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File: 64 KB, 640x425, FD10616D-A681-4A5D-B24C-C49C8C003879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18153062 No.18153062 [Reply] [Original]

>You mean you take your book with you into the bathroom?
>And you hold it inches away from your poop?

>> No.18153068

yes, i also do it with my notebook

>> No.18153077
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why indeedly my madame, yesly I do

>> No.18153078

I poop on my books

>> No.18153081
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, bigchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, whore. Question me again and I will solder off your fat fingertips and fill your whorish, insolent mouth with by rancid dung.

>> No.18153097

i wipe my ass with the pages i've already read

>> No.18153176

>tfw everything I hold is always within inches of my poop

>> No.18153182

Girls don’t understand that the bathroom is a mans Bodhi tree. Here he wrestles with the complexity’s and contradictions of life, where he seeks peace above all else.

>> No.18153195

I don't, but I do do that with my phone, which I then later hold up to my ear and let the fecal bacteria flow through

>> No.18153206

>I leave books on the bathroom, I don't take them in there.
>But as long as we are on this topic, I would like you to poop on me sometime tonight. How about it?

>> No.18153242
File: 694 KB, 1200x960, Bhikkhu-Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, likewise, sometimes there is struggle and pain along back road to enlightenment where one unburdens oneself of the defilements.

>> No.18153253

whenever I need to take a shit, I place my recently acquired book into the bowl. If my shit falls on it, I flush. If it doesn't, I take it out and memorize it.

>> No.18153289
File: 201 KB, 894x663, 47E05557-1451-45BB-802A-FC1C7666F56A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s always poop inches away when dealing with human beings

>> No.18153300

You're wading into some deep philsophical waters regarding when food becomes poop.

>> No.18153323

Can you put your fingers where i poop, butters?

When your in the shit up to your wrists, theres nothing to do but read

>> No.18153363

But it's separated by layers of flesh and cloth. Over the toilet, there's nothing but air.

>> No.18153366

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18153375

Sure do!

>> No.18153401

If your comment is any indication you also shit from your mouth and fingertips

>> No.18153421

I'm writing this post now while squeezing out a fat log

>> No.18153442
File: 165 KB, 801x1239, The Devil's Notebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anon, you might be straying into the dark arts. Pic related has an essay on what you're describing.

>> No.18153450

>... inches...


>> No.18153468
File: 429 KB, 1024x680, 0BF91C06-7FD8-4785-9D3E-37536EE2DA0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty hot

>> No.18153483

Do I need to command my presence to get you back in line :3

>> No.18153535
File: 422 KB, 1024x680, 8B213393-B410-4A95-960A-AE96951C7ABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18153537


>> No.18153545

Cute :3

*unzips dick*

>> No.18153553
File: 488 KB, 1024x680, 55B177AC-63D0-4059-A814-18EC160269BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada and Mexico don’t use “inches” so no, Statists of the “united” sort from America

>> No.18153577

>has a zipper on his dick
Get a circumcision

>> No.18153581

Inches away from my poop? At least a good foot and a half

>> No.18153588

Make me your bitch, butters i need some sodomy in my life

>> No.18153611

That's 18 inches away. Therefore, it's inches away.

>> No.18153632

It's one of my erection away :3

>> No.18153633

But should i believe anything that a person who don't think women piss out their pussies says?
I rest my fucking case.

>> No.18153711
File: 434 KB, 1024x680, 10D8EE71-2A4E-42E7-8E3B-65B521A4C95A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still thinks he was born from the bladder

>I rest my fucking case.
I wish you would.

>> No.18153730


>> No.18153745

Well, if you're serious, which i honestly doubt, then how do women not give birth from their pussies?

>> No.18153772

Canadians almost invariably use inches in day-to-day speech.

>> No.18153782
File: 476 KB, 1024x680, E12F763B-2F1B-40A4-A656-EE061E08F45D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word “pussy” does refer to the whole of the genitalia. The vagina is the the hole, the birthing canal, yes, of course, the place you put yer dick. The urethra is outside of that hole. Just because it’s under (or between) the clitoris doesn’t mean it’s in the vagina. This is like getting your dick and balls mixed up

>> No.18153789

Oh. Soory. Didn’t know.

>> No.18153790

Butters, I know that men are often very vulgar to you here, but I have to confess that I recently had a fantasy of you pressing your buttocks into my face, where I proceed to spread your cheeks and spit on your butthole before lapping you up from behind. I’m sorry for my impure thoughts.

>> No.18153809

You just need a date. Don’t drown in obscure fetishes for much longer, kid.

>> No.18153821

But you do have a rather firm, larger ass correct?

>> No.18153839

You’re not wrong. It has been a while, and I don’t even like buttholes which is probably a sign of things. I will repent my sin of vulgarity

>> No.18153858

Okay so riddle me this, faggot: so if the urethra is outside the vagina and you put your dick in the birth canal, then how the fuck do i not touch baby when i fuck pregnant women? That shit doesn't make sense, it's not even consistent with your own logic. If the birth canal is in the vagina and the clit isn't connected to it, then how can a baby come out of it and you somehow still say it was born from the birth canal?
At this point i'm convinced that women just say they give birth out of their vaginas for clout.

>> No.18153908

Tbh i'm about a centimeter away from finding a pic of butters and doing a cum tribute desu.

>> No.18153918

I mean, if it’s not been done before, there really is no time like the present

>> No.18153924

Get me a pic i can print out then

>> No.18153950 [DELETED] 
File: 415 KB, 641x482, 31285E5E-6EB3-4BA8-B878-E5BCFF7A8836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be known that I’ve chosen a picture where butters looks so cute it hurts my heart

>> No.18153964

Give me a day or two now

>> No.18153968
File: 4 KB, 250x236, 1613693639131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, look at the semitic physiognomy on that thing.

>> No.18153974
File: 437 KB, 1024x680, 66BCF05A-8158-4081-88BE-A8610D343A82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t seem to have a heart

>> No.18153978

You have a nice ass though right? :3

Like seriously, it's me :3 post a gd pic or a slight pic of it.

No saying 'no'. DO IT NOW

>> No.18153979

I’m not Jewish at all.

You have to be joking

>> No.18153986

Believe me, I do, it just gets tainted by online degeneration. I wish it weren’t the case.

>> No.18153987

Why would you think i'm joking?

>> No.18153995

She's a 6 or maybe a 7 at best. Also you never know what you're dealing with until you see her without makeup.

>> No.18154016

The moon is 15,133,937,000 inches away. There I am inches away from the moon.

>> No.18154035

I have deleted the pic because I felt very guilty about making you feel awkward. I’m sorry butters. I shouldn’t have done that

>> No.18154071

You guys, Butterfly will post in 'clusters' (close time spots separated by long intervals) :3

She is masturbating right now. She is just like all of you: probably a little taller, and feels horny 24/7.

>> No.18154086

Why do you do this? Do you have a fetish where you degrade trannies and tell how ugly they are? And then fuck them in the ass while they cry?

>> No.18154092

I'm doing it right now.

>> No.18154108


>> No.18154117

yeah okay bud my jewdar never fails

>> No.18154118

I have nothing against trannies per se, it's Butterfly I hate.

>> No.18154125
File: 83 KB, 900x600, 17-female-genital-system-asklepios-medical-atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the two of you are going to have this debate again, you should at least refer to a diagram.

>> No.18154316

Fake news

>> No.18154411

I don't think i'ma do it. Despite begging to have butters whip/sodomize me it might be a pittle far to cum on a collage of her pics.
Trans people are objectively based as well, and i have a shit ton of respect for butters owning the fuck out of it.

But still, whip me and sodomize me Mommi Butterfly, i need it bad bb

>> No.18154433

>be OP
>read while shitting like a disgusting troglodyte
>quickly get the idea to make a thread about his disgusting tendencies on an online forum filled with other disgusting pseuds that can validate his existence

not today fren
not today

>> No.18154454

I can see her just fine.
Sokay I guess.
It just did.
His trouble is, he thinks labia are vagina.
I ain’t trans.

>> No.18154604

Wtf i never said labia

>> No.18154627

I’m saying you think the whole thing is the vagina. It’s alright I guess. A lot of people say it, but there are parts to it is all. Your balls are not your dick etc.

>> No.18154663

Who would pretend to be Butterfly and post this? It's got me laughing, that's for sure. :3

>> No.18154691

Fucking idiot, i'll give you the anus if you tell me i'm right

>> No.18154722

post 23andme then bitch