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/lit/ - Literature

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18156012 No.18156012 [Reply] [Original]

Great One Takes Interest Edition
Previous Thread:>>18136305

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent.

Never going to be created.

>> No.18156031
File: 119 KB, 600x500, F536C9B8-CB39-42E3-8522-962B3788C19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the last thread. What can I read that’s like this? Preferably something just as strange.

>inb4 Call of the Crocodile

That book isn’t sci-fi like Arcade.

>> No.18156057

Fuck E William Brown
Fuck paypigs
Fuck paywalls

>> No.18156085

Any fantasy novels where some peoples use woad/bodypaint as armor? Historical fiction is fine too.

>> No.18156131
File: 41 KB, 460x300, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an AI studied all the great, most successful fantasy/scifi stories and procedurally generated a single one based on it, what do you think it would look more or less like?

Do you reckon it would be pretty much the hero's journey?

>> No.18156134

There's a lot if you count rune tattoos. One that springs to mind is Death Gate Cycle.

>> No.18156157

I didn't consider searching rune tattoos thanks. Ideally I'm looking for something barbarianish where people go into battle with only the paint on.

>> No.18156359
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If you were suddenly thrown into your favorite fantasy world, would you actually be able to survive?

>> No.18156412

The rune guys in Death Gate are wizards, although some of them are trapped in a prison (the labyrinth) where they're essentially magic barbarians.

>> No.18156460

To the faggets who read mother of learning. Who is red robe, does zorian escape with his memories and soul intact? Does he ruin that chubby girl's pussey?

>> No.18156472
File: 720 KB, 1127x1500, incu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would have to try to survive, despite how awful and dangerous the world is, because dying would mean the worst torment imaginable for all eternity.

>> No.18156511

fantasy would but not scifi. As much as I love fantasy, scifi tends to be more "literary" while fantasy tends to be more about wish fulfillment. It's not that fantasy doesn't have literary stories, but for some reason they get recategorized as "magical realism" because boomers hate being seen as nerds

>> No.18156557

Just get the war god to save your skin

>> No.18156583

>just be some random thane and get javelin'd by a sranc
Gilgaöl's "paradise" might be kinda fun desu. probably just constant vicious psychedelic warfare forever.

>> No.18156631
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>started reading Thrawn
>immediately see the phrase "He winced" three times within a couple pages
I swear I remember Timothy Zahn being a better writer than this. Apparently my standards were a lot lower when I was younger.

>> No.18156657

The one thing that annoys me about Gene Wolfe is that he keeps using the phrase "I nodded to show I understood" all over his books.

>> No.18156727

name a writer without a stock phrase like that

>> No.18156830

i'm hesitant of starting thrawn because i distinctly remember picking up his cobra books a while ago and i found them to be one of the dullest reads i've ever encountered.

>> No.18157053
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just gonna write one of the best selling fantasy series of all time full of dull descriptions, boring characters and zero original ideas

>> No.18157078

based maxres default

>> No.18157085

Lol Robert Jordan

>> No.18157257

Can anyone recommend anything similar to the Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist?

>> No.18157363

I mean the first 3 books were really good. Imagine if he managed to keep the whole series in 5 books.

>> No.18157412

I'm reading these books at the moment and what I've noticed is that nothing in the story ever ends up being very satisfying, I keep expecting there to be some culminating moment that really ties off a narrative and it never seems to happen. Like at the end of the 2nd book they get the Horn, they blow it, all these mythical warriors comeback and I am left thinking 'okay, here we go, this is the beginning of the main story now, things are gonna start happening at a much faster pace', then get to the next book and all they're doing is sitting around in the snow and the entire 3rd book is just them basically walking to another sitting trying to catch up to Rand. That's it, an entire book.
The book wasn't especially egregious in itself but It feels like you never get any payoff at all for following the story.

>> No.18157477

Even Brandon Sanderson is a better writer and did a better job than Jordan in the last 3 books.

>> No.18157673

Just bought the first Lightbringer book, what am I in for?

>> No.18157674

Read it and find out.

>> No.18157684

But I can't it's not delivered yet.

>> No.18157774

Boring trash. Who tricked you into buying it?

>> No.18157777

Cancel your order anon. Its that bad, I read 400 pages of it trying to give it a chance, but it just keeps getting worse.

>> No.18157797

The /sffg/ charts.

>> No.18157823

Not sure who put it there or why anyone on this board would read it, but its miles worse than anything ive read in the past 20 years, and im someone that finished The Wheel of Time and the Mistborn books, i couldn't complete the first book in the Lightbringer series.

>> No.18157832

Could someone else start making these threads? Anime has its own containment boards

>> No.18157858

is this the penis too big for vagina author?

>> No.18158196

No it’s the vagina too tight for penis author.

>> No.18158268

Interesting premise that spins off in the least interesting directions possible, finishing off with an unfulfilling ending unless you're a big fan of the Bible.

>> No.18158370

any examples of "post-modernistic sff" books?

>> No.18158393 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 420x640, 1611550848889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read the LoGH LNs, are they any good?

>> No.18158407
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Anyone read the LoGH LNs? Are they any good?

>> No.18158413

Do you know of any good self published books?
Up to now i have read Tao Wong, BV Larson and Rob J. Hayes.

>> No.18158559

Both /sffg/ and /wg/ has been hijacked by the same anime poster

And all the previous /wg/ and /sffg/ thread from the last two months

Why do you people allow this?

>> No.18158647

what are you supposed to do about it
they'll get bored of forcing their autistic shit on people eventually because the alternative would be idiotic thread wars

>> No.18158674
File: 712 KB, 1269x1031, 9E2779A2-A1F1-4F8B-8150-2FB3D967DD96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned the first two novels before they were stolen. But the translation is janky as fuck. Don’t know if it ever gets better but go on Amazon and just read it, to see what I’m saying.

>> No.18158683

Mods should ban the poster for spamming at this point imo. Generals are cancer for this reason; they always attract the worst kind of people.

>> No.18158720

There will be as you read more. The standouts for me are the end of book 6 and 12. Absolutely incredible culminations. I wish someone edited out a solid 20% of these books, there's a lot of good here it's just so fucking long.

>> No.18158770

> before they were stolen
Never heard anyone stealing books.

>> No.18158850

Must be nice living all sheltered.

>> No.18158967

I enjoyed them, but not nearly as much as the original OVA series.

>> No.18159058
File: 482 KB, 772x2344, we wuz weebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier just to ignore them. I'm not staying up to make a new thread with nice art instead of some uwu gaylord shit. It’s not worth my time.

>> No.18159075

I'm not sure why I would care, the op image is irrelevant

>> No.18159109

I read Thrawn 5 years ago and I dont get what people found mind blowing about the story and I like legacy of the force

>> No.18159130

an hour into the first book I closed my mp3 file and never looked back.

>> No.18159157

r scott bakker

>> No.18159163

Any classic(y) story ala Belgeriad/WoT but like, not garbage ? Not grimdark but bit more adult, not filled to brim with asspulls and plotholes ?

>> No.18159180

vtubers have nothing to do with anime, so i'm not really sure why you posted that picture. 4chan is an anime website, not a vtuber website

>> No.18159356

Ok, so these are the books and authors that I took from recs on /lit/:

>Erickson - Gardens of the moon
>Scott Bakker - The darkness that comes before
>Gene Wolfe - the wizard knight
>Roger zelazny
>Robert jordan - eye of the world
>Dying Earth
>China Mieville
>Gene Wolfe - The knight
>Lud in the mist
>Jonathan strange
>Once and future king
>Titus groan
>Black company
>american gods
>book of the new sun - gene wolfe
>John Crowley - Little, Big
>Library of mount char
>Kazuo Ishiguro

From these, I already read half of Little, big, and it's an absolute snore fest. The idea is great, starts in a wonderful tone, but it turns into elitist crap very fast.

I also tried reading "The once and future king" and I couldn't even pass the first 10 pages. Childish, unreadable rubbish.

Maybe I was just unlucky.
I just want to have fun and read nice fantasy, not boring crap.

Any good recs? Should I keep trying to read those?

>> No.18159381

yo this niggas too stupid to read genrefic lmao. ngmi senpai

>> No.18159410

>Scott Bakker - The darkness that comes before
scott baker books are one of the worst I have ever read. I think I even read it as part of a challenge.

>> No.18159413

>Any good recs? Should I keep trying to read those?
I dont know many of these but someone might have trolled you.
book of the new sun - gene wolfe is basically a /lit/ meme

>> No.18159439

>I dont know many of these
Damn, we got a real low iq thread this morning, huh?

>> No.18159463

Eeehm...except many of those are recommended outside 4chan.

>> No.18159486

What did you hate about them? I'm curious

>> No.18159508

so what?

>> No.18159520

Is the Red Rising series YA trash or actually worth reading? I heard it's inspired by Hunger Games.

>> No.18159526

I read The darkness that comes before and The Judging Eye. I found them to be a self important slog that does not try to get you invested, instead it insists on itself.

>> No.18159538

I don't know. I know some people who liked it but the cliff sized chip on the main guys shoulder put me off and I did not care about the premis.

>> No.18159589

Im not sheltered, im just not living in burgerland.

>> No.18159611

I stupidly bought the whole 5 book series based on the recommendation of a friend, later I found out he was trolling me because I tricked him into buying Terry Goodkind.
I couldnt read more than 200 pages of the first book before throwing it away. Honestly, even Terry Goodkind is a better writer than Brent Weeks and his Trashbringer series.

>> No.18159624

It's definitely the worst part of america that theft is a crime which exists exclusively within its borders

>> No.18159640

first book is good, ending is unfortunately bad, subsequent books are absolute trash.

>> No.18159669

he means that people usually risk the punishment for theft when it comes to things of value

>> No.18159683

From what I've read online the first book is trash and everything else great...

>> No.18159721

Shoplifting is ubiquitous in all developed countries, including those middle for their low crime rate. Most thefts are not that high value

>> No.18159726

Answer me faggots.

>> No.18159741

At this point I'm pretty sure /sffg/ shits on anything that isn't Bakker and BotNS.

>> No.18159749
File: 34 KB, 850x400, quote-the-world-is-a-big-place-and-our-brain-is-only-three-pounds-r-scott-bakker-208827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After finishing the first trilogy I think I've reached the point where I can respect Baker and what he's trying to do, even if it doesn't appeal to me. I can understand why people are so passionate about these books. It's just a shame Bakker fanboys on /sffg/ are often Rick amd Morty tier "enlightened by my own intelligence" shitposters. Might do some wiki diving since I'm curious enough to spoil myself on the endings but not curious enough to actually bother to read them. Anyway thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18159823

i just come to this place from time to time to fish for mentions of book titles that interest me and then leave. can't risk being spoiled on the book i'm currently reading.

>> No.18159834

>Hates bakker.
>Shit grammar

>> No.18159913

Everyone's too lazy

try 2666

Zelazny's first Amber series is fun
Erickson, Bakker, Black Company, Library Mt Char are grimderp if you think that's fun
Little Big is overrated. It has lots of style but not much else.

>> No.18159960

How come, what was missing for you?

>> No.18159970
File: 376 KB, 1080x1350, 1509255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeb shit as OP's image
How dissapoinitng.

>> No.18160071
File: 177 KB, 611x1021, 71n878oAhGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it desu, wanna see what is so awful about the next 2 books.

>> No.18160187

Has anyone read a good litrpg? I need recommendations.

>> No.18160203

>Little Big is overrated. It has lots of style but not much else.
It's really a pity. I don't dislike the style and the idea is fantastic. The execution is awful, though, the plot is missing and the characters...an absolute joke.

>> No.18160221
File: 2.64 MB, 3500x3500, Self Published Chart V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define good?

>> No.18160269

His Blackcollar books are pretty good.

>> No.18160581

Sweet Seju! I thought that in The Warrior Prophet the march across the desert is bad but now that I am reading The Unholy Consult I see I was wrong.

The Meat...

>> No.18160609

litrpg is always kinda bad
least bad i read were super sales on super heroes abd another one called silver Fox and the Western Hero

>> No.18160633
File: 73 KB, 327x367, Sad_Frog_Saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A cruel fate awaited those who were bewitched by stories .
>I wasn’t talking about people who simply enjoyed them . I was talking about those who were bewitched . Crazed . They fell deeply again and again, and eventually, they gave up half of their lives to stories .
>For them, reality was nothing but a world that could not be a story . There were no dramatic plot twists . No shocking endings . People were just people who could not be reborn as [characters] .
>Reality was a disappointment .
Please stop calling me out

>> No.18160695

Should I start writing reviews on Goodreads or it's all pointless? I don't want to be autistic like that Yev guy.

>> No.18160718

Just give stars

>> No.18160747

You can use goodreads as a book database you can access from anywhere.
Just throw in some stuff that will remind you of what you read, so you can see what you thought about a book you read 10 years ago.

>> No.18160821

Why are you triggered by chinese cartoons?

>> No.18160883

This chart's title should be LitRPG, not self published. There is no Tao Wong, no BV Larson, no Rob J. Hayes.

>> No.18160903

I only write a review for books that have no reviews or very few.
Reviewing something tens of thousands of people have marked as read, and dozens of people have already reviewed, is just an exercise in ego-driven vanity. Spend your time doing something better or start a blog and take reviewing seriously as a hobby.

>> No.18160977

>There is no Tao Wong, no BV Larson, no Rob J. Hayes.

Tao Wong is a fucking propaganda pusher. His books started good, then he made his MC not only a faggot, but a faggot cuck who let people use him and take his shit that he bought with his blood and sweat.

BV Larson. Undying Mercenaries and BV Larso has been shilled for years, no need for it on a chart. Search the archives for Larson.

Rob J. Hayes.. Was bad.. Read the heresy within book one, made me not want to read anything else by the author.

>> No.18161575

I fucking swear to God if Sherin doesn't end up with Vaelin after all this shit I'm gonna lose it

The chink General cunt not being dead is definitely setting it up that way FFS

>> No.18161601

>still reading Anthony Ryan after the dumpster fire that was Dragon Safari and Blood song books 2 and 3

>> No.18161621

Skipped books 2 and 3, I don't regret it. There's barely any mention of them in the duology except some "wow fire queen strong" vibes here and there

>> No.18161662

>reading chink shit webnovels
Get better tastes.

>> No.18161679

Fellas, I'm barely into the second book of WOT and I am officially declaring it Gay As Hell. I'd like to go back to scifi, does anyone have any recs? I have Ringworld, or I could restart Foundation (dropped 1/3 through because I had just finished something a bit more exciting, I think it was Player of Games, so by comparison it was dry as hell). Or I could just read BOTNS for the third time.

>> No.18161705

Wot is Shit, Lotr is shit.
Stop reading shit books that people were forced to read because they didn't have anything else to read.

>> No.18161709

1) their classmate's lawyer who entered the loop thanks to Zach
2) yes he does
3) no

>> No.18161715

I know, I said that in my first sentence you retard

>> No.18161719

>Lotr is shit
Contrarian fagoid detected

>> No.18161747

Anything good involving dreams? Like things from dreams spilling out into the real world or something like that. Some anon recommended Lathe of Heaven but I got bored of it about halfway through.

>> No.18161752

So zach invited him?
How did he steal the marker from zach? Is he a super mind mage, or did zach wipe his own memories?
Did Zach send him in to gt powerful so he could help zach get his money back?
Does Zorian give any of the people he held information for back when he escaped?
Does the silver witch get young again, and zorian SS her?

>> No.18161790

Why do you dislike WoT?

>> No.18161792

>if you don't like my book youre a faggoid

>> No.18161842

Good to see you understand

>> No.18161853

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.18161877

Understandable. Have a good day.

>> No.18162206

Zach let's in a bunch of people with temporary markers because he's lonely but in the end they all get jealous of him and desperate, the lawyer dude gets Quatach Ichl's help to turn the permanent in exchange for a memory packet once he's out of the loop.
Yes Zorian gives the others the information when he's out, not without having to do some mind magic fuckery because the Angels wouldn't allow it otherwise.
She gets young by betraying Z&Z, but gets killed by her older self in the end.

>> No.18162255

>I don't want to be autistic like that Yev guy
It's too late bro, you are now autistic.

>> No.18162278
File: 28 KB, 400x400, varys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vill renounce ze Orthodox.
You vill vorship ze golden man.
You vill join ze Ordeal.
You vill eat ze Meat.
You vill fuck ze Sranc.
You vill own nothing.
And you vill be saved.

>> No.18162297

>because the Angels wouldn't allow it otherwise.
>She gets young by betraying Z&Z, but gets killed by her older self in the end.
Older Self? Explain.
Also, did Zorian work it out with his family?
Did Zach get his money bad and stop the invasion?
How come Zach initiated the time look in the first place?

>> No.18162321
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>> No.18162341

Gideon the Ninth

>> No.18162370

Most reviews are worthless. At least though by similar people may have slight value.

>> No.18162443

it feels derivative of lotr, overly long, the world building feels large but ultimately not that interesting, also feels childish. the villain seems cartoony. the exclamations "light!" and "blood and ashes" are extremely grating to me for some reason. I wish the characters were hornier.
I realize some of these criticisms are probably developed more positively as the series progresses, but given the length it doesn't seem like something I want to invest my time in.

>> No.18162501

If you want /sffg/ to end up as /self published litrpg harem/ then by all means, support anime generals.
The fact is, weebs have shit taste because they're dilettantes whose reading level is perennially stuck at that of a high schooler.

They want to consume easy media, which is why they'll have watched more 10x more isekai garbage then they have read actual books. And when they do read, they're content reading machine language translations of shitty isekai/another life garbage written by other high schoolers. They just want to consume more wish fulfillment escapist fantasy where the MC is a loser like them who offed themselves and now has a cheat skill.

>> No.18162534

I guess you like books where losers sacrifice themselves for some stacy, so she can continue to get trains ran on her by chads?

>> No.18162553

I'm not really a fan of iname schizo art like OP posted, but man it's funny that it makes you seethe so much.

>> No.18162594

is anime club out already?

>> No.18162651

The loop is like a separate dimension, a complete copy of the original world created by literal biblical angels who wanted to train up Zach in order to stop the primordial from getting out. Zach gets his money back yeah, but that's like the least of his concerns.

So basically, Silverlake joins the primordial's side and is transported out of it by him, she gets a new younger body but the original Silverlake still remains alive in the original world and ends up trapping the Loop-Silverlake with a Grey hunter (spider thing) and kills her during the final battle.

I'm still leaving out so many details because a lot of stuff happens.

>> No.18162694

Post the books you've read so far in 2021. Now post the anime you watched.

>> No.18162717

>sharing your thoughts on a book is now 'autistic'
Why the fuck are you even here

>> No.18162743

I haven't even watched any anime this year, its just funny that all it takes is some vtuber art in the thumbnail to set you off and try to derail the thread

>> No.18162750

I haven't read any books unless you count web novels retard. That's why I'm in this thread to look for recommendations.

>> No.18162757

universe on fire series

>> No.18162817

Johannes Cabal Series
The Bone Shard Daughter
The Wizard's Butler
Blood Song
The Fate of Africa
The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air
the Metaxas biography of Martin Luther
The Devil and the Dark Water
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Second Life Ranker

Tenkuu Shinpan
Akudama Drive
Rewatched No Game No Life
Currently watching Wonder Egg Priority

>> No.18162947

Why did the angels choose zach?
Is red robe stronger than zach?
Did zorian give the silverlake the egg and salamander, or did he feel they were even after the betrayal?
So silverlake is part of the Dragon below cult?
What did zorian do after escaping the loop? Did he get rich and quit school? Did he find a way to get the blessings and double his mana with the icosahedron?
Did zorian end up with the nerdy girl who wants to boss him around like his mother?

>> No.18163263

>image discussing internet fanfiction like they were real books

>> No.18163332

"Harry stretched his legs"

>> No.18163350

Black company is good, so is book of the new sun

>> No.18163351

Just finished the original Mistbirn trilogy.

Bro’s I’m not going to lie, I really enjoyed it.

Despite its borderline YA level prose, and sometimes the combat/magic feeling a bit too anime, I still found it engaging and a lot of fun.

It helps that I really like the main protagonist Vin. She’s - I’m not kidding- probably my favorite “badass female” that’s been written in all of fiction.

The plot started to drag for me midway through the final book, but I was legit surprised at “how” it ended in a pleasant way. (Basically a character I had grown very tired of ended up mattering a lot and It actually made sense, and made me reconsider the entire character arc that I had been previously annoyed by.

Brando catches a lot of shit around here, so I had low expectations going in, but he surpassed for me. I haven’t read any of his other works, so maybe it’s deserved in other areas.
My other criticism would be they all felt about 100 pages too long, so maybe Stormlight isn’t for me, considering how bloated those books seem to be.

Overall, it was fun and I would recommend, pretty comfy time.

>> No.18163381

what the fuck, all of Jim Butcher's angel names are made up. why? even the koreans use the names from the lesser key of solomon

>> No.18163493

Because Koreans are missionary brainwashed christcucks.

>> No.18163505

The chinese also use the lesser key of solomon names

>> No.18163996

Okay shut the fuck up and read it now

>> No.18164021

I'm editing my book mess now, but what is everyone reading or working on? I'm fixing plot holes with the efficientcy of a hammer.

>> No.18164025

If you have a list of western book fanart, I think OP might enjoy them. Otherwise, I dunno what you expected for improving opening posts. Want to try constructive advice?

>> No.18164086

The Knight or Bakker?

>> No.18164140

Are you blind? You realize there's been more posts over some self published 'young adult' chinese webnovel in this thread right? >>18156460

>> No.18164161

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is my go-to "generic fantasy". Remarkable mainly in how it doesn't fuck anything up to a major degree.

>> No.18164234

lmao right?

>> No.18164287

Have you considered "Otherland" by Tad Williams? It is technically scifi but has strong (virtual reality) fantasy elements. It is pretty good.

>> No.18164293
File: 1.99 MB, 2000x2000, 83805168-A828-49FB-B224-BCCF40E198A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R. Scott Bakker’s The Second Apocalypse Series

>> No.18164296

>Tao Wong is a fucking propaganda pusher
Propaganda for what? The System Apocalypse series is a good space opera. Name a better space opera published within the last 2 years.

>BV Larson. Undying Mercenaries and BV Larso has been shilled for years, no need for it on a chart.
So the charts only have the shit writers and not the good ones? Nice point of view.

>Rob J. Hayes.. Was bad.. Read the heresy within book one, made me not want to read anything else by the author.
I agree with you, faggot. Still, he is better than some writers on that chart.

>> No.18164311


>> No.18164319

Yeah you're right in that all of those problems go away as the series progresses, it also does take many (LARGE) books for that to happen. Though I have to preface that the series never stops using words like "light", "blood and ashes", etc. And they never became much hornier.

>> No.18164348

>I wish the characters were hornier.
The WoT characters are incredibly horny, they just filter it through the eternal gender war

>> No.18164551

Can't. The audio stops at chapter 87.
I can't do 22 chapters which average around an hour each.

>> No.18164578

>Propaganda for what?
Sjw faggot alphabet groups
Are you some cuck who gains enjoyment from people openly stealing your shit and walking over you? It explains why you have shit tastes.
You probably like Harmon Cooper, Logan Jacobs, Eric Vall, Simon Archer and the other shit hacks on Amazon.

>> No.18164690
File: 236 KB, 1280x2048, 179208837_3675923172533403_4925701576850374765_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come elves are so slutty?
They look like they want to breed.

>> No.18164717
File: 51 KB, 333x500, 75472547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say i started listening to audiobooks after not reading for about 7-8 years (and i wasn't that much of a reader beforehand) and the first thing i stumbled upon was the Cradle series
Holy shit this might just be the best fucking thing, good ratings on goodreads too, what's /lit/ opinion on this?

>> No.18164733

I think it's pretty decent, however the author really fucked up on book 7 and REALLY fucked up on book 9

>> No.18164743

I remember it being really popular in here sometime ago.
I haven't read it but it's just westernized chinese novels. Might as well read the real thing.

>> No.18164745

Being on 4chan is a clear indicator of autism in of itself.

>> No.18164775

I still have to get that far but since i listened through all of book 5 yesterday it won't take that long, ratings for those books seems fine though so it might be subjective?
I thought that it lost the chinese flavor after the first book except for maybe some clothing description, each destination is really different in culture which i really liked
Also i might be wrong but the first book being chinese-themed might also be the reason as to why it's the lowest rated book in the series, not a fan of that as well.

>> No.18164783

I enjoyed Mistborn too (although I hated Vin, only Bakker writes about females correctly). Overall, Sanderson is great at world building and magic systems but his prose is just plain average. Maybe if he took his time with books he would produce better quality.
Check out Elantris if you havent read it.

>> No.18164811

Just finished blindsight, loved every page. Is there anything similar to it other than the second book?

>> No.18164852
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Sooo what are you guys reading? I'm not wearing any clothes lol.

>> No.18164877


>> No.18164897

>good litrpg
doesnt exist

>> No.18164947

back to /a/ with you

>> No.18165003

Shadow Rising - Wheel of Time.

>> No.18165193
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>> No.18165204

I don't like marvel movies in a fantasy setting.

>> No.18165211

elric of melnibone

>> No.18165214

thousand world by grrm

>> No.18165254

Book 5 is best and the overall quality of the books drops hard after book 6.

>> No.18165266 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 811x769, c558a8dab198515114bd8ef6d72616ac-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books about streamers?

>> No.18165477


>> No.18165529

Anon, I think god answered your question

>> No.18165792

Presumed Intimacy
Understanding Media
Society of the Spectacle
my manifesto

>> No.18165796

Book of the Short Sun

>> No.18165802
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Is this good writing?

>> No.18165834

The dialogue is clunky and the prose is plain but I understand what's happening and how the characters relate to each other without being explicitly told so I'm going to give it a Not Bad

>> No.18166036
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>How come elves are so slutty?
It's their nature.

>> No.18166120

That's 100 years old elf pussey you got there. Probably like sandpaper.

>> No.18166258

I don't like Marvel movies but I did like Mistborn.

>> No.18166269

I read the first book and thought it was fine, but wasn't compelled to read more. Felt like a formula that just didn't do much for me.

>> No.18166353
File: 58 KB, 394x576, Fang Yuan swordart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fang Yuan is going to take his benefits and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

>> No.18166382

Alright, faggot, that's it, I will read your stupid chinkshit. You have been shilling it or years now, with no signs of stop. This level of autism must mean something. I will find out what.

>> No.18166385
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Thank me later.

>> No.18166391


>> No.18166397

B e n e f i t s

>> No.18166450

It's go.

>> No.18166451

The Chronicles of Prydain is like that mostly but it's a bit more on the younger reader side

>> No.18166466

Prose is fine but the ''''''''''''humour'''''''''''' makes it really hard to read.

>> No.18166575


HP Lovecraft...MAYBE Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.18166623

I don't know if it's just me but having a nuclear reaction when you shoot a shield in Dune seems like a completely retarded idea. It's just here to force sword fights. In reality you would actually fear activating your shield just in case an enemy snipes you and blows up your entire company for free.

>> No.18166658

>not equipping one-man suicide squads with shields that you snipe once they reach their target

>> No.18166759

I hate everything about this.

>> No.18166781

why are all of the venerables peak autists, save for Great Sun, who is based as hell?

>> No.18166843

You probably have to be a peak autist to even reach the peak. Consider our beloved protagonist who reduces all humans to potential tools or obstacles to be removed. What is that if not autism in action?

>> No.18166860

>lives for 500 years in a world where social darwinism is reality
>becomes the one of the most autistic beings on the planet, save for Thieving Demon Venerable.
The Gu World, not even once

>> No.18166872

no, it's not just you, it is fucking retarded. but a lot of stuff in sci-fi and fantasy is, sometimes you just have to accept it because the book is good.
i'm thinking of two books in particular where the whole premise (not just one aspect of it) is fucking retarded but they're quite enjoyable reads nonetheless - the inverted world and dragon's egg. i suppose i could spoil them but i don't want to. read up on them on wiki yourself if you can't be arsed to read the whole books (they're fairly short though). would be a dams shame to spoil yourself on the inverted world though.

>> No.18166885

At least he's not number 1 on the edgy scale. I suppose that goes to Spectral Soul Demon, also known as "any problem should be solved by killing"

>> No.18166926

what do you think Fang Yuan would have accomplished/be like had he became a Venerable in the eras preceding him?

>> No.18166968

oh, and the stars my destination deserves to be mentioned in the "good books with retarded premises" list

>> No.18167040

never watched buffy or any joss whedon series and have never been a fan, so this may be off base, but is he the source/the main inspiration for "snarky" sci fi and fantasy (or people imitating people imitating him)? feel like there is a definite tone that appears in these kinds of books, and have been wondering if he & his works are at fault?

>> No.18167100

Probably mirror Limitless Demon Venerable. He would do anything to have a shot at immortality. No matter how low the odds are.

>> No.18167101

you will regret it

>> No.18167107

you might be on to something. his shows never had swearing and vulgarity and his early-mid 2000s shows had snark that was way less obnoxious than what we've gotten since then, including from his later works.
but i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the worst snark is attempts at copying his style. i certainly remember when buffy and angel and firefly were novel and clever and they mostly didn't feel as annoying at the time for me. but in retrospect, his influence on dialogue writing as a whole was probably detrimental.

>> No.18167265

Answer me fagget.

>> No.18167323

its grimdark as fuck idiot

>> No.18167371

>woman author thinks swearing a lot makes your MC badass and cool

>> No.18167406
File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, jrr-tolkien-9508428-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me wholesome works of /sffg/. Books with a love of beauty, goodness, and wonder. Things without overwhelming bleak, mean-spirited, or disgusting themes. Anti-grimdark, if you will.

>> No.18167409
File: 90 KB, 960x523, hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It it bad that the first full novel I ever read in my entire life was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

>> No.18167418

>Fang Yuan gets reborn in Remote Antiquity Era
>Goes through his 500 year dev arc in 100 years or 200 years because of how fucked the world was for regular humans at the time
>Becomes Refinement Path Venerable, becomes the Dao Seeker of Dao Seekers
>Plots against Heavenly Court, somehow outdoes their 500k year old foundation to refine Heavenly Dao Marks
>Cons/Scams/Steals the Heavenly Court so badly that he cripples it by causing the leadership to die from coughing up too much blood
>Makes his super autism cave/zone to seek out immortality
>Eventually comes to realize that the Heavenly Will is screwing with him, seeks to become full Other Worldly Demon
>Autistically spreads his inheritances across the world, never bothering to have any descendants because women are just bags of meat and bones
>Somehow discovers method of reincarnating oneself into the future with full attainment and memories through the usage of Peak Refinement Autism
>Decides to use it because his tribulations are getting too much, even for Fang Yuan
>Makes his (((VENERABLE))) arrangements for the next five million years or so
>Decides to try ascending to Rank 10 anyways
>Dies at the ripe old age of 1,000
>Is remembered as Heavenly Refinement Demon Venerable, the first Demon Venerable and also first Gu Immortal to invade Heavenly Court, putting some weird Refinement Boogaloo Formation on Fate Gu for his purposes, is also infamous for being one of the most short-lived Immortal Venerables in history
>Two million years later, Limitless Demon Venerable discovers one of his main inheritances, having fulfilled the quality of being an immortality seeker as autistic as Fang Yuan, creates his Crazed Demon Cave and gives Heavenly Court PTSD by reminding them of Fang Yuan
>Red Lotus Demon Venerable gets manipulated into damaging Fate Gu by Fang Yuan's post-death arrangements so that he can come back
>Spectral Soul Demon Venerable is pushed onto path of discovering Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu by Fang Yuan's will who he left behind
>Eventually, his refinement formation activates on Fate Gu, ends up trying to refine Fate Gu posthumously to the point that 99% of Heavenly Will immediately focuses on it
>Uses this slip to become reborn
>Somehow the 1% of the Heavenly Will fucks up this process and causes him to split into a twin
>Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng team up and eventually merge together during Shadow Sect's refining of the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu, before he transplants his soul into it, cucking Spectral Soul Demon Venerable so hard that he comes to the realization that he was being manipulated since birth by Fang Yuan's will to this very moment
>Fang Yuan is reborn as full otherworldly demon
>Heavenly Court shits itself
>Heavenly Will shits itself
>The Gu World shits itself

>> No.18167423

Why would it be? We all have to start somewhere and it's not terrible fantasy.

>> No.18167440

but honestly, the more realistic version would go like this
>Fang Yuan is born in Remote Antiquity Era
>Immediately gets his variant-human masters genocided by Heavenly Court because they know he will become a Venerable
>Easily impressionable Fang Yuan(aka Fang Yuan when he was 5 in his first life and was praised as a genius) falls hard for their goal, gets groomed by either his Dao Guardian, or by Star Constellation Immortal Venerable if he's born in her lifetime
>Becomes the third venerable in Heavenly Court's history, deepens their foundation to an ungodly level from the amount of Rank 8 and Rank 9 Gu he refines and invents
>His reign ends up demolishing the Hairy Men civilization and enslaving them
>His biggest contribution to Heavenly Court becomes the metric ton of Rank 8 Gu Houses he builds
>Still remains a virgin, because Fang Yuan dedicates 100% of himself to Heavenly Court after being rescued by them, because this was how Fang Yuan was before his will became demonic

>> No.18167442
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It's only bad because you live in England where they call it "Philosopher's Stone" instead of "Sorceror's Stone"

>> No.18167448

You should make this a larger story. Plenty of fans will read a good fanfic, and this take is much in line with what we'd expect of our peak autismus.

I'd probably also imagine him somehow becoming the Dao Lord of Heavenly Court, fooling all but the Heavenly Dao about where his true allegiance lies. Or, better yet, in the future reincarnate with full attainment level of heaven path, or Chaos path if that is ever developed.

>> No.18167471

Yeah, I'm planning to write a fanfiction of Reverend Insanity if it was a reincarnated ancient immortal style novel x1000 instead of the regular reincarnated 500 year immortal we got.

I just have to re-read the novel about 3 more times to get a grasp on the mechanics/characters, then I can start modifying it.

>> No.18167480

>>Gene Wolfe - the wizard knight
>>Gene Wolfe - The knight
the wizard knight are the two books together
>>Robert jordan - eye of the world
the wheel of time series only comes into its own from the 2nd book, the 1st is largely a fellowship of the ring rip off because thats all the fantasy the publisher would publish
>>Jonathan strange
is fantastic

>no dune

>> No.18167532

>I think it was Player of Games
use of weapons is very good and all the culture books are largely self contained
>I have Ringworld, or I could restart Foundation
Foundation is great but read the iRobot detective novels first, caverns of steel is the first one, ringworld is meh, Rendezvous with Rama is by far better

>> No.18167555

check out powder mage, french revolution where people can use gunpowder to power magic. think the author went to the same story writing classes as sanderson, there's practically a sub genre for all those Mormon fantasy/scifi writers

>> No.18167645

Good to now I can skip that. Sounded a little interesting, but if it's the same type of garbage as Sanderson, eeeeeeasy skip.

>> No.18167661

>it's bad because it refers to an actual legend
>it's bad because americans are so fucking insecure, dumb and anti-intellectual, that something that refers to something "smart" like philosophy would make them upset

>> No.18167668

Wow, never though I'd see another writer as fucking bad at dialogue and humor as Sanderson.

>> No.18167679

>>it's bad because americans are so fucking insecure, dumb and anti-intellectual, that something that refers to something "smart" like philosophy would make them upset
to be fair, the title change was a decision made by some elitist publisher parasite who despises their own customer base and thinks they're subhuman. not necessarily because american readers themselves wouldn't understand it.

>> No.18167681

you'll want to cross off the Licanius trilogy and Shadow of the Conqueror too then. they aren't bad... but they defiantly feel like they're aping sanderson's style

>> No.18167686

the books were protested against because americans thought they were literal witchcraft and devil worship

>> No.18167699

yeah i remember that but that's not related to the title change

>> No.18167884

Terrible, terrible cringe

>> No.18167993


>> No.18168188
File: 67 KB, 446x496, DCF89332-98E8-40CE-B940-4DB133C268D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s some Dark Fantasy or Sword and Sorcery with hellish demons and evil?

>> No.18168226
File: 199 KB, 1125x1671, 20EC6A8F-C3F1-4A69-B0AB-C6BDC0935F5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read Wagner?

>> No.18168255 [DELETED] 

feminism, fags, and niggers are disgusting, mean-spirited, and unwholesome

>> No.18168293

What do you mean? I don't remember books 7 and 9 being bad at all

>> No.18168305

Really like Blood Song, any other recs? School setting is a guilty pleasure of mine

>> No.18168318


>> No.18168329
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I meant as novels, not manga or comics.

>> No.18168357
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>> No.18168388

uh oh UH OH

>> No.18168414

You should still read it you mongrel

>> No.18168425

when did this general turn to manga general

>> No.18168438

Answer me

>> No.18168445

How is manga not related to sff? You already talk about Chinese web novels

>> No.18168470

some people talk about Chinese web novels
I mostly talk about good stuff like Bakker and Wolfe

>> No.18168492

what type of philosophy can you find in Bakker's novels? Existentialism? The human condition?

>> No.18168498

I love Wolfe but not sure whether I’m in the mood for him at the moment. Iirc, most of his dark features are purely human (like Solarian’s sadism). I wanted to ask about demons and pure evil and shit.

Is Bakker any good? I tried the first novel but the prose wasn’t doing it for me.

>> No.18168523


>> No.18168539

Scott Bakker - The darkness that comes before
Ramesses II aka Ozymandias was ginger as was his father Seti I. also the oldest 2 mummies found were both ginger and were buried with pottery that had 'Aryan' patterns

>> No.18168560

Everything that matters. Existentialism? Absolutely

You either get filtered by good prose or you don't. Maybe you should try reading Sanderson, he is known for is easy to read YA.


I am seriously considering there should be /wsffg/ for western speculative fiction. Anime, trannies and other unwanted can stay on this degen-eral.

>> No.18168632

What's the point of coming here just to wank Bakker and Wolfe every day

>> No.18168644

Lol you think Bakker is good prose? Have you read any amount of decent literature a la Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Beckett, Joyce, etc? Bakker reads like an autistic Philfag writing his way into autistic fantasies and reveries.

>> No.18168786

you are projecting

>> No.18168947

I would really recommend you to read more of Mieville's work, especially Embassytown

The rest on that list - apart from Leibowitz - you can do without imo, except for Jonathan Strange maybe.

>> No.18169155

Because there is a board already for you kiddies that can't read without pictures

>> No.18169182

Read the Russians. Good for setting and story, low chance of wokeness, possible fur trigger. If you're into harems and shit there's a subgenre but if you want the essence of it, a guy playing a game for real, Russia has what you want.

>> No.18169186

Tao Wong is pretty bad, though. Soft, unfocused, no drive or momentum.

>> No.18169199

Yes, I wish I'd done this. I listen to tons of genre audiobooks as background noise so I often forget which ones engaged me and which forgettable ones I've forgotten. Get three hours into a book and remember oooh, that's why I dropped this. It would be better if I used Goodreads. Hate their interface though.

>> No.18169218
File: 326 KB, 2560x1408, 609fbe8e-c4de-43a1-9bfb-aba33fb3b34d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Bakker any good? I tried the first novel but the prose wasn’t doing it for me.
You have to get into the swing of it. I'm only on the third book but the first was by far the worst. Mostly because once Kellhus becomes less of a PoV in subsequent books, and you just get to see his impact on those around him, things get pretty interesting.

If you have an assload of time then this guy lays a pretty good foundation for the series. It doesn't spoil much of the first book, and actually explains the situation very well.


>> No.18169294

Answer me faggots

>> No.18169341

Plus he panders to faggets

>> No.18169343

What are some good fantasy/scifi books with lots of gore, death and edginess? Thinking of stuff like some WH40K novels

>> No.18169346

They are working on a new beta UI. I hate it, but your ass might actually like it.

>> No.18169353

Just go on goodreads for school settings.
It's what everyone and their nanny is writing these days, sadly.

>> No.18169402
File: 27 KB, 350x405, lindon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindon's baby Cradle book 8.

>The Akura monarch offers Lindon's gf, Yerin, the chance to marry into the Akura family if she wins the tournament.
>Yerin lays back on couch
>Sure, might take you up on dat.

>The Akura sage offers Lindon the chance to marry into the Akura family to one of their top talents.
>Lindon: A-a-pologies. But my heart is only for Yerin. G-gratitude.
>Kneels and kowtows.

>> No.18169412

abayo, faggot

>> No.18169765

>i listened through all of book 5
how many hours is one book? I read the first book a while ago but was busy with other stuff. Wouldn't mind listening to a whole book tonight to chill

>> No.18169781

chinese web novels are still fantasy novels

>> No.18169858

Fantasy novels for retards.

>> No.18170066

Sanderson isn’t so bad once you realize he’s just a big Mormon goof. It’s a little cringe but there’s something endearing enough about it. It’s rarely funny, but I find it charming that he thinks it is.

At least he doesn’t try this very cringe “snarky super edgy” bit that this person is.

>> No.18170140

My intuition is proven right once again. I wonder how many anons got tricked by the shill.

>> No.18170172

Yeah, if he wanted cool sword fights only the shooter should explode, and not so violently that he poses a danger to the one using the shield.

>> No.18170278

I'm looking for books where the jester plays a major/supportive or antagonist role in the story

>> No.18170325
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 837f8cf1fe7ef5a54a690a1e8c5b797a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are things that are not novels off-topic in the novel thread? You already talk about novels I don't like?

>> No.18170416
File: 64 KB, 600x750, way of choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to whoever recommended this, I was surprised by how much I liked it. I'm close to finishing it, any other chink webnovel I should give a chance? I dropped Desolate Era after the fifth or so arc of the MC getting a new powerup and beating a new stronger bad guy.

>> No.18170690

Embarrassing weeb shit for teens

>> No.18170706

Is it too much to ask for normal characters instead of soft shonenshit? Wheel of time started an awful trend.

>> No.18170726

why do these threads always discuss fantasy but never sci-fi?

>> No.18170731

the jews

>> No.18170733

All of them are like that anon, Coiling dragon is kinda enjoyable, release that witch was fun until last arc which was dogshit.

>> No.18170908

Holy crap Thomas Covenant is very very depressing.
It's like Gene Wolfe's Wizard Knight, except instead of being a vague and mystical coming of age its a vague and mystical coming of the apocalypse.

>> No.18170919

Sci fi is even more dead than fantasy as a genre

>> No.18170921

Kane is dumb fun. History spanning immortal heroes/villians are always a lot of fun.

>> No.18170936

>Is Bakker any good? I tried the first novel but the prose wasn’t doing it for me.
Bakker's characters are shit. I hate writers who use their character's vices to make the entirety of their depth. Not only is it one dimensional and vapid, it also just makes the characters plain unlikable.

>> No.18170962

Cool! I’ll try pick it up some day... the German editions are cheap but I don’t speak it. :(

Ah, is it like a cringey dark fantasy by the author? Or is he just shit at character building?

>> No.18170963

Foundation and Empire

Fantasy is the genre of choice for mentally arrested man-boys to live out their juvenile power fantasies

>> No.18170975

Thanks. I already knew about Sadler but he makes everything very overcomplicated and it’s never helpful (especially Hegel). But your point about it picking up later on via a dissolution of unreliable perspective sounds interesting. I’ll try to take your word for it.

>> No.18170988

>Fantasy is the genre of choice for mentally arrested man-boys to live out their juvenile power fantasies
That's bullshit.
I want to live out my juvenile power fantasies by the being the admiral of a fleet which worships the ground I tread, carrying out my every whim with an iron fist and absolute loyalty. if anyone mentions Lost Fleet I'll snap their fucking spines

>> No.18171020

It's a western version of wuxia/xianxia with western character development and plot twists sprinkled in - unlike the Chinese webnovels, where it's all about the MC getting stronger and overcoming one obstacle over another.

Series quality would improve a lot if Wight would just cut down on Dross's forced one-liners and Eithan's sarcasm. Also cut down on all the female dialogue - about 10%. Cut female dialogue down to 10%. Finally have Lindon stop being a big fat fucking pussy.

>> No.18171025

I'd say its just bad character building. I can sometimes enjoy cringey dark fantasy because the cringey one dimensional characters can at least can be cheap fun (I think of Prince of Thorns, funnily Kane is sort of also an example of that though he is at least likable). Bakker though seems to go out of his way to make his one dimensional characters as un-fun as possible. It was particularly annoying because he's also the kind of author who will every now and then introduce an actually likable, complex character who has motives beyond being as useless as practically possible, only to kill them off within a few chapters. Almost like he's taunting you by pointing out how he knows how to write good characters, but just chooses not to.

>> No.18171085
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1688, 6EC0CEF8-FC33-4860-BAD3-DF0B6221AB4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I loved Prince of Thorns but it turned a little boring after the first novel. I found the MC to be a bit cringe but I suppose the sadistic teen boy is a stock character in fantasy now. But that’s a shame about Bakker killing off good characters. What’s his endgame?

>> No.18171123

Gonna ask again. Any recommendations for first contact with truly alien species, like blindsight, annihilation (roadside picnic counts too)?

>> No.18171126

Read fantasy instead of that tranny sci-fi shit.

>> No.18171130
File: 32 KB, 429x715, 5011EED4-ED88-4635-9E9D-46365A8E20E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does not want an androgynous alien gf

>> No.18171133

Thanks for the recommendation but I enjoy sci-fi much more. Though if you got some good fantasy shit then shoot and I'll give it a shot

>> No.18171134

I'm not a fag, so no.

>> No.18171144

But you’d rather read homoerotic Conan slice a male allosaurus’ butthole with his big phallic sword?

>> No.18171148

I'll rather read fantasy web novels and self-publish books.

>> No.18171152

I'm still not sure wtf happened there and I read all three books

>> No.18171156

And that's the beauty of it. Truly alien

>> No.18171161

There are a lot of fantasy and scifi books where there's some female antagonist lusting after the protag's cock, but are there any books, scifi or fantasy, where there's a cute guy or femboy that lusts after the protag's cock? Kind of like Clive Barker's "horror" stories. Please don't laugh at me.

>> No.18171165

Varies. More than 7 hours each.

>> No.18171170


>> No.18171171


>> No.18171176

Agreed, mindfuck seems the only likely outcome if we ever encountered an alien specie so advanced we couldn't even fathom it, though I'm not against the "alien are just hot bitches but blue" trope either because it's fun.

>> No.18171193

Yeah, loved mass effect, but the whole idea of meeting a species so different that human mind just gets absolutely raped upon contact has something to it. As I said, loved blindsight, about to get echopraxia. Loved roadside picnic and annihilation too (the sequels were weaker though). I've also read end of childhood lately, also pretty good just not there with the mindfuckery

>> No.18171194

God I hate imajica

>> No.18171196

Who doesn't at this point.

>> No.18171206

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18171208

Retard, the novel was made by some euro.

>> No.18171223

what is imajica?

>> No.18171229

holy fuck, google it, you retard.

>> No.18171231

i thought mother of learning was made by an american

>> No.18171235


>> No.18171239

A fantasy novel. Search it up before asking questions that stupid.

>> No.18171242

New thread

>> No.18171246
File: 20 KB, 220x274, Clive_Barker_Jericho_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but the only thing I know by Clive Barker is pic related, loved it and was disappointed it wasn't from a novel. It wasn't very popular either I think.

>> No.18171252
File: 349 KB, 1125x1567, DBAE113D-7B16-464B-B421-182A86B6551E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

>> No.18171400

The Farseer trilogy.