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/lit/ - Literature

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18150094 No.18150094 [Reply] [Original]

How can I enjoy modern day poetry? I feel like I’ve missed a transition

>> No.18150099


>> No.18150102
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>Pamela Sneed

>> No.18150107
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>Pamela Sneed

>> No.18150119
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i also dont fucking get it.
there is no rhyme, no rhythm, no flow or exquisite phrasing even, it reads like a bootleg elongated rupi every fucking time

>> No.18150259

You have to take it morally, not aesthetically
There is basically no continuity between the ancient and modern traditions in any art, they are different cultural phenomena

>> No.18150273

I find it amusing that the message of the poem you attached is "That I am nothing but just a mere shadow," but the only element of the poem that creates any sort of rhythm is the repetition of "I," thus placing the self at the center of the poem and undermining the message.

>> No.18150282

After poetry's abrupt death in 1960, it slowly but surely became the domain of those that want to seem poets rather than those that are

>> No.18150296
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Bruh every fucking girl I meet that is into poetry has NO FUCKING IDEA THAT METERING EXISTS and it unfriates me. Every fucking time I smash an arthoe and don't ghost her after I am assaulted by their turgid poetry that YOU JUST KNOW they truly believe reads like a fucking mitski song about how being a girl in the post-industrial era is the most painful state of human existence throughout all of history or how how them staring at a wall in their room is as tragic as Sophocles or Euripides' plays

I truly wonder how long I will maintain my actual belief that men and women are equal and that modernity just targets women more viciously

>> No.18150322


>> No.18150325

I haven't had sex in two years.

>> No.18150346

>I truly wonder how long I will maintain my actual belief that men and women are equal and that modernity just targets women more viciously
faggot retard ngmi

>> No.18150384

Question: how do you bang arthoes?

>> No.18150389

Let it slip that your favourite writer is Woolf. Don't speak too much. Act like an asshole.

>> No.18150411

>Act like an asshole.
Somehow it always comes down to this.

>> No.18150415

Not really. It comes down to being good looking and being rich. But you can't control those on the spot.

>> No.18150466

Last year, first date with cutie right after corona restrictions were lifted. We're having a beer in a public bench by the lake and, long story short, I make a joke about using the edge of the torn beer can as a knife to kill her. Fast-forward an hour later, she's riding my dick like there's no tomorrow. Woman want an assertive man who doesn't give a shit.

>> No.18150471

>exquisite phrasing
That's called purple prose

>> No.18150507


>> No.18151167


>> No.18151377


>> No.18151432

>purple prose
>in verse

>> No.18151507
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>> No.18151800

it's verse in the same way that I'm a well put together human

(I'm not)

>> No.18151831

Check out Galway Kinnell, James Merrill, and Elizabeth Bishop.

>> No.18151853

that's bad poetry

you don't understand what meter is or it's purpose in poetry

>> No.18151865

>Elizabeth Bishop

>> No.18151890

>meter is essential in poetry
the poems you posted are bad because they are bad, not because they don't have meter

>> No.18151911

> I feel like I’ve missed a transition
You probably did

>> No.18151915


>> No.18152093
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You didn’t miss anything, go back to reading the Greeks or whatever

>> No.18152146

This, good post lad

>> No.18152150

Post this discord

>> No.18152209

Purple is the color of Caesar.

>> No.18152606

Her maiden name is Pamela Chuck.

>> No.18152613
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>> No.18153515
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>men and women are equal

>> No.18153585

neither do you so it's all good

>> No.18153629

Do you really expect anything related to a movement about “lives mattering” to not be totally narcissistic?

>> No.18153641

You know it’s amazing, but I could actually kill you in one blow with my bare hands.

>> No.18153660

My friend, you have done perhaps the greatest service to the board that anyone has ever done

>> No.18154017
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>those avatars
>those names
>those panda emotes
There are SO many people like this on public discord servers. They tend to be into kpop, instagram art, and stuff like that. Not even surprised to find them writing bad poems. They're often teenagers and sometimes international Asians (in Asia) or Asians living in Europe (like Germany or some crap).

>> No.18154077

I actually like the second verse, idk if it's on purpose but it lends itself to rhythmical reading and has its own nice metric in a way

>> No.18154440

Poetry decreased in popularity with the rise of recording/radio. Also, reading isn't a passive experience and requires it's audience to actively engage with the materials presented. Blank verse/confessional poetry requires little of a reader (other than general empathy) so it remained relatively popular and still proliferates (ease of composition alongside accessibility).

Leonard Cohen was one of the last to maintain overt connection to traditional lyricism and theme; he found greater success after transitioning to music. I like the video below because it runs the lyrics at the bottom (which still function as a poem). At least it's better than two black women with lower-body obesity rambling in mono-syllables about how wet their pussies are.


>> No.18154585

Cohen was so based. I watched a shitty documentary about him when I was a kid and I’ve loved him ever since.

>> No.18154698

yeah just rework it a bit and it's great
>One thing, I don't know why
>It doesn't even matter how hard you try
>Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
>To remind myself how I tried so hard

>> No.18154714

kys tranny

>> No.18154753

damn chester, werent you supposed to be dead?

>> No.18154791

No transition actually happened. Poets just slowly, and naturally broke away from every rule in the book starting in the 19th century. Which, to be fair, led to some great results. But the end of this deconstruction of the rules eventually gave birth to equivalents of Duchamp's ready-mades: everything is poetry, everyone is a poet, etc...
The amusing thing, I find, is that something like Baudelaire's Poèmes en prose is far more detached from classical rules than these twitter poemz that, ironically, always hold on to some gutted appearance of versification.

>> No.18154802
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>> No.18154810

good goy, watch this R&B video with (((Leonard Cohen))) and 3 mulatto backup singers, he's a literary genius

>> No.18155907

this nigger doesnt now what a verse is

>> No.18155939


>> No.18155951

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.18155997

lit should produce an anthology about st. george

>> No.18156010

>I feel like I’ve missed a transition

It never too late to get it done.

>> No.18156108

Here's a decent lecture on him.


>> No.18156135

Discord is so ugly.

>> No.18156276
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E. Pound suggests a list for modernist poetry (pic related)
Also add Wordsworth for good measure.

>> No.18156300

>Poets just slowly, and naturally broke away from every rule
>slowly, and naturally
1. Haven't read 'Preface to Lyrical Ballads
2. Haven't read T.E. Hulme's Lecture on Modern Poetry

>> No.18156454

lol sneed

>> No.18156544

I haven't had sex in 25

>> No.18156589
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Bend over and lemme fuck you

>> No.18156674

goddamn you sound like a cunt

>> No.18156786

yeah you pinpointed in. surprisingly this particular server has several genuinely cool people and a lot of decent ones, not pure cutesy YA dogshit like any other active book server i entered

>> No.18156798

kekd and posted to that server

>> No.18156921

I bet what you call arthoes are just ugly fat tinder scraps with glasses.

>> No.18157537

Hanif Abdurraqib is actually pretty good. He's the only modern poet I'm paying any attention to.

>> No.18157604

You don't smash anyone god damn incel piece of shit

>> No.18157611

sorry I meant "stanza". these mistakes happen when you're an esl nigga and posting about poetry late at night

>> No.18157623


>> No.18158072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18158178

Start with rupi kaur

>> No.18158184

Very good observation anon.

>> No.18158279


>> No.18158832

Don't need to. Every branch of lit, or art really, has followed the same general pattern of making written or unwritten rules that 19th century and (mostly first half) of the 20th century art movements thoroughly deconstructed. It is fairly natural. They explored what could be done within the constraints of rules, explored what happened when you mixed genres, explored what could be if you turned the rules upside down, and finally explored what remained without any rules.
That's how you get to a loo called art, that's how the nouveau roman came to be and die, and that's how we ended up with nonsensical shit sounding poetry. It's also one of the reasons prominent art movements stopped being a thing; the wheel has finished its movement a while ago.

>> No.18159511

you think literature has ended? LOL.
Sure, bro...

>> No.18159842

Try looking for things you like rather than stuff you know you will hate

>> No.18159910
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>> No.18159943

Woolf *is* pretty good

>> No.18159953

Discord should be gassed

>> No.18159965

Been 6 years for me

>> No.18159967

Innovative litterary movements have. Lone genius authors doing their thing on the side obviously will never end.

>> No.18159974

eat shit butterfly

>> No.18160981

tfw when actually reading that poem


If this Sneed person is actually real then it's conclusive proof God is a poltard

>> No.18160998

I don't know what you expected being in a discord with a poetry section, bro.

>> No.18161009

>expecting an average third year college student to know at least four languages