its climax to its conclusion.
When we reach page 8 I recommend another grasp for a ray of light and pray it's not a false one.
I didn't see what the new thread was since I just have this one open and F5 occasionally but I'm a bit biased towards the cute anime/vtuber stuff but spaceships like this one get my imagination going.

>> No.18176958

I'm going to rape you tranny.

>> No.18176981

fine I'll do it

>> No.18177021
File: 64 KB, 490x538, Puss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a balding bearded dude with major dad bod energy, so I'm pretty sure neither of us would enjoy that.
You can have a rarely used word infographic as a consolation prize though.

>> No.18177172
File: 1.04 MB, 2800x2000, 1043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18177460

I agree

>> No.18177468

You shouldn't need to justify yourself.

>> No.18178163
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x2018, Andrew Wyeth (1989) - Pentecost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad that you're finally gone despite never having worked up the courage to speak to you. I still won't make the effort.. I wouldn't want to bother you