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/lit/ - Literature

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18150684 No.18150684 [Reply] [Original]

How come high I.Q individuals enjoy low brow media and literature?

>> No.18150693

the guy in your pic is not high IQ

>> No.18150697

The idea of low brow and high brow media was invented to those who consider themselves "high brow" but felt a deep sense of insecurity that their percieved sense of importance does not match up with the world around them, or with how other people percieve them.

tl;dr "high brow" art is masturbatory fodder for people who believe themselves to be smart.

>> No.18150700

>he doesn't know

>> No.18150712

>high brow and low brow are actually equal and only someone pretentious will tell you otherwise
- guy who puts tl;dr after one sentence

>> No.18150716

think I spoiled it for him?
he cant go round just believing false things

>> No.18150722
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>> No.18150729

Fucking this. Also lots of people intentionally only consume "le high IQ" or "le niche" media to look smart. It's peak midwit.

>> No.18150738

Nobody here said anything about objectivity/subjectivity retard.

>> No.18150751

>I LARP as an intellectual on 4channel

>> No.18150762

How can you deny the High brow/Low brow divide without caliming that art is subjective?

>> No.18150781

okay so I'm probably a midget; slightly above average IQ (university degree at masters in a technical subject etc.)

I can only enjoy the lowest brow media - trashy reality TV, extremely bad movies etc.

OR highly erudite, complex media - philosophy, maximalist literature, hard sci-fi, weird European art films (you get the picture) etc.

it's mediocrity I can't stand, mid-wit shit (even though, yes, I probably am a mid-wit) ... overload my senses and intellect with stimulating media, or let the crappiness wash over me like a wave of absurdity. anyone else like this? maybe related to OP.

>> No.18150782

That Urinal was based. Literally proto-4chan.
You are a hypocrite pseud if you post here and hate that piece.

>> No.18150788

You type like a fucking redditor

>> No.18150799

People who don't enjoy any low-brow media often can't give a reason for it because they are slaves to their inferiority complex

>> No.18150803
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Both sides are shit for pseuds

>> No.18150808

Don't want to confuse the "high brow" autists now.

>> No.18150812

Art can be objectively good or bad. The high/low brow shit on the other is itself subjective. Not everyone agrees on what "high" or "low" is, and nobody looks at a work and says to himself "Hmm... this looks high/low IQ!".

>> No.18150818

I would say that a lot of people on lit enjoy anime and manga and then go read some fucking autistic philosophy book

>> No.18150823

Because IQ isn't linked to arts, it's intuition.
High IQ + low Intuition = autist, STEMlord, euphoric atheist
Low IQ + high Intuition = new age spirituality, arts majors

Thats why so many modern "geniuses" are nothing else than glorified calculators, since they lack intuition.

>> No.18150824

You know... I remain completely unimpressed by these people. I am a PhD in a top comp sci uni and I regularly have to do with people like Tao. They are boring, optimized souls who have nothing interesting to offer other solving ivory tower puzzles.

>> No.18150826

Btw this is just a seethe thread that is the direct result of a tv thread

>> No.18150924

>have nothing interesting to offer other solving ivory tower puzzles
You mean the thing they are supposed to do?

>> No.18150931

mastubation and fast food are pretty low brow
why do high IQ people enjoy those things?

>> No.18150934

It's all rooted in class and class pretensions.

>> No.18150990

Goodnight moon has very pretty illustrations

>> No.18150999

>brothers karamazov
>moby dick
>the Iliad
>shit and "for pseuds"
>while posting a stirner gigachad edit
are you 13 y old?

>> No.18151001

Yes. I was hoping for more of a polymath class of academics at this level. Or some Faustian spirit, anything really. There is simply nothing inspiring there.

>> No.18151010

>Polymath class

Polymaths only existed because the barriers to entry of being an "expert" in any field was basically on the floor before the 1900's.

>> No.18151020

Then what’s high iq + high intuition?

>> No.18151021


>> No.18151031

Why do I feel like I am browsing r/books

>> No.18151035
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>Polymaths only existed because the barriers to entry of being an "expert" in any field was basically on the floor before the 1900's.

>> No.18151039

You're opinions are worth less than nothing. They have negative value.

>> No.18151040

If you knew the background to Duchamp's Fountain you would realize how based it is and never put it on the trashy side

>> No.18151042

Because after enough debate, you realize you should read whatever it is you want to read. Everything is cope. There is no God. Death is the end so might as well be as happy as possible and hating on things and reading denegerate high IQ books about rape and murder usually doesn't put people in a good mood. That said, there is literature that's high brow and beautiful. Im reading Ulysses right now.

>> No.18151047
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>go on 4chan
>call people animefags
go back

>> No.18151053

>a bunch of good but entry level stuff
Is this supposed to make up for Ayn Rand being on that image? The fact that Bach is not on it?

>> No.18151058

I've been on this websites since before your balls dropped. Animefags have always been scum. Bet you have a loli folder too, you sick fuck.

>> No.18151060

>Art can be objectively good or bad.
Sure, but there is no way for us to access that objective truth.

>> No.18151065

>Terence Tao
>we Australians
look at me, Bruce
I'm the Australian now

>> No.18151066
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>> No.18151070
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>he knows how to feels to browse it in the first place

>> No.18151072

His education was just math, and he never had any time to broaden his horizons because he went to university as a teenager. He is essentially a glorified calculator.

>> No.18151073
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>> No.18151075
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>> No.18151087
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Repent your sins

>> No.18151094
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>> No.18151100

If you browse reddit to laugh at people, you don't belong here. If you browse reddit and relate to redditors, you also do not belong here. If you spend your valuable time browsing the internet, you do not belong here. Take your hateful pretentious tirades laced with disgusting irony against le masses back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.18151105
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You know, I think this counts as flirting now

>> No.18151108
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would you expect anything more from an

>> No.18151118
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>> No.18151119

>good but entry level
the ones I've highlighted are masterpieces and some of the highest achievements of mankind. Them being "entry level" is precisely because of their importance, just like the divine comedy, dead souls, war and peace, faust don quixote and the republic are "entry level".
it's all funny how you mention Bach, another "entry level" composer. Your pseud ass couldn't mention anyone more obscure like Rameau, Schoenberg, or Tartini

>> No.18151140


>> No.18151216

Only the films are good on the left

>> No.18151229


>> No.18151265
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you go back

>> No.18151297
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>comp sci

>> No.18151310

can you name some midwit examples for video games, movies and anime?

>> No.18151319

What does IQ measure? Answer that question, and you will have your answer.

>> No.18151336

They lack 'soul', aka sensibility.
They get addicted to basic stimulations, all their patience and analytic energy prob goes to other proyects, works and activities. Same phenomenon that with anime consumption.

It's that or simply they are born philistines (don't have the aesthetic sensibilites, the creator awareness, the character predisposition for introspection or reflection of being alive), or were never exposed to something great in their formative years.

>> No.18151337

>the dyslexic retard who seethes over the usage of "entry level" for no reason listens to Schoenberg and Rameau and is smug about it.
Imagine my shock. They aren't even obscure, lmao. Anyone who went to music school knows about them.
Funny how you completely ignored the point about Ayn Rand.
I will spell it out to you: the picks on that list aren't there for being the supreme masterpieces of mankind. They are there because they are (to the layman) immediately recognizable signifiers of "highbrow" art. It is absolutely inexcusable to have Chopin but not Bach or Handel. Not that your tone-deaf ass would know the difference. And let's be honest, Dosto and Moby Dick are there because of how accesible they are and how well they resonate with the current generation, especially young men. Why else would the list omit Boccaccio or Ovid or Plutarch? The people who defined milleniums? Who were the basis for classical education for most of the lifespan of western civilization? Why, for the same reason /lit/ doesn't care about them much. Simply, whoever made this list isn't really that well read or educated. The same sort of person who frequents /lit/. Reads Blood meridian or DFW, is impressed because their low intelligence only carries them so far. Hails them as masterpieces. Sad!

>> No.18151339

what did you say you like?

>> No.18151347

Me, I have used it to gain 1.5 million subscribers

>> No.18151371

lol epic and totally original win

>> No.18151376

This is exactly like me. I either occupy high brow or low brow spaces.

>> No.18151385

Moldbreaker Philosopher, Artist or Inventor.
Or something like Goethe, aka, someone gifted with a unique perspective.

>> No.18151389
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>> No.18151403

most people on /lit/ don't even enjoy the "highbrow literature" they read. /lit/ posters aspire to being aristocratic aesthetes and read accordingly. they are part of a "fandom" like any otaku.

>> No.18151406

Samefag here, you can tell if someone has high intuition by his ability to act and teach. If someone can't LARP immediately and gets frustrated with coming up with a spontaneous story to LARP in, he is a STEMlord. Imagine Tao Lin trying to act

>> No.18151415

>t. middle level (first stage expertise) 'polymath' who thinks he's good shit because he has the upperhand in regard to the mases

>> No.18151422

It's true though. Keeping up with frontiers of one sub-branch of physics or math, is a full-time job in 2020. In 1900 most of what was established knowledge in physics (and much of math) is teachable to moderately talented teenagers. Good luck trying to do that with string theory or modern algebraic topology though.

>> No.18151433

I am not sure what this is supposed to mean. Terence Tao is a mathematician. Personally, I work at NYU Courant, which is a Maths-heavy institute. Mathematicians are even worse than computer scientists, they are just pure autists. Engineers are at least a little bit more practical, but they are mostly just high on their own farts while producing as little as value as the computer scientists. There is a term for this in German, "Fachidiot".

>> No.18152366

The amount of autism this took to make

>> No.18152396

you literally need a 200+ iq to realize how fucking stupid it is to give a shit about what other people think is good and just experience things by themselves

>> No.18152422

>reddit quipping

>> No.18152427

He is Australian.

t. Australian

>> No.18152863

There's an argument to be made out of the kernel of truth at the core of your gruel here, but you don't actually understand it. The concept of Taste and Connoisseurship has a long and interesting history and even it's conflict to common entertainment that goes back to the beginning of Western culture; some half-assed dichotomy wasn't just created recently by insecure people who are afraid they wasted their time learning about Rembrandt instead of just 'having fun man' and collecting Funkos. Some arguments have moral indications, relate to aesthetic theory or all sorts throughout the ages, some to the concept of expertise itself, and so on. So I'm conflicted; while I don't disagree with you in the most general sense, you're still clearly a smug moron who doesn't think as deeply as he should would he wish to be smug.

>> No.18153217

In other words, if you could do something well people would pay you to do it. Even if you wanted the backing of a guild, you could learn on the job as an apprentice and come out with no debt. Perfect environment for high IQ brains to develop.
Credentialism on benefits midwits.

>> No.18153226

Can't argue with that desu. There is not nation less cultured than Australia.

>> No.18153251

You're right about the use of labels such as high brow, but you can't deny that there are pieces of media that require more intelligence or understanding to enjoy. In turn, I won't deny either that there are people who you are describing who consume what they call high brow art for the status they think it gives them.

>> No.18153313

if beauty is in question, its taste that matters. /lit/ doesnt know about beauty yet, but the time will come.

>> No.18153359
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>Afterwards I wiped my tail with a hen, with a cock, with a pullet, with a calf's skin, with a hare, with a pigeon, with a cormorant, with an attorney's bag, with a montero, with a coif, with a falconer's lure. But, to conclude, I say and maintain, that of all torcheculs, arsewisps, bumfodders, tail-napkins, bunghole cleansers, and wipe-breeches, there is none in the world comparable to the neck of a goose, that is well downed, if you hold her head betwixt your legs. And believe me therein upon mine honour, for you will thereby feel in your nockhole a most wonderful pleasure, both in regard of the softness of the said down and of the temporate heat of the goose, which is easily communicated to the bum-gut and the rest of the inwards, in so far as to come even to the regions of the heart and brains. And think not that the felicity of the heroes and demigods in the Elysian fields consisteth either in their asphodel, ambrosia, or nectar, as our old women here used to say; but in this, according to my judgment, that they wipe their tails with the neck of a goose, holding her head betwixt their legs, and such is the opinion of Master John of Scotland, alias Scotus.
>From Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais, book 1 chapter 13. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux
High IQ people don't need to prove anything by being "high brow". They either like something or they don't. Once a critical mass of high IQ people like something, however, it is perceived as high brow. The midwits then start consuming it in an attempt to raise their status. Low IQ people know they cannot compete in this status game, so they generally don't try. They just pursue the things they like.
This dynamic applies not just to entertainment, but to life in general. The further you are from the mean, the less your status is in question. People who know their natural place don't need to engage in status signalling.

>> No.18153396

Middlebrows have something to prove. Lowbrows like what they like. Highbrows discern according standards which they themselves set. Middlebrows know that there are standards but aren’t too sure about them, and this anxiousness causes them to overshoot, i.e. to overly praise what signifies highbrow, without necessarily being highbrow.

>> No.18153415
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>If beauty is in question, it's taste that matters. /lit/ does not know about beauty yet, but the time will come... ::maniacal laughing::

>> No.18153452

Holy shit me on the left

>> No.18153842

>putting Nico right next to Leonard Cohen

>> No.18153976

I mean he was a simp for her

>> No.18153985

oh no

>> No.18153993

Left is such a lowbrow idea of what highbrow is lmao

>> No.18154013

It's actually pretty good. Some dumb picks especially in fashion but otherwise pretty solid

>> No.18154018


>> No.18154196
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>Ayn Rand

>> No.18154489
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Mozart is another example of >>18153359
Super low brow to the point of being crude at times. Now that he is respected, however, the strivers and social climbers have to pretend to enjoy him.

>> No.18155158

>Any kind of modern music as high brow
>Ayn Rand next to Homer and Dosto
Not sure if bait or retarded

>> No.18155191

Get his ass

>> No.18155227

>Now that he is respected, however, the strivers and social climbers have to pretend to enjoy him.
He was already well respected in his lifetime and was especially revered by the next generation of composers. Just because he wrote a few joke songs (out of hundreds) does not make him "low brow".

>> No.18155273

Because IQ is a modern cope invented by royal society positivists. Modern aristocrats and university educated people will never be as smart as the ancient.

>> No.18155357

>He was already well respected in his lifetime and was especially revered by the next generation of composers.
Of course he was. Being respected is not the same as mass appeal.
>Just because he wrote a few joke songs (out of hundreds) does not make him "low brow".
Not just his joke songs. Think, for example, of how dangerous and potentially offensive it was to write The Marriage of Figaro at the time he did.