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/lit/ - Literature

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18166182 No.18166182 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope for future of literature? I've had conversations about this with people in the past. I predict that children of the next generation will be unable to string together a sentence of more than one word. You can hear it already in the way children and teenagers talk. Very slurred, almost dunk like. Very limited vocabulary with little knowledge of what basic words mean.

>> No.18166188

yeah but not this century

>> No.18166214

Thats a bold prediction with almost no basis. You also clearly don't read yourself if you arent aware of the predominantly oral cultures that surrounded the greatest artists.(Homer/Shakespeare)
You're retarded

>> No.18166233

Hard times create great artists. This includes also writers. There will be a small minority who have literally Alexandria's library in their hands on the internet, and decide to use it. Also, arts and science were never for the masses.

>> No.18166239

There is always hope.

>> No.18166241

Why does everyone seem to think they're own little circle of associations is reflective of a demographic that consists of millions? Sure some kids are dumb, and some wont ever grow out of that, but to say you are the one who knows where history as a whole is headed is both arrogant and nigger-level stupid.

>> No.18166251

Oral cultures in which the speaker's face wasn't obscured

>> No.18166259
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>Is there any hope for future of literature? I've had conversations about this with people in the past. I predict that children of the next generation will be unable to string together a sentence of more than one word. You can hear it already in the way children and teenagers talk. Very slurred, almost dunk like. Very limited vocabulary with little knowledge of what basic words mean.

>> No.18166261
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>> No.18166264

Shakespeare didnt do his own acting. Im not sure what you mean here

>> No.18166297

I am quite happy that people are being bred into a race of degenerate weaklings. Ridiculously easy to rule.

I bet the average slave in antiquity had more more character and will than 99% of people alive today.

>> No.18166311
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>I am quite happy that people are being bred into a race of degenerate weaklings. Ridiculously easy to rule.
>I bet the average slave in antiquity had more more character and will than 99% of people alive today.