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/lit/ - Literature

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18144551 No.18144551 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em

>> No.18144554
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God, what a pointless and useless thread.

>> No.18144587

Nice Stackpoles, my man.

>> No.18144619

Based stack Germanbro. I was thinking of buying the Hegel book, what are your thoughts on this so far?
Just like your life then?

>> No.18144646
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People who make these type of threads just want their ego stroke. I say, just go to some liberal cafe and act like a total pseud to get the same results.

>> No.18144663
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Here's what I've got planned to read for the next month

>> No.18144931
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Which one should I read first?

>> No.18144944

Plato and then Dosto

>> No.18145339

You couldn't have bothered to make sure all the books were oriented so you could read them? Fuck you and fuck this shitty thread.

>> No.18145406

>liberal cafe

>> No.18145787

People who make these type of threads just want their ego stroke. I say, just go to some liberal cafe and act like a total pseud to get the same results.

>> No.18145792
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Don't judge me unless you've walked a mile in my shoes.

>> No.18145823

Now that's what I call a shelf.

>> No.18145827

unironic cringe

>> No.18145861

I'm sorry a Starbucks or whatever you kid these days go to.

>> No.18145870

goypilled retard

>> No.18145890
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I'm catching up on a bunch of fiction because I've mostly been focusing on poetry and drama the last little while.

>> No.18146109

Where did u buy turner diaries and hunter?

>> No.18146232
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>> No.18146240

Holy... based

>> No.18146273

if whites are the master race then why do jews control the world

>> No.18146275
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>> No.18146318

what's that Dalton book about Streicher like? how's the quality of the physical book/printing?

>> No.18146378

Not that guy but the Castle Hill books are excellent quality

>> No.18146419

Want to get some good Fantastic Four key comics on ebay before specs/scalpers get them. Any good ones I should get? Was planning on getting first Nathaniel and Kristoff since very cheap

>> No.18146566
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>> No.18146611
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>Ha I got you now!
read Payne.

>> No.18146633

Literally word for word what you samefag posted in the last thread.

Not shitposting
In the most sincere way possible

The world would be better off without you.

>> No.18146913

8/10 das reclam ist noch nicht hinreichend zerlesen

>> No.18146931
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I have some epubs saved on my phone but yeah

>> No.18146963

why would i read about about a jobless loser midwit pseud when i can just come on here for 10000000x less effort

>> No.18146988

by far the best shelf in the thread so far

>> No.18147002


>> No.18147042
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2 genertions collected these books (there are alot of them behind the books that you see, and this is just a small part of the the shelves in my home)

>> No.18147720
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>the books are upside-down
at least have some self respect man

>> No.18147722
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Here are the books I've read and own in physical form.

>> No.18147762

On every list in this country and Israel.

>> No.18147770

I like the colours

>> No.18148197

Awww, thanks, anon!

>> No.18148517

look untouched
not saying they're unread
but the spines look untouched

>> No.18148519

1. The Republic
2. Confessions
3. Goethe
4. Dostoyevsky
5. Vern, in any order

nice stack

>> No.18148536
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>> No.18148555
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are you the guy who lost the bet a few years ago?

>> No.18148718

Damn shawty I see that Proust collection sticking out

>> No.18148723

Good start anon, enjoy.

>> No.18149322

Do you open your books all the way? I always keep them like 2/4ths open so it still looks neat when back on the shelf.

>> No.18149349

>boyd rice

>> No.18149365
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>> No.18149384

Based Onions-Brain

>> No.18149393

>what is subversion

>> No.18149407

Imagine the smell

>> No.18149408

I normally keep mine 3/12ths open

>> No.18149474

This is a joke right? I'm dum
Also yea I do this

>> No.18149599
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>> No.18149616

Stop buying Penguin editions for important translations like Aristotle and Nietzsche faggot, Penguin always pussifies it.

>> No.18149675

yes, antisemetism is a giant subversion onto people

>> No.18149895

Doesn't look like you've read a single one of these

>> No.18150100

How much did that copy of Women and Men cost?

>> No.18151330

Is it worth the full set?

>> No.18151474

Not him but I got one for $40 on ebay, you just need to keep your eye out

>> No.18151503

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18151692

Yes, it's great and the best parts have been left out of the abridged versions.

>> No.18151719

>Ayn Rand

>> No.18152028

N-ai poza mai bună să citesc titlurile?

>> No.18152045

Then what do you recommend instead?

>> No.18152052

NatSoc-sama, I kneel...

>> No.18152238

Is there anybody still printing banned books like Siege and whatnot?

>> No.18152381

based, excellent taste anon

>> No.18153531
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All of these and the ones I reply to this post with were bought within the past month so I have only read a few so far, bit am making slow and steady progress

>> No.18153539
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>> No.18153541
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got a call 4 u anon

>> No.18153549
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>> No.18153557
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I keep jumping from book to book.

>> No.18153558
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>> No.18153563 [DELETED] 


>> No.18153614
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Forgot the pic woops

>> No.18153625

When somebody's entire shelf is hardcover doorstops, you know...

>> No.18153653

holy mother of based

>> No.18154443

Whites are not the master race.
>t. White ethnonationalist

>> No.18154540
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The books on Judaism are somewhat related to the scattered coins and home blood pressure monitor. I've got a fair few math books scattered around but I figured /lit/ wouldn't care.

>> No.18154768

Have you ever considered reading OPFOR's operational history? Or are you just masturbating to your waifu?

>> No.18155341
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>> No.18155517


>> No.18155598
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what's my next read /lit/?

>> No.18155655

Not him but you can find them on booksamillion

>> No.18156230

go read The Sabres of Paradise by Lesley Blanch, T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, The Tower (poetry collection) by W.B. Yeats, and Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, then read the next three Dune books.

>> No.18156249
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, 537EE2E5-45D7-46FA-BA36-97F2AACBB293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the books I read in April

>> No.18156376

How was the poem book?

>> No.18156512

Are you a fan of Sam Pink?

It’s basically Rupi Kaur but for dudes with mental health issues.

>> No.18156518

No, I know nothing of him. Or poetry in general really. I was just curious because of the title

>> No.18156552

I go all the way

>> No.18156617

What are some philosophy books you have in your stack? I'm trying to get into the genre.

>> No.18156648

Give it a shot my man, he’s fun and relatable.

>> No.18156694

How does /lit/ organize their shelves? Strictly alpha by author, separating fiction/nonfiction?

>> No.18156702




All alphabetical

>> No.18156750
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considering these

>> No.18157131

lmao ngmi

>> No.18157206
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I moved recently.
Who the fuck puts a bookshelf in a closet?

>> No.18157213

>Top shelf
Cringe, save for Codreanu
>Middle shelf
Eh, getting somewhere
>Bottom shelf
Fuckin based.

>> No.18157248
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Christ is Risen!

>> No.18157672

The last one doesn’t belong with the first two

>> No.18157678

Page in each, rinse and repeat until complete.

>> No.18157741


>> No.18158254

Ay love me some Sam Pink

Read The Garbage Times/White Ibis last year during my alt-lit/auto-fiction phase and enjoyed it more than I was expecting. If you're into movies, Bloomin Mud Shuffle felt like an adaptation of Pink's prose.

>> No.18158269
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Basiert und rotgepillt, ich hab dieselbe Oblivion-Edition

>> No.18158330
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shouts out to vons in west lafayette

>> No.18159052
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God I wish that white/gray cat were me

>> No.18159089

Based pointless and useless poster

>> No.18159097

You sound like a military history fag. Why not just join the army instead of endlessly reading about it?

>> No.18159135

How can you all just leave your books in piles? Do you set them up like this for the post or do you legit not have any shelving? Not even a table or something??

>> No.18159502
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The Idiot

>> No.18159651

>Bibliotheca Classica
Immediate based. Szép gyűjtemény!

>> No.18159785

Legviccesebb hogy hiába az egyik legjobb kiadás azon a polcon, azt csak úgy véletlenül találtam egy utcai könyvárus cigánynál 300 forintért.