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18166086 No.18166086 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a teacher. Which work of Plato should I let my students read? They're around the age of 16.

>> No.18166091

Philosophy isn't for children and plato is shit.

>> No.18166094

Read the Symposium and Lysis to the male students.

>> No.18166105

The gay ones. You should target the effeminate and twink looking ones, invite them to a discussion after school and have an orgy with them

>> No.18166108

Plato's works tend to be pretty straightforward. That being said, I doubt you can just toss the Republic at any 16 year old and expect them to do well with it. Since most of his writing is in dialogue format, then I'd say you could find extracts which a lot of back and forth and have the students read them as a part, like reading a play. The part in the Republic where Kefalous starts saying Socrates is a sophist may work.

Do not do this. You'll get fired.

>> No.18166110

I actually thought about Lysis because it's short and not too complex, but I don't know if it isn't a little bit too gay

>> No.18166114

>always firstposting threads
So THIS is the power of the eternal return.

>> No.18166138

There's an Italian comic dialogue about a teacher trying to use Plato's dialogues to fuck a student.


>> No.18166161

Starting with The Republic is something I wouldn't even recommend adults who are interested in philosophy

>> No.18166174

>a tour de force of pederastic fantasy

>> No.18166244

Crito should be your first port of call, as it is the most approachable of Plato's dialogues for beginners. This seems to be the consensus in the supplimentary works I've read (admittedly only one so far) and my own personal experience (anecdotal I know).
Though it is possible that it doesn't work well in a academic environment, as I've only had experience teaching it to myself.
t. new to studying philosophy

>> No.18166260

Dangerously based

>> No.18166636

Meno, Euthyphro are very short and simple but they might bore them. Phaedrus is exciting but I have no idea what I would have gleamed from it at that age. Republic or any long one is going to test their attention too much.

>> No.18166755
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>> No.18166786

His dialogues, obviously

>> No.18166808

I'm a fan of the mainstream approach where you start with the Apology and the ensuing dialogues such as Phaedo.

Based metaphysician.

Based smartass.

>> No.18166823

Just teach them Nietzsche. They'll like it better plus he refuted Socrates.

>> No.18166831
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there is only one book they need
the bible

>> No.18166840

Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo to begin with, especially focusing on the Phaedo.

Then on excerpts and a brief overview of the Symposium (even though it's not literally supporting homosexuality students likely wont see past it in an in-depth reading), a study of at least the major books in the Republic, and the Phaedrus so they get an idea of late Plato.

>> No.18166853


>> No.18166894

Cringe. If someone had any success, like OP, they'd understand he's not a real philosopher.

>> No.18166929

None until they are 26.

>> No.18166936

Definitely this anon, these are the most appropriate. I'd also suggest Phaedrus and perhaps Charmides.

>> No.18166957

>(even though it's not literally supporting homosexuality students likely wont see past it in an in-depth reading)

What I like about the symposium is that it doesn't really support or oppose homosexuality, it just presupposes it as default. In a way that is very jarring, even for a modern reader.

>> No.18166973

I think Crito to land civics.
I would love to talk to people about Phaedo but even adults feel better off ignoring the soul and whatever virtue there is.
Theaetetus could be nice if you want to go to linguistics, but you should definitively digest it for your students as it can be a really heavy read.

>> No.18166989

It discusses it from a critical angle, but it's treating it as a societal norm, something that should be discussed and debated. It's such a fundamentally different view that it can be hard to fully understand.

>> No.18166999

Just tell them the allegory of the cave. Thats literally it

>> No.18167015

The Republic, I read this for syllabus when I was 17-18 definitely shaped a lot of my perceptions on the world and how I think about a lot of things for the better

>> No.18167228

That's what our philosophy teacher did. We never learned anything about Plato except that he said something about a cave which no one of us understood.
Also, checked.

>> No.18167262

Did you have philosophy classes in high school? I only got very brief intros to philosophy my senior year of high school in my creative writing class and it basically consisted of the cave allegory. Didnt get any real philosophy until college.
I dont know if I could have appreciated or understood philosophy when i was 16

>> No.18167300

plato fucking sucks. imagine being so insecure you use your dead, more popular friend in your writings to push your ideas and being so insincere you always give him a few sock puppet NPCs in said works to "enlighten" and just agree with everything he says. how this subversive trash became the cornerstone of western philosophy is just proof philosophy has always been and will always be the trade of pseuds.
>dude just give your kids to the philosopher kings they will be safer that way
>Why yes! I had not considered that giving my children to you, a pedophile, would be in the best interest of everyone! You are so wise, Socrates!
fuck off

>> No.18167306

Yes I'm from Europe, where it is a part of the curriculum. But we mostly learned the names of some philosophers, wasn't quite what it could have been.

>> No.18167356

I suggest you make your students read Ion. it's really short. Socrates BTFO's a kid. Has literary references. And it's about the origin of knowledge. I think it would be great exposure to Plato, and your printing costs would be way down.

>> No.18167453
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x512, Plato-1024x512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euthyphro and Meno

>> No.18167470

>assigning your students a discussion on why young men entering puberty owe their teachers anal

>> No.18167521

Often people in college will start with the death of socrates series.

>> No.18167629

Yes, but if you just wanted to read one Platonic dialogue with your class, would you really choose one of these?

>> No.18167635

My professor taught Plato and Nietzsche in the same class, so I think you're wrong.

>> No.18167655

They won't read it. Assign them just a part of a dialogue that you think is interesring. Like 5 pages of text at most.

>> No.18167778

just read 'of mice of men' or 'lord of the flys' or some shit mate, no point trying to help these kids when you already perpetuate a failing system, you may as well just get through the day as easy as possible

>> No.18167802

The first 5 dialogues everyone teaches fuckin suck. Especially his autistic rant in front of the jury. You expect students to care about a troll they have yet to see troll anyone. Teach Ion.

>> No.18167869

I feel bad for your students if their teacher is getting advice from a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.18168086

Most teachers nowadays are online, and there are worse places than /lit/ on the internet

>> No.18168174

My fourth grade teacher tried to teach that to us. Idk what she was thinking.

>> No.18168193

yeah it would be much better if they asked for advice on social platforms like facebook (retards) or redd*t (faggots)

>> No.18169288

Plato doesn't belong in schools. You have to read it on your own to get anything out of it. The dialogues draw a sharp division between the private discourse of Socrates and the public speeches of the poets for this reason. Teach them Homer and a little tragedy instead.

>> No.18169316

The Republic.

Teach them about the historical basis of Democracy - explain how it is different than we see Democracy, with universal suffrage etc. I assume you are burger, so explain a bit how it was the basis of the thought that inspired the American revolution.

Also Phaedrus, the tri-part nature of our psyche etc. It will help them understand freud and the id, ego, superego meme.

>> No.18169385

The Euthyphro.

>> No.18169424

>Philosophy isn't for children
>plato is shit.

Philosophy should have died after Socrates destroyed Greece with intellectualism.

>> No.18169429

Ah yes, more annoying pissant perspectivists, because we don't have enough of those today!

>> No.18169730

whats wrong with plato?

>> No.18169742

>pre-platonic philosophy
please enlighten us

>> No.18169826

Socrates was a pious man, not an insipid intellectual. Read more.

>> No.18170196

The neetch fags are posting

>> No.18170202

First Alcibiades was the starting point to Plato for a thousand years. Plus this, >>18166138 of course.

Or Apology. That one is fun.

>> No.18170244

Meno is a nice easy, famous one with a showpiece (the slave/geometry demonstration).

>> No.18170272

>16 year olds are children
Lel, I was breaking federal laws at 16 stfu

>> No.18170295


>> No.18170311

Tell me more

>> No.18170319

16 year olds were signing up to fight in WW1 and WW2

>> No.18170355


>> No.18170413

The pre-Socratics are meant to be studied and meditated on, but Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are sort of like the epilogue to the core story that matters. Every philosopher after them are basically just fan fiction and extended universe.

>> No.18170620
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>> No.18170662


>> No.18170717

The Five Dialogues by Hackett are short and simple enough. Having them read excerpts from The Republic is a good idea, especially the Allegory of the Cave.

>> No.18170887

I mean about the laws you broke

>> No.18171000

Of course I'm being serious, why is it that Allen Ginsberg and Foucalt are hated for boyfucking but Plato, who literally advocated for all children to be given to (and molested by) the state, gets a free pass? That's all the Republic is, is a "utopia" where the women guard the gates to the city (lmao) while the men fuck boys.

>> No.18171295

its Platon

>> No.18171302

>whats wrong with plato?

>> No.18171315

>Plato's dialogues
*Platon's dialogues
cmon guys

>> No.18171318

>but Plato,

>> No.18171324

Play dough

>> No.18171339


>> No.18171351


>> No.18171356


>> No.18171358


>> No.18171381

fuck you

>> No.18171672

That is partly because of him though.

>> No.18171719

A Thousand Platos

>> No.18171772

Don't read the books about Sokrates' trial, they're boring. Read Phaidros, Charmides or Laches, they're way better reads

>> No.18171894

Give them the Parmenides and Sophist. If they fail to grasp The One, then you have safely weeded out the retards.

>> No.18171912

Euthyphro, Meno, Crito. Maybe Apology.
First two have some similarities, namely, the problem about how to define universals like virtue or piety. Meno, however, goes more in depth so I would read that after Euthyphro. Crito is about why Socrates didn't escape; has some social contract themes (not exactly though).

>> No.18173083

If he was taught properly as in not in association with Marx and other Rousseauan revolutionary minded thinkers then his perspectivism would play a minor role in his philosophy.

>> No.18173443

i started with the republic

>> No.18173876

Just use the Apology of Socrates. Have them talk about the nature of democracy and the individual's place in it. If it works, you can follow up with Crito. If it doesn't sink, you can move on rather quick.

>> No.18173909

I love my culture

>> No.18173933

there's not a single gay thing in it if you've read Plato and not just scanned the pages

>> No.18173949

any of your students hot? post pics

>> No.18174037

You either haven't read Plato or you're simply retarded

>> No.18174049

he literally spends the night with a heavily tattooed polynesian man in the first 30 pages

>> No.18174060

post the pdf

>> No.18174494

I fucking hate this page so much.

>> No.18174511

After browsing /lit/ I have learned I should not read anything at all. Apparently it's all shit.

>> No.18175182

my high school philosophy teacher had us split into teams and each would reenact one of the dialogues in theater form. made it really easy to understand, even the ones we didn't memorize.
i got timaeus