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/lit/ - Literature

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18167377 No.18167377 [Reply] [Original]

Books which display the harsh reality that one day, we will all have our humanity stripped away, be enslaved by either an all powerful state or all powerful elites fueled by superior cyborg enhancements, and be promptly executed if we rebel.

>> No.18167386


>> No.18167425

I suggest you be the one who takes the meds first if you think your utopia will ever work

>> No.18167506

Look for The Void on Amazon next month. It's my debut novella about the subject. Unironically.

>> No.18167508

Ted Kaczynski

>> No.18167534

Fanged Noumena

>> No.18167540

GOOD. That's fucking good. I'm only sad that I won't be able to look down to the future neutered humanity that lives in bubble-biomes and throws surplus bugmen-machinery in the grinder to keep up with emissions, because we'll eventually come to a point where reducing waste and preserving resource, breathable air will be more valuable than individuals themselves. I want this to happen and as soon as possible, because it's what humanity deserves. It's actually such a poetic outcome, such a perfect punishment for humanity's gigantic ego, self-centered megalomania, endless vices and absence of empathy throughout its history, to be reduced to simple machines with no identity, expendable zeros and ones, that I can almost imagine a God behind it.

>> No.18167542

Agent Cormac series by Neal Asher

>> No.18167543

You'd be better of giving me a reason why my utopia wouldn't work.

>> No.18167590

Because constant pleasure seeking just leads to burnout

>> No.18167603
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>Fanged Noumena

>> No.18167616

Can't believe no one's said Neuromancer yet.

>> No.18167696

What you are referring to is the particular facet of the human condition which builds resistances to pleasure. Obviously, if transhumanism means anything, these resistances will be overwritten.

>> No.18167790

Not possible due to the laws of physics

>> No.18167832

Transhumanism will save the west
Future generations will mark my words

>> No.18167840

You lack any sort of Faustian spirit
You are a pathetic excuse of a man

>> No.18167841

>we will all have our humanity stripped away, be enslaved by either an all powerful state or all powerful elites fueled by superior cyborg enhancements

In what way is this not already the case? The 'elites' already have superior technology and resources. having bionic legs won't change anything except for ascetics.

>> No.18167852


>> No.18167858
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>> No.18167860
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Fun related memes

>> No.18167868
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>> No.18167882

lol why does the virgin gmo look like an accurate Frankenstein

>> No.18167894

It’s true. As society advances and we need to put more restrictions and regulations on everything cause “mUh safety” eventually it will come to the point where they will try to justify having domain over our very thoughts. Fuck that I rather die.

>> No.18167899

Which law of physics?

>> No.18167925

So what’s the choice fellas? To die without being able to even control your thoughts, or to live even if it means an eon of blood? This topic honestly depresses me because based on the trajectory of things unless a global civ collapses happened soon this is the outcome.

>> No.18167963

Your life and death will be much more boring and eventless than you are imagining. You won't have to make a choice. You're just going to work a Walmart for a few decades and then have a heart attack. Much more depressing than an awesome transhumanist delusion

>> No.18168002

Entropy, laws of thermodynamics in general. You can't have a never ending source of energy which would be necessary for never ending pleasure.

There's no free lunch.

>> No.18168042

>You're just going to work a Walmart for a few decades and then have a heart attack.
No I won’t. There is nothing good about a transhumanist future, but if you are aware enough of the history of the past 300 years and what is really going on right now, you will realize that is the trajectory society is headed. The thing is most people won’t even realize anything monumental is going on, they will just go with the flow. Between the corporations and media, the US government, the Chinese, the Israelis and all the other global powers interlocked underneath the chance of a successful revolt is extremely bleak, and thus I say at this point it seems like the only way for humans to be free is to return to a more primitive strays, such a catastrophe would be bad for all sides however there would be hope.

>> No.18168067

The trajectory of our futures is unknown you fool.

>> No.18168101

>The trajectory of our futures is unknown you fool.
No it’s not. History moves in cycles. Nothing is random, especially all that’s going on now, it’s all coordinated and if you study it a bit you can start making your own predictions, even the most crazy ones and it will happen.

>> No.18168203

silly child

>> No.18168405

>he thinks constant, extreme pleasure all the time won't just lead to dysfunctional pleasure zombies with no motivation to do anything

>> No.18168432

>silly child
This board is called /lit/. Go read a history book instead of talking like a sassy negress.

>> No.18168691

who said I wanted to be a man?

>> No.18168888
File: 1018 KB, 2048x1364, Shanghai_from_the_SWFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not only possible, but probable, that advances towards Techonomic Singularity will be obscured by intermediate synthetic mega-agencies, in part functioning as historical masks, but also adjusting eventual outcomes (as an effect of path-dependency). The most prominent candidates for such teleoplexic channeling are large digital networks, business corporations, research institutions, cities, and states (or highly-autonomous state components, especially intelligence agencies).


>> No.18169256

you will never be a woman

>> No.18170281

A thread died for this.

>> No.18170289

Based. Accfag needs to move on.

>> No.18170308
File: 618 KB, 2518x1024, Transhuman chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhuman bros, rise up against the meatbags

>> No.18170570

That third one makes fun of transhumanism dum dum

>> No.18171511


>> No.18172030

cry about it, I for one would welcome any new futurist overlords

>> No.18172035

You just posted reddit, faggot.

>> No.18172043

ten years i have been told robots would rule the world. ten years later and my alexa can barely get the fucking weather right.

>> No.18172050

Retarded bug tier. Go to a crack den if you want to see what that outlook producss

>> No.18172064

You're a midwit. That's whyb

>> No.18172071

>robuts will take all the jobs anyday now, yup no sense applying for one mom, soon we'll all be on UBI

>> No.18172290

haha can't wait for Borg/Strogg/Cybermen ISIS to take all this LARPing trans humanists and mutilate them into a glorified forklifts for their loyalty instead of murderbot effigies.

>> No.18172344

>consciousness destroyed after death
that seems like a transhumanist idea that's why they value life and body so much

>> No.18172359

Is this projection? The fact that you, the enlightened one, have an Alexa but don't question the data collection and entire tech businesses built on it is funny. Maybe midwits like you can't see any deeper but tech has radically changed our world in 20 years, tech corps now have large amounts of political influence, the capability of modern tech grows rapidly etc etc
It's like shitting radical technological advancement because Indians are still making copycat games.
>Muh Alexa retarded so tech industry is stupid huhhhhhhh

>> No.18172382

Then we fight and either win or die, win - win situation desu.