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18163770 No.18163770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you realize that both men are fervently religious (Peterson Christian and Shapiro Orthodox Jew) and are simply projecting religious dogma under the veil of well-meaning life advice.

>> No.18163779

Juden Peterstein is a Jew too.

>> No.18163789

In other words, they are repackaging the same old shit as "new", which many philosophers and sages have said before them, but more wordy and dumbed down with zero spiritual import. If you truly want wisdom and self-help, go right to the source.

>> No.18163796

intellectual dumb web

>> No.18163808

If you need god to justify something then you're an idiot or wrong.

>> No.18163811

You cannot justify anything without God.

>> No.18163816

Your statement is a paradox

>> No.18163848

When you realize that most religious dogma is well-meaning advice that has been situated in within a culture's primary mythic narrative to facilitate near seamless intergenerational transmission.

>> No.18163906

Dogma is objectively not well-meaning.

>> No.18163909

It objectively is.

>> No.18163925

>a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

>Authority being kikes from 2000 years ago

>> No.18163939

So this thread is really about jews? Or are you just shadowboxing? Because surely you are not retarded enough to think that every society's formative mythology is the result of Jews, right?

>> No.18164118
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Why do we live in these times

>> No.18164130
File: 83 KB, 780x1155, C51241EB-0A4B-44C3-A9A7-EB1A9BF68991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism, anon. I’m not kidding.

>> No.18164131

On the contrary, with God you can justify anything, just look at the acts of terrorism today.

>> No.18164163

>fervently religious
Is he really this? I've never got that impression, some of what he says doesn't strike me as particularly Orthodox/Christian.

>> No.18164176

I'm not saying I support Islamic terrorism (I don't), but I do understand where they are coming from. The West is a fucking dumpster fire.

>> No.18164189

>muh evil boogeyman
It's the tyranny of a minority of politicians. People are the problem.

>> No.18164237

Boogy-system, anon. The politicians follow the money, to everyone's detriment. Are they evil or fools? What's the difference? State-capitalism is what's behind it. Get yer head out of the sand.

>Naw, Capitalism is pristine. People are just screwing it up

>> No.18164275

gigabased BTFO, brutal mog

>> No.18164417

Objectivity doesn't exist

>> No.18164422

You will never be a real woman tho

>> No.18164423

It's pinko whores like you that's the problem.

>> No.18164647

wow men have constitutions and dont rely purely on sensory input to guide their entire lives. its almost taboo to have an identity in 2021 that isn't governed by NLP, trauma based neuroglial shock ala the next media trend downstream from social engineers, or whatever pleasure seeking device you favor
everyone is projecting their internalizations midwit

different strokes for different folks
different paths do different things
for some people, peterson and shapiro help
t. someone who doesnt give a shit about peterson or shapiro

>projecting religious dogma under the veil of well-meaning life advice
you know all "religious dogma" wasn't cultivated with the intent of control, but unity over shared identity with subtle downstream information about the nature of reality
>thou shalt not kill

>> No.18164688

>both men are fervently religious
Neither of them are, they are both larping as religious. Shapiro to fit in with the republican crowd, Peterson because he thinks normies need religion to function.

>> No.18164791

Yes, the government routinely fucks up the market and impinges on capitalism. The underlying principle is freedom. People are too complex to control, predict and manage. This is what statists don't understand, people cannot be made into what you want. Interfering in the economy does more damage then good, and on the off chance you do some actual good, it's offset by every other action you took which produces bad. On net, we are worse off. No intervention is far better than consistent bad intervention with a chance of good. Politicians chase the money but you retards elect them, believe their lies and generally enable their behavior.

>> No.18164805

>simply projecting religious dogma under the veil of well-meaning life advice.
Religious dogma and good advice are not mutually exclusive. Some lessons and morals are found in almost all religions that survive the test of time. There is a reason for this.

>> No.18164809

>When you realize you are stupid enough to waste your life on e-celebtuals and post about it online

>> No.18164813

Attrocities in the same of atheism during the twentieth century were much fiercer than anything alahmudilah al-zayawadawanali could ever muster

>> No.18164820

Nobody used atheism as an excuse brainlet
The did so deliberately in the name of God

>> No.18164829

Enver Hoxha and many other communist leaders killed and oppressed in the name of atheism

>> No.18164838

The problem for you is that they were correct.

Argumentum ad anadeum, p m w.

>> No.18165241

Jesus what a retard. Thinking a rich merchant christian is better than a rich merchant jew.

>> No.18166099

>The powerless are the real problem!

It isn’t magic. It’s corruption. Those with the most money hire the government to favour them.

>> No.18166882

>When my side commits atrocities it's based while when my opponents do the same, it's cringe

>> No.18166907

>Is he really this?
That's the thing, he's not. Like most high IQ people, he's functionally an atheist. But he won't say so clearly, because that will hurt his fanbase.

>> No.18167251

>>The powerless are the real problem!
They are.
One without power is one without possibilities. Their own existence becomes a nihil.

>> No.18167268

Except you’re wrong. You’re the “nihil” for not accepting that they have great possibilities.

>> No.18167286

What's wrong with hookup culture?

If I know I don't want to marry a girl and we both want to have casual sex whats the problem?
Its never been an issue for me that a girl only wants sex when I want to date. Its pretty obvious when you start talking what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.18167289

acts of terrorism are wrong because you are on the wrong side.
buddy morality never works both ways.

>> No.18167302

it's wrong for reasons that i suspect you're not capable of understanding

>> No.18167303

Fuck off I wanna talk about books

>> No.18167326

are you familiar with the term "low time preference,"

>> No.18167329

I'm pretty sure they are. The one that is, is not not. The Potency is the origin of power. It can. The ones that can't, have no power; they aren't. They don't have possibilities because they aren't. At some point a man becomes a dog, later they just dilute into nothingness.

>> No.18167361
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When something degrades society is immoral.
I grew up with divorcing parents, as many do today, and I envy (not in badfaith) sane families.
Plus contraceptives fuck up female hormones and so their choices of males.

>> No.18167394
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Such is the sickness of postmodernist male minds >>18167329

>> No.18168724
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4channel, I do!

>> No.18168816

I'll take that over the merciless dismantling of everything human and all individuality in favor of vice and service to a horrifying mechanical god.